View Full Version : Togo's Low Tier Competence Test Discussion

2013-01-24, 08:15 PM
Ok, following this in the main thread was too much.

This is the thread for a challenge involving 4 low-tier characters to see whether they can fuctionally survive an adventure. I'm running an adventure I wrote several years back, skipping most of the roleplaying encounters and plot in order to save time, and just running some critical scenes and some fights. Stat blocks will be published afterwards. so you can see what they were up against.

2013-01-24, 08:16 PM
How low-tier are we talking here? T5? T6? And what level of optimization?

2013-01-24, 08:37 PM
okay, here are the 4 characters as they are now:

http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=499205 fighter
http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=498516 healer
http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=142248 truenamer
http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=499091 Warmage

we have some slight optimisation issues that we should discuss, but I think we can start really soon (or, rather, as soon as you want to start, togo)

op Issues:

about the fighter: As I built him to the best of my abilities, I can not say if there is anything he lacks. Perhaps I should change my bow against a wand of nerveskitter or enlarge person.
My goal is to be able to protect the party somewhat giving 5 to dodge to everyone adjacent to me, or rush in and kill things in case I win the initiative.
I have some pretty good social skills.

about the healer:
Why do you have healing Items? Between you and the truenamer, we have far more than enough healing, do we not?
And I think we should have one really perceptive guy, which is easiest filled with the high wis char. Could you not max your CC listen instead of having a 9 diplomacy? Sense motive is even a class skill.
I like your ability to do some serious blasting. Can you really leave slots open like that?

about the truenamer:
I see no issues here. aside of the class. :smallbiggrin: I do not know why you did optimize Ini so much, but hey, Ini is always good.

About the warmage:
I do not know why you have such a huge UMD score. Wands are umd'able at 21, you cannot succeed on a 1, so you need at least a 2. 19 skill ranks left.
Why do you have a 23? Is there something I do not see?
Especially since you use some feats to gain bonuses to UMD (and other skills, but do they really matter as much?)

please pull no punches with my fighter :smalleek:

2013-01-24, 09:04 PM
Actually you can succeed on a 1 with UMD.

2013-01-24, 09:07 PM
Actually, I might even call your fighter there a T3 (lowish, mind you).

Between Pounce, Dungeoncrasher and zhentarim fighter, you're not too shabby.

Also, 36 PB?

2013-01-24, 09:12 PM
My UMD is as high as it is because scrolls don't have the flat dc 20. Neither does my schema of greater mage armor. You can, in fact, succeed on UMD on a 1 if your modifier is one less than the DC or better. You're conflating the rule that you can't retry that day if you fail by rolling a 1 with the rule that natural 1's are an automatic failure with attacks and saves.

I can never fail to activate a wand and I can activate spell completion items of up to 3rd level spells without making a check.

2013-01-24, 10:55 PM
Its 33 by my count, assuming the 4th level point goes into strength

2013-01-25, 12:30 AM
Its 33 by my count, assuming the 4th level point goes into strength

...I totally didn't forget to add the 4th level point.

Gods be damned.

2013-01-25, 04:30 AM
Actually, I might even call your fighter there a T3 (lowish, mind you).

Between Pounce, Dungeoncrasher and zhentarim fighter, you're not too shabby.

Also, 36 PB?

first: obviously, I did what I could to make a really powerful t4 character.
In my personal opinion, a barbarian with lion totem and whirling frenzy is T3, but we are using JaronK's list, which says otherwise.

Mind you, my modi operandorum all pull in different directions, since Goliath, and thus knockback was not available. This, and my focus on defense, make me less of a monster than the listing of ACF's might suggest.

point buy is 28. But I have a item that adds 2 to strength, and I have a 4th lvl increase.

2013-01-25, 04:51 AM
My UMD is as high as it is because scrolls don't have the flat dc 20. Neither does my schema of greater mage armor. You can, in fact, succeed on UMD on a 1 if your modifier is one less than the DC or better. You're conflating the rule that you can't retry that day if you fail by rolling a 1 with the rule that natural 1's are an automatic failure with attacks and saves.

