View Full Version : Ancient undead and ressurection

2013-01-29, 05:23 PM
Alright, kind of a gray area question.
One of my players is currently running an 800+ Year old undead who died and was reanimated around 25 years old.
One of my players wants to run a cleric aiming for saint-hood who plans on resurrecting all intelligent undead.

If he resurrects the other player, do all the years catch up? Or does it just set him to how he was when he died?

2013-01-29, 05:56 PM
Better question; Short of epic spells, how does he plan on rezzing this 800+ year old party member? True Resurrection is only good for 10 years per caster level, and this is many, many more years that 170 to 300.

2013-01-29, 06:01 PM
The cleric player has noted that there is a spell somewhere that apparently resurrects undead into living creatures again. So I figured I'd ask about the exact mechanics of the whole age/time thing while I waited for him to get back to me on where the spell is and what it's name is.

2013-01-29, 06:01 PM
Better question; Short of epic spells, how does he plan on rezzing this 800+ year old party member? True Resurrection is only good for 10 years per caster level, and this is many, many more years that 170 to 300.

Well, I thought time spent as an undead didn't count towards the clock?

For what it's worth: the ressurection should return him to his state pre-animation. Though wheather he'd keep any levels he earned while undead is another question.

2013-01-29, 06:03 PM
Oh come on, I'm sure its doable to get your cl to well over 80. :smallbiggrin: Oh, darn maybe its not all the methods I can think of are evil :smallredface:. That won't work for a saint will it....

2013-01-29, 06:09 PM
Ok, lets get this straight.
Character A died at age 25.
A has now spent the last 800 years as intelligent undead (and possibly an adventurer).
A was destroyed.
B now wants to rezz A, and restore him to life.

First off, resurrect shouldn't do it. He's been dead too long. Same with True Resurrect.
Second, if it does work, he's not going to retroactively gain 10 age categories, and then collapse in a pile of dust.

I'm not sure, but I think he should probably be restored to exactly how he was at age 25.(Minus one level or 2 points of con)
If you want to resurrect A, so that he's exactly the same as he was when dead, but now has a pulse? I dunno if that's possible. Rez/True rez can work on people who turned into undead, restoring them to life. If all his levels came about while undead, you'd technically be bringing resurrecting an undead, which Rez/True rez can't do. There might be a spell in SC which allows you to bring back undead, there is a Raise Outsider spell afterall, but you'd still be bringing him back as undead.

Wish/miracle might do it. Might.
It can duplicate spells of 8th level or below, but in this case, it's arguably a 9th level spell or higher. You might need epic magic or >10th level spells

2013-01-29, 06:30 PM
Here you guys go (http://dndtools.eu/spells/libris-mortis-the-book-of-the-dead--71/revive-undead--1497/)

2013-01-29, 06:38 PM
Wish/miracle might do it. Might.
It can duplicate spells of 8th level or below, but in this case, it's arguably a 9th level spell or higher. You might need epic magic or >10th level spells

Or more than one wish- one for the body, one for the soul.

A case could be made that the reason resurrect spells don't work on souls that have been dead a long time- is that they merge with the plane, and it takes very powerful magic to pull the soul back out. That's the explanation Complete Divine gives.

But an ensouled undead has not had that time on the plane, dissolving.

Thus, a case could be made that "time of death" is the moment the undead is slain and the soul passes on to the afterlife.

2013-01-29, 06:54 PM
Here you guys go (http://dndtools.eu/spells/libris-mortis-the-book-of-the-dead--71/revive-undead--1497/)

Wrong spell.

The OP is talking about bring him back to LIFE, not back to unlife.

Neat spell, though.

2013-01-29, 06:56 PM
Wrong spell.

The OP is talking about bring him back to LIFE, not back to unlife.

Neat spell, though.

Then I agree with Hamishspence. The soul has still been around.