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View Full Version : Arcanites: Just another magical race (PEACHing appreciated)

2013-01-25, 01:07 AM
Just another template for you to use, welcome the Arcanites. A hopefully newish design of an outsider-construct race powered and created by magic. :smallbiggrin: For the use of any DM or player that likes the idea. (DM's might actually love it, since a group of NPC Arcanites would be decently difficult to overcome...)

Without further ado, the race!


Racial history: Born of the plane between the planes of Magic, Life and Order, the Arcanites are a race of living magic shaped into pure crystalline bodies. They walk the planes of the multiverse, often in groups numbering a few dozen or more, studying the beings there and gathering knowledge to be used for an undefined purpose. Others of their race like to pretend that they are peace keepers, imposing order on the multiverse through diplomacy and domination. As dimension hopping takes quite a decent bit of energy without some kind of divine assistance, an Arcanite must choose where they wish to go carefully, for it will take quite a long time to regain the power to go home. The ones that appeared in *Player's world* dimension either found the world to be interesting enough to study it for a few decades, or they are there to impose order harshly on its inhabitants.

Appearance: Standing between 5-8 feet tall, the Arcanite appears to be made of an almost ethereal crystal, with the color and exact structure being major distinctive factors. They glow ever so slightly, have no apparent mouth, nose or ears and sometimes seem to almost float above the ground. They weigh anywhere between 200-350 lbs.

Personality: Generally considered to be aloof, the Arcanite take pride that they are not made of "fragile" flesh and blood and see other, fleshy, beings as rather interesting oddities. Sometimes they grow attached to their test subjects, but they always remember that these people will someday die, no matter what methods are taken (they view Undeath as a metaphysical death, as it almost always radically changes the person the undead used to be). Thus these nearly immortal beings appear to be almost cold when they interact with other races.

Being creatures of order, the Arcanite show far less emotion than a normal humanoid, reacting more calmly and rationally than most other beings.

Culture: The Arcanite culture is one that is very collectivist, due to their strong mental connection with each other. Their cities, while grand and beautiful, tend to have few aesthetically complex or unnecessary designs. Rather, it is better to describe their culture as "Functional," working to optimize all aspects at once. Their culture is not stricken by disease or starvation, since there is no normal disease that can affect them, and on their plane there is no need for them to consume anything as their world itself sustains them. This makes things far simpler, equality wise. Basically, an Arcanite only works to gain more knowledge, create order and become better than they are, yet these central cultural values are so great that there are very, very few members of their race that display sloth or who are not motivated to achieve.

They do have what could be called a "Ruling class," though who it is and what they actually do with that role (and how they secured it) is completely up to interpretation, as it seems that these "rulers" are often just another Arcanite within a few days.

Alignment: Arcanites are believers in (and beings of) order, and as such cannot be of a chaotic alignment. Other than that, there are no restrictions on what alignment they can hold.

Environment: Their home dimension is a place created by magic and order, making places that resemble this their preferred habitation. They are at home in most elements otherwise, as long as they are temperate (No volcano cities, and no tornado belt towns). Particular sites of high magic concentration (of any variety) will draw in Arcanites like moths to the flame. These include Mage Guilds, High Temples, Artifact Vaults, Sites of Power, places where the planes are closer than normal and fallout zones where massive amounts of magic ripped at the earth itself. In the prime material plane, Archanites tend to build enchanted stone, steel and adamantine cities (though the last is incredibly rare).

Religion: Arcanites worship the gods of Magic and Order most commonly, seeing them as their mothers and fathers. They shun all chaotic gods, and tend to study, rather than worship, the remaining gods. Their version of Hell is the Void, and anything associated with it is a horrible demonic monster that either must be purged, or that must be avoided. As such, they fear the Void Dragon (a deity that I'm going to create one of these days) as a mortal being would fear Satan.

