View Full Version : Improved Grab

2013-01-31, 04:16 AM
Fighting as a Bear with Improved Grab, Have 2 Primary Claw Attacks and 1 Secondary Bite Attack, imporved grab can be triggered by one of the claw attacks only, If I hit with the first claw can I choose to finish out the rest of my attacks before starting the improved grab action? If I can and successfuly hit with both claw attacks do I get 2 opportunities for rolling grapple checks with improved grab?

2013-01-31, 06:52 AM
Fighting as a Bear with Improved Grab, Have 2 Primary Claw Attacks and 1 Secondary Bite Attack, imporved grab can be triggered by one of the claw attacks only, If I hit with the first claw can I choose to finish out the rest of my attacks before starting the improved grab action? If I can and successfuly hit with both claw attacks do I get 2 opportunities for rolling grapple checks with improved grab?

Attack 1
>Did you hit?
If Yes, then roll grapple, if No, proceed to Attack 2.
>Did you succeed on Grapple?
If yes, then you may not attack because your are busy grappling. If no, then proceed to Attack 2.
Attack 2

And remember, multi-attack doesn't give you iterative attacks like TWF does.

2013-01-31, 08:21 AM
I can see no reason why the bear cannot forgo the grapple on the first claw, but instead risk the 2nd claw not hitting. However it cannot complete the bite before making the claw's grapple check.

Note that while multiple attacks do not count as iterative attacks for working out how many attacks can be made while grappling, if the creature's BAB is high enough for iterative attacks it can still make multiple attacks while grappling, subject to the usual limitation that natural weapons cannot attack more than once in round.
Also remember the -4 to hit while grappling if you use an attack.