View Full Version : Toxophilite - The Archery Handbook

2013-01-29, 10:08 PM
http://digital-art-gallery.com/oid/14/489x803_4341_Elf_Archer_2d_fantasy_elf_archer_pict ure_image_digital_art.jpg

Toxophilus, from the greek Toxoi (bow) and Philia (love).

Much has been written on the subject of Archery, but there's still too much information, too many builds and options around not accounted in every handbook.

My intention is to be, indeed, a definite resource for those looking to build or optimize an archer in any of the (many) possible ways. I count on you too to help me with whatever I forget to add.

I also intend to borrow (shamelessly steal) from the aforementioned handbooks, therefore, I must thank and credit the ones I'll steal from:

Eldariel's Archery Handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=642.0)
Carnivore's Ultimate Archer Handbook (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19866186/The_Ultimate_Archer_Handbook?pg=1)
KSB Snow Owl's Archery Handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=194.0)
Dictum Mortuum's Swift Hunter Handbook (http://dictummortuum.blogspot.com.br/2011/09/swift-hunters-handbook.html)
Dictum Mortuum's Cleric Archer Handbook (http://dictummortuum.blogspot.com.br/2011/08/quickstart-cleric-archer.html)

* I will only address here 3.5 material WotC, not including Dragon Magazines/Dragon Compendium.

Why is that? My intention here is to focus on the material that has most chances of getting DM approval. When I finish writing this handbook, I may consider changing this policy.

* I will not address Crossbow usage here. These require much more time and research than I have at my hands right now. Then again, I might change my mind later...

1- Introduction, Ranges, Abilities and Feats
2- Classes to shoot
3- Prestige Shooters
4- Equipment and Spells
5- Builds
6- Last Words

AE = Arms and Equipment Guide (3.0)
BoED = Book of Exalted Deeds
BoVD = Book of Vile Darkness (3.0)
CA = Complete Arcana
CAdv = Complete Adventurer
CC = Complete Champion
CD = Complete Divine
CM = Complete Mage
CP = Complete Psionic
CS = Complete Scoundrel
CW = Complete Warrior
CoR = Champions of Ruin
CoV = Champions of Valor
City = Cityscape
DM = Dragon Magic
DMG = Dungeon Master's Guide
DMGII = Dungeon Master's Guide 2
DotU = Drow of the Underdark
Drac = Draconomicon
DS = Dungeonscape
ECS = Eberron Campaign Settings
FN = Five Nations
Frost = Frostburn
FRCS = Forgotten Realms Campaign Settings (3.0)
LoM = Lords of Madness
MinH = Miniatures Handbook
MIC = Magic Item Compendium
MM = Monster Manual
MMII = Monster Manual II (3.0)
MMIII = Monster Manual III
MMIV = Monster Manual IV
MMV = Monster Manual V
MoF = Magic of Faerūn (3.0)
MoI = Magic of Incarnum
MotW = Masters of the Wild (3.0)
PGtF = Player's Guide to Faerūn
PGtE = Player's Guide to Eberron
PHB = Player's Handbook
PHBII = Player's Handbook 2
PlHB = Planar Handbook
PoF = Powers of Faerūn
RoD = Races of Destiny
RotD = Races of the Dragon
RoE = Races of Eberron
RoF = Races of Faerūn (3.0)
RoS = Races of Stone
RotW = Races of the Wild
Sand = Sandstorm
SoS = Secrets of Sarlona
SoX = Secrets of Xen'drik
SC = Spell Compendium
S&F = Sword and Fist (3.0)
SM = Silver Marshes (3.0)
SS = Savage Species (3.0)
SRD = System Reference Document (http://www.d20srd.com) [All game rules from 3.5 PHB, DMG, MM, XPH and some parts of UA]
ToB = Tome of Battle
ToM = Tome of Magic
UA = Unearthed Arcana
Und = Underdark (3.0)
XPH = Expanded Psionics Handbook

Ranges of Archery
When playing as an archer, it is interesting that you choose a "range" in which you'll focus your attentions. Depending on the range you choose, your build will be entirely different. For example, precision-based damage (sneak attack) only works from a maximum of 30ft. away from your target.

The ranges are:

Point Blank Range [Up to 30']
This is the range for Point Blank Shot, Manyshot and the range limitation for most sorts of Precision Damage. The common Swift Hunter Archer is going to want to visit this range quite often and this is also the range for a normal Rogue to Sneak Attack. This is also the standard move action, so acting at this range is almost as dangerous as fighting in melee.

Extended Point Blank Range [Up to 60']
This is the range for Precision Damage Dealers with range extending feats, such as a Swift Hunter with Ranged Skirmisher. If you can move after attack, this range gives you relative safety and alpha strike capability as an average movement speed of 30' cannot charge beyond 60'. This is generally also the maximum range you'll have to deal with in dungeons.

Long Range [Up to ~300']
This is generally one-two increments away and a range where normal characters can still succeed their spot checks, so a good range to start an encounter at for a non-Precision Damage Archer in wilderness areas. At this range, you can generally pepper the opponent with a few full attacks before they close in to casting/melee range and free damage never hurt anyone. Most Cleric Archers and other non-Fighter Archers tend to operate at this range.

Extreme Range [~300' upwards]
To effectively act at such a range, you tend to need uncanny means of detecting opponents, be it ridiculously high spot check or some divination magic/spotter, and very high attack bonuses or long range increments to act effectively. A Fighter Archer with Ranged Weapon Mastery, Dragonbone Bow, Far Shot/Distance-weapon and levels in Cragtop Archer can probably still act effectively given the means to detect opponents, but usually it already starts to take effort and specialization to function at such a range. High attack bonuses of course help too.


Strength: It is desirable to have at least a +1 here, since you may benefit from a composite bow strength adjustment. Considering that you'll probably shoot lots of arrows (5 to 7 without the splitting enchantment), the damage can add up quickly. If you don't have the points or dice to afford it, get some str enhancing item.

Dexterity: This is your main attribute unless you go the Zen Archer route. Keep this as high as possible. Also helps many other skills, such as tumble to get our of harm's way or hide+move silently for the roguish ones.

Constitution: Although you'll keep a minimum distance of 30' from your target, it's never recommended to neglect your resilience.

Intelligence: Unless you're a Gish Archer, don't bother with this.

Wisdom: Zen archer's main attribute. Also important to Dex archers because spot keys off it.

Charisma: Are you a bard or Sorcerer? No? Ignore this.

Archery-related Feats

These feats deal exclusively with archery/ranged attacks, adding options to your attack or plain bonuses to hit/dmg. Again, which ones you'll use will depend on what do you intend to achieve with your build.

Point Blank Shot [SRD] - Requires:
The feat sucks, but it's a prerequisite for practically everything archery.

Precise Shot [SRD] - Requires: Point Blank Shot
Without this, you'll be peppering your allies in melee or alternatively cannot use archery as your main tactic after the combat is joined. This is also a requirement to utilize the best equipment-based buff for archery, Splitting [CoR Pg. 42], so if you've got access to Splitting, this is an absolute must.

Manyshot[SRD] - Requires: Dex 17, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, BAB +6.
This one is a staple of many swift hunter builds. Since it costs you only one standard action, you may move (activating skirmish) and fire. The downside is that skirmish will only apply on the first arrow and all attacks must be committed to a single enemy.
This isn't a problem when you have:

Improved Manyshot[SRD] - Requires: Dex 17, Manyshot, Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, BAB +6.
Now your precision-based damage will apply to all arrows and your attacks may have multiple targets. Needless to mention splitting and skirmish abuse here, right?

Sharp-Shooting [CW] - Requires: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, BAB +3
This feat has very few uses; mostly it's just one of those "My Fighter had too many feats and doesn't qualify for Improved Precise Shot yet so he picked this to be retrained later."-feats, and quite frankly, optimized Fighters don't have too many feats. So what it does - it halves the AC-bonus standard cover gives opponents. That's it. It doesn't help against opponents behind a tree, with concealment and it doesn't even remove the Cover-bonus.

You're still better off looking for clear shots than shooting through cover, so effectively you spent a feat to make an unfavourable situation slightly less unfavourable, but still one you don't want to be in. Congratulations. Oh yeah, and this doesn't help the standard problem of not dealing sufficient damage at all.

Improved Precise Shot [SRD] - Requires: Dex 19, Precise Shot, Point Blank Shot, BAB +12
Hitting into Grapple is handy, although by the time you get this, you'll mostly have Freedom of Movement available anyways along with swift action teleportation, so this ability won't be as helpful as it could possibly be earlier. Much more important though is the ability to ignore all but total concealment and cover. This opens up some interesting uses with some spells (basically anything that grants lesser degrees of concealment) and items such as Eversmoking Bottle, causing one-sided miss chance. It's also fun to be able to shoot through that keyhole with 100% accuracy. Overall, a handy feat if not "OMG MUST HAVE"-material. Steep requirements though; not available to Zen Archers and +12 BAB means it comes very late for everyone. It's the Be All-End All feat for hitting though, ignoring just about any obstacles but solid walls and complete darkness.

Woodland Archer [RotW] - Requires: Point Blank Shot, +6 BAB
The tactical feat offers three options. Volley archers love the first one; the more attacks, the better. The volley types with maximized number of attacks can often be hitting ACs over 100 easily towards the last ~10 shots or so, so it's solid 400-500 damage to opponents at AC 100.

The second option allows ignoring all concealment including total concealment giving you a strong tool against invisibility and similar abilities, while also making up for Improved Precise Shot for those builds that can't afford picking up Improved Precise Shot, and for those looking to pick it up later.

Finally, the third option is great for snipers; being able to move while sniping makes it easier to avoid being located, and also to keep the distance you want between shots.

Handy for snipers, but really the true power is the first ability for the volley archers.

