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Chained Birds
2013-06-25, 05:08 AM

"I have sure encountered a lot of interesting creatures I cannot have a practical conversation with today... What's up with that?!"

Ren huffs about as Lao and Felgor ponder about things.

2013-06-25, 05:16 AM
Jacqueline smiles and speaks to Ren:
"That's because they aren't smart as you, Sharp One... It's just that drider's fault: it didn't care about the intelligence of these poor creatures... he just wanted to make fun of them".
She gets serious:
"This is a good reason to blame it... what do you think, Sharp One?"
Then she speaks to the group:
"I can try to concentrate again to find out more about the carving on the wall... Do you agree?"

Chained Birds
2013-06-25, 05:23 AM

"I just don't understand something (Maybe because I'm not that smart), but if that Drider(?) person was so smart to have all these experiments and plans going on, why did it die?"

Ren scratches her head,

"I'm just saying, with everything we've seen so far and may see later, why would it go out of the lair and attack us by itself? Isn't that like a Mad Scientist taking up a pitchfork and trying to stab the angry villagers outside the castle instead of fleeing or using his monsters?"

2013-06-25, 06:33 AM
"It's possible the Drider considered these creatures too valuable to waste. Or, it was taking care of them at someone else's orders."

2013-06-25, 06:44 AM
Benkei thinks about the matter.
"You're right, R... Sharp One. But I think it didn't expect such a resistance. The caravan guards were not a match for the spider riders... and without your help, I could never defeat the drider. Also, we were well prepared thanks to the prophecy... We could all be infected by the disease of that foul undeads, without it."
He shakes his pale head.
"This lizards looks even more powerful than the spider riders... I really want to see what's the secret of the drider."

2013-06-25, 12:19 PM
Felgor scratched his beard, seeing the runes around the room. "There be nine runes, three o' which are glowin' differently. Looks like six o' them are 'emittin' fer lack of a better term, while three o' them are absorbin'. Not sure what that be meanin', but Ah'll leave up ta the smarter o' ye to figgur out ..."

Felgor shares the information he found, uncertain what it means as of yet.

KS Arcana: [roll0], Spellcraft: [roll1]

2013-06-26, 01:51 AM
Felgor has totally no idea of the meaning of the runes, but he's able to detect a link between the runes and the cage - they are affecting it somewhat.

2013-06-26, 11:23 AM
Felgor grunted to himself. "Ah'm bettin' those runes are affectin' the cage ... somehow ..."

2013-06-26, 12:21 PM
Victor casts Detect Magic himself. "Let's have a look at this cage."


Victor will also investigate the runes and cage to see if there is anything he can figure out.

2013-06-27, 02:32 AM
Victor feels somewhat tired while examinating the runes... it seems to him that the three runes with a different glowing are absorbing life force. The glowing remembers him the crystals used by the drider.
Also, he feels at ease while checking one of the other runes (the "C1" in the pattern).
Finally, he can feel that the cage is charged with lightning energy.

2013-06-27, 08:39 AM
Victor relays what he sensed to the others.

2013-06-27, 08:54 AM
Felgor nodded, looking somewhat relieved that someone else had been able to decipher a little more about these runes. "Praps we should touch one o' the runes? Th'one ye noticed felt ... better?"

Chained Birds
2013-06-27, 09:48 AM

"I'm curious as to why you want someone to touch it, but as the saying goes, "Curiosity Rewarded the Cat.""

Ren offers to touch the rune.

2013-06-27, 11:39 AM
Shefri cast the Detect Magic spell and replies:
"I feel more... attuned to the central one on the left (OOC - the "B1"). For the rest, I agree with Victor... the glowing ones are absorbing life. Sharp One, it's up to you to decide what to touch..."
He stops for a little.
"I think that Jacqueline should wait to concentrate again... it was scaring... let's keep it as a last resort, OK?"

Chained Birds
2013-06-27, 12:14 PM

Ren gives an irritated exclamation,

"My choice?! I don't know anything about runes or magical junk with runes on them. Leaving the choice to me is akin to flipping a bloody coin!"

The Catfolk studies the runes closely, noticeably not understanding a single detail about them, and proceeds to touch the one Shefri mentioned.

2013-06-27, 01:12 PM
Felgor looked at the runes, wondering about the affinity both mages seemed to share with the them. Looking at Shefri and Victor, he pondered for a moment. "You lads are wizards of a sort, aye? And ye each use certain magiks ... fire and ice, right? I wonder if'n the runes are based on the positive and negative energy o' the universe, an' th'elements as well ... praps fire, ice, and lightnin'?"

What do ye mages think?"

2013-06-27, 05:48 PM

The ophiduan feels somewhat abandoned by the turn of the conversation, but waits for his companions' decision stoically, and helps provide what details of the runes he saw. "Should you wish, I can try to manipulate the runes as well," he offers, volunteering his services.

2013-06-28, 03:47 AM
The Catfolk studies the runes closely, noticeably not understanding a single detail about them, and proceeds to touch the one Shefri mentioned.

Ren starts touching the rune... and she feels that the rune is starting to leak her life force. She feels uneasy... but she feels that she need to go on if she wants to have an effect. So... is she wanting to go ahead?

Chained Birds
2013-06-28, 05:39 AM

Ren continues to touch the rune.

2013-06-28, 07:08 AM
OOC for Ren:
Ok, Ren gets a negative level... but she feels that the rune pattern on the wall demands more - as if she needs to complete a sequence. Ren knows little of magic, but as a catfolk she's cunning and intuitive :smalltongue:
The runes that previously glowed in a "different" way stops their glowing and revert to the same status of the other ones.
The one touched by Ren replaces this "different" glowing.
Shefri looks somewhat at ease.

Chained Birds
2013-06-28, 07:37 AM

"Do I have to touch another rune?"

Ren asks, looking pale.

2013-06-28, 08:54 AM

The snakeman looks at the barbarian with his usual inscrutable expression, then comes over. "Is there a problem I could help you with, Miss Ren?" he says quietly.

Chained Birds
2013-06-28, 09:34 AM

"I feel like someone stabbed me in the soul... Odd sensation... Don't really like it..."

2013-06-28, 11:13 AM

The ophiduan looks at her appraisingly. His knowledge of medicine is nearly nonexistant, but she does seem a bit paler. "If you would prefer to, we can take turns. This seems to have drained you a bit."

Chained Birds
2013-06-28, 12:12 PM

"Nah, I can probably do it about 3 more times. After that, I'd probably die.
No need to concern yourself Regal One."

2013-07-02, 08:14 AM
OOC - forget to post this...

Shefri looks at Ren, at the runes and at the cage.
"Strange... The cage is no more sparkling with electricity..."

2013-07-03, 09:15 AM
Felgor sighed in frustration. His eyes were going cross-eyed, staring at the runes and trying to figure them out. Shaking his head, he turned to the others. "All ah kin see is that the first column looks t'control fire, ice and lightnin'. The top and middle runes in th' middle column look like they complement each other, but ah canne tell how.

Ah'm thinkin' th'cage was hurtin' the creature, but Ah cannae tell how ta turn it off. And Ah'm sorry lass, he said, turning to Ren. "Ah cannae heal what it's done t'ye ... and without pushin' more runes, ah'm not sure we kin figure anythin else out."

Further investigation would have to be left to the scholar amid the group, since the forgemaster seemed unable to solve the puzzle of the runes. Turning back to the beast, he decided on a course and cast one of his last spells, one that would allow him to speak with others. Of course, if the beast wasn't intelligent, it would be a waste ...

"Here now, ye big beastie' ... kin ye understand me? If so, speak! Ah dinnae want t'kill ye, but we turned off yer cage, so keep yer fire breath to yerself!"

Casting comprehend languages ... it'll work if the beast can speak. If not, maybe it'll work later.

Oh dang (slaps forehead) - I suppose if the runes are actually part of a language, Felgor should be able to understand thos too!


0 - Detect Magic, Create Water, Guidance, Light
1 - Comprehend Languages, Lead Blades, Protection from Evil
2 - Share Language, Resist Energy
Domain - Animate Rope, Wood Shape

2013-07-03, 09:35 AM
OOC - well, the idea of Ren and Felgor speaking to the lizard is just too... funny... so...

Felgor cannot get further information from the runes - they are magical and beyond the power of his spell.

Nevertheless, he has a reaction from the lizard...
"YoU sPeAk Me! Me HeAr YoU! BoSs No SpEaK! Me LiZzY! LizZy WaNt FiRe! CaGe CoLd!"

2013-07-03, 10:19 AM
Felgor blinked in surprise. He looked at the others, shaking his head. "Uh ... it ... 'Lizzy' ... answered me. Shefri, kin ye touch th'rune ye feel most comfortable with? Use me axe first ..."

Hoping the negative level might be based on affinity. Not sure if Shefri can avoid the affects, but since he's an NPC now, he gets the opportunity to fail uh succeed!

Looking at the talking lizard, he bowed his head slighty. "How's that, Lizzy?" If the beast is happier, he pointed across the room. "Since we seem ta be friends, kin ye tell me where yer bosses room was? And if'n ye saw a crown?"

2013-07-03, 10:55 AM
Shefri waits a little... he will touch the rune only if Ren allows him to do it :smalltongue: no need to upset a catfolk, you know...

BTW, to speed up a little, if Ren agrees...
Shefri touches the rune, replacing Ren. As soon as Ren move her hand away from the rune, it stop glowing (Ren still have the negative level BTW).
Shefri gasps, but he keeps his hand on the rune. And [after a good spellcraft roll] he says:
"It's not enough... I need to complete a pattern to have some effect... What do you suggest me to touch now?"

2013-07-03, 10:57 AM
If Ren agrees to let Shefri do that ... Thinking quickly, Felgor points at the same two that were touched before. It seemed to make sense that configuration should enable fire emission.

Chained Birds
2013-07-03, 11:00 AM

"So now you can speak to it... is speaking to it helping with the rune stuff?"

Ren agrees to everything, so long as it will help speed things up.

2013-07-03, 11:23 AM
Shefri nods at Felgor and touches the runes indicated by Felgor. Then he steps back, gasping.
Now the cage is surrounded by flames - and Lizzy moves its tail like a dog.
"CaGe FiRe! LiZzY hApPy!"

The creature breathes a huge cone of fire toward the opposite corridor... then it turns to Felgor again.
"LiZzY sLeEp? PaPy sAy LiZzY fIrE, LiZzY sLeEp!"

2013-07-03, 01:26 PM
Felgor shook his head to Ren. "Nay lass ... we could always speak t'it. Ah just kin understand 'im now."

To the lizard, he nodded. "Aye, Lizzy, go t'sleep fer now."

If the way was clear, Felgor would lead the way towards the otherside of the cave, looking around for anything of interest or note.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-07-03, 03:53 PM

The snakeman looks on with a curious expression on his face. "Wait, that creature could talk? Remarkable."

Having said that, he takes point once again, looking around before they descend into the darkness.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-07-04, 02:16 AM
Lizzy winks at Felgor and tries to find a comfortable position in the cage - like a cat. Well, like a fire-breathing-giant-lizard-with-tentacles... Nevermind.
Felgor and Lao move forward with care, but the way is free. Lizzy doesn't care about them and they reach the opposite side of the room. The corridor leads to a big chamber... Here's the description for who want to follow... (surely Jacqueline, Shefri, Valkyria, Benkei and Nathor):
The room is big, with an irregular form, and there is light - some magical small lights floats in the room. Darkvision does not allow proper book reading... and there are some books, on a small wooden table - without chairs.
The room is messy. On a side, you can see a straw mattress; on the floor, leftover food and some half-devoured small animals; on another side, a trivet with a small water bowl.
There is a wooden door on the opposite side of the room (with respect to the side you came).
There are also some big webs - hanging from the ceiling of the room. It seems that some things are trapped in the webs - as they need to be easily retrieved in the mess.
But the strangest thing is a big picture on a wall. It seems a circle with sixteen strange symbols on it - and inside it, another circle with six other symbols.

