View Full Version : What to make this god....

2013-01-24, 10:03 PM
ok im planning a campaign set in Kingdoms of Kalamar and the BBEG is going to be the bastard child of Iceheart (goddess of cold and pain) and the Dark One (god of darkness) and a lvl 0 demigod. Im just not sure what to make him class wise or even monster HD wise, some help would be appreciated.

2013-01-24, 10:09 PM
Custom xixecal with the dark creature template? Probably should also add in half-fiend for some spell-likes. Make it a shadowcaster.

Just riffing here. Xixecal is from the Epic Level Handbook.

2013-01-24, 10:10 PM
ok, i need to get that book....... and i forgot to add that the CR should be like 22-25, my party can take it

2013-01-24, 10:33 PM
and i forgot to add that the CR should be like 22-25, my party can take it

Then the xixecal will need to be significantly nerfed down to work. It has the right flavor, though.

2013-01-24, 10:54 PM
that should actually work fine, i just need to lower its HD and powers accordingly

2013-01-24, 10:54 PM
ok, i need to get that book....... and i forgot to add that the CR should be like 22-25, my party can take it

Xixecal is on the SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/epic/monsters/abomination.htm).

On the same page, Phanes are CR 25 and darkness/time themed.