View Full Version : Roleplaying OOTSers on RuneScape

pwning doodes
2013-01-27, 07:39 AM
I love the Order of the Stick and I love the online RPG called RuneScape. Consequently, it's not surprising that I made a RuneScape account to represent Vaarsuvius. My account username is Elfmage pure. Unfortunately, the RuneScape system forced me to pick a gender. Oh, well, I guess that's a side effect of Plane Shifting between fantasy worlds. Anyway, I started chatting with other players as Vaarsuvius, and it was really funny! I can share some of the chats with you, but others had already disappeared from the chat history by the time I had the idea to share them on the forum. I will try to recreate the chats I didn't record from memory, however. I don't remember the players' names, so I'll put in "Runescaper". This term refers to one of a few people who were involved in the discussion, not one specific player. The names from the exact transcripts are real, however.

(From what I can remember)

(Elfmage pure joins the chat channel of a player named Salmoneus. This player is the creator of a Runescape guide website called Sal's Realm of RuneScape. (http://runescape.salmoneus.net))

Elfmage pure: Is Salmoneus logged in?
Runescaper: No
Runescaper: Sal is a busy man
Elfmage pure: I suppose that would make sense, given that it is midnight.
Elfmage pure: However, I am an elf. I do not sleep.
Runescaper: I know something else that doesn't sleep
Runescaper: Bots
Elfmage pure: How dare you call me a robot?
Runescaper: nvm (never mind)
Elfmage pure: Blasphemy! I am not computer, I am a flesh and blood elf!

(Elfmage pure leaves chat channel, joins a different channel.)

Elfmage pure: Greetings. I am Vaarsuvius, elven wizard.
Runescaper: You're not an elf.
Elfmage pure: Excuse me?
Runescaper: Elves don't exist in RuneScape.
Runescaper: I think you've been reading too much Tolkein.
Elfmage pure: Elves certainly exist in RuneScape.
Elfmage pure: runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Elves
This text appears on the screen as "runescape.wikia.***/wiki/Elves
Elfmage pure: I do not understand why I was censored. I said .C O M.
Runescaper: You're not allowed to say URLs
Elfmage pure: Oh.
Elfmage pure: My sincerest apologies. I did not know such a rule existed.
Runescaper: "advertising websites"
Runescaper: You should have checked the Jagex rules before dropping in
Runescaper: Leave him alone
Elfmage pure: If my presence is not wanted, I shall leave.
Runescaper: That would be good.

(Elfmage pure leaves chat channel, joins chat channel called "Sooner")

Elfmage pure: Do any of you have advice for gaining Runecrafting Xp?
Runescaper: runespan
Runescaper: buy spins
Runescaper: just kidding
Elfmage pure: I am currently on that fascinating plane of existance. I hope to increase my mastery of Runecrafting.
Runescaper: spins update is stupid
Elfmage pure: Do you learned masters of arcane knowlege have any other wisdom to dispense regarding the Runespan?
Helpful Player: there is a chat on w39
Helpful Player: at lvl33 climb vine ladder
Runescape: The internet does
Elfmage pure: Thank you, Helpful Player. I currently am denied access to all but the first level of the Runespan, as my Runecrafting level is but 26.

(Elfmage pure logs out. Later, he/she logs back in and joins the "Sooner" chat channel again.)

From this point on, the chats are transcribed word for word.

Elfmage pure: I have returned.
Deliverer: Noooooooooooooo
I Am Agony: The world holds its breath.
Elfmage pure: One quick question:
Elfmage pure: May I ask your permission to send a chat transcript my creator, Rich Burlew?
(awkward silence)
Elfmage pure: Send a chat transcript to rich burlew
(awkward silence)
Elfmage pure: Are any of you able to hear me?
MrSaturnFan: Yes, but i don’t understand what you want
Elfmage pure: I want to know if I can copy and paste the text of these chats to someone else.
I Am Agony: Nope.
I Am Agony: Could screenshot.
Elfmage pure: You misunderstand.
Elfmage pure: I am confident that I am physically capable of performing this feat.
Elfmage pure: I am simply asking your permission, as it is your words that are in question.
I Am Agony: Go nuts idgaf (I don’t give a f***)
Elfmage pure: Excuse me, some yellow robed buffon got lost in the Runespan.
Elfmage pure: I shall go locate him.

