View Full Version : [Pathfinder] ISO fun and experienced DM

2013-01-25, 01:02 PM
As the title suggests, I am in search of a fun and experienced DM to take over for me in my group. We've been playing for a number of months and I'm getting increasingly eager to stop DMing and start playing as a PC again. Our group is a mix of new and experienced players who have a hard time breaking out of their shells and embracing the talking aspect of Role Playing. I know for certain that I can break them of this if only I could be playing alongside them as something more free of bias than a self-controlled NPC.

There are several things that are important to know about our group before applying for the position.

1. We have 6 members (including myself) who are from all over the place. 2 of our members are located in the UK, 1 in California, 1 in DC, 1 in Florida and myself in Massachusetts. This leads us to 2&3.

2. We play exclusively online using Traipse OpenRPG software on a dedicated server I host and hold live streaming Skype calls to talk.

3. Due to the wide spread of time zones that we are all from, we try our best to meet online at a time that is universally do-able by all of us. Currently our play times are every other Saturday from 4:00pm-9:00pm EST and due to the time differences, we try not to start earlier or end much later.

4. Our group requires structure and dicipline. Although I'm looking for a fun DM, we absolutely need one who can keep everyone in line. The potential to derail from any given convorsation and spiral into a debate on which MLP:FIM character would win in a fight is never out of the question.

5. The campaign itself is currently set in a High Fantasy realm loosely based around a 5th-6th century style monarchy. The choice to continue the campaign from where I left it or start the group fresh in a world of your own is entirely up to you.

6. If you decide to scrap my campaign and start fresh with your own, I only require that you allow my PCs to maintain their current Level, Class and inventory.

7. As a house rule, I do not enforce sleeping or eating rules for my players. I also do not count armor and weapons currently being worn as part of personal burden. Lastly (and this is up to your own disgression to enforce) I do not require the carrying of a spell book or the use of component materials for the Wizard in our party. Of all the PCs, he is the newest to D&D as a whole and I originally did away with those in an effort to help him integrate more smoothly into the game without becoming overwhelmed.

Reply here or send me a PM if you're interested in taking over for me!

Alternatively: My Skype username is Yygdrasilofvalefor and I'd be more than happy to answer any questions you might have about our group. Please don't hessitate to send me a message there. You'll get a much faster response. :)