Languages: Automatic languages: Common, Celestial, Infernal. Bonus languages: Any

Lifespan: As they are made from pure magic, the lifespan of an Arcanite is not measured in mere centuries but rather it extends to eons. Every few centuries, an Arcanite must return to their home plane to replenish their magical stores and restore their essence, and will die permanently if they are unable to, but there is no age limitation on them otherwise. Not only that, but when an Arcanite is created it comes into this world fully formed in body, and its mind swiftly catches up.

As such, there is no category for measuring their age, and for all intents and purposes the Arcanite is considered to be "Adventuring" age, no matter how old it may be.

Names: Usually associated with energy, gems or games of strategy, names spoken in common tongues are generally nicknames Arcanites give themselves to give other races a way to tell them apart. It often describes a key feature of their appearance, personality or chosen profession.

Favored class: Wizard

Racial traits:

-6 Dex, +4 Con, +4 int, +2 wis, +2 natural AC. Though wise, smart and durable, the Arcanite are exceedingly clumsy and a tad slower than most races.

Size: Medium.

Movement: 25ft base, 10ft when in "Magic drained" mode.

Outsider: This creature is an outsider, giving it immunity to many spells (some of which are beneficial). It also has the subtypes of "living" and "earth".

Crystalline body: The Arcanite is immune to all normal poisons and diseases, and all magical diseases that do not target magic. They do not need to eat or sleep.

Spell resistance: Arcanite are naturally resistant to hostile magic, gaining a spell shield with of DC11+HD that a spell must penetrated to affect the Arcanite. They can activate or deactivate this ability as a free action.

Magic body (su): This creature, being made of magic, is affected severely by spells such as dispell magic, being dealt 1d6 damage/caster level (will save DC10+spell level+key ability modifier) for half, as long as the dispell penetrates the Arcanite's magic resistance. Also, the Arcanite must roll a saving throw (Will, DC15+1/2 caster level) to prevent being rebuked* from an anti-magic field.
*Being rebuked entails being removed to the closest edge of the field, unable to return for 8 hours while simultaneously being dealt 1d4/caster level damage.

Magic drain (su): If the Arcanite is dealt enough damage (lethal or non, either way) to knock it unconscious, it instead becomes "Magic drained." While magic drained, the Arcanite and all of its items become intangible (Can only be damaged by magic or magic weapons, armor no longer incurs movement or skill check penalties). It retains consciousness and can continue to move and speak, but cannot affect the physical world in any way. It is also killed instantly by any ability that dispells magic (Will, DC10+spell level+key ability score to survive) and cannot cast any spells or enter an anti-magic field. If a weapon* or spell reduces it to -10 damage, the Arcanite still dies as normal. While intangible, this creature still heals and bleeds as normal.
*Note, as their body is technically made of crystallized magic, any physical damage it takes will literally damage its magic supply, literally bleeding magic out of them.

Magical mastery (ex): This race, with its magical abilities, treats all supernatural and magical spells and abilities like they are one caster level higher than normal. It also gains +2 to all Concentration checks, Knowledge: Arcane, Divine, Planes and Psionics checks and all Spellcraft/ Psicraft (only one or the other) checks.

Arcane replenishment (su): While in an area of high magic concentration, see the "Environments" list above for examples, the Arcanite heals 2 nonlethal damage per round and 2 lethal damage per hour passively.

Magical resonance (ex): While standing within 30" of another Arcanite, the Arcanite's spell DCs, SR, saving throws, skill checks, hit and damage are raised by 1. This effect can stack for every Arcanite within 30" of this one to a maximum of +4.

Telepathic (ex): The Arcanite are Telepathic, allowing them to communicate directly with any creature that is willing and has a mind.

Level Adjustment: +2

2013-01-25, 04:55 AM
You should use the standard rules. Either this race is an Outsider or it is a Construct. "Constructed Outsider" is not a standard Type or Subtype. An Outsider with Construct traits would be an Outsider with the Augmented Subtype and probably the Living Subtype as well since they have a Constitution score. http://www.d20srd.org/srd/typesSubtypes.htm#outsiderType.

If they have no apparent mouth, how do they speak?

