View Full Version : Pathfinder: E6 or E8?

2013-01-30, 08:19 AM
I'm a first time DM who is slowly working on a campaign setting to use with my regular group when we take a break from our current mid/high level campaign (currently we are level 10, but our DM wants to go into epic levels). While I appreciate parts of the higher levels (cooler spells, mythical threats etc...) I really do prefer the gritty challenge of lower level pathfinder. This, coupled with the fact that I'm trying to create a victorian era setting, has led me to seriously consider running either E6 or E8 (initially I was just thinking E6, but then I talked to one of the players and he showed me how E8 is a better breaking point in terms of class abilities). E8 seems like the better option, but I'm worried that this would make the PCs too powerful, especially as they would get 4th level spells. I also don't like that E8 means Full BAB classes wouldn't be the only ones getting two attacks in a round.

With E6, I could still keep these abilities by either modifying the classes so that they come in earlier, or just making them available as epic feats. There is also a bit more support for E6 in terms of epic feats, whereas if I did E8 I would have to adapt the E6 ones and possibly make some extra ones as well. What do the rest of you think is the best option, E6 or E8?

2013-01-30, 08:38 AM
Even with the level 8 "capstones", I still think that E6 is a better breaking point, even for Pathfinder. YMMV, but I'd just give the capstones as feats. If you want, just put a prerequisite of X number of feats, probably something that forces the players to get one or two regular feats while at level 6 before buying their capstone.

2013-01-30, 08:45 AM
I'd be tempted to say E6 regardless of which one is better simply because it has more support. Isn't there already a custom feat that gets you a single 4th level spell or something like that?

You might likewise make a hybrid for everyone else that says you can take a feat to get any single 7th-8th level ability. A 4th sneak attack die (but not 5th+), improved uncanny dodge, greater weapon focus, an extract use of rage (limit 1), etc. See what they did for 4th level spells, or I'd say at least require that the feat be gained after 6th level (when the player would hit 7th+).

2013-01-30, 08:45 AM
I personaly like E8 for Pathfinder, although I have not actually played it. I know a lot about Pathfinder classes though, and I feel like their abilities are really set at 8th more-so than 6th.

2013-01-30, 09:25 AM
Take a look at the Lean Upward Approach described in the E6 pdf found here (http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?206323-E6-The-Game-Inside-D-amp-D), and also look at the capstone feats in that thread.