2013-07-04, 02:35 AM
Felgor searched for arcane and divine magiks in the room, as well as looking to the symbols for any comprehension from the spell he was under.

Cast detect magic. If necessary, he'll cast light, although Ren should still have a light spell with her, too.

2013-07-04, 02:46 AM
Results of detect magic:
- The whole room: desecration spell active
- Wall: slighly magic, but you don't understand them
- Floor: some magical auras from some weapons and a shield
- Table: some magical auras from some potions
- Web: a strong magical aura from a small chest pending from a web
beyong the door, POWERFUL magical auras...

2013-07-04, 02:48 AM
Felgor relayed his findings to the others, concentrating on the weapons and shields for a moment. "Praps one o' ye kin bring down tha chest ... But be careful ye don't get bit."

2013-07-04, 03:01 AM
Full list of magic weapon/shields:
- Large mithril shield +1
- Dagger +2
- Dagger +1, returning
- Long sword +1

Chained Birds
2013-07-04, 06:39 AM

"Bunch of shiny weapons in here, but I don't think it helps us solve the puzzle thing..."

2013-07-04, 07:13 AM
Shefri coughs - he doesn't feel good - and he replies to Ren:
"I think that Felgor was right, we just needed to calm Lizzy in order to pass. Lightning made her uneasy - the drider trained her to breath to everyone unless the magic of the cage were set to fire. We solved the puzzle - I don't know the meaning of the other runes, but it doesn't matter now... I wonder what there's in the chest and beyond the door..."

Chained Birds
2013-07-04, 08:17 AM

"If no one has the ability to disarm a trapped chest, I'm willing to open it without thinking of the consequences."

2013-07-04, 03:30 PM

The snakeman has been studying the room silently, before he joins the others in contemplating the mystery of the nice, promising chest."We shall cross that bridge when we get to it, Miss Ren. I can't disarm traps, but I have some skill noticing details - such as whether there are any traps to begin with," he offers, crouching down to examine the chest in more details.

Wait, Liriel already listed some weapons, isn't that the content of the chest? If no, Lao will try a perception check: [roll0]

2013-07-05, 01:44 AM
OOC - the weapons are scattered on the floor, they are not in the chest. BTW Lao does not get any insight about the chest (does he want to take 20?)

2013-07-05, 02:27 AM
Felgor looked around, relaying what he had learned from his spell. "Them weapons and shield be magical, if'n any wish ta use 'em. That dagger kin be thrown and it'll return t'yer hand. Ah kin carry them fer now.

Careful wit th'chest ... might have a magical trap, too. Shefri and Victor, kin ye tell anythin about those potions?"

Gather the spoils, continue to search for the crown ... although I'm hoping it's in the chest, it may be in the POWERFUL aura room (shudder)

2013-07-05, 02:47 AM
((Yeah, since apparently my perception rolls tend towards the laughable :smallbiggrin:)).

2013-07-05, 07:12 AM
The chest is not locked... but Lao sees an hidden mechanism. Probably there is a trap and also a way to prevent it from springing, but that's not a skill that Lao learned :smallwink:

2013-07-05, 08:02 PM

The lizardman sets the chest on the ground. "There seems to be something linked to the opening mechanism," he says. "Perhaps a good shock will open it yet, or we need to point it in a safe direction."

2013-07-08, 09:50 AM
Felgor sighed, thinking back to their defeat of the drider. "Well, since it ain't locked, did we find anythin on the drider that could be a disarmin' key?" If the answer was no (and the chest didn't have any spots where something could be placed), he pulled free his hammer. "Let's see what we kin do with me chest opener ..."

Using his longhammer, Felgor will try to pop it open from a few feet back, from the side, least it fire something straight out!

Then it's time to concentrate the potions and the door.

2013-07-08, 10:08 AM
The gentle metod used by Felgor works. Some hits and the chest crashed - after spraying some gas in front of it... but no one is affected.
And you see that the chest contains a golden circlet - about 8-10 inches in diameter. It looks somewhat magical.
Shefri starts to check the potions (5 of them) - they look all healing potions.

2013-07-08, 10:18 AM
Felgor sighed with relief, wondering if this crown was indeed what they were looking for. He used some extra cloth from his pack to wrap the crown without touching it, then placed it in his pack. At Shefri's announcement concerning the potions, he nodded. "Best ye grab those and keep 'em handy ... might be needin' 'em ..."

Pointing towards the door, he waved the others over. "If'n ye spell-casters kin help me decipher what is behind this door, and ye others check fer traps and such!"

Time to focus on the door ... if we don't find anything trappy, let's open it!

Chained Birds
2013-07-08, 09:08 PM

"I like doors. They lead to new possibilities and less depressing things... Most of the time."

2013-07-08, 11:03 PM
Victor will check the door with Detect Magic, and use what little perceptive abilities he has.


2013-07-09, 03:13 AM

The ophiduan walks near the door, checking for any traps or other strange details. If he finds none, he will lean towards it, putting his ear (or ear-analogous body part) to it to see if he hears anything from the other end.

Perception: take 10 for 20

2013-07-10, 01:57 AM
The door is not magic and not trapped. Victor feels that beyond the door there is something with a strong magical aura, BTW.

2013-07-10, 02:14 AM
Felgor glanced at the others, then considered the crown they had already found. "D'ye think we should free th'poor soul back there first? Or test our luck beyond this door?" He figured he knew what Ren's perspective would be, but he was interested in what the others had to say first.

If everyone agreed to press on, he would step forward and open the door first, unwilling to put others in harms way before himself. However, if the group wished to free the foolish lord first, he would lead the way back to the foul room of negative energy and assist in completing that task.

Giving the GM some options, in case I'm not able to post immediately and we have a concensus :smallbiggrin:

2013-07-10, 02:40 AM
Benkei is restless. "Let's finish our business here!"
Shefri and Nathor agree. Jacqueline is studying the drawing on the wall and she's speaking lowly to herself... then Shefri tells her the question from Felgor and she agrees, too.

2013-07-10, 11:33 AM
The majority of the group seemed intent on moving forward ... therefore Felgor was ready to advance!

I'll pause, just in case the other PCs don't want to go!

2013-07-15, 09:10 AM
Felgor didn't hear any dissent from Ren, Lao or Victor, so he shrugged to himself and moved forward to open the door, weapon at the ready.

Least we lose interest, I guess we'll press forward!

2013-07-15, 11:36 AM
Felgor open the door... and he can see the other room...
The room is not so small - about the same size of the one you're now - but Felgor feels a feeling of claustrophobia (even if he's a dwarf!)
The light is really dim (some magical lights), and there are webs everywhere. But they are not simple webs... they are woven in strange, disturbing patterns. And they are... decorated with crystals - the dark crystals generated in the room of the skeleton.
More disturbing, a black altar with the same unholy symbol of the drider (a triangle with a reversed "Y", the unholy symbol of the Ancient Elemental God). The altar is free from the webs... but it exudes evil... it's surely the source of the desecration of this place.
Over the altar, a sphere of darkness.
Felgor hears a voice from it:
"YoU'rE lAtE, FaRnOg. DiD yOu GeT eNoUgH cOrPsE tHiS tImE?"

Chained Birds
2013-07-15, 03:09 PM

"Hmm, everything is always so dark. Glad I "see" better with my nose rather than my eyes."

Ren notes nothing and looks towards Felgor.

"What's up?"

2013-07-15, 04:25 PM
Felgor takes an involuntary step back, the pure weight of evil energy flowing from the room almost overcoming his senses. He turned to the others and growled, "This be th'drider's chapel ... and there's somethin' askin' about bodies."

KS (Arcana): [roll0]
Spellcraft: [roll1]
KS (Relgion): [roll2]
Trying to see if Felgor knows of a better way to end the evil in this room ... or what the voice from the sphere might be ...

PS - do the crystals look breakable?

2013-07-15, 04:53 PM

The snakeman slinks inside the area, and waits around for the others to come. The place does not appeal to him one bit, and yet he's still a bit unnerved when the strange voice starts to speak. He looks at the others.

Knowledge: religion to get a clue what is happening. [roll0]

2013-07-16, 02:04 AM
Lao's check is too low, while Felgor manages to understand a couple of things...
1. The gems can be broken. Felgor remembers that the drider broke one of these gem during the fight.
2. The gems on the webs are not just ornamental... they follow a pattern similar to the runes you saw before meeting Lizzy!
3. There is a... discrepancy between the altar and the voice. As far as Felgor knows, the Elder Elemental God is quite a mindless brute, while the voice seemed quite... sarcastic.
Benkei follows Lao, while Jacqueline is still studying the drawing on the wall; Shefri is with her and Nathor is close to Victor (AFAIK, still back).
Nathor looks quite uneasy after hearing the voice.
Valkyria was saying something to Jacqueline, but she stopped after hearing the voice.

2013-07-16, 08:09 AM
Victor stays close to Felgor, getting his crossbow out if he sees no potential skeletal enemies in the room.

2013-07-16, 08:38 AM
Nathor is close to Victor, breathing hard, grasping his fauchard, trying to calm down...

2013-07-16, 01:24 PM
"Hey Nathor, stay with me man." Victor nudges Nathor, ready to duck if he goes nuts.

2013-07-16, 02:09 PM
Felgor relayed what he understood of the situation. "Them crystals kin be broke ... and they make runes like with th'lizzard. An' the voice dinnae match the altar ..." Shaking his head, he looked to the others. "Any o' ye got somethin' ta destroy them crystals and webs?"

2013-07-17, 03:32 AM
Felgor is interrupted by the voice...
"WeLl, WeLl, WeLl."
Suddenly the darkness above the altar is filled by an huge eye - as if it were a window, too small for the eye. Then the eye is replaced by a set of sharp teeth...
"EnOuGh ChAtTeRiNg. LoOkS lIkE fArNoG wAs NoT cArEfUlL eNoUgH. wHo ArE yOu ThAt SpEaK aBoUt RuInInG mY wOrK? wHo aRe YoU tHat DaRe SpEaK aS I cOuLdN't HeAr?"

2013-07-18, 04:00 PM
Felgor looked back at the others, then back towards the eye. "Tis not important ... but what be yer name, since yer tryin' t'get into our world?" Glancing at the mages while the teeth filled the 'window,' Felgor motioned towards the crystals and pantomimed a snapping motion, while mouthing break them.

Sorry for the delay ... got caught up with lots of work!

2013-07-19, 10:43 AM
"BaH! sMaLl gOoD-dOeRs! WiLl It HeLp To KnOw? YoU'rE aT tHe PrEsEnCe oF OuLsTrA... tHe OnE wHo FoUnD tHe WaY tO iMbUe UnDeAd WiTh ThE pOwEr Of ThE cHaOs... JoIn Me Or DiE..."

2013-07-19, 11:48 AM
Glancing at the others, Felgor pulled free the crossbow with a holy icicle bolt. "There be more than two choices, beastie ..."

KS (Religion): [roll0] and KS (History): [roll1] to see if Felgor has heard of Oulstra ... anyone else have KS (Planes)?

Also, is anyone else out there ready to do some attacking? Or did we hit a dangerous lull?

2013-07-19, 12:45 PM

The ophiduan, looking around for anything that might give him a clue as to what was happening, then whispered at the closest ally "Do we draw back until we get an idea?"

Chained Birds
2013-07-22, 11:39 AM

"This character sounds adorable.

Excuse me Sir OuLsTrA? Do you follow anyone in particular?"

2013-07-23, 02:15 AM
The creature beyond the sphere of darkness moves again in order to have its eye visible, and it looks at Ren... then you see that the eye stretches... and it detaches itself from the creature, getting in the room!
It's a huge eye (bigger than Ren), drooling a black ichor, looking at the party.
In the meantime OuLsTrA speaks again:
"I dO fOlLoW mYsElF, cUrIoUs CaT"...
But before it can say anything else, you see Jacqueline (really pale) and Shefri, really tired, moving toward the room, helped by Valkyrie to stay on their feet... and the girl whispers:
"I... I managed to understand the drawing. They are going to create a gate between the Abyss and the Negative Energy Plane... it will be a disaster..."