Far Shot [SRD] - Requires: Point Blank Shot
This allows you to shoot further than everyone else. Frankly, it isn't worth a feat as such long-range combat isn't all that commonplace and you can gain this ability magically (through the Distance-enhancement on arrows) for when you need to shoot at faraway targets. This isn't worth a feat (except for qualifying purposes), but this does warrant inclusion on a bunch of arrows.

Zen Archery [CW] - Requires: Wis 13, BAB +1
If you are making a Wisdom-based character dumping Dex, this is a must. It's the Weapon Finesse of Ranged Weapons. Clerics, Druids and generally Wisdom-based casters are the most likely subjects, although some martial Wisdom-based classes might also end up in a sitiuation where this is optimal.

Ranged Disarm [CW] - Requires: Dex 15, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, BAB +5
This allows you to make Disarm-attempts with ranged weapons at the range of 30'. Unfortunately, the limit of point blank range makes it much worse than just using a two-handed weapon such as Spiked Chain, giving you bonuses to the Disarm-attempt. Further, Disarming is a rather weak strategy in the first place due to the existence of abilities such as Locked Gauntlets making it just useless, and the fact that many monsters fight with natural weapons, which aren't very disarmable. Extra options are nice though, but unfortunately Disarming isn't usually worth the trouble. Still, seeing that we're talking about an opposed attack roll here, I could see some implications in some campaigns. Generally you just won't have the feats to burn though. Note that this feat gains no benefit of the Improved Disarm-feat.

Ranged Sunder [CW] - Requires: Str 13, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, BAB +5
This allows you to make Sunder-attempts with ranged weapons at the range of 30'. Again, it's annoying to only be able to use it at point blank range, and further annoying that Piercing Ranged Weapons only deal ½ damage even with this feat. Serpenttongue Arrows could help there though. I could definitely see implications for this feat, but often you don't want to Sunder opponent's weapons simply because they're loot. Still, it also works against objects, and it can be handy in arena settings so I wouldn't consider it entirely useless. Generally you can't afford the feat for this though. Note that this feat isn't helped by Improved Sunder-feat.

Ranged Pin [CW] - Requires: Dex 15, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, BAB +5
This is my favourite of the three; this allows you to make ranged Grapple-checks. You need to beat opponent's AC, and then you get to make Grapple-checks provided that opponent is close to a surface (such as the floor when flying overhead). If you do manage to win the Grapple-check, they are considered Grappled until they succeed DC 15 Strength- or Escape Artist-check as a Standard Action. Therefore, they'll at least waste a turn, and it requires no actions whatsoever from you.

This is quite handy for archers focusing on Strength for damage (as while you don't get Improved Grapple-benefits, Strength-modifier and Size-modifier apply as normal), giving you extra tools against certain archetypes (such as an easy way to keep casters in AMF; Arcane Archer shooting an AMF with Imbue Arrow, using the arrow to Grapple the target would pretty much one-hit KO a caster at any range). This really works the better, the bigger you are as the bonuses are hard to come by. Overall though, there're lots of implications for this - very handy to keep Melee away.

Shot on the Run [SRD] - Requires: Dex 13, Point Blank Shot, Dodge, Mobility, BAB +4
The effect is handy...but then you look at the prerequisites! Two useless feats. And what it gets you? You get to move before and after an attack. That means it doesn't work with Order of the Bow Initiate's Precise Shot, Manyshot, Penetrating Shot or really anything else for that matter. Basically, the base idea is good, but the feat has worthless prerequisites and is mistemplated for use with the abilities that could utilize it. Stay away, unless you can talk your DM into allowing Standard Action-effects including Ranged Attack instead of just a Ranged Attack between the movements; Manyshot would be useful with this, but one shot? Not so much.

Rapid Shot [SRD] - Requires: Dex 13, Point Blank Shot
The Dex requirement can be problematic for Wisdom-based archers, but that extra attack goes a long way towards making archery worth your time. I'd snag this if at all possible and consider pumping my Dex just to get it. The extra attack is probably going to do more damage on average than an extra point of Strength.

Improved Rapid Shot [CW] - Requires: Point Blank Shot, Rapid Shot, Manyshot
Unfortunately Manyshot isn't a very good feat for volley archers (it is occasionally useful though; extra options are always good) and likewise, Manyshotters don't want Improved Rapid Shot. That fact bringing this feat down in value by having a semi-wasted prerequisite either way. Rangers do get Manyshot as a bonus though and Fighters get enough feats to pick it up, and two extra points for hitting is nothing to scoff at, especially on later levels with a number of iteratives. Not a must have, but handy.

Plunging Shot [RoTW] - Requires: Dex 13, Point Blank Shot
Get extra 1d6 damage on targets 30' below you. At first glance, this feat appears awesome. Once you start thinking about it though, it appears incresingly bad. First of all, this practically means you'll need to be in the air. 30' is either a cliff overseeing the opponent's position or simply flight and of those, flight should be a more common option. Therefore, it gives you an advantage when you can fly and your opponent can't. Seems good, except if that's the case, your opponent isn't exactly the most dire of threats in the first place, except when talking about another archer. So it's decent in archery duels where you invested in flight and opponent didn't and that's pretty much it.

Second, the feat is simply unusable in lots of locales. Good luck getting 30' up in a dungeon. Same goes to pretty much any building. So the feat has a powerful effect, but unfortunately it's way too sitiuational to truly be worth a feat slot.

Able Sniper [RotW] - Requires: Dex 13, Hide: 5 ranks
You get bonuses to hitting flat-footed opponents, and more importantly +4 to Hide-checks made to hide afterwards. If you're going Sniping, this is probably the feat to start with; hitting with Snipes and staying hidden go a long way to keeping you alive. There's one unfortunate drawback here, and it's the fact that you only get bonuses to hit against opponents that are at least 30' away. That makes triggering Sneak Attack difficult as you need the opponent at exactly 30' for that, or alternatively you need some way to extend Sneak Attack-range (such as Crossbow Sniper [PHBII Pg. 77] - as the name suggests though, that's only for crossbow snipers).

Bowslinger [Und] - Requires: BAB +1
This gives you +2 on attacks against Flat-Footed opponents. Again handy for making sure you hit, but I don't find this worth a feat; something to pick up with an Action Point when you feel you need the extra accuracy. If it helped in Hiding, it could be worth actually picking, but as it stands...

Penetrating Shot [PHBII] - Requires: Str 15, Point Blank Shot, BAB +10
Gives you the ability to shoot through opponents in a 60' line as a Standard Action. This could be somewhat useful as since it's a Standard Action, you've got the Move left to Hide with. So this is a bonus to a Sniper, but lined up opponents are relatively rare. Still, it may just be worth it, especially with Woodland Archer to shift position to get the lines right.

Ranged Weapon Mastery [PHBII] - Requires: Base Attack Bonus +8, Weapon Focus (any
must choose type: Bludgeoning, Slashing or Piercingbludgeoning,Slashing,Piercing ranged), Weapon Specialization (any bludgeoning,Slashing,Piercing) ranged)
Any Ranged weapon you wield has a +2 bonus on attack, damage +20’ range increment.

Psionic Archer Feats

Psionic Shot [XPH] - Requires: Point Blank Shot.
You can charge your ranged attacks with additional damage potential.
Benefit: To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. Your ranged attack deals +2d6 points of damage. You must decide whether or not to use this feat prior to making an attack. If your attack misses, you still expend your psionic focus.

Greater Psionic Shot [XPH] - Requires: Point Blank Shot, Psionic Shot, base attack bonus +5.
You can charge your ranged attacks with additional damage potential.
Benefit: When you use the Psionic Shot feat, your ranged attack deals an extra 4d6 points of damage instead of an extra 2d6 points.

Fell Shot

Return Shot

General Feats

These feats will help you get your build together, circumvent you fighting style deficiencies or even add moar power to it:

Knowledge Devotion [CC] - Requires: Knowledge (any): 5 ranks
One of the best feats for boosting the damage output in archery. If you have the feats to burn for Education [ECS Pg. 52, PGtF Pg. 38] along with some skillpoints and Int-modifier, you can cover all Knowledges used for identifying creatures (Arcana, Dungeoneering, Local, Nature, Religion, The Planes) adequately and be the party Knowledge Bank while at it. Even just one rank in all Knowledges gets you at least +1/+1 for all combats with the potential for +2/+2 on decent rolls. Oh yeah, the free Knowledge as a class skill regardless of your multiclassing doesn't hurt either.

Ancestral Relic [BoED] - Requires: Any Good alignment, Character Level 3rd
Basically, this feat allows you to spend items for their full price when enhancing your ancestral relic. In this case, you'll of course want an ancestral weapon. A strong alternative to Mercantile Background, but while the feat is not Exalted, it does require Good alignment which is something to keep in mind. Oh yeah, and there's a limitation as to how much you can spend on the feat.

Item Familiar [UA] - Requires: Character Level 3rd
Make your Bow your Item Familiar. You'll be able gain a number of free +1-abilities, some Intelligent Item-bonuses or similars. Further, you'll gain the ability to invest skill points and experience to it for increased returns (although it'll suck royally if it is destroyed - have your contingencies for Disjunction later on). Oh, and you can enhance your bow without actually having Item Creation feats. And you get a free Alertness when wielding the item (That is, all the time! And Spot just happens to be your most important skill!). Easily my favourite of the three, although it really combines well with either. I especially like the Mercantile Background+Item Familiar-combo, and pull strings for the enchanting, providing the XP myself. That gives me the item for 37.5% of the original price with each item sale providing 25%-units more money. And it's available to any alignment (although Mercantile Background is Faerūn-specific - very easy to convert to any world though (basically, any member of a merchant family would do) - and Item Familiar is from a source you can never assume anything from).

Gish Archer Feats

Divine Metamagic - Requires: 1 metamagic feat
Enables you to use a metamagic feat (chosen when you select the feat) fueling it with Turn/Rebuke Undead uses equal to the Metamagic level modifier +1.

