View Full Version : Baldur's gate? 3.5

2013-01-30, 11:18 PM
Anyone know of any modules, campaigns, or adventures? I would love to run some, or Baldur's Gate II? An amazing story with some epic, serious, hilarious, and touching moments? Anyone ever run this or anything like it?

Rogue Shadows
2013-01-31, 10:26 AM
No, though I've considered it. A big thing about Baldur's Gate, though, is how intensely it's driven by the main character. Pretty much by definition you'd have to single out one player as being more special than the others by virtue of being the Bhaalspawn.

2013-01-31, 11:30 AM
No, though I've considered it. A big thing about Baldur's Gate, though, is how intensely it's driven by the main character. Pretty much by definition you'd have to single out one player as being more special than the others by virtue of being the Bhaalspawn.

This is the major issue I had with the concept. You could theoretically have multiple Bhaalspawn foster children being raised by Gorion, but that takes a great deal of the rivalry and the...I guess jealousy that Sarevok felt towards the Bhaalspawn in Baldur's Gate. It's also a little contrived that Gorion could save maybe 3-4 kids but couldn't spare time to save Sarevok.

Then again, if you go for a Solo (or maybe duo, if you have someone playing Imoen?*) campaign it could probably work. Dunno how you'd treat the other characters (Minsc, Edwin, et al.) though. Controlled by the player(s) in combat but otherwise NPCs/DMPCs?

*Though what the Imoen player does during the first part of BG2 is a good question. Grabs one of the other characters (Yoshimo), I suppose?

2013-01-31, 12:02 PM
One of the DM's in my group ran BG2 as a 3.5 game it worked very well. He was clear up front about the Bhaalspawn piece and we all were OK with it going in.

It went pretty well for the most part and we had a lot of fun. The only other part that we all kind of had to agree on were how to handle "cutscenes". There are some things that just have to happen for the plot to go the way it does. At one point the whole group is "captured" and it caused a bit of contention becaue of some of the various defenses/buffs/immunities the group had and the lack of initiative or ability to respond.

We had our discussion about cutscense after that and once everyone understood we were able to move on. The other part that we noticed was that as a player without a preset list of options the party was much less likely to follow any of the sidequests.

Here there be Spoilers

As the Bhaalspawn, I was more concerned with doing everything possible to save Imoen (my sister) rather than investigating some missing people or a circus gone bad. In a video game, I would simply do everything possible to make sure I got all the XP and unlocked new/cool abilities.

I know it was a ton of work for the DM to do all the converting. He used the strategy guide a lot to help with maps and whatnot but building all the encounters and converting rewards/items/etc was also a lot of work.

2013-01-31, 01:05 PM
Just make the Bhaalspawn be an NPC, and have the players be his party. And make his build extremely gimp so he needs their protection and can't hog the spotlight. Trot him out for the plot moments, then have him hide at the back during combat. And any instances of his godpower coming out should be used to buff the party rather than himself.

2013-01-31, 08:46 PM
I was preparing to run a BG game for one player, but then another player really wanted to get in with us, so I cancelled it (for now) and preparing a totally different game. One day I'll do it..but I could really only see it working as a solo game, unless other player/s come in really late and/or don't mind being less special.

2013-01-31, 10:16 PM
Do NOT make the Bhaalspawn an NPC. That makes them a DMPC, and makes them the star of the show, which is a huuuuge faux pas.

Instead, say up front, 'Okay, one of you guys is going to be special, and the star of the story, the person who, if they die without being immediately raised, the story ends. Everyone else is going to be the companions of that person. Decide amongst yourself who is going to be that person.' One of my gaming group was in a game that did exactly that, and it was terrible!

2013-01-31, 10:38 PM
At one point the whole group is "captured" and it caused a bit of contention becaue of some of the various defenses/buffs/immunities the group had and the lack of initiative or ability to respond.
IIRC, all the big captures of BG2 are by Irenicus (or a city-load of Illithid), and since Irenicus is a 29th level mage with enough raw magical horsepower to go head-to-head with Elminster or Khelben Arunsun and have a shot at winning... I wouldn't really be surprised if he was able to "punch through" any defenses or buffs the party has.

Also, there's a 3e Bhaalspawn template that could be used for the party Bhaalspawn. It's +2 LA and provides almost as many downsides as it does upsides, though - it might help keep the Bhaalspawn player on a roughly level footing with the rest of the party mechanically.