I can never fail to activate a wand and I can activate spell completion items of up to 3rd level spells without making a check.

gosh, you are right. I never saw the "fail"-part on the no-retry rule.

And still, I think you are a little bit overoptimised for UMD.

to mention the rogue for the last time: you said you do not want to lose CL at an cost. You could still take Practised spellcaster. Since you would not need to take the theft gloves then, you would end up with one more feat (two more feats, if you were taking feat rogue) and a LOT of skillpoints which really would make that searching more feasible.

Shape soulmeld theft gloves / open least chakra hands / shape soulmeld mage spectacles / mentor

against (normal rogue ):

practised spellcaster: warmage, craven (for example), shape soulmeld mage spectacles / mentor

or (feat rogue):

practised spellcaster: warmage, imp ini (probably the best fighter feat), shape soulmeld mage spectacles / mentor, one more feat.

(with this, you could even have a maneuver and a stance.)

add 24 more skillpoints on first lvl on a much better list to the mix.

well, if you think that cramps your style, I think your build is quite cool already. :smallcool:

2013-01-25, 05:06 AM
I'll be following this with interest.

2013-01-25, 05:30 AM
I understand your concern, but I'm not going to take that rogue level.

Practiced spellcaster to make up 1 CL when CL boosting items would soon be reasonable expenses just doesn't make sense. Doing without that 1 CL, on the other hand, could be the difference between a creature dropping or not or penetrating spell-resistance. Neither is a particularly likely instance, but I'd feel like an utter fool if it turned out that taking that chance is what got my character killed.

Search checks to find traps, on the other hand, are always a bit dicey unless you optimize the search check just as hard as I've optimized UMD. Unless the traps in the module are just haphazardly tossed around, knowing when to look and simply taking the time to do so is what will make the difference, not whether I make the check on a take 10 Vs a take 20. Magical traps are caught by detect magic sweeps and, again, knowing when to look is far more important than the details of how you find them.

I'd like to think that Togo is a skilled enough dungeon crafter that any traps we encounter won't be a result of them being placed arbitrarily.

The UMD optimization serves two purposes. 1) it guaranteed we have a way to activate any wands we have or find. 2) It's got me up to speed in spell completion items for a caster of my level; that is, any scrolls or similar devices we find or purchase as part of the adventure are no more difficult for me to use than they would be for a member of the class that makes them.

2013-01-25, 06:31 AM
Can you really leave slots open like that?
Unless the DM has ruled otherwise, no. Healers are like clerics in this regard: they can only choose and prepare their spells at a particular time of day.

2013-01-25, 06:36 AM
Hm.. We appear to be close to starting. I was expecting more faff time. ah well.

Due to personal issues, involving trying to finish writing a 25 person game for a convention at the end of the month, my posting will be a little sporadic up until the end of the month, non-existant for 1-3 Feb, and then I'll be much more available from the 4th Feb onwards. We could stall until the 4th, but since we have momentum and players in place, I'm more tempted to start soonish, and just be a little slow until then.

Ok, A few things you'd know about the setting, which might legitmately alter your builds:

The adventure takes place in the Greyhawk campaign setting, in the country of Onnwall. The time is just after the invasion by the Scarlet Brotherhood (secret society of sorceror monks) has been driven off, leaving the former capital a smoking ruin. The country is still awash with strange monsters, foreign mercenaries, from both sides.

The country itself is loosely based on Cornwall in the UK - it's a big rocky penisula pointing west, with fertile farmland all around the edges and high mountains in the middle. The country is basically the lowlands only - the central mountains are held by Flannae barbarians who appear to be having a civil war between the druidic barbarians who are savage and fierce and kill sorcerors on sight, and the evil barbarians who have embraced their sorcerous heritage and appear to be making pacts with ancient magics and the far realms, largely through rituals that involve torturing several hundred people to death simultanesouly.

Onwall itself is famous for its naval traditions, and notable exports include grain, tin, copper, salt, ships and naval supplies, and the archmage Bigby. Its navy was largely destroyed in war, but is being rebuilt.