Persistent Spell - Requires: Extend Spell
Have your buffs 24/7. The downside is that it's a steep price to persist (+6 level adjustment).
Check this on how to reduce the cost of Persistent Spell: Metamagic and you: a thesis (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=9876.0)

Extend Spell - Requires:
Double your spell's duration.
Sweet and solid. +3 level adjustment.

Precision-based Archers or How to activate skirmish and qualify for ranged sneak attacks

Travel Devotion [CC] - Requires:
1/day move your speed as a swift action.
This ability lasts for 1 minute, which will get you through most battles. To initiate it, each round you will have to spend your swift action. Obviously you can then use the full attack action to full skirmish your opponents. This made the cloistered cleric dip important to the swift hunter. That's because not only you can permanently sacrifice turn undead attempts for extra travel devotion uses per day, but you can gain travel devotion for free if you select the travel domain and swap it for the appropriate domain feat.

Flyby Attack [SRD] - Requires: Requires Fly speed.
This is the feat Shot on the Run, Spring Attack and company always wanted to be! This is the be-all end-all movement feat, but it requires Fly speed so it isn't available for all PCs. In fact, mostly it's available for Dragonborn, Raptorans and characters picking feats to get Wings (along with possibly casters with magical flight). Though if you can get it with item-based qualifications, give it a good hard look. It enables you to move, Manyshot and retreat in the same round. It also works with Penetrating Shot, spellcasting and so on; basically the perfect tool for getting in range for Precision-attack and getting outside opponent's effective range for your own turn. Skirmisher's feat, though archery is notoriously reliant on its full attacks, and its primary advantage over other combat styles is getting them consistently and reliably.

Improved Skirmish [CS] - Requires:
+2d6/+2AC to skirmish bonuses if you move 20ft. Great.

Swift Ambusher [CS] - Requires: +1d6 Sneak Attack; Skirmish +1d6/+1AC
This will let your Rogue levels advance your skirmish damage and armor bonus.

Swift Hunter [CS] - Requires: Favored Enemy; Skirmish +1d6/+1AC
This will let your Scout and Ranger levels stack to determine your Favored Enemy and Skirmish damage/armor bonus.

Incarnum Feats

Cobalt Precision [MoI] - Requires: Con 13, Point blank Shot
Gain a bonus equal to essentia invested on attack rolls to confirm critical hits, and critical hit damage rolls (before damage is multiplied). Only works on targets within 30ft. Gain 1 point of essentia.

Indigo Strike [MoI] - Requires: Con 13, and either skirmish, sudden strike, or sneak attack.
Gain an insight bons equal to twice the essentia invested on skirmish, sudden strike, or sneak attack damage rolls. This only applies once on any attack (I.E. if you have skirmish and sneak it applies only to one of them).
Gain one point of essentia
*great for scouts, or any ranged sneak attack builds.

Sapphire Smite [MoI] - - Requires: Con 13, ability to smite.
Gain additional uses of your smite ability, and a +1 bonus to smite damage for every point of essentia invested.

2013-01-29, 10:10 PM
Your race is one of the fundamental parts when deciding how are you going to shoot. The most suitable races, though, will revolve around those granting a bonus to DEX or to WIS if you decide to build a Zen Archer. Said so, regular elves (+2 dex/-2 con) are preferred.
If you're going for composite bows, try to grab a Wood Elf [FRCS] it's +2dex,str/-2int,cha thus giving you a better strength adjustment.

The chassis of your archer is what defines HOW your archer will shoot. Will he be a long-range sniper? Will he be a battlefield precision-damage dealer?

I'm only adding the archery-relevant Alternative Class Features and Racial Substitution Levels. For a more comprehensive list check this handbook (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19872054/Alternative_Class_Features_III).

Full BaB and a feat every even level.
It's used mostly as a 1-2 dip class but, if you choose to go up to level 20, it opens up access to stuff like Ranged Weapon Mastery and Weapon Supremacy.

Full BaB. Rapid shot on 2nd, manyshot on 6th and improved rapid shot on 11th. The ranger also has a sweet spell selection that helps overcome most archery problems such as cover or range.
You may trade the spellcasting for Bonus Feats using the Champion of the Wild alternative class feature on Complete Champion.

Alternative Class Features

Arcane Hunter [CM]
You gain favored enemy (arcanists). This includes any character able to use invocations or cast arcane spells. This is more important to a Swift Hunter than to a ranger, because you can now bypass immunities to critical hits those creatures have (if any) with your skirmish ability. Replaces favored enemy at 1st level.

Spell Reflection [CM]
If an enemy misses you with a spell or spell-like ability aimed on you, you can use an immediate action to reflect it back on the caster. This is good, since you gain dodge benefits when you skirmish and your dexterity is probably fairly good. Many targeted spells like enervation or ray of exhaustion can disable you easily for the combat. This ability will provide you with extra punishment against enemy spellcasters. You can gain evasion through scout. Replaces evasion.

Distracting Attack [PHBII]
This is good, because it lets you get rid of your already useless animal companion. Great if you have a rogue in your party. Replaces animal companion.

Champion of the Wild [CC]
This is useful only if you are taking a few ranger levels. Don't take it if you are going to take more than 4 levels. Spells are more important. Useful feats to take are: Precise Shot, Shot on the Run, Weapon Finesse. I wouldn't select this ability, even if my ranger levels were four.

Celestial Slayer [EoE]
Well it gives you the option to swap any of three available class features and it gives you spell resistance and critical roll confirmation. Not much, but it's pretty good if you are evil.

Hidden Stalker [CS]
People in 5ft from you are sufficient cover to hide and you can move when hiding with lesser penalties. Also hide in plain sight functions in urban environments rather than natural terrain. The hide in plain sight modification may be campaign specific but the main ability is better than camouflage. Replaces camouflage and modifies hide in plain sight.

Urban Companion [CS]
This is worth it for you. This is more small and versatile, able to assist in scouting. It opens up the option for improved familiar also.

Psionic chassis to later upgrade into a Soulbow. Still have to do some research.

Medium BaB progression.
Sneak attack and the Swift Ambusher Feat is what makes the rogue shine.
If you add Skirmish and Sneak attack you'll get silly damage pretty quick, but it only comes fully online by late game when you're able to consistently keep your enemy with its dex bonus to ac denied.

Medium BaB progression.
Skirmish will give you extra damage and some armor too, but requires you to keep moving (10ft away from where you started on your turn). Only works on Sneak Attack range (30ft) but doesn't require the enemy to be denied its dex to ac.


Same as rogue.
It is worth noticing though, that even if Sudden Strike and Sneak Attack dies stack for all purposes, they are still triggered differently.
Sudden Strike won't trigger because you're flanking your enemy. That's not much of a concern, except perhaps for Elvenbow users.


This is where the game changes considerably.
It pretty much involves you getting Zen Archery and Divine Metamagic Persistent Spell to persist your ridiculous buffs to hit and damage.
All of that on top of the benefits of being a T1 caster.
Please, refer to the Gish Archer Feats section and Divine Spells section.
Alternative Class Features
Cloistered Cleric
Bardic Lore
6+int skills
Additional domain: Knowledge (swap it with knowledge devotion)
Some additional spells to the spell list

From Medium BaB goes to Poor BaB
From d8 HD goes to d6 HD
Armor proficiencies. He's only proficient with the light armor.


The Archivist is an alternative to the standard Cleric Archer.
Although he lacks domains (thus, some spells and feats) he makes up with the ability of learning nearly every spell in the game. I'm looking at you, ranger, with your delicious archery spells.
Please, refer to the Gish Archer Feats section and both Arcane/Divine Spells section.


Yeah, odd as it may seem, the duskblade is perhaps the best approach to an Arcane Archer.
This is the best (functional) arcane archer you'll likely get, and it won't be half bad on the melee side as well, since you may deliver spells and burn them like crazy to pump your damage.
Its functionality rests on being able to imbue your attacks with spells, most of them pack quite a punch (Vampiric Touch).
This guy will shine most when you hit level 13 and start channelling all of your attacks. Again, Splitting makes things get ugly real fast.
Please, refer to the Arcane spells section.

Incarnum-based class. Still have to do some research here.

Racial Substitution levels

Elf Soulborn
Lvl 1: In addition to normal soulborn abilities, an Elf soulborn can smite with an arrow fired by a bow, provided that the target is within 30ft.
Lvl 2: In addition to the normal soulborn abilities, an Elf Soulborn also gets immunity to Enchantment (Charm) effects.
Lvl 7: Range of low light vision becomes triple that of a human. If a meld occupies the brow chakra, gain a bonus on search and spot checks equal to twice the essentia invested, increase the range of your bow by 1/2. This replaces the soulborn bonus feat gained at 7th lvl.

Incarnum-based class. Still have to do some research here.

Incarnum-based class. Still have to do some research here.

2013-01-29, 10:11 PM
Prestige Classes

Cragtop Archer [RoS]
Half the penalties to spot and range increments. Ability to further improve max increment. Oh, add Damage Reduction to the list.
Really, this guy's the Deepwood Sniper soulmate.
Awesome to snipers and still quite useful for non-precision archers.

Order of the Bow Initiate [CW]
Why? Its main feature, Ranged Precision has the same restrictions of Precision damage. Sure, it doesn't require your enemy to be flat-footed or denied the dex to ac, but eats up a Standard Action.
Even with the splitting property, you're better off with scout, rogue or ranger.
What perhaps is more enticing to this Prestige Class is its 2nd level ability: you don't provoke Opp. Attacks when shooting. Period.
I believe this is gold for a precision-based archer, but you'll sink 2 levels on a class that will give you nothing other than this.
I do not recommend more than 2 lvls here.

