View Full Version : A different kind of adventure

2013-01-29, 05:56 AM
Vechel, if you see this thread please leave.

To anybody else, I'm currently DMing a solo campaign for a mate of mine, who's playing a dwarven warblade. I'll probably hook him up with a band of mercenaries later, led by a charismatic leader.

My problem is that I don't want to give him exclusively "go here and kill creature X" quests, but some quests that demands other skills as well (preferably those that a warblade can use). I was wondering if you have any suggestions for a few quests that are either non-violent or where violence isn't the main part of it.

2013-01-29, 06:02 AM
Kn. History/Local + Diplomacy: Uncover the location of an ancient treasure hoard, and talk one's way past the never dying guardians (kill them and they come back to life in 1d4 rounds)
Thus talking and bartering one's way to the barrow (do something to further the cause of the guardians?)
This works nicely to gain an aligned or special purpose weapon.

Identify and deal with a band of roaming warriors; warned against killing them because they could be members of another kingdom's army or envoys from another metropolis. Thus Diplomacy + Martial Lore.

Kol Korran
2013-01-29, 09:18 AM
Hey Kaeso, some thoughts:
1) The warblade is to protect some young noble on the way to... somewhere. There can be multiple challenges here:
- the noble seems to try and pick a fight, often too big for the warblade's hands.
- at times, the sneaky noble leaves the warblade's care, looking to experience the world. (brothels, jousting matches, crooked parts of town, the graveyard)
- the noble doesn't cooperate with the warblade, making it hard to bypass city guards ("this man is abducting me!"), pass a bridge ("are you insane?! no way am I passing THAT! lets find another way!") and the like.

2) get a ghost to live a haunted place. many people tried conversing with the ghost, getting it to leave, but most were driven off. some... disappeared. can the warblade fight an enemy that either he can't hit, or that rejuvinates quickly? if you need an actual fight, the ghost could animate objects one in a while.

3) seek the X from the monastery of Y: The warblade must travel to some location, and there past some tests in order to get his needed object. the tests could be of skill, or martial prowess, wit and perhaps moral fortitutde.

4) A harpy/ medusa /hag is terorizing a town. when the warblade tries to face her, the monster uses powerful magic/ fighting skills to beat the warrior, but does not kill him. she explains her reasons for coming to town:

she seeks a mate, a powerful one, and she thinks the warblade is... potent. Will the warblade do what it takes? it will be an adventure to remember (roleplayed properly), but never, ever, to be mentioned again.

5) the ship of blood: in order to get passage somewhere quickly, the warblade must summon the Blood Ship- an ancient vessel of some universal imprtance. the captain (the only crew man on board) gives a simple choice- the warblade will have to kill a creature for him, and in exchange of it's life- he will grant him lightning speed voyage through the ether to his destination. (make the need to get to the destination a dire need, and time relevant).

the warblade expects a fight, but instead the death requested is one of a close one (but not too close, make it not a simple option). wil lthe warblade sacrifice someone he knows to stave out a greater danger? (obviously this demends the warblade to develop some relationships)

i'll try to think of more...

2013-01-29, 11:07 AM
Wow, those are some pretty creative ideas. I think I'll be able to do something with that. Thanks!