View Full Version : Flying Boat! [PF/3.P]

2013-01-24, 06:43 PM
I'm developing a Flying Boat. So far, I've got a Folding Boat, and it's carried by a tamed Roc. There's a couple things:

1) What, if any, armor should I add?

2) What, if any, weapons should I add?

3) Can I make the boat float (not fly, just float) without the Roc for support?

4) Should I add a Firing Castle?

5) Will any/all of my modifications still fold up when I need the boat to fold up?

2013-01-24, 11:44 PM
Well, I'd use a Zombie dragon for the flying creature, myself, prferably a zombie of a dragon with a swim speed. A Wyrm White dragon zombie would be the easiest to create, at least out of core (since its the lowest CR dragon of at least gargantuan size, it also has a swimspeed) It also has one more base strength than the Roc. This will increase further with zombification.

The advantages of using a zombie dragon are that it will never tire (so you can stay in the air indefinately, incidentally, you'll also be able to reach a higher altitude safely as long as you have a necklace of adaptation [good idea to counter the smell, anyway.]) And that you'll have a built in weapon.

The downside is that you'll have to kill a CR 19 white dragon to get the corpse.

But, hey do that and you'll be up for a CR 19 dragon hoard, or at least a less guarded hoard will be somewhere.

2013-01-25, 04:05 AM
Look into the spells I called out in your other topic. One of them will save the poor roc all kinds of back ache, but he'll still be a good source of propulsion.

From what I've been able to gather, the folding boat makes a ship roughly equal in size to a pinnace (Picture and stats in Stormwrack. Page 101~ish) so you may not have much room for armaments.

Maybe a permanencied* shrink item on a light ballista set to the same keyword as the ship would work? You'd have to go over it with yer DM.

*word looks wrong to me but it's 4 am, so I don't care