Class notes:
There is no adventuring guild, or concept of adventurer as a job. Most armed bands are thieves and murderers, or ex-soliders from whichever side. However various powerful and influential people, mainly nobles, sponsor armed bands of particularly capable people (PCs). If the group wants a patron, I'm happy to offer Duchess Saelma Relaster, a powerful noble of the north coast and rumoured to be romantically involved with the Szek (king). This will give you some legal protection, but also put you on a better standard of behaviour with the locals - your choice.

There is an active thieves guild, called the Wreckers, term that originally meant people who shine fake lights from the shore to lure ships onto the rocks, so they could then loot them. They sponsor a wide range of illegal activity, and are an illegal organisation. However, they also publically support the king, and opposed the brotherhood. This means their members get a certain amount of protection from the law, and some guardsmen may be more likely to accept bribes or look the other way. They are an extremely violent organisation, and regularly hunt down and kill non-members. PCs may be Wreckers

Most arcane casters joined an organisation called the warmages of Kildeer, which offered free magical training and spells in return for military service. Geared towards warmages, it attracted all sorts of arcane casters, most of whom were in it for the free spells and feat access and kinda resented having to go and kill hobgolins. PCs may be members of the WarMages of Kildeer.

Anyone with martial training in this area either served in the army or had a darned good reason not to, or is foreign.

Healers are similar. Most are associated with Beory goddess of nature or Atroa, goddess of spring, and a very few are associated with the courts of the fey. Their services are in such demand that noone particularly cares.

Truenamers are unknown. This is not particularly unusual in Onnwall, where the central mountains are considered magical in their own right, and odd forms of magic are fairly commonplace.

Magic, of all kinds, is regarded with superstition and horror, but necromancy, summoning and mind-influencing magics are particularly bad. Using magic on members of the public can get you lynched by a hysterical mob, although it's actually very rare for things to go that far, and the general public have no special powers of detection here. People do not draw a fine distinction between different kinds of magic, or between items, spells and magical abilities.

Arcane casters are generally distrusted. Priests are generally welcomed and celebrated. Both are rare. People can't always tell the difference.

Don't wear red. (cf 'just invaded by the Scarlet Brotherhood')

The climate is warm and temperate, on the edge of sub-tropical, however a nearby area of magically maintained ice and snow exists purely to furnish the geography with artic themed monsters, should they be required. Fiends and undead are rare in general, but commonly used by both the Brotherhood and the Evil Empire to the East (Ahlissa). In short, the setting has been carefully crafted to make sure almost any monster is explicable, at least in theory.

Humans are divided into Suel (nordic, like the Scarlet Brotherhood), Oeridian (most common type around here), Flan (like the barbarians), and a large number of other types. They are mechanically identical, but have their own ancient languages.

Once we finalise the builds, and everyone is ready, I'll give you your mission brief, you tell me how you are travelling and what precautions you are taking, and we'll speed on to the first combat.

2013-01-25, 06:37 AM
I understand your concern, but I'm not going to take that rogue level.

ok. and it was the last time I said anything about it, I promise.
(unless we all get killed by a trap...:smallamused:)

anything you have to admonish about my build?

say, i have taken my Masterwork Items at 200 a piece. Everybody else takes them at 50. Do I remember the pricing wrong?

2013-01-25, 09:07 AM
Yes. The suggested price is 50.

2013-01-25, 09:32 AM
Question for togo;

One of my magic items is from eberron but there's nothing mechanical tying it to that setting; the minor schema of greater mage armor. Is it cool for me to have or should I redistribute that 6k.

On tying my character into the setting; being a member of the Warmages of Kildeer seems rather obvious and makes my having an apprentice less questionable. (again, going to point out that he exists but won't be part of the adventure unless the DM includes him.)

2013-01-25, 10:40 AM
Unless the DM has ruled otherwise, no. Healers are like clerics in this regard: they can only choose and prepare their spells at a particular time of day.
" A divine spellcaster does not have to prepare all his spells at once. However, the character’s mind is considered fresh only during his or her first daily spell preparation, so a divine spellcaster cannot fill a slot that is empty because he or she has cast a spell or abandoned a previously prepared spell. " (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicOverview/divineSpells.htm#divineSpellSelectionandPreparatio n)
The only limitations are underlined bolded.