A creature that is "slow as a dead rock" would be slower than 25 feet. Your description does not match your stats. A -6 dexterity does not make them slower, it makes them clumsy.

Creatures never have a Hardness, only objects have a hardness. Please use bonus to AC to reflect this.

Do you mean that they have Spell Resistance 13 + HD? Please use standard mechanics.

Magic Body seems to be a Supernatural ability. In addition, the mechanics are really awkward.

Magic drain doesn't make sense if the creature takes physical damage.

Because you haven't used standard abilities and haven't determined what kind of abilities these are (are they Ex, Sp or Su), it is impossible to determine LA.


2013-01-25, 09:33 AM
1. If they have no apparent mouth, how do they speak?

2. A creature that is "slow as a dead rock" would be slower than 25 feet. Your description does not match your stats. A -6 dexterity does not make them slower, it makes them clumsy.

3. Creatures never have a Hardness, only objects have a hardness. Please use bonus to AC to reflect this.

4. Do you mean that they have Spell Resistance 13 + HD? Please use standard mechanics.

5. Magic Body seems to be a Supernatural ability. In addition, the mechanics are really awkward.

6. Magic drain doesn't make sense if the creature takes physical damage.

7. Because you haven't used standard abilities and haven't determined what kind of abilities these are (are they Ex, Sp or Su), it is impossible to determine LA.


1. Warforged only have that tiny slit in their face and no vocal chords, yet they can vocalize (damn spell check) just fine. A race made out of pure magic would probably be able to figure something out. They only need to change the vibrational pattern of the air after all.

2. Lowered move speed to 20, as giving them a negative move speed (which would be slower than a dead rock) would be counter productive to any race. This is one of the slowest base speeds in the game now.

3. Removed the hardness note.

4. Well, it's technically the same thing but I can see how that might be easier (edited sooooo fast)

5. Added the Supernatural tag (in fact, added tags to everything that needed them) and made the saving throws standard (to scale with enemy caster level). What else did you find awkward about this ability?

6. Added a note, but I'll explain further here. As being magic drained means that the Arcanite no longer has enough magic left in them to keep their physical body from partially falling apart, this means that any damage to their body is also damage dealt to their magic supply. Physical damage harms the structure of the body, causing them to literally "Bleed" magic for just a moment. Spells do pretty much the same thing.

7. Tags have been added where necessary.

2013-01-25, 02:36 PM
-6 Dex, +2 Con, +2 int, +2 wis, +2 natural AC. Though wise, smart and durable, the Arcanite are exceedingly clumsy and a tad slower than most races.

Oof. -3 to Reflex saves, ranged attack rolls, and Armor Class. The +2 natural AC helps somewhat, but this is quite a blow. It also makes it much less appealing to casters, which the fluff and the Intelligence/Wisdom bonus seem to encourage. Casters like their AC at early levels.

They make relatively good Clerics though, as they can just throw on some heavy armor. I find this rather ironic, given the fluff and the name.

Movement: 20ft base, 10ft when in "Magic drained" mode.

How does "Magic Drained" mode interact with movement speed penalties due to armor?

Outsider: This creature is an outsider, giving it immunity to many spells (some of which are beneficial). Arcanites have a subtype of Augmented, giving them other immunities (see constructs for a complete list) but making healing spells and skills less effective on them. These creatures count as living, keeping their constitution score.

So they gain Outsider traits and Construct immunities? So, to quote the SRD:

Constructs are immune to mind-influencing effects and to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, necromancy effects, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless. They are not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, or the effects of massive damage.

That's a super hefty chunk of immunities.

Spell resistance: Arcanite are naturally resistant to hostile magic, gaining a spell shield with of DC13+HD that a spell must penetrated to affect the Arcanite. They can allow a spell to penetrate this resistance as an act of will.

Better than normal Spell Resistance, because normal Spell Resistance can be lowered or raised as a free action, which equates to only during your turn (thus potentially leaving you vulnerable until your next turn). This doesn't seem to have that. It's also 2 points higher than the Drow's 11 + HD, so, while that's not a huge deal, it still helps.