Peerless Archer [SM]
The main reason for you to go for this class is its 3rd level ability: Power Shot. As you may guess, this allows you to perform power attacks with your bow. Overall, this class isn't so bad, adding sneak attack +4d6 over 10 levels, some cover and concealment ignoring and at 8th you may threaten 10ft away but not adjacent to you.
You could do far worse, imho. Go for it if your group isn't an enclave of optimizers.

Deepwood Sniper [MoW]
As implied by its name, is the apex of sniping.
After 7 levels of it your arrows have a x5 critical multiplier, not to mention +10/level range increment.
And these aren't the only things offered: poison, attack bonus for aiming, attack re-rolls, concealment reduction and keen arrows are also there.
Couple this with hunter's mercy spell, dragonbone bow and you'll be a killing force leagues away, hitting like a truck.

Soulbow (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20060403a&page=2)

One of the approaches towards making a Psionic Archer. It is able to enhance a mind arrow with ranged weapon properties up to +3 and fire them even on a Null Psionics Field.
The downside? No new powers discovered.

Ballisteer (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20030426b)
This guy, on the other hand, has a 6/10 power progression but gets things like: energy and ethereal shots.
The problem: dodge and mobility as feat requirements.
I would say that this makes for a better Psionic Archer than Soulbow, although both PrCs can be mixed to make one damn fine archer.

Justice of Weald and Woe [CoR]
Scenario specific (FR)
A personal favorite of mine due to the fluff. Elves that hate humans? Sign me up! As a PrC it could be worse but also could be better.
Useful spells, moderate BaB progression, poison use, bonus feats, +2d6 sneak attacks.
Won't make you a powerhouse but will add a lot of utility.

Seeker of the Misty Isle [CD]
Almost custom-tailored to Divine Archers.
It's not much, but gives you two extra useful domains (travel and magic), while also progressing divine spellcasting.
Its spellcasting has some problems though:
*The class' table shows two dead spellcasting levels, but the text describes the PrC as advancing spellcasting on all levels. Normally, text trumphs table, buuuuuut: table 2-1 lists the Seeker as moderate spellcasting.
It is more likely that the class actually has 2 no-spellcasting levels. Regardless, your DM has the final say on this.

Arcane Archer (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/prestigeClasses/arcaneArcher.htm) [DMG]
A staple of elven archery. At least conceptually.
This PrC is even worse than Order of the Bow Initiate.
Why, you ask me: it has no spellcasting progression and its ability to imbue arrows makes you shoot it in the same round it's cast. Not to mention way restrictive abiliies (seeker/phase/death) arrow 1/day.
Skip it, for your own good, unless you have a really clever build.

Other Useful PrCs

Shiba Protector[OA]
Must be human and have 3 'meh' feats (iron will, alertness and expertise). At least you can buy Iron Will through an Otyugh Hole[CS].
This is a 1-level dip PrC because it grants you Wisdom to attack AND damage rolls. Pure gold for Zen (Cleric, Archivist) Archers.

Exotic Weapon Master[CW]
Perfect class for a 1-level dip. It grants you one of the holy grails of non-sniper archery, that is, not provoking attacks of opportunity for shooting on melee range.

Pious Templar[CD]

Spells, Martial Maneuvers, Psionic Powers and Incarnum

These spells by no means intend to be an ultimate guide on spells. For that, we already have plenty of guides. Here I intend to present archery-related spells or those that will have a hude impact on your performance if you decide to be a Gish.

This section is permanently Under Construction. There are far too many spells for me to list every single useful one. If you think I should put a spell here, please leave a comment and explain why it should be here.

Spells without reference are taken either from the PHB or from the Spell Compendium.

<links to spells handbook>

* = Spells that are also on the Assassin's list.

Divine Spells

Ranger Spells
1st: Exacting Shot[CAdv]; Guided Shot; Hawkeye; Hunter's Mercy; Raptor's Sight[RoW]; Vine Strike; Sniper's Shot*
2nd: Hunter's Eye[PHBII]; Curse of Impending Blades;
3rd: Mark of the Hunter; Arrow Storm;
4th: Foebane;

Cleric Spells
1st: Divine Favor; Blessed Aim; Guiding Light; Arrow Mind; Woodwisp Arrow[CoR]*;
2nd: Owl's Wisdom; Spiritual Weapon; Align Weapon; Exacting Shot; Spellslayer Arrow[CoR]*; Brilliant Energy Arrow[CoR]*;
3rd: Magic Vestment; Ghost Touch Weapon; Girallon's Blessing; Arrow Storm; Serpent Arrow[CoR]*; Darkflame Arrow[CoR]*; Arrowsplit[CoR]*;
4th: Divine Power; Greater Magic Weapon; Shadow Arrow[CoR]*; Doublestrike Arrow[CoR]*; Bane Bow[CD]; Arrow Storm[CAdv]; Bloodfreeze Arrow[CoR]*;
5th: Righteous Might; Divine Agility; Righteous Wrath of the Faithful; Surge of Fortune[CC];
6th: Energy Immunity; Superior Resistance.
7th: Brilliant Blade;
8th: Antimagic Field;
9th: Greater Visage of the Deity.

Druid Spells
1st: Hawkeye; Raptor's Sight;

Arcane Spells

1st: Guided Shot; Sniper's Shot
2nd: Melf's Unicorn Arrow[PHBII]; Melf's Acid Arrow; Curse of Impending Blades;
3rd: Flame Arrow;
4th: Melf's Slumber Arrows[CM]; Serpent Arrow[CoR];
6th: Arrow of Bone[CArc];
8th: Prismatic Bow[CM]

Psionic Powers


Martial Maneuvers

The following martial maneuvers do not require melee attacks

Desert Wind
Blistering Flourish
Distracting Ember
Dragons Flame
Fan the Flames
Fire Repost ****
Fire Snake *****
Hatchlings Flame
Inferno Blast
Leaping Flame
Ring of Fire
Wind Stride
Wyrm's Flame
Zypher Dance

Devoted Spirit
Shield Block ***

Diamond Mind
Action Before Thought
Diamond Defense
Mind over body
Moment of Alacrity
Quicksilver Motion
*Time Stands Still

Iron Heart
Iron Heart Endurance
Iron Heart Focus
Iron Heart Surge

Setting Sun
Baffling Defence
Feigned Opening *6
Mirrored Pursuit
Scorpion Parry
Stalking Shadow

Shadow Hand
Cloak of Deception
One With Shadow
Shadow Blink
Shadow Garrote
Shadow Jaunt
Shadow Noose
Shadow Stride

Stone Dragon
*Adamantine Bones
Boulder Roll
*EarthStrike Quake
Mountain Avalanche

Tiger Claw
**Dancing Mongoose
Fountain of Blood
**Raging Mongoose
Sudden Leap

White Raven
Lions Roar
Order Forged From Chaos
White Raven Tactics

* Strikes that work with ranged weapons
** Boosts that grant extra attacks that work with ranged weapons

*** Debatable: only when using a bluckler or shield. It does not specificy if you must be recieving the shields bonus yourself, so with a loose interperetation a bow user could use this with a buckler.
**** Debatable: While you do make a melee touch attack, it does not specify if this is a weapon related attack or not.
***** Broken: Duration is instantanious, but the firesnake moves at 60ft per round? What action is it to control a fire snake? none is indicated. How many firesnakes can one control at once? no limit is specified? What is to stop me from having nigh infinate firesnakes running around? and dealing 6d6 damage to everything in sight (In this case evasion is actually bad because if I deal no damage on a successful reflex save the fire snake can keep passing through your square until you fail a save.)
Can a target he stuck by different fire snakes in the same round? if so we are looking at an infinate damage loop. I recommend as a houserul a duration of concentration, IE 1 standard action per round to mantain or a 5 round effect limit (like salamander charge).

* 6 Partial: while you don't benifit, a melee using ally can.
* 7 While using a 1 handed ranged weapon.

Incarnum Soulmelds

Sighting Gloves - Insight bonus to damage equal to the ammount of essentia invested. This is pure gold for incarnum (and even non-incarnum) archers.

Great Raptor - Bonus to spot checks is something no archer should pass.

Apparition Ribbon - Useful against incorporeal enemies. Still, you should try the seeking enchantment instead.

Keeneye Lenses - Bonus to spot checks, better than the Great Raptor one.

2013-01-29, 10:14 PM

Mundane Bows

Great Bow [CW] (Exotic) 150gp
1d10 damage(x3), 120' Increment, 6lbs, Piercing Damage
Can't be used Mounted

Footbow [RoW](Exotic) 150gp
1d8 dmg
Must be used with your feet to hold and 1 or 2 hands to draw it.
May have a high strength rating just like composite bows (and the same increase in price).
If you draw it with both hands you may add 1-1/2 Str bonus to damage (up to a max of 1-1/2 the str rating of the bow).
On the ground you need to fire it prone and take a -4 to do so.
Raptorans treat it as martial instead of exotic.

Composite Great Bow [CW] (exotic) 200gp
1d10 damage(x3), 130' Increment, 6lbs ,Piercing Damage
Can't be used Mounted

Bonebow [Frost] 250gp
1d10 damage (20 / x3) 120’ increment, 4 lbs , piercing
Can't be used Mounted

Longbow, Aquatic [Storm] 400 gp
1d8 damage (20 / x3) 60’(10’ underwater) Increment, 3 lbs, piercing

Magic Weapon Special Abilities

Assassination (+1 Price) [Online (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070314a)]
+1d6 Sneak Attack.
You don't risk getting poisoned when applying poison to this weapon (this property should obviously be on an arrow instead of on the bow).
It also increases the poison's save DC by the same ammount it has as enhancement. A +3 Assassination weapon confers +3 to the poison's save DC. Quite solid for ammunition.

