View Full Version : [PF] Would Giving an AntiPaladin a Rage in place of Spells be too strong?

2013-01-30, 02:27 PM
So, I have a player in my group who is asking about making a new Archetype for the Antipaladin. This Antipaladin would be somewhat akin to a Commissar from Warhammer 40k (Minus the guns), and would seek to make people more afraid of him than the enemy.

So the changes he is asking about are as follows:

Replace the Aura of Cowardice with an Aura of Courage. He's alright if it only affects him, as Commissar's are supposed to be Fearless.

Replace his Spells and Touch of Corruption with a Barbarian Rage (at a Barbarian Level equivilent to his level -1), which he would gain at level 2.

Replace his Cruelties with Rage Powers, gaining a Rage Power each time he would normally gain a Cruelty.

So, he would lose his spells entirely, lose his touch of corruption and cruelties entirely, and be fearless.

I'm just worried that his character will be a bit of a beast in physical combat, and our group usually focuses a bit more on the physical combat side of D&D over spells.

The thing is, is that this would seem like it would outshine a normal Barbarian quite a bit, what with all of his auras, his fiendish boon, etc. The Rage is the barbarian's namesake.

This player is also known for his ability to optimize his characters for killing things. He hates spells, as he doesn't like to keep track of them, but he's usually the groups #1 damage dealer. Until I throw something unorthodox at them, as he's definitely a one-trick pony.

Perhaps it would be better to make a Barbarian Archetype with the aura of courage, instead?