Valid point on the healing items. I built the character in a vaccuum; with the truenamer's HP-healing, I'll drop the wand and spontaneous healer feat. I'll swap some ranks from handle animal over to perception.

Are the barbarian's diplomacy ranks an oversight? If they're not, I'll shift my diplomacy ranks over as well.

2013-01-25, 12:09 PM
Is this going to be a play by post thing, where do we see those anyway?

2013-01-25, 03:01 PM
Killem, there's a separate forum for play by post (see top level of the forum).

2013-01-25, 05:42 PM
The only limitations are underlined bolded.
Please read the Healer entry. Its specific text contradicts the general statement.

Each healer must choose a time at which she must spend 1 hour each day in quiet contemplation or supplication to regain her daily allotment of spells... she must choose which spells to prepare during her daily meditation.

2013-01-25, 05:43 PM
Valid point on the healing items. I built the character in a vaccuum; with the truenamer's HP-healing, I'll drop the wand and spontaneous healer feat. I'll swap some ranks from handle animal over to perception.

Are the barbarian's diplomacy ranks an oversight? If they're not, I'll shift my diplomacy ranks over as well.

that is very nice. I value perception checks very dearly. Few things are as dangerous as continually botched listen checks.

No, they are no oversight. Since zhentarim gives diplomacy and bluff as class skills, I just took them to get the synergies / cover the social stuff some.
Fighter has such a bad list, anything is better then climb when wearing a full plate.


can Fedor originally be

one of those Flannae barbarians, and then got somehow drafted into the army, went through several wars, promotions for bravery and demotions for being drunk with the guys and frank with superiors and ended up working for Saelma Relaster as a tough guy for hire with some diplomatic abilities


that would mean that we work for her, which is very fitting for me. But i do not know about the others. Does anyone like the wreckers better?

2013-01-25, 05:43 PM
I'm looking at these rules, I am wondering will you be doing another pbp with the upper level tier classes under the same constraints to compare?

Will you also be gathering data such as, resources overall used per encounter, how long it takes, how many times classes clash in terms of roles?

I hate the tier system, but I love scientific process :D.

2013-01-25, 08:15 PM
I'd like to think that Togo is a skilled enough dungeon crafter that any traps we encounter won't be a result of them being placed arbitrarily.

So would I. :smallsmile:

Question for togo;

One of my magic items is from eberron but there's nothing mechanical tying it to that setting; the minor schema of greater mage armor. Is it cool for me to have or should I redistribute that 6k.

I have no particular objection. It's waaay too late to start restricting people to Greyhawk-only source material, and the campaign from which this game was taken had a ban list that was about 5 pages in length.

The point is to prove that Tier 4s and below can survive. Restricting sources undermines that point, unless the build choice is an obvious game-changer. I don't see that a variation on a wand, or an armour bonus of +6, is either.

On tying my character into the setting; being a member of the Warmages of Kildeer seems rather obvious and makes my having an apprentice less questionable. (again, going to point out that he exists but won't be part of the adventure unless the DM includes him.)

The choice is yours. I'm broadly happy for the entire party to have come floating in on a giant sea shell, if that's what you want. We're cutting out much of the complex roleplaying encounters in any case, as the full adventure could easily play for a year or more. (as the adventure I'm presently running has done).

2013-01-25, 08:28 PM

can Fedor originally be one of those Flannae barbarians, and then got somehow drafted into the army, went through several wars, promotions for bravery and demotions for being drunk with the guys and frank with superiors and ended up working for Saelma Relaster as a tough guy for hire with some diplomatic abilities

that would mean that we work for her, which is very fitting for me. But i do not know about the others. Does anyone like the wreckers better?

Sure that's fine. We don't need too much detail, just want to avoid characters that are robbed of choices or options either by being too deeply embedded in the setting, or not embedded enough, since that's a potential criticism of the test.

The Wreckers openly support the king, and so does she, so you could be both, or neither.

I'm looking at these rules, I am wondering will you be doing another pbp with the upper level tier classes under the same constraints to compare?

Will you also be gathering data such as, resources overall used per encounter, how long it takes, how many times classes clash in terms of roles?

