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View Full Version : I might need to complement an... unusual group

2013-01-29, 08:31 AM
Background information:
I'm a bit of an optimizer at heart playing with non-optimizers. Our party is currently:

1) Kalashtar Psion/Constructor
2) Warforged Sorcerer
3) Gnome Sorcerer
4) Elf Cleric

We're all level 11. I'm the Constructor. The Warforged Sorcerer uses stuff like melee touch attack spells, the other Sorc uses blasty stuff like fireballs, the Cleric heals. Long story short, I played my trump card (maxed out AC's) too early and now the encounters are far too difficult for everyone else. They've died numerous times but I do stuff like Vigor and whatnot.

It's not final right now, but I'll likely be rolling a new character before the next session.
So at level 11, what complements a party of a Warforged Sorc, Gnome Sorc and Elf Cleric?

The party doesn't need a face. Pretty much all we do is go from fight to fight. I was thinking some melee with a bit of skills and tricks and such. However, I don't want something that can trivialize encounters. I was thinking

Warblade/Swordsage or Warblade/Swordsage/Crusader.

Primarily Warblade with a bit of Swordsage dipping to pick up some neat things. Or throw in some Crusader too for more survivability. The Gnome Sorc loves to throw blasty things out there so I was thinking of doing the Perform (Weapon Drill) trick so he can fireball and I can not take any damage... though this would require evasion. I guess a Ring of Evasion would work, or I could focus on Swordsage more.

I need something unoptimized to complement an unoptimized group of a Sorc, Sorc and Cleric.

2013-01-29, 08:59 AM
I was going to suggest a trapmonkey, but since this is apparently hack and slash, your party probably does not need one.

Since the rest of the party has survivability issues... How about a Breath-Weapon focused Dragonborn Dragon Shaman. Take the Endure Exposure invocation ACF, so that your party won't be hurt by your breath weapons. Then add on the Vigor Draconic Aura so as to keep them alive.

2013-01-29, 09:08 AM
Warblade or Crusader could add some proper hack and slash, and give a viable target for the Clerics buffs.

2013-01-29, 11:02 AM
I'd say Dragonfire adept, Psy-warrior on a Charger or lock down build (Or a both build.) or Maybe a Totemist who's good at lots of attacks, Grappling, tripping and has a couple of Save-or's and other tricks for emergency's.

2013-01-29, 12:27 PM
Factotum / Warblade maybe? You get lots of skills and some decent tanking.