View Full Version : Thoughts on if this is a decent idea

2013-01-28, 04:54 PM
So i have played optimized characters up the wazoo. most of the people i play with are new to D&D or not optimizers. so i always lead with dealing large damage and pretty much being the unkillable one of the party (thank you Totemist)

so ive decided to step back a bit and play something new to me. a caster.

I have landed on Beguiler 5-6/ Sand Shaper.

we generally play in a low magical items setting. so im relying on wits and tact to play well.

since this is my first caster like player. what kind of feats should i be grabbing as a Beguiler?


2013-01-28, 04:56 PM
Beguilers are practically tailor-made for a 1-level dip into Mindbender at level 6, and then taking Mindsight from Lords of Madness. Psychic radar is pretty sweet, especially since it lets you know if the thing you're looking at is mindless (and thus won't fall under your enchantments, but will be utterly fooled by your illusions).

2013-01-28, 04:59 PM
oh interesting. i will have to dig out that book and look into it

i wanted to go into Sand Shaper though. so i was looking for thoughts on if that was possible...

although so do love psionics ;)

2013-01-28, 05:01 PM
Versatile Spellcaster is awesome for a beguiler at any level, both due to a beguiler's large list of spells known and their decent number of spells per day to fuel it. Burn two lower-level spells and instead cast a higher-level one? Yes please!

When it comes to Sand Shaper, you can actually qualify for that and pick up a dip in Mindbender along the way. Most of the time, you're unable to snag the Touchstone feat until 6th-level, so you can dip into Mindbender for one level before picking up Sand Shaper. Your DM can let you in with the "native item" requirement instead, but that's unlikely given your low-item setting. Mindsight would be a real blessing if you don't have items to serve as your radar. Your build could look like this, with a free feat slot at 3rd that you can season to taste:

1|Beguiler 1|Versatile Spellcaster
1|Beguiler 2|
1|Beguiler 3|3rd
1|Beguiler 4|
1|Beguiler 5|Silent Spell (bonus)
1|Mindbender 1|Touchstone: City of the Dead
1|Sand Shaper 1|
1|Sand Shaper 2|
1|Sand Shaper 3|Mindsight[/table]

2013-01-28, 05:12 PM
that is some solid info. thank you!

a great help!

all i want is a sand horse to cart me around while i illusion everything in the face.

:) thank you!