I hate the tier system, but I love scientific process :D.

Actually... I've been thinking of getting a Tier 1-2 party to run it simultanesouly, just to compare. How quickly do you think we could get one together? It would be interesting to compare what they find difficult, and what they do not. Some areas they might struggle

I'm not sure how much analysis data I want to gather during the game, but the thread itself will have everything on it we need for post-hoc analysis, and I'm expected quite a few watchers in any case.

2013-01-26, 12:27 AM

I'm a bit concerned about your AC. It's not impressive at all for a front-liner of our level. The fact that you have shocktrooper suggests to me it will often be lower than that as well. How much of your WBL do you have left, because I'm more than willing to help you adjust that a bit higher if you'd like.

Also, what does the blockade spell do? It's not in the SpC so I'm not sure where to look for the details. More importantly though, you realize you only have a 35% chance of activating the wand on any given attempt right? Team player that I am, I'd be willing to carry it and activate it on your behalf, if you'd like.

I suspect it's the spell that creates large blocks of wood and that you want it around so you can guarantee you have something to crush enemies against.

Also, I thought we were on a 28 point-buy, but you appear to have used 32?

2013-01-26, 07:16 AM

I'm a bit concerned about your AC. It's not impressive at all for a front-liner of our level. The fact that you have shocktrooper suggests to me it will often be lower than that as well. How much of your WBL do you have left, because I'm more than willing to help you adjust that a bit higher if you'd like.

Also, what does the blockade spell do? It's not in the SpC so I'm not sure where to look for the details. More importantly though, you realize you only have a 35% chance of activating the wand on any given attempt right? Team player that I am, I'd be willing to carry it and activate it on your behalf, if you'd like.

I suspect it's the spell that creates large blocks of wood and that you want it around so you can guarantee you have something to crush enemies against.

Also, I thought we were on a 28 point-buy, but you appear to have used 32?

first: add 5 dodge to my AC pretty much all the time, and to all of yours.
Then I will mostly fight defensively, which gives me another 3 (one by the virtue of having 5 ranks in tumble).
But I would very much like to have a wand of heroics (you cannot learn this spell, can you ? it is so good.), which would give me another 2 to dodge (and thus making the bonus I give everyone adjacent a whopping 7).

Unfortunately, I can make only about 1300 GP if I sell my bow and safewing token. I am not sure if I need the bow, but you guys suggested I'd need one.

Yes, Blockade is that very cool spell which summons a 5x5 wooden block as a swift.
Since I do not use my swifts for anything else, I thought it was worth trying it every round.
I also have my buckler which serves the same purpose, and If we ever know we NEED to have the block, you will get the wand ASAP.

I have a 28 PB, I just wrote my Gauntlets of ogre strength already into it.
(are those really temp score?).
I have bought my points at : 15 / 10 / 16 / 14 / 10 / 8

2013-01-26, 05:53 PM
You're talking about combat expertise and allied defense, right? That's +5 dodge bonus to ac for you when you're in melee and only benefits us if we're in one of the squares adjacent to your character. I know I'm not putting my warmage that close to people with pointy things who want to hurt him, if I can avoid it. It also means -5 to your attacks, so you're going to be whiffing alot whenever you don't try to bull-rush.

I -could- learn heroics, though I'd have to give up eagle's splendor to do it; eclectic learning ACF. Using it for superior expertise to gain a measly +2 to ac seems like a waste of a 3rd level slot though. If you can rearange your wealth to provide the wand, I can activate it, no problem.

2013-01-26, 07:26 PM
as far as I understand i do not need to be in melee, I can just have it always up. And I plan to use bullrushing as a main mode of attack, Heedless charging is for special situations.

If your warmage does not want to stand in one of the 3 places behind me, where then?
I mean, if we can pick a fight in which you guys can decimate an enemy while staying out of his reach, I will most often stay behind with you.
But we can seldom pick our fights. We will get surprised. Shot at by rangers, and so on (but please without hunters mercy and plus 13 to hit, yes?)...
And I hope In this situation everybody will be adjacent to me and enjoy their 5 to dodge.

Even IT's blasted bowmen would have had difficulties to hit us like this.