2013-07-23, 06:52 AM
Victor comes up next to Jacqueline, making sure his crossbow is loaded, and whispers, "If we break the crystals, will it hurt them, help us, don't know?"

2013-07-23, 08:16 AM
"Breaking the crystals..." - she breathes hard - "since they are forming runes, should will destroy the patterns, seal the gate and prevent that tanar'ri from completing its plan... but they could explode in a huge negative burst... I'm not sure..."

Nathor was already fighting to stay calm... but the words of the girl made him grasp the fauchard hard... "not... again..."

In the meantime the eye turned to Benkey and you hear OuLsTrA uttering these words:
"YoU! a PrOpEr ReCePtAcLe InDeEd..."

Chained Birds
2013-07-23, 01:26 PM

"So many oddities in the world and outside it. Though you are probably not a creation of the Great Mother, so I have no qualms in destroying the crystals around here."

Ren will attempt to break the crystals.

Don't know what actions I need to make to attempt this. :smallconfused:

2013-07-23, 02:35 PM
Felgor frowned at the various discussions, but gripped the heavy crossbow as the eye flew from the rift. Turning to one of his companions he held out the crossbow. "Burn the web, kill the eye!"

Raising the crossbow, he fired a holy bolt into the floating eye, trusting that one of his companions would set fire to the webs holding the crystals ...

Attack: [roll0], Damage: [roll1], holy: [roll2]

Fortune favors the bold!

2013-07-23, 03:44 PM
Lao looks from the side, listening carefully. He does not know what this is, but it doesn't look very good. "Miss Ren, a few moments," he says, quickly. "How huge? and... do you have something flammable?

Chained Birds
2013-07-23, 04:14 PM

"I've got a tanglefoot bag... So I have something flammable."

2013-07-23, 09:09 PM
"I've got an Alchemist's fire or two."

2013-07-24, 02:46 AM
As Felgor speaks, Jacqueline says "Felgor, you're a genious! If we burn the webs and make the crystals fall, they will not explode but we destroy the rune patterns! Shefri, I trust you!"

In the meantime several things happens...
- Shefri fires a fire ray toward a group of webs - some of them burns, but the ray looks underpowered (the negative levels are affecting him too much);
- The eye fires a beam to Benkey, and the undead hunter's body starts to cover with black stains...
- ...but the bolt from Felgor damages the eye, that interrupts its ray!
- Benkey screams... and you hear another scream from Nathor, that's changing (long hair and so :smallwink:). The half elf utters the word "Nalfeshnee!" and charges the eye;
- A third scream comes from the dark sphere... now you see a tentacle and a 11-fingers hand that are grasping the border of the hole, enlarging it...

2013-07-24, 05:27 AM

Strange discussions about the ramifications of interrupting rituals are somewhat above Lao's league, but these hands and tentacles look he can certainly do something about. He is pretty sure enlarging the hole will have very bad consequences.

So he grips his sword firmly and makes sure the consequences are for the offending appendages.

2013-07-24, 07:17 AM
@Lao: do you want to attack the hand or the tentacle? (declare and roll :smallwink:)

2013-07-24, 07:53 AM
Victor fishes an Alchemist's Fire out of his pack, and when able, heaves it into the webs to burn them. (if the eye has webs in it's square, throwing it there might be most useful)

Damage this round:
Damage next round:
and of course 1pt of damage to surrounding squares.

2013-07-24, 08:07 AM
Victor's alchemist fire misses the eye of about 1 km, but it's burning other webs very well! :smallwink:

Felgor and Ren, declare your actions, so (as soon as Lao rolls) I'll start the next round :smallsmile:

2013-07-24, 09:29 AM
Dropping his crossbow to the side, Felgor took a step back and pulled forth the longaxe. With a growl, he attacked the eye again, intent on blinding the foul thing and sending it back to whatever hell it had crawled out of.

"Get ye gone, beastie!"

Okay, KS: Arcana: [roll0], Spellcraft: [roll1] to determine anything Felgor might know about closing the small gate (thinking the mechanics side of this problem, instead of the metaphysical 'planar' side :smallsmile:)

Free actions - drop weapon, 5ft step
Move action - draw weapon
Standard action ... ATTACK! [roll2], damage: [roll3], causes wounding

EDIT: ... Seriously? :smalltongue:

Spoiler0 - Detect Magic, Create Water, Guidance, Light
1 - Comprehend Languages, Lead Blades, Protection from Evil
2 - Share Language, Resist Energy
Domain - Animate Rope, Wood Shape

2013-07-24, 09:46 AM
Ok, let's start with the KS and Spellcraft:
Each gate requires powerful magic to stay open - in this case, Felgor agrees with Jacqueline, the power is provided by the rune patterns.
To close the gate you need to break the rune patterns.

About the attack: Felgor hits the eye, but the longaxe bounces on the surface of it!

2013-07-24, 09:49 AM
Growling even louder, Felgor glanced around the room, then realized what was powering the gate. "Destroy th'webs! They be keepin' the portal open!"

Turning to the webs, he starts to slash away with his axe!

Not sure what checks we need to make, but there's some fire already going on in here and now some slashing! Go team go!

2013-07-24, 10:12 AM
I'll post more as soon as Lao and Ren join the mess :smalltongue:

Chained Birds
2013-07-24, 11:01 AM

"I guess I'll harm the thing."

Ren walks up and lazily slashes the monster in the eye.

Move Action: Move up to creature's eye.
Standard Action: Power Claw Attack VS Eye
- Attack: [roll0]
- Damage: [roll1]
- Crit Confirm (20): [roll2]
- Crit Damage (x2): [roll3]

2013-07-24, 01:25 PM
OOC - what a pity for the confirmation!

Ren slashes the eye with a deep wound... but it closes almost immediatly, leaving a light trace of black ichor. The eye turns to her, while you hear a roar coming from the black sphere.

Chained Birds
2013-07-24, 02:23 PM

"Sorry, but it is your fault for leaving your delicate parts out in the open... Maybe some glasses would help."

2013-07-24, 02:30 PM
Felgor saw the way the wounds healed and shouted, "We're not hurtin' this thing ... we need some magic!"

2013-07-24, 03:48 PM
Oops, some rolls:

Lao will attack the hand, presuming it counts as a surprise round:

damage: [roll1]
Initiative: [roll2]

Next round: flurry like a baws

Edit: if it was not a surprise round I'd have gone with a flurry and PA, or otherwise used my move action... is it too late to change now? At most I'd do a bit more damage.

2013-07-24, 07:42 PM
"Only magic I got left is some piddly acid and frost rays. If we get out of this alive, my next stop is someplace to rest, period," Victor growls.

2013-07-25, 03:28 AM
Lao hits the hand with such strenght that he expects to sever it... but the wounds closes fast, really fast, and just some black ichor sprouts from it.
The ichor splashes on the sword holding hand of Lao... that starts burning as hellfire (well, abyss-fire...) causing 4 strenght damage points to the monk :smalleek:
Let's put it technical: this was not a surprise round since OuLsTrA was aware of the party... I'll declare its action, the NPC action, then it's up to you again...
# Another tentacle comes from the sphere (it's getting big enough) and hits Lao for 18 damages, while the voice of the demon teases the party... "YoU aRe ToO lAtE. i'Ll CrUsH yOu... ThE tIeFlInG wIlL bE a PrOpEr VeSsEl... KnOw ThAt AnD dEsPaIr!"
# The eye's irid turn to a pitch black color... and suddenly everything seems to slow down! Everyone must do a Will ST... everyone but Ren... the pauldron that she found in the forge of Cherudek glows and grows until it covers much of the chest and shoulder blade on the back; the AC bonus that it provides increase from 1 to 4).
# Jacqueline saves. She's looking carefully to the webs.
# Shefri fails and he's slowed. He fires another fire ray, but with little effect.
# Benkei saves. He's breathing hard and looking as his skin, that's... changing?
# Valkyria fails and she's slowed. She's guarding Jacqueline and Shefri (interposing between them and the eye)
# Nathor fails and he's slowed... anyway, his fauchard glows and he attacks the eye with a slow but vicious blow, severely injuring and effectively blinding it. The half-elf screams and laughs... "A nalfeshnee? You are no better than a mane! Hlaja'at Nyx wants your blood, foul Tanar'ri! Despair... you'll meet your fate today! I'm an Ushîo!" The voice of Nathor is full of anger and it's scaring... Did I mention the tattoos that appeared on his face? And the long hair?

2013-07-26, 03:41 PM
Victor's Will Saving Throw:


2013-07-27, 03:54 AM
Will save for Lao: [roll0]

BTW, so if it is not a surprise round, can I presume he could flurry?

2013-07-29, 02:29 AM
He can flurry. BTW remember that he has a 4 damage to STR (I suppose he cannot use Power Attack... STR should be less than 13 now..)

OK, so far Lao saves and Victor fails (and he's slowed).

They and Ren can declare their actions.


2013-07-29, 07:54 AM
((I was under the impression the strength-damaging attack came afterwards in initiative? Anywho, here are the attack rolls, include PA for -1 attack/+2 damage if possible:

Attack 1
Attack: [roll0] +1 if he has 16 str and PAs
Damage:[roll1] +4 if he uses PA

Attack 2
Attack: [roll2] +1 if he has 16 str and PAs
Damage:[roll3] +4 if he uses PA))

Chained Birds
2013-07-29, 09:27 AM

"...Okay. Would be better if you just retract the eye."

She strikes at the current threat (Either Eye or Tentacle).

Full-Attack: Power Claw Attacks + Bite VS Eye or Tentacle
- Claw 1 Attack: [roll0]
- Damage: [roll1]
- Crit Confirm (20): [roll2]
- Crit Damage (x2): [roll3]

- Claw 2 Attack: [roll4]
- Damage: [roll5]
- Crit Confirm (20): [roll6]
- Crit Damage (x2): [roll7]

- Bite Attack: [roll8]
- Damage: [roll9]
- Crit Confirm (20): [roll10]
- Crit Damage (x2): [roll11]

2013-07-29, 09:48 AM
((I was under the impression the strength-damaging attack came afterwards in initiative?
It was not an attack - it's like slashing at Alien: its blood damages you :smalltongue: Lao cut the hand and the black ichor damaged him.

BTW only the second attack hit, but with no serius effect - the wound closes quite immediatly. This time Lao avoids the black ichor :smallwink:

The bite of Ren finishes the eye - that collapses in a black pool of ichor.

As soon as Felgor roll for his save and declare his action, we'll go ahead :smallbiggrin:

2013-07-30, 03:30 PM
Frowning at the fighting going on, and the difficulty of damaging this beast, Felgor growled aloud. Focusing for a moment, he cast a spell upon himself, girding his person against the predations of evil outsiders.

Then he fell upon the webs with gusto, trying to destroy the runic patterns before the creature came through! "Take out the webs, lads, lasses! Kill th'spell!"

Sorry for the delay - no wi-fi for the last six days!

Felgor will cast Protection from Evil, that should hopefully keep him from getting messed with too much. Then he'll work on taking out the webs, with axe if that's effective; if not, then with tinder and flint (or torches, if anyone has those!).

Spells: 0 - Detect Magic, Create Water, Guidance, Light
1 - Comprehend Languages, Lead Blades, Protection from Evil
2 - Share Language, Resist Energy
Domain - Animate Rope, Wood Shape

2013-07-31, 01:39 AM
@Felgor - the axe is effective.

The demon speaks again: "YoU aRe A nUiSaNcE..." and he stops moving the tentacle that hit Lao... and several eyes appears on it!

Benkei breathes hard and speaks to Shefri:
"Shefri, I remember that one of your spells covered a spider-rider like a living flame... can you cast it on me? I can endure it... I'll move to the webs and put an end to this madness!"

