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Tarlek Flamehai
2013-01-27, 12:38 PM
Hello All,

I was hoping for a critique of the following character. I envision him as a womanizing scoundrel and musical swashbuckler. Thanks in Advance!

Race: Fey'ri (RoF)
Region: Delimibyr Vale (RoF Errata)
LA: +2
Demonic Abilities: Charm Person, Suggestion, Detect Thoughts, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance
Languages: Common, Abyssal, Draconic, Elven, Gnoll, Goblin, Sylvan
Flaws: Cannot Alter Self While Observed (DM Mandated), Lecherous
Sex: Male
Alignment: Chaotic-Neutral
Age: 128
Deity: Lliira

Abilities (after racial bonuses)
STR 14
DEX 19
CON 11
INT 17
WIS 13
CHA 17

Starting Class: Bard (Bardic Knack Variant; PH2)
FEATS: Magic in the Blood (PGtF), Elf Dilettante (RotW), Melodic Casting (CM)
Skill Points: Bluff 2, Decipher Script 2, Diplomacy 2, Knowledge (Arcana) 4, Perform (Singing, Dancing, Strings) 4 each, Skill Tricks .5, Speak Language 1, Spellcraft 4, Tumble 4, Use Magic Device 4
Starting EQ: MW Longsword, MW Studded Leather, MW Buckler, MW Lute, Sunrod, Shriekpaste, Smokestick, Wand of Detect Magic (50 Ch)

Planned Feats: Versatile Performer (CAdv), Snowflake Wardance (FtBn), Knowldge Devotion (CChm), Two-Weapon Fighting, Chaos Music
Planned Skill Tricks: Collector of Stories, Conceal Spellcasting, Social Recovery, Spot the Weakpoint
Planned Classes/Levels
Battle Dancer 1, Bard 1, Bladesong Duskblade 1, Bard 1, Elven Swashbuckler 1, Bard 1, Swashbuckler 1, Elven Swashbuckler 1, Bard 9

Battle Dancer DH d8
Class Skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artisit, Hide, Dex, Jump, Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Perform, Sleight of Hand, Swim, Tumble
Simple Weapon Proficiency, No Armor or Shield Proficiencies
AC Bonus (Ex): When unarmored and unencumbered the battle dancer adds his Charisma bonus to his AC. This applies even against touch attacks and flat-footed. Lost when immobilizied or helpless.
Bonus Feat: Improved Unarmed Strike
BAB: as fighter
Saves: Good Ref, Poor Fort and WIll
Unarmed Damage: 1d6

Bladesong Duskblade (The Greater Treasure Web Enhancement) HD d8
Bladesinger Spells: A bladesong duskblade adds the following spells to his duskblade spell list (see page 24 of Player’s
Handbook II): 0—electric joltSC, resistance; 1st—mage armor, shield; 2nd—bladesongSp:B (see below), blur, burning swordSC, heroism, mirror
image, protection from arrows, swift hasteSC; 3rd—blink, displacement, greater mage armorSC; 4th—haste, improved invisibility, stoneskin; 5th—
greater blinkSC.
A bladesong duskblades removes all necromancy and fear spells from his duskblades spell list, including: 0—disrupt undead,
touch of fatigue; 1st—blade of blood, cause fear, chill touch, ray of enfeeblement; 2—ghoul touch; 3—doom scarabs, ray of exhaustion, vampiric
touch; 4—enervation, phantasmal killer; 5—waves of fatigue.
Bladesong Style (Ex): When wielding a longsword, rapier, elven lightbladeRW, or elven thinbladeRW in one hand (and
nothing in the other), a bladesong duskblade gains a dodge bonus to Armor class equal to his class level, up to a maximum of
his Intelligence bonus. If the elf wears medium or heavy armor, he loses all benefits of the bladesong style.
This substitution feature replaces the standard duskblade’s proficiency with medium armor, heavy armor, and shields (as
well as armored mage benefits with light shields).
Reflexive Grace (Ex): A bladesong duskblade uses the good base save bonus progression for Reflex save and poor base
save bonus progression for Fortitude save. This change applies to every duskblade level the elf takes thereafter. (In effect,
switch the Fortitude Save and Reflex Save bonuses listed at any and all duskblade levels the character takes.)

