View Full Version : Legendary Items

2013-01-24, 06:48 PM
Does anyone here have any good stories about items being wielded by the PC's of the group becoming legendary items?

In the current campaign I am playing in we just found a legendary magic item that my old character had crafted for another character in a previous campaign set 500 years before our current one. It was a +2 Keen Deadly Precision Alchemical Silver Dagger that was crafted at the request of the rogue and used to kill the elf ranger who had betrayed us and then helped us again because he "felt bad".

We just found it hidden in the tomb of a king who had taken the throne from his brother who had tried to have him killed. It seems that over the years the dagger has found itself placed in the back of many deserving jerks. A running thread in its history is that it is constantly being used by those who have been betrayed to achieve their vengeance. And for its history over the years it was dubbed "Unforgiven".

2013-01-24, 08:24 PM
Cool or amusing things of campaigns past tend to do this with me:
Bard's utili-scarf (it's rope, it's an inprovised disarm weapon, it's a feint aid, it's a hat, it's a prop for a magic trick, it's a bandage) has become in a new campaign an (all but) infinitely-stretchy magical scarf of many pockets and element endurance. The current bearer had to steal it from a sorcerer with the same name as the last bard's archnemesis

2013-01-24, 09:50 PM
I actually ran a spin-off campaign for specifically that purpose. While my group was low-level, we rolled up some near-epic characters for some one-offs. Their weapons became relics, their acts became legends and one ascended to quasi-deity status, for our core group to use a millennium later.

That said, once a character in my group attained legendary status within our ongoing campaign, although whenever he tried to use that status nobody would believe it was him. He got a lot of responses like, "Spork of the Northern Mountains is 12 feet tall and shoots fireballs from his arse!"