The efreet looks at him quite astonished, then he nods at the tiefling. "Go for it, Benkei... This is my last spell..."

Shefri concentrates. His bracers glows and he fires a big ray on Benkei... that gets fire, growling. Then the sorcerer looks at Jacqueline with a sweet smile... and he drops to the ground unconscious!
Jacqueline casts a spell on him, but it looks like the spell energy is drained away, making the flame on Benkei growing. The undead hunter screams:
"I am not hurt... but I'm blind... someone guide me!"

Valkyria is moving forward, toward the sphere of darkness, but she's too slow to make an attack.

Nathor swings his fauchard while getting closer to the demon... the half-elf hits some crystals, that explodes, with a silent burst of negative energy that hurts everyone (but Felgor...) for 5 damages.

OK, turn of our heroes again!

Please let me know if someone is going to...
* help Shefri
* guide Benkei
* concentrate on the destruction of the webs

2013-07-31, 02:08 AM
((what do you mean, guide benkei?))

2013-07-31, 03:30 AM
(I mean, provide him direction...)

Chained Birds
2013-07-31, 11:02 AM

Ren will assist Felgor with the web removal.

"I'll help you cut through this mess now."

2013-07-31, 11:52 AM
Felgor attacked the webs with vigor, nodding his thanks to Ren. He saw Shefri drop, but couldn't get to him in time to help ... especially since he used his last spell.

Shouting out to the tiefling, he called out directions to help engage the webs. "Five steps forward! No, no, more right ... uh ... okay, maybe four o' yer steps! Flail yer arms while movin' to yer left!"

Without a map, I'll leave it at that :smallbiggrin:

Do we need to roll damage for the webs? Or attacks?

2013-07-31, 04:57 PM

The monk watches with distaste how this thing tries to... change the room around them. Somehow it thought that this Benkei was important to it. In that case, helping him deny it would be worthwhile.

He draws slightly and whispers to him. "I will aid you. What would you have me do?"

2013-07-31, 06:51 PM
Victor will blast away at the webs with Acid Splash.

2013-08-05, 06:59 AM
Let's keep it short - since both Lao and Felgor are guiding Benkei (that wants to know where to go without smashing the crystals), the combined effort of Ren, Victor and Benkei are successfull.
Nathor manages to keep the tentacle at bay for a couple of rounds... more than enough for the party to burn most of the webs.

The idea of Felgor was really good - lots of crystals drop to the ground, no more in a runic pattern, and the black sphere reduces to nothing - after some angry scream of the demon beyond.

The vile altar still stands, Benkey is still on fire and Jacqueline is struggling keeping Shefri alive... but you succeed in driving away the demon.

And now?

2013-08-05, 09:46 AM
Felgor grunted in satisfaction, the demon's presence no longer palpable. Turning to the others, he smiled grimly. "Well done, all - best we search th'room and see what we kin do about all these crystals ... and that altar."

He peered at Benkei with a raised eyebrow, but since the man didn't seem to be screaming in pain, he let it be. Instead, he moved over to the young Shefri, who was not doing well. Frowning, he looked around for a moment, then thought of something. Calling Benkei over, he pulled forth one of the holy ice bolts and placed it in a tankard he drew from his pack.

"'Ere now, lad, come help the boy. Ye took his power - now ye need ta be givin' it back. While yer at it, melt one o' thes bolts inta his mouth ... use me tankard here."

Plans: Use one bolt to try and heal Shefri; use another bolt to try and de-desecrate (:smallbiggrin:) the altar. Then we'll collect the gems carefully and figure out what to do with them ... gotta be a way to smash them without killing any of us. Probably let Ren throw a huge rock at them!

2013-08-05, 10:15 AM
Consecrate is what you're looking for there. :D

"So, uh, Benkei, do you need help dousing yourself there...?" Victor is following Felgor's lead at this point, and will offer whatever meager spellcasting is left to him on this day if needed.

2013-08-05, 11:41 AM
The mere presence of Victor is helpful - the flame on the body of Benkey looks weak as he gets closer. The undead hunter follows the suggest from Felgor - the flame moves to the ice bolt, vaporizing it, then returns to the bracers of the efreet - that starts breathing better.

Benkei is staggering but he's fine - the black spots on his body look like just burning. He nods to Felgor and Victor, grateful.

2013-08-05, 12:27 PM
Felgor nodded, almost to himself, then walked to the altar with another ice bolt. "Time ta make sure this dinnae see any more use any time soon ..." Setting the bolt on the altar, the dwarf pulled forth his dagger and began to deface the altar. First, he use some holy water from the bolt to wash over the altar. Then he would cut deep into the symbol on the front, destroying it. Finally, he used the dagger to cut the altar in half (if possible), intent on leaving it in ruins.

2013-08-05, 03:04 PM
(OOC: are there rules for sundering large objects with monk-fu? Because Lao would totally want to do that here, if he can :P)

2013-08-06, 09:54 AM
Felgor stepped forward, the holy water glistening on his special dagger. He motioned the others closer, spread some of the blessed liquid on Lao's hands and offering some to Ren (unwilling to touch her claws without permission!).

Staring at the altar for a moment, he glowered for a moment before speaking. "Allfather, give us strength. We found a drider makin' his home here, but we prevailed. The drider's enslaved a bunch o' mutants and been tamprin' with nature, but we prevailed. 'E's been tappin' inta the negative plane, contaminatin' this world, but we prevailed. 'E's bound a spirit ta power his magiks and open up a portal ta th'negative plane, but we prevailed. Th'drider desecrated th'whole area, but we prevailed. 'E's been servin' a demon devil, who tried ta Gate into our world, but we prevailed. We been slayin' n' stompin' n' destroyin' n' banishin' critters, creatures and foul runes alike ... but now we gotta end this. Please give us strength and guide our hands to stop it ... that we might once more prevail."

With that, he nodded to the others, then struck at the altar, timing it to hit simultaneously with the others, if they so chose to assist ... trying to destroy the altar and end the threat to this world.

There ya go ... hopefully we are sufficient to the task!

2013-08-06, 10:05 AM
OOC - I just can't wait to read what Lao, Ren and maybe Victor are going to add to your mighty invocation! It was super! :smallsmile:

Chained Birds
2013-08-06, 10:57 AM

"Seems a bit mean to destroy a dead guy's altar, though maybe the Great Mother will praise me for it."

Ren applies the holy water and performs a diagonal, spinning, jump strike alongside Felgor's strike. Her hesitation to hit the object vanishing due to the prospect of destroying something with her claws. She grins at the prospect of mincing the unholy stone.

2013-08-07, 03:30 AM

Lao has been eyeing the altar for a while, trying to concentrate his energy and, incidentally, look for any cracks. He'd seen a master of his art do something like that before, and to be frank, he wanted to try it out. After all that had happened here, he is fairly sure this thing was tainted, and should be destroyed. "Let it be done." he says, seemingly to no one.

He stands there, unmoving, as something inside him stirs and coils. It is the inner strength that he sometimes channeled to give him speed and resilience, though now he wills it to strengthen his blows. Though his powers have yet to truly bloom, in this moment he feels something inside him stirring...and he lets it out in a single, powerful strike with all his being - body, mind, and soul - behind it.

2013-08-07, 06:35 AM
Victor sighs to himself and moves to one side, so no one is between him and the altar. "Let's get this over with." He will pelt the altar with a steady stream of Acid Splash castings.

2013-08-07, 08:45 AM
Time for an epic description :smallsmile:

Felgor started the ritual, pouring the holy water and uttering the prayer to his god, while the adamantium dagger started to carve the altar. Ren hit the altar with the fury of the Sharp Point tecnic, while Lao got the power from the core of himself. For a moment, you have the feeling that a huge hammer was striking the altar... and then, the magic from Victor took care of the few remaining of the vile effigy.

The evil of this place is no more. All of you - you finally feel at ease, you sense some peace at last. Only some dust, some burned cobweb, hundreds of dark crystals and a torn book on a corner... it's everything you can see in the room, that suddenly got brighter.

2013-08-07, 09:46 AM
With a sigh, Felgor put away his dagger and patted the others on the lower back, nodding in relief. "Well, that be done. Now fer freein' the spirit and gettin' out o' here. Still got our omen's ta hear."

Using his divine ability to detect magic, Felgor searched the room, focusing on the book in particular. Then he took the time to gather the dark crystals, hoping to place them all in one spot and let the mage destroy them from afar with his magic.

Detect magic, collect the crystals for destruction, free the skeleton.

You know, if Ren took ranks in Handle Animal (or druid), she could try and tame the weird beastie in the other room ... :smallsmile:

2013-08-07, 10:32 AM
The crystals are slighly magic as usual... the book... well, usually a spellbook is not a magic thing, but this one is slighly magical as well.

No other magic things in the room.

2013-08-07, 11:05 AM
Felgor nodded to the book. "Tis a spellbook ... but have a care - them things kin be dangerous and full o' foul magiks."

2013-08-07, 02:22 PM

The snakeman nods slightly. "Most things mystical should be handled with care, or so my elders said. Perhaps you could wrap them in something for now?"

Chained Birds
2013-08-07, 03:02 PM

"We could always burn the book. Probably just a bunch of evil spells in it anyways."

2013-08-07, 04:43 PM
Felgor nodded. "Toss it inta th'cage with the beastie. Let's get a move on, lads and lasses!"

Felgor will grab the book and toss it in his pack, then motion to the crystals. "Kin we put those inta a pile and let the lad throw some acid on 'em? That way nobody uses 'em agin ..."

Okay, ready to press onwards!

2013-08-07, 05:03 PM

The snakeman looks at the dwarf quizzically. "You think they are particularly dangerous?"

2013-08-07, 05:06 PM
Felgor nodded. "In the wrong hands, aye. They be filled with negative power ... tis how th'drider was powerin' his spells. Best we destroy them then leave 'em fer some other foul-minded priest to happen upon ..."

2013-08-08, 02:06 AM
Jacqueline was speaking slowly to Shefri, that finally got better, but she suddenly turns to Felgor as she hears about the book:
"Burn it? WAIT! We didn't find it in the other room... I think that you're holding the Lakhoremtolma Zalarrm! The book of Zala! We cannot burn such a treasure! It's a source of knowledge!"
She looks at Shefri, but he shakes his head, tired. She looks at Benkei, Nathor, and finally to Victor.
"Victor, you're a sorcerer, but I'm sure you could learn a lot from that book... Please don't let them burn it!"

Benkei is tired and look at Victor, silently. Nathor is sitting, exausted, while he's getting back to his normal half-elf shape. He speaks lowly:
"The kyton. A mad summoner that keeps him as bodyguard. A crazy cultist that almost killed Lao. A drider, abominions, a demon trying to crash the reality... and myself changing to something that I cannot understand. I say that's enough. Burn it and let's forget this awful night. But I'm not learned in magic... I say that's up to you, Victor. You're my friend and I trust you."

Jacqueline opens her mouth as to speak... but she closes it and looks at Felgor and Victor, silently.

2013-08-08, 08:03 AM
Victor takes the book and carefully wraps it in a convenient cloth. "I agree it might have some useful knowledge, but there's no way I'm even looking at it here and now. Not until I've had a rest and can put a few more defensive spells in place." He will put the book in his pack and move on. He will use his acid on the crystals (if it shows any affect) if asked.

2013-08-09, 03:54 AM

The Ophiduan looks at Jacqueline, shaking his head. "Knowledge is powerful, and power is dangerous in the wrong hands. If we find the right ones, I have no problem with leaving it at them, but if we do not?"

He gives Nathor a hand, helping him to stand up, then looks at the mages. "Can you sense anything more from this room? It feels... different."

2013-08-12, 03:03 AM
Shefri replies to Lao shacking his head. "I cannot say, Lao... I just want to sleep for a week..."