Splitting (+3 price) [CoR Pg. 42]
Ok, so this is the best ability in the books. By far. It requires Precise Shot (just one extra reason to get it) and is a +3 ability, but by gods does it kick ass. Every attack you do hits. Twice. In effect, this doubles your damage output; normal +3 would be about ~+10 damage, this can be around +30 damage easily. Also, getting two attack rolls is incredibly useful for having higher hit percentage and goes perfectly with Woodland Archer [RoTW Pg. 154].
There is a little ambiguity to whether this works with Precision Damage though; it does have two attack rolls which would suggest that it does, but effectively they act as a volley attack, hitting the same place and therefore wouldn't get Precision Damage added. You should check with your DM before getting this for your Precision Damage archer; it's probably still worth it if Precision Damage isn't doubled (since it increases the odds of hitting with it by tons), but that would make it much less good. Personally I wouldn't allow twice the Precision Damage for Splitting since the archer doesn't get to aim the pieces separately.

Explosive (+2 HoB, ammo only; +3 CW) [HoB Pg. 130, CW Pg. 134]
This is a useful in theory; it allows you to deal area of effect damage with your arrows. It can only be placed on Arrows, though. The downside is that this is very expensive on a ranged weapon and allows a DC 14 non-scaling Reflex-save to halve the damage. This does have a role, but not in normal adventure. The biggest use of this is against armies and craptons of mooks; as such this is better on arrows than a bow, although getting an Explosive Bow for an army fight could be a solid option. The damage is sad for +2 (1d6 = average of 3.5 damage, the average for +1 abilities and this one allows a save) though so this has a very specific application and is going to suck outside that.
CW version is a +3 price enhancement dealing 2d4 damage with one point higher Save DC, making it even worse. It can be placed on Bows though.

Knockback (+3 price) [CW Pg. 135]
This follows the pattern of CW-abilities; it's handy, but kinda expensive for what it does. This can be very useful against medium opponents, but earlier on it's too expensive and later on the guys who want to get close, the Fighters, tend to have enough Strength to win the check even at Medium. Still, getting 5 Bull rushes a turn means you'll win at least some so it isn't totally wasted. Of course it's better in areas where Bull rush naturally works, such as cliffs, areas with lethal terrain, trees, bridges and so on. It isn't going to be a sufficient deterrent to prevent melee warriors from getting to you alone though, so it's definitely something to only get in some Arrows. Still, there're many situations where you can do ugly stuff with this. +3 is a bit expensive though; this would be more interesting at +2.

Force (+2 price) [MIC Pg. 35]
Archers usually have relatively low damage per arrow. That means Damage Reduction is a real bitch (save for very specific Sniper-builds). Enter Force. This +2 ability allows you to completely ignore Damage Reduction against everything except the Über Epic monster Force Dragon (CR Larger Than You'll Ever Face). Not only that, but it gives you perfect accuracy against Incorporeals and Ethereals. Oh, and since your arrow becomes Force Attack, Windwall - the perennial bane of Archers everywhere - doesn't work against it either.
In other words, for a simple +2 ability, you get to ignore three of the biggest thorns Archers face. Thank you sir, may I have another? Even archers with natural abilities to overcome DR will want to consider this. The only reason not to get Force bow is if you already happen to have Energy Bow (or play in a campaign without MIC).

Holy (+2 price) [SRD]
Let's face it, most campaigns have evil guys as the prominent enemies. Holy is a +2 ability that works on all of them. And it gives you equivalent to two dice of elemental damage vs. each and every one. Oh, and it makes your weapon good for passing Damage Reduction (and archer can just have arrows/bolts of different materials around to switch as needed essentially allowing you bypass all Good and X-DRs; much easier than trying to have the right melee weapon). Not much to say, if you can afford it, it's one of the best abilities to get.

Unholy (+2 price) [SRD]
If the party is evil fighting good guys.

Exit Wounds (+2 price) [CW Pg. 134]
This is a useful ability. 1d6 damage for +2 isn't horrible, but the real use of this ability is to mimic the feat "Penetrating Shot" [PHBII Pg. 73] without actually taking it. Basically, when opponents line up properly, you could use one of these. Or 5. Two hits is always better than one and if you're a good shooter, you may just make it more than 2. I'd say it's worth keeping some arrows with this around if you can afford them and use them when the chance occurs.

(Greater) Dispelling (+1/+2 price) [MIC Pg. 33]
Very handy to have in arrows/bolts. If you fight against buffed up opponents or need to end some magic effects or overall need to dispel anything, these are the arrows for the job. The normal ability has a Per Day-restriction, but luckily that doesn't matter on arrows. Great to have in your bag of tools, and quite cheap to boot. Switch to Greater Dispelling when you feel the normal doesn't quite cover it anymore.

Magebane (+1 price) [CA Pg. 143, MIC Pg. 38]
One of the few Bane-properties worth having (on a bunch of arrows), this works against all things casting arcane spells or have Arcane Spell-Like abilities. In other words, it kicks ass. You could actually put this on your Bow if you face enough casters; +2 to hit/+2d6 damage for +1 ability is immense. Even if you don't, get those damn arrows. One-two stacks to use against Dragons, Liches, Beholders, Wizards and other problematic individuals. Very, very useful and quite possibly the most broad Bane-ability in existence.
The MIC version unfortunately doesn't work on creatures with Spell-Like Abilities. The CA-version is much stronger. Still, even the MIC version is worth getting, just not in a weapon, but as arrows. It's still a very broad Bane-ability that works on, among others, Dragons and Liches, two very potent opponent types. Even the MIC version warrants Blue. CA version is more like Royal Blue.

Deadly Precision (+1 price) [MIC]
+1d6 Sneak Attack or Sudden Strike. It grants nothing if you don't have the ability and won't apply twice if you happen to have both.

Bane (+1 price) [SRD]
It may be worth it to keep a few Bane-arrows for more prominent types around. Unlike with normal weapons, due to the fact that a stack of 10 +2 arrows costs basically nothing (~1700gp) compared to midgame wealth, you can afford to keep a few Bane-weapons of appropriate types around. Aberrations are a good bet, as are Undead. Those types cover a wide variety of creatures and should come up often enough. Evil Outsiders, Magical Beasts and Fey are other solid options. Unfortunately Humanoids tend to be too specific, so unless your campaign is overwhelmingly based on one Humanoid-type, I'd steer clear of the Humanoid pumps (and if there's such an overwhelming number of type X in campaign, maybe your bow should be Bane X instead of arrows).

Corrosive (+1 price) [MIC Pg. 31]
If you want elemental damage, Acid is probably least commonly resisted after Sonic (Screaming only deals 1d4, so I'd go with Corrosive).

Seeking (+1 price) [SRD]
This is a great ability negating all forms of concealment and few specific magical protections. No feat can replicate the reliability of Seeking and indeed, you even negate miss chance for attacking an invisible opponent as long as you get the square right. Absolute godsent at +1 cost.
Now think of: ring of blinking + seeking bow. You'll always get to apply your sneak attack and shoot without the miss chance.

Precise (+1 price) [MIC Pg. 40]
This replicates the Precise Shot-feat. Basically, if you believe your magical weapon won't get dispelled or sundered, you can use this to save a feat.
Note though that it does not actually grant you the Precise Shot-feat so strict reading means it won't work with Splitting.

Distance (+1 price) [SRD]
This replicates the Far Shot-feat. Definitely something to keep in store (goes especially well with the Swiftwing Arrows [RoTW Pg. 164]); while long range combat isn't all that commonplace, as an archer you better be equipped to fight at that range should the sitiuation require it. The primary selling point of archery over melee combat is the ability to affect opponents you cannot reach; being limited only to Extended Point Blank Range isn't exactly anything a melee warrior couldn't pull off just as well. These arrows are also cheap, so just keep some in storage.

Transmuting (+2 bonus) [MIC]
Overcome any DR. Gold.

Accurate (+1 bonus) [DotU]
When you miss, +2 Circumstance to the next Attack.
Combine this with the Woodland Archer feat and you get +6 to the next shot. Not bad at all.


Raptor Arrow (Relic) (6,006gp) [MIC]
Pure Gold.
+1 Arrow and if you're LG, NG, CG or N it returns and restrings at your bow at the beginning of your next round.
If you worship Ehlonna and have the True Believer feat or sacrifices a 4th level divine spell slot, it gains the Bane property against the enemy you're firing.
It may get troublesome if you factor in the Splitting property. Check with your DM

Arrow/Bolt of Biting (506gp) [MIC Pg. 46]
+1 ammo that injects a target hit with an Injury Poison with DC 16 Fort-save for 1d6 Con. Pretty meh, since the Fort-save DC is so low. Actual poisons are generally more effective since they can be crafted for a very reasonable price if you have the skill, and there are ones with actually impressive Save DCs. These aren't completely worthless, but there are generally better ways to spend your money and since the save DC is pretty low, these aren't that useful as backups for particularly tough opponents either (since the tougher the opponent, the less likely these are to work).

Fountainhead Arrow/Bolt (306gp) [MIC Pg. 52]
A normal ammo that can be shot at a flat surface to create a 10' radius burst Acid-spewing geyser. It acts on your turn and the acid deals 2d8 damage with a DC 14 Reflex for half. It actually isn't horrible since it's guaranteed damage against most creatures and it persists for 3 rounds; it can dig through many materials and the damage can even be useful against creatures if they for a reason or another can't move out of its area easily. And of course, if you happen to find a creature with flat surface to one direction or another, slamming a full flurry of these in its face would be exceedingly efficient; effective 3d8 extra damage (assuming saves succeed) plus the normal attack damage adds up real quick.

Hellpiercer (2007 gp)
This is a +3 shocking burst ammo that acts as Silver for overcoming DR and delivers a dose of Purified Couatl Venom ravage (DC 16 Injury Ravage for 2d4 and 4d4 Str damage). Price-wise, the arrows are actually cheaper than the ravage but the ravage is so low DC that it's probably not worth it. It works on evil creatures normally immune to poisons, but since the save DC is low, it's unlikely to. Ravages are probably not anyone's favorite thing from 3.5 in any case. Best we just forget about this.

