View Full Version : First Call of Cthulhu

2013-01-31, 06:15 AM
My group and I will be trying out Call of Cthulhu. Before time is dedicated towards a story arc, I would like to try to find how my group likes the game. Do any of you know of a legal-to-find on the internet, quintessentially Lovecraftian short scenario that I could run? Thank you.

2013-01-31, 11:36 AM
Do you have the full rule book? There are several good one-shot adventures in the back.

Even if you don't have that, the official Quick-Start Rules (http://www.chaosium.com/forms/coc_quick_start_bw.pdf) has the scenario titled "The Haunting" included.

Additionally, Chaosium has a page full of free scenario PDFs (http://catalog.chaosium.com/fdm_folder_files.php?fPath=3_13). I haven't run them, so can't vouch for them, though.

Places like Yog-Sothoth.com (http://www.yog-sothoth.com/content/) might have more input as well.