Long story short: If people were to chip in, I'd like to buy a wand of heroics. I can give 1300 GP. If noone wants to chip in, I will get myself a wand of nerveskitter.

2013-01-26, 07:54 PM
I have 197 left over. Is their a rule against mass consumable use or anything of that nature? If so you should just buy a wand with 10 charges

2013-01-26, 08:08 PM
I'm happy with wands that are fully charged or have 10 charges. No other increments without permission please.

Combat expertise gives you an AC bonus when using the attack action or the full attack action, or when fighting defensively. These are all combat actions. The rest of the time it gives no bonus. So no, it's not up all the time. It wouldn't be up out of combat, or in combat before your first action.

2013-01-26, 08:43 PM
First line of combat expertise benefit section,
When you use the attack or full attack action in melee, you can take a penalty of as much as -5 on your attack roll and add the same number as a dodge bonus to your armor class.

It's worthless against ranged attacks.

As for where I'll be standing, as far away from the enemy as I can while still keeping him in blasting range.

I've only got a fistful of gold left from my WBL. Nevermind, I've got 336 gold and 2 silver.

2013-01-26, 08:57 PM
First line of combat expertise benefit section,

It's worthless against ranged attacks.

As for where I'll be standing, as far away from the enemy as I can while still keeping him in blasting range.

I've only got a fistful of gold left from my WBL. Nevermind, I've got 336 gold and 2 silver.
I'm pretty sure their is an invisible creature in the left adjacent square my friend :smallwink:

2013-01-27, 12:26 AM
First line of combat expertise benefit section,

It's worthless against ranged attacks.

As for where I'll be standing, as far away from the enemy as I can while still keeping him in blasting range.

I've only got a fistful of gold left from my WBL. Nevermind, I've got 336 gold and 2 silver.

Just punch at an ally (nonlethal) and miss. You still get the bonus to AC.

2013-01-27, 02:55 AM
First line of combat expertise benefit section,

It's worthless against ranged attacks.

It doesn't trigger on ranged attacks, but it's effective against them. Does that make sense?

2013-01-27, 02:58 AM
It doesn't trigger on ranged attacks, but it's effective against them. Does that make sense?

Not in the least, but RAW rarely does.

Not that it matters. If he's using a bull-rush he's not using an attack or full-attack action. If he's charging the attack at the end could be used to activate it, but he'll already be adjusting his attack and AC with power attack and shocktrooper.

It really seems like it'll only see niche use on his fighter and in any case the assumption that we'll all be bunched up seems like a less than tactically sound assumption to make.

2013-01-27, 04:40 AM
you can make a bull rush as a standard action (an attack) or as part of a charge.
seems to say that it is an attack action

2013-01-27, 06:44 AM
Just punch at an ally (nonlethal) and miss. You still get the bonus to AC.

Or take the total defence action, and get a better bonus. The point is, you need to spend an action a round either attacking or defending yourself.

2013-01-27, 07:35 AM
why is that bonus better?
total defense gives me a 4, and noone else anything.

well, if I cannot have it up all the time

(by example attacking the "invisible attacker" every round, eve if that would carry some unfortunate implications in social situations... Can I just do that, togo, or are you adverse to it? I took my reading of the feat from a source which did not say i needed to be in an attack for it)

then I need two more feats. Any Ideas? Cleave and Leap attack would further the charger route, but I would much rather have the character being more defensive.

2013-01-27, 08:58 AM
well, if I cannot have it up all the time

(by example attacking the "invisible attacker" every round, eve if that would carry some unfortunate implications in social situations...

Sorry, I'm ok with you doing it in combat, even there is noone to attack, but it wouldn't work when you're flat footed - ie between the end of one fight and your first action in the next fight.

2013-01-27, 10:41 AM
ok, that is fair.

What if I knew that I am really likely to get surprised? Can I ready an action (even if it is a free in this case) to switch it on after the first hostile action I see?

Either way, if I do not actually need to hit someone in combat I think I will keep this feat.

2013-01-27, 12:02 PM
What if I knew that I am really likely to get surprised? Can I ready an action (even if it is a free in this case) to switch it on after the first hostile action I see?

