View Full Version : [DM] -How to write in a D20 Modern Character into 3.5 fantasy?

2013-01-24, 12:38 PM
In another thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=267895), I asked what would be the best gun rules to use for modern equipment and why.

Well, in that thread I wasn't needing to know with how to get it into the session with that discussion. Now, I am. :)

So the back story is in the above thread, now I wanted to gather hooks, and plot twists to explain why this modern warrior is in the fray of these sword and shield wielding adventurers.

I was going to go with basic time travel stuff with no way for him to get back. Any other suggestions?

i have a plastic c-130, that would look epic on the battle grid LOL and it is just the right size.

2013-01-24, 01:34 PM
Ever seen Life on Mars or Ashes to Ashes on television (both originally BBC shows)? The premise was that someone believes that they have died in their normal life, then wakes up thirty some odd years in the past. They aren't sure if this new life is real or a dream/hallucination, or some kind of uber-twisted afterlife. You'd have to monkeywrench in the modern equipment, though.

I am also reminded of Lost. He's on some kind of plane or transport that crashes on an isolated island. Everyone else dies. Some days later, he's rescued by pirates or an elven merchant ship.

Finally, let's spin this real hard. He was born a freak. At night, strange images of schematics and future-world tech spins through his dreams. Fearing he'd be driven mad, he started trying to make this stuff. Ranks in blacksmithing and gunsmithing later, he's made his own gun. No one knows where these dreams come from, and as the campaign begins, he's remembering how to use this strange equipment and other memories of some previous life? Nothing makes sense, and the mystery is half the fun in this option. Part of the campaign or personal quest might be to uncover the truth. Am I mad? Some kind of mutant freak? Where do the dreams come from?

Agent 451
2013-01-24, 03:07 PM
I was going to go with basic time travel stuff with no way for him to get back. Any other suggestions?

I like this avenue. Just fluff it as he was one of the initial teams testing a time travel device. Because it's a test the volunteers are well equipped in order to increase survivability in the off chance that they end up in Rome or something... (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rome_Sweet_Rome)

Either that or go the Stargate route and have a character exposed to some kind of device that implants exorbitant amounts of futuristic information into their brains. (http://stargate.wikia.com/wiki/Ancients%27_repository_of_knowledge)

2013-01-24, 03:55 PM
I like this avenue. Just fluff it as he was one of the initial teams testing a time travel device. Because it's a test the volunteers are well equipped in order to increase survivability in the off chance that they end up in Rome or something... (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rome_Sweet_Rome)

I like that, could explain the use for the plane hehe.

I am also reminded of Lost. He's on some kind of plane or transport that crashes on an isolated island. Everyone else dies. Some days later, he's rescued by pirates or an elven merchant ship.

I think a combination of these could work very well.


2013-01-24, 04:19 PM
There's also the John Carter of Mars plot device.