That's all for now, I hope to post more chats soon. I hope you liked my little game! If you want to join in the fun, feel free to pick an OOTS character, make a RuneScape account for them, and roleplay away! Don't worry, it's free to make an account, although you do get more benefits if you pay $6 a month. I, personally, have a free account. If you choose to participate, you can post your character's username here so other OOTS-RuneScapers can add you to their friends list.

2013-01-28, 03:18 AM
During my youth I always roleplayed on rune scape :) 2 years ago I found people still roleplaying on private servers found here http://www.gaminghorror.net/runescape-classic-still-playable/

pwning doodes
2013-01-28, 09:36 PM
I'm glad you liked it, ShadowFireLance. Be sure to share this thread with all your friends! If you want to participate yourself, you can make a Runescape OOTSer. It's a lot of fun!

I just roleplayed some more, so here's the transcript.

Elfmage pure: Greetings, friends.
Novite Pride: How long do yew trees take to grow?
Elfmage pure: I seek ultimate arcane power. What is the fastest way to advance my Magic level?
Novite Pride: Buy spins.
Kire667: ^
Elfmage pure: I do not wish to extract my knowledge from the idiot goblin!
Elfmage pure: Are there no other paths to greatness?
Novite Pride: Barrage dags.
Elfmage pure: I do not understand your odd vocabulary.
Elfmage pure: What does “Barrage dags” mean?
Novite Pride: It most certainly is not odd.
Amaranthenee: You’re on the Internet.
Amaranthenee: Ever occur to you to look it up?
Amaranthenee: L
Elfmage pure: I shall conduct reaserch on the topic at once.
Anemos: You take this ice barrage spell, and push it somewhere else! *patrick face*
Novite Pride: ^

(I take a moment to look up the phrase “Barrage dags” It means cast Ice Barrage, a spell requiring a Magic level of 94, on Dagannoths, creatures only accessible by paying members.)

Elfmage pure: Unfortunately, I am not a member, and my Magic level is only 32.
Novite Pride: You should buy membership.
Elfmage pure: That would not change the fact that I cannot cast Ice Barrage.
Elfmage pure: I have other matters to attend to. I must leave now.

(Elfmage pure logs out.

I will continue to post transcripts as I join more chats on Runescape.

2013-01-29, 11:36 AM
As a veteran player of RuneScape (I've been playing it since 2004. It's my favourite game hands-down) I must say I loved this idea! :smallbiggrin:

I have always loved role-playing in that game with my friends from the RuneScape Wiki, so I think when I go back to playing it, I shall do the same thing... I'm just not sure whether I should role-play as V (as my main character, Brux, is level 98 Magic while only 91 Ranged and 93 Strength, Attack and Defence), Elan or Roy. But when I do it, I'll post the results here for sure :smallsmile:

By the way, don't stop it, I'm sure others would like to see the results of your role-playing as much as I would, hahah. There are some worlds specifically meant for Role-playing, have you tried them yet?

pwning doodes
2013-01-29, 09:05 PM
Rimaluko, thanks for the Roleplaying world suggestion. I hope you do a different character than V, so we can have more variety. You could be Z'zdtri.By the way, I am in the process of recording a new transcript. Keep posted!

pwning doodes
2013-01-29, 09:16 PM
New transcript!

Drako Black: What are demons week to?
Elfmage pure: It is common knowledge that demons are weak to magic.
Amaranthenee: Most are weak to range actually.
Drako Black: I havent fought demons since pre-eoc
Amaranthenee: Greater demons are weak to range, black demons are weak to range
Drako Black: Da ***?
Drako Black: Cit didnt reset?
Drako Black: Just examine the loom
Draco Black: Wc
Drako Black: I dont get the maybe later thing?
Drako Black: Dead in 1min
Drako Black: Didnt even have time to get

(public chat)
Orwig57: Hey i need help
Orwig57: So who can help me
Elfmage pure: With what task do you require assistance?