In the meantime, Benkei looks at the crystals. "Do you think it's safe to blow them up? Nathor got hurt with them... Is there another way to dispose of them?"

2013-08-13, 09:07 AM
Victor sneers, "How about we just collapse the whole thing and wash our hands of it."

2013-08-13, 09:34 AM
Felgor sighed. "That's why ah said use yer spell ... but if'n one o' ye kin collapse th'room, then please do so." He eyed the mage with the book, uncertain if it was such a good idea, but the arcane wasn't his forte. Between the book, the tiefling, and the seemingly possessed Nathor, he had quite a few folks to keep an eye on.

Nodding to the exit, he motioned for the group to head out.

I don't want to spend a lot of time on this, but I was hoping someone could crack the crystals from range (w/o losing levels). If that's not possible, let's just press on and free the skeleton. I think we've taken too much time on it and are starting to lose momentum!

Chained Birds
2013-08-13, 09:40 AM

"I have already lost interest after the cool thing was forced back through the portal. Let us be free of this silly place and find a new place to be a bother."

Ren suggests apathetically.

2013-09-16, 07:59 AM
Benkei looks really tired - maybe it's just his pale skin that makes him look strange.
"Let's go to that skeletal creature and put an end to this madness. I don't want to get hurt again - I agree with Victor."

He start moving outside the room, toward the chamber with Lizzie. Shefri and Jacqueline look at Felgor and follow the tiefling.

2013-09-16, 09:11 AM
Victor follows along quietly.

2013-09-16, 09:53 AM
Felgor watched the others all depart, shaking his head at their sudden lack of interest (and apparent faith in the dwarf's perspective).

Sighing, he slowly gathers all the dark crystals, unwilling to allow them to remain here untended. If they weren't careful, someone else might come here and start the process all over again.

Felgor will collect the crystals. He will do his best to gather everything without breaking them, but he does NOT plan on leaving them behind. I suppose I haven't made his intentions clear enough up to this point, but there you have it. He also still has the crown ... and the weapons ... and the potions, I guess. He gave up the book to Victor.

StuffFull list of magic weapon/shields:
- Large mithril shield +1
- Dagger +2
- Dagger +1, returning
- Long sword +1
- 5 healing potions
- Circlet

2013-09-16, 10:18 AM
I confirm the list of Felgor. You manage to pick every crystal without problem - no explosions so far :smalltongue:

2013-09-16, 10:34 AM
Once complete, the dwarf followed after the others, expecting he would catch up with them in Lizzy's room. Regardless, he is focused on getting to the room with the skeleton, so that they could free the man from his servitude and stop the creation of dark energy.

As for Lizzy, Felgor is actually for freeing it, but he's uncertain if the beast will survive for long. Need to think that one through a little ...

2013-09-16, 04:59 PM

The ophiduan follows the others carefully, observing as they move through the dark tunnels. If anyone returns his glances, he nods impassively.

2013-09-18, 02:50 PM
Felgor walked into the room with Lizzy, glancing around for a moment. He sighed as he tried to consider what to do with the strange creature. He couldn't kill it, or leave it here ... that would be cruel and uncalled for. If they let it run free, someone might mistake it for a monster and kill it ... or be killed. And no one amongst his companions looked like the pet type.

Suddenly, he had an idea of where the beast could go, and who might actually enjoy its company; and if he was lucky, he might be able to get rid of the crystals without hurting himself! Pulling his pack around, he rummaged around for a few moments, before he found what he was looking for with a crow of excitement.

Pulling forth a black stick, he turned to Lizzy. "So, mah strange friend ... how'd ye like ta take a trip, and make a friend?"

(OOC - Assuming he's ameniable)

Felgor stepped closer to the creature and broke the stick. When they arrived in a flash of light, he called out, "Hey Endymion! Ye've got guests!"

Plan is to try and take Lizzy to be Endy's new pet and friend. Hopefully Endy can keep him fed and happy, and we don't have to feel bad about leaving the magical beast behind.

Also, looking to get rid of the crystals, without draining someone to negative levels. Not sure if Endy can get rid of them, or if we could destroy them with one of the golems, but I figure we can make something happen!

2013-09-19, 02:42 AM
PM to Felgor...

Chained Birds
2013-09-19, 11:12 AM

"Do you think the Endymion will take this creature? Hopefully it'll find a nice home."

2013-09-20, 02:38 PM

"If we have the time to take it with us long enough, someone will be bound to want it. If we want to share our fate with it for long enough," Lao said, shrugging internally.

2013-09-27, 12:55 PM
With a snap and a few words, Felgor found himself back in the cave. With a satisfied sigh, he nodded to the silver companion, then motioned for it to wait, having given it instructions earlier.

Tracing his steps back to the room with the skeleton, he joined back with the others, a large sack of crystals over his shoulder. He looked at the others, nodding, then set the bag down and walked over to the skeleton. Pulling the cirlet out of his bag, he glanced at the others then back to the skeleton."Is this yer crown? If'n so, ye need ta be givin yer word about not attackin' me or me companions."

He gave a pause to allow anyone who wanted to object to say something.

Not sure if I remember correctly, but do WE put it on and release him from his task first, or just give it back to him?

2013-10-02, 04:47 PM

The snakeman walks alongside his comrades in silence, but something in the quiet composure of his stride seems to radiate new confidence. Before, they were sneaking up on whatever horrors rested here. Now, the horrors are bested and the darkness vanquished, and now only the last part of their labors remain. Lao stands by the dwarf intent, but composed, and waits for a reply.

2013-10-04, 02:40 AM
The skeleton looks at Felgor and tries to stop its walking... but cannot. You hear something like a grinding sound - the clash of its will and the rune's magic.

"Brave souls! You managed to retrieve it! This is surely a miracle... the Powers answered my prayers..."
It waits until his walking put it near the party, and it goes on:
"Why should I use my strength against the ones that can give me the coveted rest? You have my word - it's your bidding, brave ones... please give me my crown..."

Chained Birds
2013-10-04, 06:37 AM

"You're not going to go all evil on us after you are free, are you? Because that would suck."

2013-10-04, 06:43 AM
"Evil? I was selfish, and uncaring, and... you have a point, brave catfolk, somewhat evil. My sword drank the blood of many. My lust caused the death of many. But I just want to get my regalia and reach the final rest... and hope that the Powers would be forgiving for my sins."

2013-10-07, 10:57 AM
We'll try a check here, but I think we did this before - [roll0]

Felgor shook his head, feeling like they needed to make a leap of faith here. "Listen, lad, we'll be freein' ye. But ifn' ye decide ta turn on yer liberators ... well, ye'll be makin' a huge mistake."

Barring any sudden outcry from the others, specifically Jacqueline who seemed to know a thing or two about this spirit, Felgor would give the crown to the creature (or place it on it's head ... however this is supposed to work ...)

2013-10-07, 11:21 AM
Victor stands a behind and to the side of Felgor, waiting to see what happens.

2013-10-07, 11:23 AM
The skeleton looks eager - he tries to move toward Felgor even if it's not near him (the path is bringing it away). It stretches itself and you can feel that some of its bones are snapping!

Finally it manages to get the golden circlet.
It looks at it ecstatic - it's still moving, but in a disordered way, stumbling on its path - and it put the crown on his skeletal head.
"Satis vixi, invictus enim morior" it says with a deep voice.
"I can finally leave this place! There is not enough gold in the world to repay you... may the Powers reward you tenfolds!"

You see that the skeleton finally stops - and that the bones crumble in tiny fragments, starting from the feet and the hands, ending with the skull, until there are no more bones... and the circlet disappears.

Only the black sword of the creature remains - otherwise, no trace of the creature.

Chained Birds
2013-10-07, 11:39 AM

"Want to sell his sword?"

2013-10-07, 11:43 AM
Victor holds up a restraining hand. "Right now I wouldn't even TOUCH the sword. Let's see what magical auras might be present."

Casting Detect Magic, examining the sword.

2013-10-07, 11:55 AM
Victor detects a strong necromantic aura...

2013-10-07, 02:18 PM
From a lover of history, let me just say I applaud the reference from our expired Lord! As a gamer, I'm happy to see this one back in the fast(er) lane!

Felgor concentrated on the item as well, wondering what dark gifts might have been imparted on the sword. "Might be best ta wrap it, 'n take it with us ... just in case."

Once he's done checking on the sword, Felgor will try to see if the crystals go back to whatever dark plane they came from ... hopefully absorbed back like Endymion suggested.

Spam Guidance for my skill checks. Cast Detect Magic and sweep the room (not worried about stuff everyone is already carrying ...)
KS (Arcana): [roll0], KS (Religion): [roll1]
0 - Detect Magic, Create Water, Guidance, Light
1 - Comprehend Languages, Lead Blades, Protection from Evil
2 - Share Language, Resist Energy
Domain - Animate Rope, Wood Shape

2013-10-08, 02:04 AM
Shefri and Jacqueline join Felgor and Victor - together you manage to discover some carving on the sword. They are written in a complex and old-fashoned way, and they say "Blutgetränkter".

Jacqueline has some insight and murmurs "The sword that has taken too much..." then she shakes her head. "Something from a book, but I cannot remember more."

Benkei and Nathor agree with Felgor about keeping the sword.

About the crystals: the KS (Arcana) suggests to check the small gate.

2013-10-10, 10:03 AM
Whoops! My bad - got really busy at work and forgot to respond!

Felgor shrugged his head at the sword title, nothing coming to mind just yet. He wrapped the blade and puts it with the other items, careful not to touch the blade just yet. Grabbing the pack of crystals, he moved over to the small gate (which hopefully would start to shrink) and placed the sack there, watching for a moment. If nothing happened, he would hold the bag up close, hoping to get them to go back in.

Just in case Felgor's heard of the blade, KS (History) w/Guidance: [roll0]

2013-10-10, 11:28 AM
Felgor never heard of such blade... but his concerns are about the small gate. He's right: as soon as the skeleton stopped walking, the black hole somewhat started to seem less menacing - it's a little smaller.

When he puts the sack near the hole, he feels that it's somewhat attracted by the black energy... like iron dust near a magnet. Getting closer, he feels forced to drop the sack - that is sucked away and disappears into the darkness.

Felgor sees that the hole is getting smaller and smaller...

... but before disappearing, a backlash: suddenly a streak of black energy burst from the hole, striking him with the force of a ram, surrounding him and grasping at his heart!

(Fortitude ST...)

2013-10-10, 12:16 PM
Uh oh ... Fort save: [roll0] (+2 if this is a spell effect)

2013-10-10, 04:37 PM
(Lucky dwarf!)

Felgor is stunned for some moments - but he feels that his god is protecting him somewhat. His heart is still beating... and it looks like that finally the portal to the Negative plane is closed!

Chained Birds
2013-10-10, 06:01 PM

"So... We finished with this dumb cave?"

2013-10-10, 06:09 PM
Holding a hand over his heart, Felgor panted for a bit, then glanced around, as if looking for something. Finally, he nodded and pointed towards the exit. "Aye, lass, we be done. Let's get back ta th'caravan. Methinks we could all use tha rest."

Felgor will hustle the folks out of the caves, then waits for a moment, listening intently.

2013-10-10, 10:08 PM
Victor is visibly relieved. "You don't have to tell me twice." He hastens back to the caravan for much-needed rest.

2013-10-11, 02:58 AM
I suppose that also Lao agrees...

You get out of the cave - some fresh air, again!

You notice a lot of footprints and broken branches - looks like that the Quaggoth tribe was really eager to leave this place. Another good new!

You start walking toward the caravan... but after a minute, Felgor stops for a moment, listening. A low noise... growing... everyone can hear it now: thudding sounds, louder and louder... until the earth starts moving: a small earthquake! The cave suddenly collapses!

Luckily all of you are far away from it...

2013-10-11, 10:27 AM
Felgor nodded in satisfaction and followed the group back to the caravan. Almost under his breath, he murmured, "Well, that's that ..."

