View Full Version : Need help on Character ideas.

2013-01-28, 03:31 AM
So I was wondering, In my Campaign that I'm playing There is going to be a next Generation of Heroes from our past ones. Like the heroes kids and such, I was thinking about mine, A human Arcane Trickster who wife is a Shifter Eldertich knight. I was just wondering What class should their child be if they had any?:smallconfused: :smallbiggrin:

2013-01-28, 04:09 AM
I'm thinking commoner. Unless you're royalty, in that case, aristocrat.

2013-01-28, 04:41 AM
what were they before prcing?
racewise i'd say tossup between human or shifter (50/50) if they can breed at all. Otherwise: adopted

2013-01-28, 04:50 AM
what were they before prcing?
racewise i'd say tossup between human or shifter (50/50) if they can breed at all. Otherwise: adopted

With all the magic in the world? I'm positive that if a bee and a sentient shade of blue decided to have a child, there would be a wizard who could figure out a way for it to happen.

2013-01-28, 07:01 AM
I'm thinking shifter, but since the blood would be thinned he doesn't get the shifting ability (just left with the other shifter traits). Since he would have invaluable connections to both the shifter and human communities, you should probably throw on a +1 LA. Maybe +2.

For classes I recommend a truenamer/monk gish.

2013-01-28, 07:03 AM
For Class, I would say Unseen Seer, which can pretty much represent a cross between Eldritch Knight (high BAB, no sneak attack) and Arcane Trickster (low BAB, full sneak attack), to give medium BAB and some sneak attack.

2013-01-28, 11:08 AM
I'd have the kid as human myself. I mean what form does the Shifter usually take? Least when dealing with your Significant Other? I'd use that to determine race. Shifter usually takes elf form? Make a half elf. Human form? Make it a human. Etc. Not talking about what form they might take in battle, but what form they take when just being with them and not expecting to have to fight off a dragon or enemy wizards or pyscho assassins.

Class? I wouldn't feel tied down to make anything a particular class. Much less based on what the parents are. While the parents would be able to teach the kid their skills easily enough, the kid might not be well suited for it. Genetics isn't really dependable like that. You might end up with, well, anything stat wise. And while training/exercise/practice might account for some of your stats, there's also just natural aptitude. The kid with asthma, fragile bones, and poor hand eye coordination is never going to be some frontline warrior no matter how much Dad wants him to be, or how much he practices.

He could end up with a guild/apprenticeship teaching him anything really. Hell, Dad and Mom's old adventuring buddies might spark the kid's interest in an entirely different field.

It's usually a fatal error to presume kids are clones of their parents. Most parents do presume that. But it doesn't change the fact that they aren't.

2013-01-28, 11:33 AM
Class? I wouldn't feel tied down to make anything a particular class. Much less based on what the parents are. While the parents would be able to teach the kid their skills easily enough, the kid might not be well suited for it. Genetics isn't really dependable like that. You might end up with, well, anything stat wise. And while training/exercise/practice might account for some of your stats, there's also just natural aptitude. The kid with asthma, fragile bones, and poor hand eye coordination is never going to be some frontline warrior no matter how much Dad wants him to be, or how much he practices.

Look at the Greenhilt family.
The dynamics between Horace and Eugene Greenhilt. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0498.html
Then Roy and Eugene. http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0565.html
Maybe for this kid, some factotum. Both parents are casters of some sort, but he got bored in class and never really paid attention, no matter how much they tried to teach him.
Factotum would represent that with arcane dilettante.

Regarding race, I think the general rule is that a halfbreed and a fullbreed produce a fullbreed. So halfelf+elf=elf. halforc+human=human. The kid might have some unusual characteristics from their halfbreed parent, like rounded ears or slight fangs in the respective examples above.
Shifters are pretty much human right? With a little animal thrown in? So the kid would probably be human.

Shining Wrath
2013-01-28, 11:36 AM
Racewise, I'd say the kid takes after one of the parents ... either Human, or Shifter, but not some weird Shuman or Hifter. Or you could take Human but ask the DM to give you the Lycanthrope bloodline (www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/races/bloodlines.htm) for free. It's not particularly powerful.

Classwise, the kids has to have some experience with magic. Dad is a wizard / rogue combo, Mom is a wizard fighter. Where you go depends on the kid's personality, as follows:

Kid is closest to / wants to earn approval from Dad: Caster.
Kid is closest to / wants to earn approval from Mom: Melee.
Kid is left alone a lot while Dad & Mom adventure, and grows up self-sufficient and somewhat resentful: Roguish.
Kid is REALLY resentful and trying to take a "I'm above your petty adventuring" attitude with the parentals - monk or cleric families.
The parents really worked at giving the kid a balanced, well rounded adventuring / general education: Factorum, Artificer, etc. One of the "I can cast but I'm also a skill monkey" group.
A caster / melee / rogue blend as a non-PRC class? Uh ... Swordsage?

2013-01-29, 09:30 AM
These are all great ideas!! Thanks, I'm glad I had some extra opinions on this, Also factuom or Artificer sounds pretty awesome, I love the ideas, also The race wise, I think my D.M is going to do 50/50 thing, but thanks you helped a lot :smallbiggrin:

Shining Wrath
2013-01-29, 11:50 AM
These are all great ideas!! Thanks, I'm glad I had some extra opinions on this, Also factuom or Artificer sounds pretty awesome, I love the ideas, also The race wise, I think my D.M is going to do 50/50 thing, but thanks you helped a lot :smallbiggrin:

Perhaps suggest the Lycanthrope bloodline as a near-approximation of a halfbreed human / shifter.