No, readying actions outside of combat (outside of initiative) is against the rules. For reasons which I understand Tarkus' challenge demonstrated quite well.

2013-01-27, 02:16 PM
ok, no problem. I did not know that.

(I really cannot stand behind a door and have "I whack the first one who opens the door" readied? Weird.)

Well, anyway, i keep the character as is. Makes him less good, but normal parties do not exactly always optimize perfectly.
I will continually be in total defense then. It is a dangerous world.

2013-01-27, 08:11 PM
Ok, is everyone else ready?

2013-01-27, 08:15 PM
I may turn this gold into a few scrolls (had more than I realized left over) but I'm ready otherwise. Go ahead and post the PbP thread if you're ready.

2013-01-27, 08:48 PM
i got rid of my bow and safewing emblem (and adjusted the prices of my masterwork items),

and got a 10 charge wand each of enlarge person and of heroics.
I will give those to kelb.

otherwise, I am done and ready.

2013-01-28, 02:17 PM
Ok, is everyone else ready?

Do you have any problem with my harper token? Or spending slightly over half my wealth on one item?

If not my character is done

2013-01-30, 07:07 AM
togo, are you still with us?

2013-01-30, 07:16 AM
He did say that the end of the month through the third would be a bit rough. Perhaps he's decided to wait until the fourth to get going so he's not spread too thin.

2013-01-30, 07:57 AM
I wasn't sure about our fourth player...

This weekend will be a bit rough for me (I'm writing and running a 25 person Harry Potter LARP this weekend, and I'm still trying to finish off the details of the duelling system and what happens in Hogsmede), but let's start anyway:

IC thread

OOC thread

2013-01-30, 08:32 AM
did you mean to link to this thread with the IC link?

2013-01-30, 01:14 PM
Oops! edited the link above.

2013-01-30, 03:30 PM
do we have a dice roller thread already?

2013-02-03, 04:08 AM
Is this current test the t3 run? Or is it another t4 to supplement with Iron Tarkus' run? If it's the t4 run, can I reserve a spot for the t3 test? Character is Half-Orc Duskblade.

2013-02-03, 03:00 PM
If it's the t4 run, can I reserve a spot for the t3 test? Character is Half-Orc Duskblade.

A -2 INT race for a Duskblade? Interesting.
If need be, I can offer the service of a Factotum or Beguiler (I can't help it, I simply prefer the skill monkeys with trapfinding ability :smallbiggrin: ).

2013-02-03, 06:36 PM
A -2 INT race for a Duskblade? Interesting.
If need be, I can offer the service of a Factotum or Beguiler (I can't help it, I simply prefer the skill monkeys with trapfinding ability :smallbiggrin: ).

Yeah I know, it's not optimal. But that's okay, because spellcasting isn't as crucial for Duskblade anyway. All I need is 15 Int to get access to my highest level spells anyway, and in order to help this test simulate a more natural play group, I am sure some people like to play different combinations of races to classes (i.e. not every Elf is a Wizard, and not every Dwarf is a fighter). Also this is kind of a pet character of mine, that eventually classes into Dragon Disciple anyway, and I've got plenty of back story about him. :D

Do you know if Togo is doing these characters at lv 7 like Iron Tarkus did? Or what level he is going to do so I can start early on the character for the test?

2013-02-03, 07:06 PM
Do you know if Togo is doing these characters at lv 7 like Iron Tarkus did? Or what level he is going to do so I can start early on the character for the test?

Judging from the sheets posted on page 1 of this thread, it's CL 7. I try not to watch this too closely to avoid any metagaming, in case I do play a part in the T3 test.

2013-02-04, 09:35 AM
It is CL 7.

2013-02-04, 05:28 PM

he suddenly turns a bit and stares into a corner of the room, and does not look that fat and funny anymore. After a second of intent listening, he relaxes again.


he says.

Sorry, I had to...

2013-02-14, 11:42 PM
What is the point-buy method you ill be using for the tier 3 test, if you're still interested in doing it next? 28? 36?

2013-04-02, 10:44 AM
Did the whole test die out? I have not seen new posts in the ic thread for ages.