View Full Version : Druid-y/nature themed traps

2013-01-26, 04:51 AM
For my party's next mission they'll be working through a labyrinth to try and find a druid. I have a few decent ideas for creatures, but I really haven't seen any "natural" traps the like of which would be found in this kind of environment. Have any of you come across or homebrewed something along the lines of what I'm looking for?

2013-01-26, 04:56 AM
Traps as in "Things a thief could notice with a perception check and disable with a disable device check" or traps as in "Oh, well, I suppose if someone had high enough knowledge (nature) they might have figured out that this plant's spores caused hallucinations."

2013-01-26, 05:08 AM
A couple core spells should be useful here.
Wall of Thorns creates, well, a wall of thorny bushes, except they can fill a large area and anyone in the area or trying to move through takes damage and moves more slowly.
Spike Stones has a rather similar effect, except that I think they're invisible until stepped on and reduce the character's speed until he receives healing.

If you meant something more similar to a typical trap, the sort that rogues need to/are able to disarm, how about some classic pit traps with nasty critters etc. at the bottom? Or a hidden door that opens to reveal some natural hazard behind it?

2013-01-26, 05:16 AM
Traps as in "Things a thief could notice with a perception check and disable with a disable device check" or traps as in "Oh, well, I suppose if someone had high enough knowledge (nature) they might have figured out that this plant's spores caused hallucinations."

A healthy mix of both, really. (I love the hallucination idea - hope you don't mind if I steal that)

SilverLeaf, I like the Wall of Thorns idea, and the pit trap seems fun too. Is there any kind of pit in the PH, or would it just be easier to homebrew one? (New DM, not great at setting my own DCs yet.)

2013-01-26, 08:10 AM
Some kind of snare trap would be appropriate. Boneus points if the snare is an assassin vine :smallbiggrin:

2013-01-26, 08:17 AM
I'd say make like every plant have some kind of danger to it. Not all overt, some you might even have to taste, or touch, but every single one should have a surprise :smallbiggrin:

Plants could cause any of the follow:


In other words, practically everything one could normally do to their players...just think in terms of spores, mold, poison, etc.

For instance, instead of the classic pit trap, you could have exploding mushrooms at the bottom instead of spikes or monsters. When the player falls on them, they discharge a large puff of spores that could make one any number of the following (or several depending on group level) sickened, stunned, shaken (think nightmare hallucinations), blinded, confused, and/or dazed.

The mushrooms could even be growing on the sides of the pit trap, making rescue an interesting dilemma.

If your group wants more danger or is just higher level, you could even have something that can cause an intense allergic reaction causing anaphylaxis and possibly death (would be a fort roll or die.)

2013-01-26, 10:36 AM
Of course on the more esoteric side of life you could have things like the moving hedge maze. So you will have a labyrinth the players need to get through to get to the druid, but well... the "walls" don't exactly remain where you think they are all the time.

Note that if you do it, you're probably going to make whatever player is drawing the map for the players want to smack you.

For those guys like me who don't mind the odd pun once in a while. Fruit Munitions. In this case Cherry Bombs and Pineapple Grenades as appropriate to the setting (if they are). It gets a small chuckle if your players enjoy such things. It fits as a natural weapon that a druid might use. Hell, it's not even all that out of place considering Druids have spells to turn Acorns into grenades and such as is. Having trees designed to drop them if a trigger is hit on the players is always a weird, unexpected twist. Especially if you take care to make sure there are plenty of normal, mundane fruit bearing trees in the place as well. The "Cherry Bomb" tree doesn't stick out as being that odd when you passed two apple trees, a pear tree, and a lemon tree on the way in.

Also on the "low tech" but natural side of life, make sure to use things like wasp's nests and such to also complicate the life of adventurer's.

2013-01-26, 12:26 PM
The shaped shubbery that comes alive is a good one