Chained Birds
2013-10-11, 11:18 AM

"Is the caravan still around? Hopefully they didn't leave us behind.

I'd really like to sleep off this negative stuff effecting me..."

2013-10-11, 11:58 AM
Jacqueline smiles at Ren.
"Sharp One, we will get some rest soon!"

She's right - after a tiring walk, you return to the caravan. Hari is still awake, with some guards. Everyone look tired, sleepy and scared... but the scribe jumps up seeing that you returned!
"You returned! All of you!"

The caravan seems to return to life: everyone is happy and wants to look, speak, shake hands with you... apart Witch-Doctor and Strong Arm, that nod and "speak" themselves with gestures. It seems that they don't want to join this mess.

Hari manages to calm down the caravan.
"Leave them alone, now - they need to rest. There will be time... tomorrow, after reaching the cave... after finally getting the new prophecies..."

2013-10-11, 12:11 PM
Felgor sighed in appreciation as they reached the caravan. He nodded to the Witch Doctor and Strong Arm, eyeing their distance carefully. Glancing at the stars, he stretched and yawned. "Aye, sleep sounds good fer this dwarf. Time enow ta tell our tales tomorrow! Someone let them two know we dinnae kill any spiders ... not that Ah remember."

However, for all his talk, Felgor will make sure he helps anyone needing it first, and will return the holy crossbow bolts and potions they were given.

2013-10-11, 12:45 PM

The snakeman has been silent, studying the exchange between his companions and the skeleton. He was ready to protect them, but as it turns out, there is no need. He says a short prayer for the dead and to purify this place, before leaving. "Great deeds can start as small distractions," he says, seemingly to no one, as they exit the cave.

The tremors and the collapse seem a bit too convenient, but he imagines that to be a sign of fate approving of their deeds... or at least sealing away that place now it served its purpose. His eyes narrow slightly, as he does not like fate interfering this openly in his life. "How licky... and convenient."

He is silent as they approach the caravan, still keeping a brisk pace and alert for any future surprises. "It is good you are well - I was hoping there would be no other unpleasantness this night while we are gone. " Tired, he decides to spent the rest of the night resting - they might need their strength tomorrow.

2013-10-15, 05:04 AM
I assume that everyone is tired and want to sleep...

You manage to sleep well. You get some healing (if needed) and you restore negative levels and all other afflictions :smallwink:

You have the morning for speak and discuss about the events of the night, if you wish. Hari and Jacqueline are busy with the last preparation for the transcript of the omens... the cave is getting near. You'll reach it soon... and when the sun is high in the sky, the gem will rise...

(Time for some RP if you want :smalltongue:)

2013-10-15, 05:37 PM
The next morning, Felgor checks on his companions and is happy to see that they have all recovered from the evils of their adventure the night before. However, he does approach Nathor. "'Ere now, lad ... what manner o' blade be that ye have? Ye seemed a bit on the ... wild side in battlin' tha'foe."

As for any further discussion, the dwarf doesn't see any reason to keep any of it hidden, but he doesn't really go into details about Lizzy, nor the collapse of the rift (OOC - unless one of the PCs asks ...). He's just anxious to get to the cave and find out about the omens ...

Chained Birds
2013-10-15, 11:42 PM

Ren toss and turns in her corner. She seems to want to continue her sleep, but is having difficulty due to the rise of everyone else.

"...This day better bring some interesting looking creatures..."

2013-10-16, 02:07 AM
It's morning, it's a pretty nice sunny day. It's breakfast time - Ren is trying to continue her sleep, while the others are getting something to eat.
Felgor, Ren, Victor, Nathor, Lao and Benkei are here - Shefri slept with Jacqueline and he's still asleep, while the girl already left and went to the other scribes for some last minue meeting.

Nathor looks at the dwarf and sighs.
"I'm trying to understand what happened, too..."
He take his fauchard with both hands.
"I received it as a reward for getting rid of a foul beast - my first task as city guard. It was somewhat lost in the city armory. It's well balanced and of masterwork quality - also, the blade is really resistant and requires little maintenance to remain sharp."
Nathor looks at some distant place.
"It started looking strange when we faced that... Kython... It cut the mad cultist in half. I learned to use this kind of weapons to keep enemies away, but this one is... somewhat wanting to cut foes."
He shudders.
"And sometime is speaking strange words... And I can't remember what it's saying... or what happened to me."
He put it on his back again.
"But I feel like I cannot dispose of this. It's not greed... is more I feel that I cannot leave it in other hands... I need to prevent dangers."
He looks at Victor, nervous. He never told him such things.

2013-10-16, 06:54 AM
Victor scratches his head. "Almost sounds like it's cursed, but why would the Watch have something like that just hanging around for you to use? Still, I'd rather you have it than someone evil. Who knows, maybe we can find a convenient volcano on our travels to toss it into."

2013-10-16, 04:12 PM
Felgor shook his head at the explanation, a sad look on his face as he pondered Nathor's predicament. "Lad, ye be between th'hammer an' anvil ... 'blessed' and 'cursed' kin be two sides o' th'same coin. Might even be a geas ..."

Shrugging away the issue, Felgor made sure he had a hearty breakfast and gathered his things to proceed on to the caves.

So the lurking question ... any xp for the Riftwar adventure? :smallbiggrin:

2013-10-16, 05:06 PM
Lao sleeps until a bit later than what he normally does, but he is still up fairly early. The events of the last night are as if in a daze, a discordant tone in the symphony that he was sure was before them. Or were they the main melody, and this merely the diversion?

He muses at the conundrum, then prepares for his morning exercises to tune his body and calm his mind.

He nods at Nathor, as if understanding. "We are all called to walk a certain path, even when it is not known to our eyes and mind. It seems this weapon is to be with you. Whether you master it or it masters you - this is yet to be seen."

He shrugs, adding. "Or perhaps you are meant to lose it along the way. Trust virtue and honor, and you will not stray."

2013-10-16, 09:42 PM
Victor jerks his chin towards Lao. "Yeah, what he said."

Chained Birds
2013-10-16, 10:01 PM

The Catfolk let's out a yawn,

"Might as well keep the weapon. Don't want someone else stumble upon it and use it for something bad..."

2013-10-17, 02:37 AM
So the lurking question ... any xp for the Riftwar adventure? :smallbiggrin:

OOC: I'll assign XP in a little - after you'll receive the omen.

Benkei was listening to the conversation while eating some dry meat.

He looks at Lao:
"Walk a path already established? I'm not so sure that I can agree, noble one. Nevertheless..."
He turns to Nathor:
"Nathor, forgive me, but I have a question. You spoke about a Kyton. I never met such creature, but I know something about them. You know - my blood has some demonic ancestors, while kytons are from hell. How can this creature walk on our lands?"

Nathor looks at the tiefling, somewhat relieved. He doesn't look fine speaking about the fauchard.
"That foul creature told that his name was "Lord Zaibach" and that he was at the service of a powerful summoner called "The Shrouded One". I learned this while following him - I wanted to be sure that he was leaving the city, as we agreed."
He shakes his head. "I still have a bleeding wound, from the chains of that devil. I wanted to protect the city... and I allowed him to leave. I wonder if it was a good idea... "
Nathor then looks at Felgor and Victor.
"What's a "Summoner", by the way? Just another name for "wizard"?"

2013-10-17, 01:38 PM
"Well, just about any of us spell-slingers can summon creatures to fight on our behalf, even the priests. There are some who take it a step further."

2013-10-21, 09:39 AM
Benkei looks interested, and turns to Victor.
"Creatures to fight for your behalf, uh? So that nasty Witch-Doctor... is he just a spellslinger like you, too? I cannot feel well about that shadow cheetahs that followed his bidding... I wonder what lurks in his soul... and in his silent companion..."

2013-10-21, 12:17 PM
Victor shrugs. "He probably is. And I've found it's best not to look too deeply at someone else's soul, unless you want your own laid bare."

2013-10-22, 12:22 PM
Felgor raised an eyebrow at Benkei's opinion. "Really? Intrestin' ye'd say that, since yer own blood might be looked upon as ... odd. 'Specially the way ye were reactin' a couple o' times durin' th'night.

Ah ain't accusing ye ... Ah'm just sayin' a lad or lass should be judged by deeds, not blood. Just me own thoughts ..."

Felgor left breakfast to check on his arms and armor, and making sure Stubborn was ready to go.

Yeah, sorry, I'm ready to press, too!

2013-10-23, 05:41 PM
Lao nods at Benkei, seemingly with understanding. "Sometimes the path we are fated for is neither seen nor truly desired." He stops for a moment, looking at him without blinking. "And yet - we go. Speaking of which..." he leaves the sentence hanging, and nods towards the road.

2013-10-24, 03:22 AM
And so you finish the breakfast, somewhat eager to reach the cave.

The caravan moves on. Today it's sunny - looks that the weather is even better now that the portal to the negative plane is closed.

The guards and the clerics look tired - but the caravan needs to move fast, to reach the cave...

The morning passes - and at about one hour before noon, you stop.

You hear a lot of noises - all the scribes are busy gathering book, scrolls and stuff - while the guards are checking the place.

You can finally see it: the cave. It stands in a sudden opening of the forest - like a huge trapdor in the ground.

There is a short wall surrounding it, covered by moss.

The entrance was surely shaped with magic: you can see a stone stairway descending, lighted by unseen light.

Hari comes near to you.
"The gem will rise in an hour... Jacqueline and all the scribes will start entering now. About half an hour and all other gem bearer can take their place - all of you, also..."

He looks at the cave.
"The guards will patrol the entry. I'll descend soon - just let me get my little Lain. You know, she's still scared from yesterday night... I was thinking about asking Jacqueline to stay with here outside the cave, but she's a good scribe and we need her in the cave, for copying the prophecies."

He sighs.
"A guard will let you know when to descend. See you later, my friends."

2013-10-24, 06:26 PM
Felgor made sure he still had the gem that marked him as a bearer, then nodded to Hari. Taking a seat, he waited patiently, uncertain as to how this would actually pan out. He was interested to see what his prophecy would hold, but had a sneaking suspicion that it would be related to the creation of a weapon ...

Chained Birds
2013-10-24, 06:38 PM

"Hmm, Sir Stoneheart, we've gotten a lot of trinkets during our minor travels. Let us make sure to sell them all together once this cave has been dealt with."

She gives him a toothy smile.

2013-10-25, 01:28 AM
However, for all his talk, Felgor will make sure he helps anyone needing it first, and will return the holy crossbow bolts and potions they were given.

Missed this :smallwink: Forgot to write that Hari thanked Felgor for giving back the case (even if there were no more ice bolts...).

2013-10-25, 09:38 AM
Victor has the gem in his hand, turning it idly. He frowns at all the guards, but after last night, figures if there's a fight to be had, he'd rather not have some extra bodies to stand behind.

"Selling those trinkets isn't a bad idea - I don't think any of us use daggers or longswords, but I could use an upgrade to my crossbow..."

2013-10-25, 10:11 AM
Felgor nodded absently. "Aye lass, we kin sell anything we canne use fer makin' better gear ..."

2013-10-28, 07:07 AM
The two insect-like creatures (that helped the guards during last night battle) start speaking themselves in a strange clicking language after hearing you speaking about "trinkets". They nod and start to get closer... but they are interrupted by the guards.

"Time to get in the cave... please, follow us".

They start escorting the gem bearers to the cave... now it's your turn...

Chained Birds
2013-10-28, 07:49 AM

Ren jumps up and performs a few stretches.

"It feels like it has been months since we've made up these plans to go into a cave. Though that could be the negative stuff effecting my inner clock... Like several things I've done in the past, I'd like to forget the negative incident."

After saying her piece, Ren follows the insectoids, admiring their bodies.

2013-10-28, 07:51 AM
Victor follows close behind, keeping one hand on his crossbow.

2013-10-28, 08:09 AM
Felgor watched as the insecticides chittered amongst themselves and started to approach. However, before they could reach, the announcement to enter the cave came. Nodding thanks to the guards, the Forgemaster followed the others in, curious to see what the Cave of Omens would look like.