Arrow of Cure Light Wounds [MoW] 107gp (light) / 607gp (moderate) / 1,507gp (serious) / 2,807gp (critical)
It's a +1 arrow bestows a cure light wounds spell, curing 1d8+1. It does no damage.
If such an arrow strikes an undead target, the creature is entitled to spell resistance and a Will save (DC 11) for half damage.
It has improved versions:
Cure Moderate Wounds = 2d8+3 and Save DC of 12
Cure Serious Wounds = 3d8+5 and Save DC of 13
Cure Critical Wounds = 4d8+7 and save DC of 14.

Arrow, Swiftwing [RotW 165]
Arrow with a smaller, more aerodynamic head and longer fletchings.
Receives –1 penalty per range increment (instead of –2), but does 1 category less damage (1d8 -> 1d6, etc.).

Arrow, Serpentstongue [RotW 165]
Arrow whose arrow head has a wide cutting area. Does Slashing & Piercing damage and does full damage to objects with a Hardness of 5 or less (instead of ½ damage). Used for cutting rope at range.

Arrow, Dragonbreath [RotW 165]
Arrow with a hollow head containing Alchemist’s Fire and a pitch-soaked shaft. Arrow does 1 category less damage (1d8 -> 1d6, etc.) Whistles and ignites during flight, doing 1 hp Fire damage and setting the target on Fire (RefNeg, DC15).
Cannot be reused.

Arrow, Blunt [RotW 165]
Bows Arrow with a blunt, leather wrapped head. Arrow damage is bludgeoning & subdual, critical 20/x2, x50% range

Mundane Weapon Improvements and Material

Elvencraft (+300 gp) [RotW 166]
Any Longbow (including Composite, Mighty, etc.), any Shortbow (including Composite, Mighty, etc.)
Shortbows may be used as a Shortbow –or– a Club.
Longbows may be used as a Longbow –or– a Quarterstaff.
The wielder threatens the squares around himself/herself even if the last use was as a ranged weapon.
The bow is not damaged when used as a melee weapon and the wielder may shift between ranged and melee as part of a Full Round Attack (if desired).

Serrenwood (+4000 gp) [BoED Pg. 38]
Serrenwood is a material. This is a great way of saving money especially if you cannot get a Force-bow. Serrenwood has a set price so it doesn't increase the magical cost of the bow. It's also one of the very few non-Magical ways of affecting incorporeals so even if you get your weapon Dispelled or something, you can still use a Serrenwood bow to drop ghosts (or Wizards with Ghostform; in fights against arcane casters, Serrenwood Bow and overall, all ways of doing magical things in mundane fashion are pure gold).
I'd get a bunch of Serrenwood Arrows even if I had a Force-bow for the sitiuations where one needs to hit incorporeals without Magic; as an archer you're one of the few possible characters who can pull that off.

Dwarvencraft (+600 gp) [RoS Pg. 159]
This is a weapon that's even more masterfully built than a Masterwork weapon. It doesn't enhance the weapon's capabilities, but gives it 2 extra Hardness, 10 extra HP and +2 to its saves. For 600gp, this makes your bow much harder to Sunder, which happens to be a very good thing as losing your primary weapon sucks (although you should keep extra bows in store just in case).

Dragonbone Bow (+100gp) [Drac]
Bows made from a dragon bone are considered composite and its base range increase in 20ft.
The strength requirement is set by the crafter.

Specific Bows

Hank's Energy Bow [Online (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ask/20061227a)] 22,600gp

The Holy Grail of bows.
It is a +2 Comp. Longbow that accepts any strength bonus.
It fires Force Arrows that deal 2d6 of damage. It may also fire regular arrows without the 2d6 damage though.
To top it off, you may "power shot" with it. That is, you may power attack with the bow.

Improve this bow with splitting and other stuff and you'll have [B]the ultimate bow in your hands.
For pricing this beauty, consider it as a +3 item with a 4200 enhancement. To see a discussion about this, check this thread here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=267168).

Bow of the Wintermoon [MIC] (Relic) 3.400gp
This bow acts as a +1 Composite Bow with adjustable strength bonus if you are CN, CG or NG.
If you worship Corellon Larethian and have the True Believer feat or sacrifice a 5th level divine spell slot, the bow gains the Frost and Drow Bane properties.

Bow of Songs [MIC] 12.330gp

A +1 shortbow that allows you to spend a daily use of bardic music to gain a bonus equal to your charisma as bonus on your next attack and damage roll.

Oathbow [SRD] 25.600gp
A +2 comp. Longbow.
If you swear (free action) an enemy of death this bow becomes +5, deal an additional 2d6 of damage and crits are at x4 instead of x3.
Against all other enemies it is treated as a Masterwork Longbow.
You get a -1 penalty on attack rolls with any weapon other than the Oathbow.
These bonuses and penalties last for 7 days unless you slay the enemy first.
You may only swear an enemy per day (24 hours).

Bow of the Black Archer [WoL] (Legacy Item)

This bow can also be named as "Drow Killer". All of its abilities are related to killing drows in a way or another. Its lvl 20 ability turns your arrows into Fingers of Death against drow.
Its properties include darkvision, freedom of movement and skill bonuses to Move Silently and Hide.
If your campaign is full of drow, that's a good bow. If only you could put a splitting property on it...

Swordbow [RoW]

Changes (free action) from a sword to a bow (and vice-versa). Enchantments cost double but function on both forms if applicable.
Comes in the following forms:

Light Swordbow - shortbow/rapier
Swordbow - longbow/longsword
Great Swordbow - composite longbow/greatsword

Bow of True Arrows [S&F] 4.000gp

+1 Mighty Composite Bow (+1str requirement).
You may cast True Strike as a spell trigger any number of times you want but its effect only applies to arrows shot by it.

Delimbiya's Shining bow [LEoF] 6.800gp
+1 Composite longbow (+4 STR) that glows and any projectile fired with it becomes silvered and creatures struck by it are subject to the effect of a faerie fire (with CL 4 that would be 4 minutes of faerie fire).

Bow of Elvenkind [CC] 14.700gp

A +1 Composite Longbow that adjusts to the strength of the wielder.
If the wielder is a cleric of Corellon Larethian, it gains the Seeking property and on a crit. makes the enemy Shaken (Will 14 negates).
If any elf or Cleric of Corellon uses this and a quiver of elvenkind he'll gain the Far Shot feat as a bonus feat.

Bow of the Mighty Dragonhunter[Drac] 36.900gp

+2 Dragon bane Composite Longbow (+4str).
Considered a dragonbone bow.
If an arrow from this bow hits a dragon, it takes 1 point of Str dmg.
Crits against dragons are x5 and can't be improved by abilities or spells.
Nor can threat or confirmation spells and abilities as well.

Weapon Properties
Here the highlight is the Splitting property. If your DM allows it, then get it as soon as you have the gold pieces to do it. It is a common tactic to stack elements on a weapon (flaming, fiery, shocking bursts...).

Precise [MIC] - This will grant you the same bonus as having the
Precise Shot feat, but note that it isn't the same as having the feat.

Assassinating [CS] - Great property. Grants you an extra d6 when the opponent is denied his dex to ac, allows you to poison your weapons without the risk of poisoning yourself and increases the poison's save dc by the weapon's enhancement.

Deadly Precision [MIC] - additional d6 to your Sneak or Sudden strike if you have one of them. If you have both, won't stack.

Seeking [SRD] (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#seeking) -Ignoring concealment and miss chances? Take it! Works wonders when trying to get a ranged Sneak Attack along with a ring of blinking.

Force [MIC] - Your arrows become force attacks. Bye-bye DR and incorporeal enemies.

Speed [SRD] (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#speed) - An extra attack. You want it.

Splitting [CoR] - Doubles all your attacks. Pretty much mandatory to any archer worth his salt.

Ammunition-only Properties

Brilliant Energy [SRD] - Ignoring armor? Sign me up!

Other Gear

Here I'm listing stuff that either relate directly to archery. YMMV according to your build. If you're focused in sniping, you probably want to get as many buffs to spot as possible whereas a skirmisher will likely want stuff to help him avoid getting hit.
If you feel that I missed something crucial, please let me know.










Rogue's Vest [MIC] - Adds a d6 bonus to either Skirmish or Sneak Attack.


Bracers of Murder [DoTU] - Enhances death attacks, sneak attacks and grants a profane bonus to attacks. If you don't plan on using a greatbow or may already use it, it's a better option than the Bracers of Archery.
(Greater) Bracers of Archery (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#bracersofArcheryGreater) [SRD] - Proficiency with any kind of bow (hello greatbow!) and a bonus to attack and damage. Extremely useful.






Ring of Blinking [SRD] (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rings.htm#blinking) - A ring of blinking allows you to full attack and apply sneak attack to all of your iteratives. The downside is: there's a chance of losing the attack and firing it while in another plane. All you have to do is combine this with the Seeking property and you're ready to roll.



2013-01-29, 10:15 PM

Ok, this thread still is WIP but I gotta point out to:
Piggy Knowles' Archer Build Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=284283) - with lots of unusual archery builds.

I must confess that I'm not a huge fan of what's presented there mostly because of a striking lack of elegance on the progressions. Still, it is a great resource for inspiration and ideas.

2013-01-29, 10:18 PM
Reserved #5 ~ Did you also know that some 19th century historians believed that, before the longbow got its highlight during the Hundred Years War, the bows were technically different. Weaker and different in the making from the longbows, thus they were called "shortbows" by these historians. They had no clue about it...

2013-01-29, 10:19 PM
To do list:

Incarnum archers
Psionic Archers

2013-01-29, 10:26 PM
Perhaps a small notation on Soulbows?

I've got to say, they're my favorite 'archers'. And of course, they're [psionic] characters, with all that that entails.

2013-01-29, 10:29 PM
I intend to cover psionics as well. If you'd like to write something about them (feats, builds, w/e), feel free to send me and I'll credit you properly.