Magic body (su): This creature, being made of magic, is affected severely by spells such as dispell magic, being dealt 1d6 damage/caster level (will save DC10+1/2 caster level+int) for half, as long as the dispell penetrates the Arcanite's magic resistance. Also, the Arcanite must roll a saving throw (Will, DC15+1/2 caster level+int) to prevent being rebuked* from an anti-magic field. This creature may never enter the Void, or it shall be instantly unmade, destroyed beyond even the power of wish, and any area that leaches the power of magic (a DM serously did this to me at one point) will deal 1d4 nonlethal damage per round to the Arcanite.

...what is the Void?

That said, this has a number of rules for things which aren't really in the rules (the Void, and power leeching fields). I might just put in the rules for Dispel Magic and Anti-magic areas.

Magic drain (su): If the Arcanite is dealt enough damage (lethal or non, either way) to knock it unconscious, it instead becomes "Magic drained." While magic drained, the Arcanite becomes ethereal but cannot affect the physical world in any way, is killed instantly by any ability that dispells magic (Will, DC10+1/2 caster level+int to survive) and cannot cast any spells. If a weapon* or spell reduces it to -10 damage, the Arcanite still dies as normal.

So you're basically invincible to anything without both a see invisibility effect and either a force effect, dispel magic, or a ghost touch weapon? Seems very powerful in the hands of a PC. Also, what if you're immediately dropped from 1 hp to -10 hp: does this effect trigger immediately at the 0 hp mark, or do you just outright die?

Also, as written, you're still unconscious while ethereal, and, further, there's no way to return to your normal state.

Magical mastery (ex): This race, with its magical abilities, treats all supernatural and magical spells and abilities like they are one caster level higher than normal. It also gains +2 to all Concentration checks, Knowledge: Arcane, Divine, Planes and Psionics checks and all Spellcraft checks.

+2 to 6 skills, all useful to casters, and a +1 to caster level for effectively everything is pretty good. :smallbiggrin:

Arcane replenishment (su): While in an area of high magic concentration, see the "Environments" list above for examples, the Arcanite heals 2 nonlethal damage per round and 2 lethal damage per hour passively.

Constructs are immune to non-lethal damage already. :smalltongue:

Magical resonance (ex): While standing within 30" of another Arcanite, the Arcanite's spell DCs, SR, saving throws, skill checks, hit and damage are raised by 1. This effect can stack for every Arcanite within 30" of this one to a maximum of +4 (1/5 character level).

...Gah? This is crazy good with Leadership or another Arcanite in the party. Further, you cite 1/5th character level, but that has no bearing on anything, since character level never figures into the rest of the equation anywhere. As currently written, you could remove that part without changing how the rules work at all.

Telepathic (ex): Once per day per creature with a mind, the Arcanite can attempt to establish a mental link with a target creature with an int of 10 or above. This link has an effective range of 10" x Arcanite's int, can be cut off at any time and can only be placed on a willing creature. Once connected to a creature, the Arcanite can ignore any language barriers and communicate almost instantly.

This is an overly complicated way of giving them Telepathy. Why not just give them telepathy?

Level Adjustment: I'll let someone better at this than me decide.

The Level Adjustment is probably a +3, if only due to the Spell Resistance, huge list of immunities, and amazing perks for spellcasters.

I'd like to give it a +1 or a +2, but I think it's better-than-Drow Spell Resistance (including the "exempt beneficial spells at will" part) and the Construct Immunities are really forcing up the LA.

2013-01-25, 03:55 PM
Oof. -3 to Reflex saves, ranged attack rolls, and Armor Class. The +2 natural AC helps somewhat, but this is quite a blow. It also makes it much less appealing to casters, which the fluff and the Intelligence/Wisdom bonus seem to encourage. Casters like their AC at early levels.

They make relatively good Clerics though, as they can just throw on some heavy armor. I find this rather ironic, given the fluff and the name.

