View Full Version : New d20 RPGs

2013-01-29, 07:13 PM
I'm sure there's been posts like this before and I'm hoping the community is willing to help me.

Anyways after playing tabletop rpgs I've realized that I prefer the Iron Heroes style of setting: Low magic and a lot of feats to develop your own combat style.

I'm coming to you guys for some help, do other systems similar to that exist?
I've played just a few varieties:
D&D 3.5e
D&D 4e
Iron Heroes
Mutants and Masterminds 2e
Alpha Omega

Hopefully you can help me and thanks in advance.

2013-01-29, 07:53 PM
True20? It's by Green Ronin, the same people who do M&M, and class advancement is almost entirely by feat. Not sure how it plays, mind you-- I've only read the rules, and not in great detail at that.

2013-01-29, 07:57 PM
Well, RoC's Legend might work for you too.

2013-01-29, 08:00 PM
I am a huge fan of Legend (http://www.ruleofcool.com/), which is a d20 System by indie developer Rule of Cool. Several of the developers are right from here on Giant in the Playground, and it was founded by the people running the Test of Spite, which produced one of the most rigorous and thorough banlists for high-powered 3.5 ever. Legend is awesome because it gives you lots of cool and important decisions that allow a lot of character customization, but does not waste your time on minutiae or annoying artifacts. It's a great system.

For low-magic, you'd have to stay low-level; while high-level characters need not be explicitly magical, they are going to be super-fantasy heroes who can do impossible things. But at low levels, there is much less of that.

Feats in Legend are big and important, which does allow them to customize your character a great deal. Most feats are not minor "get better at this thing you were doing anyway," they're usually "here's an all-new trick you can use."

Anyway, I'm not certain Legend will fit your preferences; it certainly has a very different take than Iron Heroes. It is very much a heroic fantasy game; it is written by "Rule of Cool" after all. But it might be worth a look; if nothing else, levels 1-5-ish with minimal use of spellcasting classes can have a similar style, I think.

2013-01-29, 10:24 PM
I've been working on a sci-fi expansion for Pathfinder recently.