2013-01-29, 10:43 PM
You should have a clever factoid about recurve bows!

2013-01-29, 10:45 PM
Perhaps a small notation on Soulbows?

I've got to say, they're my favorite 'archers'. And of course, they're [psionic] characters, with all that that entails.

The degree to which soulbows are extremely much more effective than normal archers is truly a monument to the degree to which core 3.5 *shafted* the iconic archer concept. An optimized archer can pwn, for sure, but out of the box soulbow is pretty much everything that normal archer should be without trying, minus using an actual bow, plus the coolness of psionics and soulknives. It makes my brain hurt that Psylock ends up a better archer than William Tell.

To be constructive, however, a possible section on reverse-integration of 3.0 stuff? Not all archery was better back then, but there was some stuff that was cooler. Arcane Archer comes to mind. Magical arrows were better. A number of the best archery PrC are 3.0 (Peerless Archer, the earlier version of Deepwood Sniper).

Very non-official, but a publication called "Three Arrows for the King," 3.0, had a mountain of useful stuff for DMs looking to extend rules supporting archery builds.

Finally, a discussion of sniping, please. Rules on this particular skill use can be daunting for players, but really, it's a pretty effective strategy with the right op and feats from Dragon Mag and Races of the Wild, especially if DMs are rational with vision ranges and non-hiding targets.

2013-01-29, 10:50 PM
Be sure to have formatting (bolding and italicizing) when prudent. Walls of unformatted text are no fun.

2013-01-29, 10:55 PM
will format as soon as possible. just not with the patience to do it now. I want to get as much info posted as I can manage. Then I'll sort this mess out.

2013-01-29, 11:17 PM
Don't forget the Swift Hunter feat for Scout/Ranger builds.

Archivist is also an excellent base for a Zen Archer, as they can access all of the delicious Ranger spells (like Hunter's Eye).

It's probably worth noting the difference between Sudden Strike (Ninja) and Rogue (Sneak Attack).

Golden Ladybug
2013-01-30, 12:49 AM
One of my Favourite Archery tricks is combining the Psionic Feats Fell Shot (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#fellShot), Psionic Meditation (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#psionicMeditation) and Manyshot. By spending a Standard Action, you fire 4 Arrows as Touch Attacks at -8 (but really, they're touch attacks; against monsters, those are going to hit).

Combined with a Splitting Bow, and that's 8 Arrows as Touch Attacks.

Also worth noting is the Pious Templar as a particularly powerful Prestige Class for non-psionic Archers who don't have access to 3.0 Material like the Deepwood Sniper or Peerless Archer. It grants full BAB, access to Paladin Spells (not as good as Ranger spells, of course, but still something), Mettle and Weapon Specialisation without taking four levels of Fighter. Nothing to be sneezed at.

It gets better when you are playing in Greyhawk/Are using the default Pantheon. If you're a Pious Templar of Ehlonna, you've taken the True Believer (http://dndtools.eu/feats/complete-divine--56/true-believer--2974/) feat and gained access to the absolutely amazing Raptor Arrows and their Relic Power. They're unbreakable, restring themselves at the start of your turn and count as Bane. But for Everything. Remember how to ask your DM how they Interact with Splitting.

Illumian Archivists can also set their Bonus Spells per day off of their Dexterity, which means they can function as great Archers even without going the Zen Archery route.

2013-01-30, 01:30 AM
I like the little archery factoids you threw into the reserved posts, so I found you a pic of what my ancestors used to make. Supposedly the design gave the bows a very long range. :smallsmile:


2013-01-30, 09:10 PM
Whoa, a penobscot bow! I had to google to find something about it. I must confess I'm a bit in the dark when it comes to north-american bows.

Would you care to tell me more about it? Any preferential means of communication (pm, fb, e-mail...)?

As for me, I'm just a historian that's quite an aficionado for bows. Although my studies are mostly on the Longbow, I love pretty much any kind of bow (ok, except for the crossbow. I like it but not much.)

2013-01-30, 09:19 PM
What, no love for Dragonbone bows from Draconomicon?

2013-01-31, 05:23 AM
Here, thethird bringing some love to some other stuff.

On the ranger ACF section I would give a mention to the Mystic Ranger (even if it is from a dragon magazine, since it can raise the power of the ranger) It can be found on DR 336 pg. 105

The shooting star ACF from Champions of Valor pg. 50 also bears mention (ranger spells are really useful for archers).

Similarly the Sword of the Arcane Order feat (champions of valor pg. 34) can be godsend.

(All this ACFs and feat interact quite nicely if take quite nicely if taken together)

I think that the PrCs that grant favored enemy (evil) should also be mentioned as they might be fitted and be able to provide a good power up. For the same reason Nemesis (Book of exalted deeds pg. 44) can be added to the list of useful feats.

Coloring and grading the feats would be helpful (also noting that they can be really good in just certain builds)

Finally I would like to add a quick note on Magical Items that are worth it.

- Bow of Elvenkind (Complete Champion pg. 147) + Quiver of Elvenkind (Complete Champion pg. 144) With this two items for 22.700 gp a cleric of Corellon gets a +1 seeking bow that adjusts to the strength of the user, with a cheap supply of +1 orc bane arrows, also in a critical hit it shakens a creature for five rounds (Will DC 14) and blinds them permanently (Fort DC 14)

- Delimbiya's Shining bow (Lost empires of faerun pg. 152) +1 Composite longbow (+4 STR) that glows and any projectile fired with it becomes silvered and creatures struck by it are subject to the effect of a faerie fire (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/faerieFire.htm) (with CL 4 that would be 4 minutes of faerie fire). And that for 6800 gp

- Eagle's cry bow (Dragon Magazine compendium pg. 125) This bow is expensive 73800 gp but it doubles as a 15th level bard using inspire courage every time that you attack. It also doubles your range and gives you 20 range increments instead of 10. It is also a +5 composite (+4) longbow. So yeah, pretty worth it.

- Quiver of plenty (Dragon Magazine compendium pg. 139) So how much are worth infinite arrows? Infinite masterwork arrows of any kind that you might want? Flying arrows? Dragon Breath arrows? Signal arrows? Silver arrows? Cold Iron Arrows? You can get them for 18000 gp. And you also get 5 adamantine arrows per day.

- Bracers of Archery (SRD (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#bracersofArcheryLesser) Proficiency with every bow (even exotic bows) for 2500 gp. Elven Double bows (arms and equipment guide pg. 7), Bone bows (frostburn pg. 75), Greatbow (Complete warrior pg. 156). Are now at your finger tips.

On Material Dragon Bone definitely deserves some love. For +100 gp you get 20 extra feet of range.

On PRCs Ballisteer (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20030426b) is pretty good for those psionic guys out there.

2013-01-31, 05:36 AM
You should have a clever factoid about recurve bows!

I'd just like to note that the 3.5e "composite" bow is one of the most badly-conceived fluff descriptions in the game. It is worth noting that 3.0e called them "mighty bows" (purely a game term), which referred to any bow that benefited from exceptional Strength.

Real world terms:

Composite bow: A bow made from multiple materials, usually different, and laminated together. Contrast with self bow.
Compound bow: A design conceived in the 20th century that uses a system of pulleys to increase the power of the bow. Except possibly as a gnomish invention, this should never see use in a traditional D&D campaign setting.
Long bow: A bow that is typically about as long as the wielder is tall, give or take a foot.
Recurve bow: A recurve bow has tips that curve away from the archer when strung. Most recurve bows are also reflex bows.
Reflex bow: A bow that is curved when strung, and when unstrung, is curved in the opposite direction. Contrast with straight bow. Most composite bows are also reflex bows.
Self bow: A bow made from a single piece of material. Contrast with composite bow.
Short bow: Anything shorter than a long bow.
Straight bow: A bow that is essentially a straight piece of wood when strung. Contrast with recurve bow. Most self bows were also straight bows.

Edit: Corrected recurve/reflex bows.

2013-01-31, 05:37 AM
Thanks A LOT guys for the feedback. Like I said on the first post, there's so much of archery scattered around the handbooks and the internet that one can't remember all of this alone.

Dragonbone material is up.

Thethird thanks a lot for the contributions, specially the specific bows I missed.
I will add most of what you wrote, but I just don't plan on adding dragon stuff right now. After I finish everything it is likely that I will though.

2013-01-31, 05:52 AM
Recurve bow: A bow that is curved when strung, and when unstrung, is curved in the opposite direction. Contrast with straight bow. Most composite bows are also recurve bows.

Terminology get's a little blurry here from obvious reasons, but visibly curved bows are generally called 'reflex' bows.

Recurve bow is bow that has very tips, or generally last part of the arm curved away from shooter.

Most reflexive bows were obviously recurves as well, with tip being further upturn compared to the rest of the arm.

Extreme Range [~300' upwards]
To effectively act at such a range, you tend to need uncanny means of detecting opponents, be it ridiculously high spot check or some divination magic/spotter, and very high attack bonuses or long range increments to act effectively. A Fighter Archer with Ranged Weapon Mastery, Dragonbone Bow, Far Shot/Distance-weapon and levels in Cragtop Archer can probably still act effectively given the means to detect opponents, but usually it already starts to take effort and specialization to function at such a range. High attack bonuses of course help too.

Dunno how rules are usually interpreted, but does usually noticing opponent at some say, meadow really take that high spot check?

400 feet is just 120 meters, less careful squirrels are spot-able from such distance... :smallwink:

2013-01-31, 06:08 AM
A number of the best archery PrC are 3.0 (Peerless Archer, the earlier version of Deepwood Sniper).

Is there a non-3.5 version of Deepwood Sniper?

Anyways, the Arcane Archer is missing on the PrC list. And if spell storing arrows are allowed, they are very worth mentioning in the equipment section.
Another section solely for archery related spells would be fine, especially for them ranger (or archivist) archers.