(private chat)
AVDIC: Hellur
Drako Black: O
Drako Black: Even kiritos sister wants the d
Bestgore: If she cant walk right shes been d stroyed
Drako Black: L
Elfmage pure: I do not understand why Ariane is concerned about the statue of a dead wizard.
AVDIC: She’s hot
Drako Black: Dem pixel bewbs
Elfmage pure: Now Ariane appears to be casting some sort of enchantment.
Drako Black: ^

2013-02-04, 02:51 PM
I must say that, despite having no particular love for Runescape, I quite enjoy these chatlogs. Please do keep them coming.

pwning doodes
2013-02-04, 09:32 PM
Thank you. I'm glad you like them.

2013-02-06, 11:04 PM
I think at some point someone is going to explode on you. It will be funny to read about, but I thought I'd warn you now before it happens.

2013-02-07, 05:26 PM
I agree with the above, however, I used to play Runescape and do so on and off but currently Chrome doesn't like Java, on Mac or something, so it doesn't work right.

pwning doodes
2013-02-10, 12:04 AM
I enlisted the help of one of my friends. He decided he wanted to be Vaarsuvius, so I abandoned Elfmage_pure and created Roy. Roy's player name is "Roy Grenhilt" and V's is "Vaarsuvious". Sorry about the misspellings, but the original nems were taken already. I guess that's a good sign, because it means there are at least two OotS and RuneScape fans out there! I will keep posting, but for now both V and I need to complete all the tutorials. Here are the only two things Roy has said in-game:

"Greetings, fellow adventurer."

"Does anyone have wolf bones? I accidentally buried mine."

Coming soon: an Order of the Stick clan. Create a character for Belkar, Elan, or Durkon on RuneScape (someone already has dibs on Haley) and you could become one of the six members of the Order of the RuneScape! First come, firt serve. Keep posted, and don't hesitate to join the fun!

pwning doodes
2013-02-10, 12:37 PM
For a little while (before I made Roy) I was experimenting with turning my original character into Miko Mayazaki. I decided to give it up, as I didn't find it very interesting without any protagonists. I still kept transcripts, though. Given that you guys like this stuff so much, would you like me to post the :miko: chats?

Edit: I recently learned how to take videos of my screen. I will post links to the videos instead of the entire text, because it's a lot easier than typing up the chats by hand. For those of you who do not play RuneScape, just look in the rectangle at the bottom of the screen to see the chats. Chats said publicly (not in Clan Chat or Friends Chat) will also appear above the character's head in yellow as they say it.

Edit #2: Nobody has asked to see them, but I think I'll post the Miko chats anyway.

Serraangel10 (:miko:) : Greetings, righteous warrior.
Serraangel10: Warriors, actually.
Serraangel10: Would you like to join the Sapphire Guard?
(no response from the two or three players; they are cutting down a tree.)
Serraangel10: Why do you ignore me?
Serraangel10: Are you too busy chopping trees to join a noble quest?????
Serraangel10: Well, no matter, I am going to deal with a hill giant menace.

Serraangel10: Join the Sapphire Guard and keep citizens safe from Player Killers!
iloveyew2: I said
iloveyew2: Hi
iloveyew2: Youu
iloveyew2: ^.^
iloveyew2: Ok
iloveyew2: Fail twice
Serraangel10: Hello.
iloveyew2: Hi
iloveyew2: : 3
iloveyew2: Herrow
iloveyew2: :)
iloveyew2: Triple fail!
iloveyew2: : 3
iloveyew2: Hi?
iloveyew2: :3
Panther17515: Hi
iloveyew2: Huhu
Panther17515: Im good
iloveyew2: Hows yew
iloveyew2: :o
iloveyew2: Waaaaww
iloveyew2: Ferry nishe mr :3
iloveyew2: Herrow

(A few more stupid comments from iloveyew2 later...)

Lavarock57: Recruiting
Lavarock57: Wanna join serraangel
Lavarock57: Hhheeeeeeyyyyy
Serraangel10: Lavarock, what is your clan all about?
Serraangel10: Do you protect the weak?
Lavarock57: Yes we help as much as we can
Serraangel10: Do you guard the sacred order of the universe?
Lavarock57: Yes
Lavarock57: If you want
Serraangel10: And the most important question...
Serraangel10: Do you destroy player killers??????
Lavarock57: I dont mind