The ultimate irony is that their favored class (which I forgot to add) is the Mage. :smalltongue:

How does "Magic Drained" mode interact with movement speed penalties due to armor?

For all intents and purposes, the Arcanite and all of its possessions become intangible, so there isn't any weight to them and thus (I would assume) no movement penalties either.

So they gain Outsider traits and Construct immunities? So, to quote the SRD:

Constructs are immune to mind-influencing effects and to poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease, necromancy effects, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless. They are not subject to critical hits, nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, energy drain, or the effects of massive damage.

That's a super hefty chunk of immunities.

Hurk, maybe I'll just make them outsiders with special immunity to normal poisons and diseases...

Better than normal Spell Resistance, because normal Spell Resistance can be lowered or raised as a free action, which equates to only during your turn (thus potentially leaving you vulnerable until your next turn). This doesn't seem to have that. It's also 2 points higher than the Drow's 11 + HD, so, while that's not a huge deal, it still helps.

While I'm keeping the resistance up (those two points are there because they sort of are magic), I'll change the wording of how it can be raised and lowered.

...what is the Void?

The home plane of everything here. (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mm/20031219a) There are also a few others that are listed as coming from the "Void" or areas associated with this plane. (Some other examples would be the Gibbering Mouther (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Monster_Manual_by_Environment_%28World_of_Tyrus_Su pplement%29) and the Shadow of the Void (http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/SRD:Shadow_of_The_Void))

That said, this has a number of rules for things which aren't really in the rules (the Void, and power leeching fields). I might just put in the rules for Dispel Magic and Anti-magic areas.

AHA, SO THAT SON OF A GUN DID MAKE THAT UP! :smallmad: So magic leaching fields and the void are out just to clear up unnecessary information.

So you're basically invincible to anything without both a see invisibility effect and either a force effect, dispel magic, or a ghost touch weapon? Seems very powerful in the hands of a PC. Also, what if you're immediately dropped from 1 hp to -10 hp: does this effect trigger immediately at the 0 hp mark, or do you just outright die?

Perhaps I should just give it an intangibility effect (unable to be harmed by normal weapons but vulnerable to all types of magic and magical weapons, as well as the ability to walk through small normal walls). If you hit -10, you automatically die (just like everything else).

Also, as written, you're still unconscious while ethereal, and, further, there's no way to return to your normal state.

I'll change the wording so that you recover at the same rate a normal living being does and so that you retain the ability to move and talk.

+2 to 6 skills, all useful to casters, and a +1 to caster level for effectively everything is pretty good. :smallbiggrin:

So what you are saying is... deliciously powerful omnom?

Constructs are immune to non-lethal damage already. :smalltongue:

Not anymore! :smalltongue:

...Gah? This is crazy good with Leadership or another Arcanite in the party. Further, you cite 1/5th character level, but that has no bearing on anything, since character level never figures into the rest of the equation anywhere. As currently written, you could remove that part without changing how the rules work at all.

I probably should remove that level thing. :smalltongue: And it only stacks if there are actual Arcanites around you, so most PCs will never see this advantage. :smallwink:

This is an overly complicated way of giving them Telepathy. Why not just give them telepathy?


The Level Adjustment is probably a +3, if only due to the Spell Resistance, huge list of immunities, and amazing perks for spellcasters.

I'd like to give it a +1 or a +2, but I think it's better-than-Drow Spell Resistance (including the "exempt beneficial spells at will" part) and the Construct Immunities are really forcing up the LA.

So with the edits that will be implemented (after I'm done with band) what would you change the level adjustment to?

2013-02-02, 07:50 PM
Rather than basing the save (against being dispelled) on INT, make it use the standard save DC. Otherwise sorcerers will want a word with you.

2013-02-03, 08:36 PM
Haha, yeah... sorcerers... and clerics... and druids... :smalleek: I-I'll just... um... not get mauled be a bear. I'll just make it 1/2 caster level then.