View Full Version : What's your longest campaign been?

2013-01-31, 12:04 PM
I just wrapped up a 3.5-converted-to-Pathfinder campaign that lasted around 3 years, by far the longest one I've ever DMed.

By the end, everyone was around level 18-20, thought about going into epic levels, but decided to start fresh instead.

2013-01-31, 12:12 PM
Depends how you count it. A long time ago I had one running for 5 years. But as none of us liked "epic" characters back in the day for various reasons (Nonhumans other than Half-Elf Bards having level caps, game designed to presume you quit adventuring around level 10-15, "There can be only one/two/three" and such rulings for Druids of a certain level in the world). So we ended up running a long term campaign, but had characters who retired, NPCed, started up a new generation of adventures, etc. Plots sometimes bridging generations, persisting world which was effected by past actions, etc. Though of course you may not count it because I don't think we played any one set of characters for longer than 7 months or so by my recollection.

2013-01-31, 12:20 PM
Currently running a very long 3.5 campaign that is now going on 6 years. While the players and characters have changed, the "world" has remained the same (though the previous players' characters have definitely shaped and influenced the course of things).

The current players have now reached into the epic levels and have decided to attempt to "fight and kill a blue dragon to train and fight against a red dragon to train and fight against a green dragon to train and fight against a whole mess of whites."

Kol Korran
2013-01-31, 01:33 PM
The longest campaign I DMed so far lasted between level 2-13, for about 170 hours of play (not continuously of course). Quite an epic campaign I think (not in levels, but in scope). If you're interested, the campaign log is in my sig.

currently started a new pirate campaign, which is more of a sandbox, which I hope will continue till high levels. :smallsmile:

2013-01-31, 03:01 PM
So far, my session I DM has ran from dec 2011 to dec 2012, we stopped at level 8, so my friend can do his session, then when we pick up, I plan on trying to get the session upto around level 14, then go to 20+ on a new module adventure or something.

Rogue Shadows
2013-01-31, 04:33 PM
A Kingdom Hearts campaign that went from levels 1-20 and took about a year in real time.

Good times.

2013-01-31, 04:58 PM
I've used the same home brew world for each of the campaigns that I've DMed. If I put them all together, it would be around 6 years of play.

The longest campaign in terms of levels as a player was a Forgotten Realms campaign that got into epic levels, but we leveled on averaged once every other session or so.

2013-01-31, 04:58 PM
The campaign I'm currently in has been going for over a year (I'm not sure of the exact length since I only joined recently).

We're still level 4. It sounds like ours is going much more slowly than most peoples.

2013-01-31, 05:12 PM
The longest for me was back in High School. At thw risk of sounding ancient thia was back in 2nd ed days. Don't shoot me for posting in the 3rd ed forum. Was a Tiefling Shadow Mage/ Thief starting in January 1996 or so. The campaign lasted for 2 years and i wound up at 21st level Shadow Mage and 28th lvl Thief. I miss those days.

2013-01-31, 05:58 PM
The longest for me was back in High School. At thw risk of sounding ancient thia was back in 2nd ed days. Don't shoot me for posting in the 3rd ed forum. Was a Tiefling Shadow Mage/ Thief starting in January 1996 or so. The campaign lasted for 2 years and i wound up at 21st level Shadow Mage and 28th lvl Thief. I miss those days.

Don't feel too bad, 3rd edition came out just before I started high school. My first exposure to D&D was 2nd ed.