"Moradin protect us ..." he murmured as he made his way in.

2013-10-28, 08:49 AM
The guards escort you to the entrance. Nathor is among them... but suddenly he leaves the group of the guards, that remain outside, joining you on the stairway that leads in the deeper part of the cave.
"I was not sure that I want to hear this... but after was happened last night, I hope I'll get some insight" he whispers.

You walk for some minutes in a corridor with stone walls, cold and humid, with a lot of musk on the walls and the ceiling. It's obviously shaped by magic - and magically lighted.

You can see the two insect-like creatures, Witch Doctor and Strong-Arm, Rayen and all other gem-bearers (Benkei is outside with the guards... he's not a gem-bearer!)

Suddenly the corridor opens in a huge cave. It's shaped as a sphere - about 40 ft. of radius - with the lower part carved in steps (like a greek amphitheater).
The scribes are already there - with books, parchments, ink and quills, and some strange devices.
They are seated on the lower part of the cave, near a small hole, surrounded by a small circle of runes.

Some of the scribes come with you, inviting you to sit down - they look eager to learn the prophecies...

You're finally in the place. I assume that all of you are sitting near.

Do you want to say or do something now? You have little time before the rise of the gem... :smallwink:

Chained Birds
2013-10-28, 10:28 AM

"This isn't going to get... all adult and stuff? Forcing the gem bearers to make more... gem bearers... Because, I don't think my maiden heart can take that without gratuitous amounts of alcohol.

No offense guys."

She nervously rubs the back of her head, fondling her ears. The whole time blushing.

2013-10-28, 10:50 AM
Felgor raised an eyebrow at the question. "Uh, nay, lass ... Ah kinnae think that's th'purpose o' this event ..."

2013-10-29, 05:29 AM

Lao acknowledged the summons from the guards with a nod and followed them closely. The strange insect-like creatures were perhaps responding to the notion of trade? The strange items and trinkets from the drider lair could, perhaps, make a good amount, though he himself was not too interested in mercantile matters.

"This was more formal and public than I expected," he mused. "These people view the prophesies in a very... rational manner."

Ren's speculations confused him somewhat. Perhaps the warrior's own society made reproduction similarly public...

"I agree with friar Felgor, that it would be unusual, miss Ren, and I doubt they would actually want to force us against our will. Why would you think so?"

Chained Birds
2013-10-29, 07:09 AM

"Well, just a large gathering... In a cave... And something about our futur- It's not important! Let's just get this over with then!"

2013-10-29, 07:28 AM
You suddenly see that Hari stands up, with a small device in his hands.
All the scribes take something from their robes... and they use it to cover their eyes.
The magical light of the cave diminish to a faint glow.
And after some moments, you see a big, green gem emerging from the well. It's a faceted gem, about 8 inch of diameter... and it's floating in the air. It moves, reaching the center of the cave...
...and then a ray of light comes from the ceiling, going through the gem.

A flash - an unexpected one. You are dazed by the sudden light - but you can see something: the walls of the cave are covered by luminous writings. Sometimes short words, something long texts... hundred of writings that surround you, coming from the magical gem.

You can barely see the scribes - each of them is looking at the walls, after uncovering their eyes, and they are writing with haste, filling their book and parchments.

You are wondering about your prophecies... then you have a feeling. Something is suggesting you to look in a particular direction... and you can see it. It's your own prophecy. It's waiting for you. It's clear - you have no difficulties to read and understand it, even in this ocean of writings...

OOC - ready? I'm sending to each of you your prophecy via PM!

Chained Birds
2013-10-29, 08:28 AM

""Reef Friend?" I hope it is not who I think it is... Or maybe he'll be cool about everything, and not be a jerk."

2013-10-29, 09:38 AM
Felgor watched with interest as the group entered the cave, gazing around with wonder. He stared in amazement as a large, green gem emerged from a well in the center of the cave. As he wondered what magic was in play, there was a sudden flash. Blinking away the spots, he gazed around at the multitude of prophecies that appeared all over the walls. They filled the entire cave, but for all the words, he couldn't seem to focus on any one set.

Then a turned, a tugging at the back of his mind. His eyes were drawn to a specific spot, and from across the room, the words seemed to leap out at him. The prophecy flowed into him and he sat back, stroking his beard with one hand in contemplation ...

2013-10-29, 11:35 AM
Victor commits the prophecy to memory, then turns to the rest of the group. "Anybody ever hear of 'Gaoth Dobhair'?"

While he waits for a response, he turns the prophecy over in his mind again. He'd learned enough over time to know his magic most likely came from a draconic source. Did one or both of his parents come from this place? And what could threaten dragons?

2013-10-29, 12:49 PM
Felgor turned to Victor, distracted by the question. "Ah dunno ... let me think on it fer a minute ..."

I'll let you make the check, Leriel ... Felgor has a +6 to History, Nobility, Religion, and Arcana

2013-10-29, 06:23 PM

The ophiduan looks on as if frozen for a while as he memorizes his part of the prophesy. The way such things always pierce all the memories and obfuscations never fails to unsettle him, no matter how little it shows.

He does not move a muscle as he answers, as if still in a trance. "Hm, I am not sure..."

((would a knowledge religion roll help))

2013-10-30, 02:52 AM
Checked the old posts - Shefri is the only one who heard of it... :smalltongue:

Shefri was sitting near you - Jacqueline is too busy today. He looks at Victor, with a strange light in his eyes.
"I remember that words... let me thing... ah, it was in a song in the tavern of the Burning Corpse..."

He turns, searching for Jacqueline.
"I really want to know what's this "spellfire" thing..." he whispers.

2013-10-31, 12:32 PM
With his prophecy in mind, Felgor pulled out a small piece of paper and wrote down his prophecy, then tucked it within his tunic. That done, he waited to see if they were supposed to depart ... or if anything else was going to happen.

Keeping his voice so as not to interrupt the scribes, Felgor murmured to the others, "Praps we kin chat later ... help each other with our prophecies ..."

Felgor won't go into details here, but is willing to chat later. I'm ready to press on, if Felgor doesn't have any idea of who Dobhair is

2013-10-31, 02:39 PM
"Sure - I'm not sure if it's bad form to talk about them here or not."

2013-11-01, 05:32 PM
Lao looks around now, studying the various clerks, scribes, and the likes around them, waiting for a cue. Should he not get any, he will just shrug and head towards the exit.

2013-11-04, 02:47 AM
No more than ten minutes... and the light that touched the gem is no more. The writings on the cave are getting more and more difficult to read... you can hear some scribe complaining... and finally the writings are no more. Only some dim magical light allows you to see the exit.

The gem slowly descents - this year it whispered its secret... and it will be silent for another one. Slowly it goes down, until it reaches the well, and it goes deeper and deeper.

The scribes speaks slowly among themselves. They are gathering their stuff. Now they need to return to the city... and copy everything in the archives of the library.

Again, some scribe (this time, full loaded with books) come near you... asking if everything is fine, and telling you that you can leave.

You follow them. Outside, the sun is bright, and the guards already prepared the lunch. The scribes are chatting excited, while most of the gem bearers are silent, thinking at what they learned.

Chained Birds
2013-11-04, 11:45 AM

"Hmm, I've been thinking about my prophecy for a bit."

Ren states as she eats some lunch with the others (At least Felgor).

"Mine didn't really give me much of a location to go. It mainly sounded like I should sleep and wake something up... But I'm not sure what this entails.

Can any of you guys tell me if these things are magical or not?"

Ren takes out her box of random gems she has collected over the course of the quest.

Blue Gem
Dusty Rose Prism
Light Brown Gem

2013-11-04, 01:06 PM
Felgor followed the group out and found a place to sit for lunch with the others. He listened to Ren's concerns over her prophecy, uncertain if he had enough information to help her. "Well, mebbe it means ye got some potential inside, waitin' t'wake up. Mebbe from yer past ... where ye learned ta fight?"

As he thought for a moment, he used his gifts to determine if any of Ren's items were magical, which he suspected at least one was.
Detect magic on Ren's items
For his own prophecy, Felgor wasn't exactly sure ... it could reference bringing somethign to life, like one of the golems the dwarven master had created, but it wasn't completely clear.

2013-11-05, 02:21 AM
As he thought for a moment, he used his gifts to determine if any of Ren's items were magical, which he suspected at least one was.
Detect magic on Ren's items

*All* of them are magic - the most potent aura comes from the amulet.

2013-11-05, 06:49 PM

The tall snakeman accepts the books with a slight bow of gratitude. Perhaps they would make some sense of it all. "Are our shards of this crystal, and can we keep them?" he asks, in return.

To his companions, he adds "Does anyone know of the gates of deeper slumber?"

2013-11-06, 02:41 AM
One of the scribes replies to Lao.
"Sure, you can keep them... but look. The rune on your shard is no more... is just a piece of crystal now."

2013-11-06, 08:59 AM
"Well, just to make sure my prophecy is known, I'm to find the "keeper of the Green Fields of Gaoth Dobhair". Also, I was warned about wyrms, but also that wyrms are being hunted."

Know(Arcana) in case the "Gates of Deeper Slumber" is something related:

2013-11-06, 09:35 AM
What a pity!!! Victor does not know nothing about it :smallfrown:

Chained Birds
2013-11-06, 09:41 AM

"Interesting, my items are magical...

What do they do?"

2013-11-06, 06:04 PM

"Thank you," the monk says, nodding respectfully to the scribes, and takes out his shard. As the man said, the mark on it is no more. "A curious thing," he muses. "Now its part in the grand scheme of fate is played, and it is as if it is no longer significant." All the more worth it is to keep, he thinks as he appreciates the irony. He moves to the others and looks at the supposedly magical items. "Perhaps there are marks and the like that would provide a clue? Falling that, there is bound to be an expert in the town."

2013-11-07, 12:17 PM
Felgor concentrated for a few more moments to try and determine what auras were resident on Ren's objects.
Well, let's try taking 10 first (17 total for each item). If that doesn't tell Felgor anything, then he'll try again, using Guidance on his first attempt and rolling ...
Roll 1: [roll0]
Roll 2: [roll1]
Roll 3: [roll2]

At the questions from the group, Felgor tries to think back on anything he might have heard. Fields of deep slumber and green fields of Gaoth Dobhair sounded strange ...
Not sure which checks you need. Felgor has History (+7), Arcana (+7), Nobility (+6), Religion (+7) and (drumroll) Planes (+6)! Let me know if he knows anything.

Looking around the others, he sighs for a moment. "So, shall we find a place ta sit and chat, if'n ye want ta share omens? We kin return ta town and get rid o' the treasure we found, or repurpose it fer our needs."

I'm reviewing the rules on reforging magic items, but I might be able to turn some of the stuff we found (Felgor is carrying a large mithril shield +1, a dagger +2, a Dagger +1, returning, and a long sword +1) into useful items. Or we could sell them and fund the crafting. Let me know what you're interested in, and I'll figure out how Felgor can help. He has crafting skill with weapons/armor, and has Craft Wondrous Items, Craft Magic Arms & Armor, and Brew Potion ... just ask!

2013-11-08, 03:13 AM
Felgor concentrated for a few more moments to try and determine what auras were resident on Ren's objects.
Let's keep it short - I think that Victor agrees on helping on them, and also Shefri is joining you (Jacqueline is too busy today). So:

- Amulet of Mighty Fists +3 (yes, +3!)
- Ioun stone, dusty rose (+1 AC)
- One Air Elemental gem
- One Earth Elemental gem

The small box is slighly magic (and decorated like Hari's box of blessed ice bolts).