2013-01-31, 06:20 AM
You should also mention Eldariel's Archery Handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=642.0), especially since you've "borrowed" most of his "range categories" and feat descriptions verbatim. :smallamused:

2013-01-31, 08:27 AM
crap... Thought I had credited Eldariel. Will add it.

I want to format it, but as soon as I finish upping all the info. Of course, some things I'm already editing, like bolds and italics when appropriate.

I don't think that coloring will do any good on this handbook. Most options are viable according to the build. Heck, even a full action devoted to pin the opponent is useful.
He'll have to spend several standard actions to free himself from the arrows.

As for teminology I divide bows in Selfbows and Composite bows.
The way you apply names depends on what's your reference. Material? Shape? Making?

Self and Composite bows indicate the material composition. Single piece of wood or multiple materials? Although most historical reflex and recurve bows are composite, I believe its possible to have a reflex selfbow.

A shortbow is a short bow of any kind. That is: short longbow, short flatbow...

It's worth noticing that Charles Oman and Edward Morris came up with the notion that the shortbow was a technically different weapon than the longbow, thus weaker and almost inefficient.

2013-01-31, 08:39 AM
crap... Thought I had credited Eldariel. Will add it.

As for teminology I divide bows in Selfbows and Composite bows.
The way you apply names depends on what's your reference. Material? Shape? Making?

Self and Composite bows indicate the material composition. Single piece of wood or multiple materials? Although most historical reflex and recurve bows are composite, I believe its possible to have a reflex selfbow.

A shortbow is a short bow of any kind. That is: short longbow, short flatbow...

It's worth noticing that Charles Oman and Edward Morris came up with the notion that the shortbow was a technically different weapon than the longbow, thus weaker and almost inefficient.

You could also have a selfbow made from moulded injection plastic, or even fibre glass. The energy storing characteristics of plastic are pretty awful, but it's technically possible.

I'm not sure you could easily made a reflex selfbow from wood. It would require finding a suitable curved piece of wood, which implies a tree that grew naturally in a curved shape. Such growth in turn implies irregular and hard to predict structural irregularities.

My main gripe with the game's standard/composite distinction is that it makes composite bows mechanically far superior to self bows, which totally ignores the famed reputation of the Welsh/English long selfbows. Just call the Strength-bonus bows "mighty bows", then fluff the physical description as you like. That allows English long bows to resume their place as the pre-eminent weapon of their day.

2013-01-31, 08:39 AM
Perhaps you should change the name to "The Archery Information Compilation". That would show how your handbook is different than the ones that came before and not just another redundant addition to the fold.

2013-01-31, 09:16 AM
Ashtagon, composite bows are indeed stronger and easier to carry around because of their smaller size. But nothing prevents you from using a 190lb longbow just like a couple of the Mary Rose ones.
You'll have to face bone deformation though, just like some skeletons that were dug up.
Its size may increase and thus the strength needed to pull it. In a world with strongarm bracers and gauntlets of ogre strength, this isn't a problem.

2013-01-31, 10:09 AM
Well, sir, that's one helluva job you've taken upon yourself. My hat off to you if you manage to cover it all comprehensively. I'm still looking for my muse to finish off the original handbook (I kinda know what I have to write up but formatting and the sheer amount of text I'd have to write still amidst work and stuff are kinda daunting).

2013-01-31, 11:19 AM
I'm not sure you could easily made a reflex selfbow from wood. It would require finding a suitable curved piece of wood, which implies a tree that grew naturally in a curved shape. Such growth in turn implies irregular and hard to predict structural irregularities.It doesn't have to grow naturally, you can give a helping hand:

Would that work?

You'll have to face bone deformation though, just like some skeletons that were dug up.Except that you're a fantasy character and scoff at such notions.

2013-01-31, 11:45 AM
Ashtagon, composite bows are indeed stronger and easier to carry around because of their smaller size. But nothing prevents you from using a 190lb longbow just like a couple of the Mary Rose ones.
You'll have to face bone deformation though, just like some skeletons that were dug up.
Its size may increase and thus the strength needed to pull it. In a world with strongarm bracers and gauntlets of ogre strength, this isn't a problem.

It's more complicated than that.

cf. Pyramid Magazine July 2011.

2013-02-01, 04:35 PM
Some PrCs are up. Bolded the feats and some other parts for better reading. Added a spells section that's in progress. Wrote some more on the classes. Added wondrous items section.

Question: how important do you think it is to post non-archery-related alternative class features and substitution levels?

Well, sir, that's one helluva job you've taken upon yourself. My hat off to you if you manage to cover it all comprehensively. I'm still looking for my muse to finish off the original handbook (I kinda know what I have to write up but formatting and the sheer amount of text I'd have to write still amidst work and stuff are kinda daunting).

Well, as you can see, your handbook was crucial for the realization of this.

I'm all ears (:smallcool:) about it and accepting suggestions. =)

2013-02-01, 05:21 PM
I was going to mention Exotic Weapon Master's ability to avoid AoOs, but I presume that's what you have it listed for. Just making sure.

One bow you missed: the Footbow from Races of the Wild for raptoran archers.

2013-02-01, 05:28 PM
You list Arcane Strike as an archer gish feat, but it can't be used with ranged weapons (because archers can't have nice things). Probably deserves a mention in a guide about archery.

2013-02-01, 05:29 PM
You list Arcane Strike as an archer gish feat, but it can't be used with ranged weapons (because archers can't have nice things). Probably deserves a mention in a guide about archery.

However, Abjurant Champion's similar ability can, which is an important distinction.

2013-02-01, 05:32 PM
oh crap. My eyes totally missed this part...
That's a huge effing shame :/

Treblain: yup, that's why Exotic Master is there. Soon I'll get to him and write something. Thanks A LOT for the Raptoran Bow.

Eldariel: Abjurant Champion indeed! Will add it.
It just reinforces my notion that Duskblade/Abjurant Champion is one hell of a combination.

2013-02-01, 06:40 PM
Eldariel: Abjurant Champion indeed! Will add it.
It just reinforces my notion that Duskblade/Abjurant Champion is one hell of a combination.

My preferred arcane Archer build is Bard 8/Arcane Archer 2/Sublime Chord 2/Sacred Exorcist 4/Abjurant Champion 4. 'cause Imbue Arrow is actually really good, with a select few spells (well, Bard 7 is only necessary; you can add 1 level of whatever). BAB 16, Cha-based character with Turn Undead to fuel e.g. Divine Might, could use Charm the Arrow with a fey race/PAO/whatever, either way has access to the whole Wizard buff list pretty much and has Imbue Arrow and can fit Smiting Spell too.

The biggest problem with this build is that it misses out on few key spells from levels 1-3 (Greater Magic Weapon, Flame Arrow, etc.) tho if DM allows learning them as 4th+ level spells known from Sublime Chord you're fine. If not, you still do have UMD and can use e.g. Runestaves. Flame Arrow can't still be quite properly pimped out since your feats are mostly burned on archery but of course, it's a reasonable option either way (Empowered, Admixtured Flame Arrow can be kinda hilarious tho, and of course many more metamagics exist that can be added).

Not the only way to go, to be sure, but quite a functional one.

2013-02-01, 08:57 PM
Question: how important do you think it is to post non-archery-related alternative class features and substitution levels?

I'd suggest mentioning these only if they somehow influence the archer build (e.g. SotAO/Shooting Star Ranger allows Ranger to use Wizard spells, some of which are very beneficial to archery-focused Ranger...)

2013-02-03, 10:36 PM
there are some spells up. I'd like to know if I missed something particular or that you'd like to see there among the listed spells.
I'm also taking formatting tips (y'know, first handbook =D)

2013-02-04, 12:05 AM
I notice a distinct lack of hunter's eye.

Maybe separate the Divine Spells into Cleric/Druid and Ranger/Paladin? The half-casters have a completely different sense of scale, not to mention focus.

2013-02-04, 03:18 AM
I'd like to know if I missed something particular or that you'd like to see there among the listed spells.

Ranger archery oriented spells. Pretty much all of them. Off the top of my head Sniper's Shot, Hunter's Mercy, Hunter's Eye, Guided Shot, Bane Bow, Arrow Mind, Arrow Storm...

2013-02-04, 09:42 AM
Hmm. Greater Manyshot (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/psionicFeats.htm#greatermanyshot) is not on your list. It seems like a decent feat for skirmish builds.

2013-03-14, 09:42 AM
As I was rereading on Hank's energy bow (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ask/20061227a) a few days ago, I noticed that the bow might not work as we've all assumed it would.

While the first paragraph, which details the bow's general use, is written in passive voice (and notes that it accomodates any user), the second paragraph, which details the power shot ability, specifically notes that Hank may use the bow to make power shots. All sentences in the second paragraph make reference to Hank, his BAB and his turn.

It could therefore be argued that while anyone may use the bow as a strength-accomodating +2 composite longbow, the only person who can make powershots with it is Hank the Ranger.

I noticed that it's been said that the cartoon items are underpriced. Maybe this is a partial reason why?

2013-03-14, 12:13 PM
As I was rereading on Hank's energy bow (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ask/20061227a) a few days ago, I noticed that the bow might not work as we've all assumed it would.

While the first paragraph, which details the bow's general use, is written in passive voice (and notes that it accomodates any user), the second paragraph, which details the power shot ability, specifically notes that Hank may use the bow to make power shots. All sentences in the second paragraph make reference to Hank, his BAB and his turn.

It could therefore be argued that while anyone may use the bow as a strength-accomodating +2 composite longbow, the only person who can make powershots with it is Hank the Ranger.

I noticed that it's been said that the cartoon items are underpriced. Maybe this is a partial reason why?

Which is why most people who (ab)use this call their character Hank or Hank the Ranger, which works fine

2013-03-22, 11:10 PM
added some more stuff.
Still accepting input on psionic and incarnum archers, specially builds if you have 'em. =)