Elven swashbucklers are the epitome of grace and as comfortable with a longsword as a rapier.
Hit Die: d8
To take an elven swashbuckler substitution level, a character must be an elf about to take her 1st, 3rd, or 6th level of
Class Skills
Elven swashbucklers often develop their natural observation abilities to better avoid surprise. Elven swashbuckler substitution
levels have the class skills of the standard swashbuckler class, plus Listen (Wis) and Spot (Wis).
Skill Points at Each Level: 4 + Int modifier (or four times this number as a beginning character).
Class Features
All the following are class features of the elven swashbuckler racial substitution levels.
Elven Weapon Finesse (Ex): An elven swashbuckler gains Weapon Finesse as a bonus feat at 1st level even if he does not
qualify for the feat. In addition, an elven swashbuckler may apply the feat’s benefits with a longsword.
This substitution feature replaces the standard swashbuckler’s Weapon Finesse class feature.
Reflexive Grace (Ex): An elven swashbuckler uses the good base save bonus progression for Reflex save and poor base
save bonus progression for Fortitude save. This change applies to every swashbuckler level the elf takes thereafter. (In effect,
switch the Fortitude Save and Reflex Save bonuses listed at any and all swashbuckler levels the character takes.)
Combat Expertise (Ex): An elven swashbuckler gains Combat Expertise as a bonus feat at 2nd level even if he does not
qualify for the feat.
This substitution feature replaces the standard swashbuckler’s grace class feature at 2nd

2013-01-27, 01:37 PM
You may find this (http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?327699-Shiver-Me-Timbers-It-s-Black-Jack-Wellesley!) build of use.

Lortharian Duin
2013-01-27, 02:17 PM
May I ask you where did you find ELVEN SWASHBUCKLER Substitution Levels?
I haven't stumbled on that one particular.
I find your build very cool. Don't make yourself too MAD though. By adding CHA Mod into AC via Battle Dancer you won't get much. You mustn't wear armor to get its bonus and even then, your CHA mod being +3, even if its +4, it won't be something overwhelming. You could wear Mithral Chain Shirt and still have +4 to AC without loosing Bards caster level and whatnot (and that's without magic enhances). Bards do not incur ASF in light armor, which is gold.
I don't think +1 BAB that is given by Battle Dancer is worth taking that class IMO.

If you want to be unarmored and have that unarmed attack then go right ahead. While looking at your planned feats I see you will tend to go into melee (Two-weapon fighting, Snowflake Wardance) and that is not a good place to go without any armor. :smallsmile:

Piggy Knowles
2013-01-27, 02:41 PM
If you're building a womanizing scoundrel that is a swashbuckler, you probably want to take a fourth level in swashbuckler for the seduction (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/cwc/20070227x) ability.

2013-01-27, 03:27 PM
Melodic Casting (CM)
Skill Points: Perform (Singing, Dancing, Strings) 4 each

You might want a Ring of Undersong instead of burning a feat for Melodic Casting, and then use that feat for Versatile Performer, which means you can buy one Perform to 12 rather than three to 4.

Tarlek Flamehai
2013-01-28, 01:53 PM
May I ask you where did you find ELVEN SWASHBUCKLER Substitution Levels?
I haven't stumbled on that one particular.
I find your build very cool. Don't make yourself too MAD though. By adding CHA Mod into AC via Battle Dancer you won't get much. You mustn't wear armor to get its bonus and even then, your CHA mod being +3, even if its +4, it won't be something overwhelming. You could wear Mithral Chain Shirt and still have +4 to AC without loosing Bards caster level and whatnot (and that's without magic enhances). Bards do not incur ASF in light armor, which is gold.
I don't think +1 BAB that is given by Battle Dancer is worth taking that class IMO.

If you want to be unarmored and have that unarmed attack then go right ahead. While looking at your planned feats I see you will tend to go into melee (Two-weapon fighting, Snowflake Wardance) and that is not a good place to go without any armor. :smallsmile:




Lortharian Duin
2013-01-29, 08:17 AM

Thank you very much.