At the questions from the group, Felgor tries to think back on anything he might have heard. Fields of deep slumber and green fields of Gaoth Dobhair sounded strange ...
Nope... deep slumber made Felgor think only of too much beer Probably you need a real expert or some bardic knowledge

I'm reviewing the rules on reforging magic items, but I might be able to turn some of the stuff we found (Felgor is carrying a large mithril shield +1, a dagger +2, a Dagger +1, returning, and a long sword +1) into useful items. Or we could sell them and fund the crafting. Let me know what you're interested in, and I'll figure out how Felgor can help. He has crafting skill with weapons/armor, and has Craft Wondrous Items, Craft Magic Arms & Armor, and Brew Potion ... just ask!
Fully opened to improvments and so. No problems from my side.

2013-11-08, 08:13 AM
Victor kicks at a rock. "Nobody knows anything about this. Maybe there's a decent library in this town. All these scribes, all these prophecies over time - somebody'll know something. I just hope they wrote it down."

After helping to identify Ren's items: "Some very helpful items there. Should help you rip things to shreds even more efficiently."

Chained Birds
2013-11-08, 08:26 AM

Ren puts the Amulet around her neck with a bit of string from her clothe. She then sets the Ioun stone loose and grimaces at it floating around.

"I don't really like the fact this thing is floating around me with a big "Hit Me!" label plastered on it. I wish I could FIND a WAY to protect it from harm, but still make it useful for me..."

She then draws her attention to the two gems and the box.

"Blessed Ice Bolts? Elementals? Seems pretty wasted on me... I don't speak the language of Elements, so I can't summon them to have a drink with. And this box seems more useful for people who attack from afar..."

2013-11-12, 01:16 PM
Felgor nodded to Ren. "Well, lass, Ah kin mebbe build ye a small item that'll keep yer stone safe ... an' it'll let ye find yer way! Take me a day or so, once we git back t'town. If'n ye dinnae mind, Ah'll keep those stones, too ... might be a use fer 'em."

To Victor, he pointed in the direction of a group of scribes, where Jacqueline was working. "Doesn't Shefri's lass know a thing or two 'bout legends? Might be one o' those scribes kin help us."

Felgor is willing to ask Jacqueline and the scribes to discuss prophecies, assuming everyone wishes to share theirs.

Not sure what each person wants to do about that. Felgor doesn't mind sharing with the PCs ... then deciding on whether to share with the scribes. But everyone else might not be so forthcoming ...

Chained Birds
2013-11-12, 02:28 PM

"If you want the stones, you can keep them. I guess it is a pretty even exchange to keep this floating thing from breaking... Which is odd, because I feel a lot more evasive with this thing around my head than I really should be.

Magic is silly..."

Ren gives the stones to Felgor. She'll keep the box for now, or at least until someone can figure it out.

2013-11-12, 03:32 PM
Victor shares his prophecy with Felgor and Jacqueline as needed.

To learn your story and your fate, you need to find
the keeper of the Green Fields of Gaoth Dobhair.
Beware of the Wyrms, but beware most
Who is hunting them.

"Is there some kind of party after this? If not, maybe that's a tradition to start ourselves..."

2013-11-12, 04:24 PM

The monk joins Victor, Felgor and Jacqueline as they exchange information, and offers his own prophecy.

If you want to free your heart
From the shame that lies at its bottom
You need to descend the seven hundred steps
To the Gate of Deeper Slumber.

"I was interested in finding more about this Gate, but some entertainment to commemorate the event would not be atypical," he replies.

2013-11-12, 04:33 PM
Shefri and Jacqueline are trying to get some time for themselves... but she listen to the prophecy, real interested.

"I already heard these words... I should check in the library..."

You hear someone coughing.
"Come one, young one, you should remember this... haon, dhéag, tríocha, daichead, gaoth..."

It's Hari - he's speaking these strange words, counting with his hand.

"And the dobhair is the clover. A Gaoth Dobhair should be a five-leaves clover... a curious thing."

He turns to Victor.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to eavesdrop... I was looking for Jacqueline. We still have some work. Forgive this old man for his manners... Oh, I was forgetting... this is an old dialect of the Fey. And about the party... there will be one, this evening. I'd really like to spend some time with you heroes... But we need to move, now..."

2013-11-12, 07:24 PM
Felgor listened to each person sharing their prophecy. "So, th'fields o' the five-leaf clover? Seems such a place should be easy t'find, aye? But wyrms? Talkin' 'bout dragons, mebbe ... so who hunts th'dragons?"

To Lao, he eyed the man for a moment, wondering what deep shame the monk needed to overcome. Seven hundred steps also indicated someplace very deep ... or very high, depending on your perspective.

For his own prophecy, he shared with the others:
The gem of the master – you know what does need?
What came with the heart as a gift for your leave,
An heart that would give it birth, breath and feel,
From a steel heart, a new life of steel.

Chained Birds
2013-11-12, 11:31 PM

To overcome an Hero, all your Valor you need.
You already found a piece, but it sleeps;
A lady in a plate, an old friend of the reef,
Another forgotten while taking a sip.
To see the creatures of your dream,
get a dreamscape and walk in;
but Valor will find you, I mean,
even if you don't look for it.

"Seems like the Regal One's destiny and mine or intertwine. Maybe."

2013-11-13, 11:50 AM
Felgor listened closely to Ren's prophecy, thinking back to the evening before (had it only been a single night?) and her stories. "Yer friend with th'fist ... 'is name was 'Hero' aye? It mentions a lady in plate (yerself?) an' a friend o' th'reef (Shark was 'is name?) and another forgotten ... dinnae know if'n that's Hero or yer old man. But plate ... sometimes folks be namin' armor and weapons (specially them long-ears) ... mebbe this Valor be somethin' like th'name o' yer armor. Ye do have a piece that be more than it seems ..."

Leaning back, he sighed a bit. "Fer me own words, Ah'm thinkin' it has ta do wit th'gem ol' Master Cherudek left me. Guessin' Ah gotta figger a way ta power it up. Then Ah kin see how ta forge a special lance." He considered for a moment, then looked at Hari.

"Ye have a box like the lass ... Ah'm guessin' ye know o' Cherudek?"

2013-11-13, 06:43 PM
Hari looks at Felgor, astonished.
"Master... Master Cherudek!?!? Master Cherudek left to you a gem?"

For some moments the scribe open and closes his mouth, without speaking. You cannot decipher his expression - wonder, maybe?

Then he takes a long breath.

"You are not a scribe of the city of Omen - and even among them, few know about the Master Jeweler real name. He's the one who cut the gem that you see in the cave... a friend of Aziraphel. One of the few friends of the great diviner. Take heed, noble dwarf, that Master Cherudek did not want his name recorder among the great heroes of his time..."

Hari looks away. "...but I am digressing too much. This box of mine... it was hard to obtain. These runes... were discovered by Master Cherudek and their secret is not yet understood. They preserve everything is inscribed with, but even the powerful mages of the academy are not able to reproduce this power. The Master created few items like these... before arguing with his friend and leaving the city, without trace."

Then he kneels - with some difficulty.
"The dwarf will walk among friends
He who gave birth to the hearth of steel;
Surrounded by valor, harbinger of light
Since light and darkness he gathered together
Like a child of two worlds, united..."

He moans in pain. "This is the unique prophecy incomplete. The scribe who should copy it wasn't able to finish reading it on the wall of the cave... more than one hundred years ago..."
He closes his eyes.
"Poor Galerkin..."

Jacqueline moves for helping him getting up, but he shakes his head and does it by himself.

"It's not complete, but is not the only one that speak of a dwarf that will forge a powerful artifact... with the power of a gem. And only Master Cherudek could create something so powerful."

He cleans his robe.
"There is no more need to hurry. We can speak now. Or you can have your deserved party. After all, you are heroes - all of you - for what you did at the cave of the drider. Yes, Jacqueline told me."

He looks again at you with an enigmatic face.
"No need to hurry for copying the prophecies. Since" - he looks at Felgor, Ren, Lao, Shefri and Victor - "if you don't manage to fullfill your prophecy, no more prophecy will be delivered by the gem..."

2013-11-14, 07:34 PM
Felgor leaned back on his heels, surprised at what his question resulted in. Looking at his comrades, he considered the gravity of the situation ... it seemed that according to Hari, the very fate of the world rested on their success.

Clearing his throat, he looked at the others, then shrugged his shoulders for a moment. "Well, sir, let's not start writin' epithets or diggin' graves jus' yet. There be plenty o' time ta solve this riddle, aye? But by the look o' the lads and lass, they be wantin' a moment ta enjoy their efforts. Praps we talk tomorra ... after this party ye mentioned, aye?"

2013-11-15, 05:59 AM
Hari nods to Felgor.
"Enjoy your party and have a nice night. Tomorrow, after lunch, we'll speak with more ease. Shall the night bring us rest and wisdom!"

Ok, party time! +2 circumstance bonus to Perform(Tambourine) for Ren :smalltongue:

Chained Birds
2013-11-15, 10:23 AM

"Party Time!"

Ren takes out her tambourine to the amusement and horror of everyone around her. She then begins to play.


2013-11-16, 06:45 AM

"If the night does not, the morning should," Lao replies, and nods at Hari as the man leaves, then remarks. "He spoke of many things I do not know. Did you know more of them?"

He relaxes, listening to Ren's playing. The catwoman does not lack talent, at least at this song - he has heard better, certainly, but her performance is quite heartening.

2013-11-18, 11:30 AM
Felgor stayed with the grou for a bit, listening to Ren's musical efforts, raising a mug of ale or two in cheer with the others. However, as the evening drew on, he took his leave, ready to get a good night's rest. There were quite a few discussions they needed to have ... many of which might need to wait for the library. It also seemed that Hari knew something more about this Cherudek ... would Jacqueline be as knowledgeable?

With a wave to the others, Felgor retired to his sleeping roll, after checking on Stubborn. Before drifting off to sleep, he sketched out a small device ... something that would hold a small stone, enhancing it's natural magiks. Then the darkness slowly creapt up on him and he drifted into slumber.

I'm ready to press on, but I can wait for the others to RP their debauchery :smallsmile:

Chained Birds
2013-11-18, 11:43 AM

When Ren isn't busy dancing and playing her tambourine, she is drinking heavily with the others. Seeing Lao nod in acknowledgement at her skills with the musical instrument, Ren acts very generous and begins trying to feed the Ophiduan gratuitous amounts of alcohol.

When she is not trying to force feed Lao Wine and Beer, Ren sometimes runs outside. She pounces around the field and up trees, getting stuck at one point. She makes a big deal about being stuck up a tree, even though she is only about 7 feet off the ground.

She jumps on Felgor to get down.

After she has had her fill, she falls asleep under a pile of empty wine bottles.

2013-11-18, 03:24 PM
Despite having been the one to bring up potential festivities, Victor finds himself being rather ill company. He knocks down his first drink quickly, but is soon nursing a second, rolling the gem around on the table he's sitting at.

Ready to move on, but willing to talk if someone else wants to.

2013-11-20, 06:36 PM

Lao politely accepts a cup of some probably very decent booze, but does not seem too interested in more. He instead picks out a small box and opens it, taking out a deck of well-made cards. "Now that we have another prophecy urging us to powers know where, Miss Ren, would you like your fortune told?"

Chained Birds
2013-11-20, 07:22 PM

"That... Would... Be...
And, the name is The Sharp or Sharp One to you pretty boy!"

Ren is obviously (still) drunk.

Chained Birds
2013-11-26, 06:05 AM

"How... Do... I find... *hiccup*
The Dreamscape?

2013-11-26, 05:22 PM

The snakeman focuses on the cards, but still nods at the question. He sets a few small bundles of cards so they form an octahedron. He looks at Ren for a few moments, as if he evaluates something, then picks up one of the bundles, then another and another, seemingly at random. Once all the cards are corrected, he places them in her cards and motions for her to cut. He takes one at the place she cuts and shows it to her face, not seeing it himself (lmk what this was btw, it could be handy for the reading), puts it at the bottom, and carefully, trying not to touch the the backs, spreads the next 9 in the 8 positions and the center of the octahedron again. Only then does he actually study the cards, and what they tell him...