View Full Version : Kanto: The Medic

2013-01-31, 09:27 PM
The Bulbasaur's vines twirl around your hand, quickly grasping onto your arm. The creature looks at you, a strange gleam in its eyes.

Oak goes to his desk, pulling out a small package.

Here. Just give it to the man at the Silph Pokemart. He'll know what to do with it.

Oak seems to be about to say something when a small yellow Pokemon darts in.

What the... That's the stolen Pikachu! Oak says, amazed. How the hell did it escape? He quickly checks it over, surprised that it wasn't injured.

Amazing! But since we don't have the Pokeball, it'll be stuck until we can recover it...

But that is none of your concern, he says, patting the little mouse. I wish you well on your journey. For years you have been a good aide, and I hope that you succeed. Here, he says, clasping your hand. It's the least I can do.

When you pull your hand away you can feel a large wad of cash in it. He winks, sending you out. As you leave, you see Gary, Oak's grandson enter.

Yo pops. What's Jolt doing out of his ball?

2013-01-31, 10:10 PM
"Wow thanks." Alexis responds to the cash gift in flat monotone. Whatever excitement, pride, surprise, fear, and anxiety she is feeling at the moment doesn't process anywhere in her appearance. "If you believe in me, erm, I'll do my best." She strains every muscle in her body to make eye contact and force a smile. It's quite a sight.

Upon hearing Gary, that annoying, loud-mouthed frat boy grandson who doesn't deserve anything his genius elder gives him, all emotion is wiped from her face. She slings the package under her arm, drops her head down, and slides past Gary as he barges into the Lab as he often does. "Eh, sorry, excuse me, Gary, hi."

The Lab door closes behind Alexis for possibly the last time. A typical trip to Viridian City normally wouldn't shake Alexis at all, after all, she has made the trip before, back when she helped her mother sell the family crops before she began her internship at Pallet Town's pokemon lab. However, being a new pokemon trainer means she's supposed to brave the wilderness all on her own. Pokemon don't grow without a challenge. Alexis unfolds her bicycle, secures the package to the front, and, slowly but surely, makes her way towards Route 1.

2013-01-31, 10:22 PM
"Wow thanks." Alexis responds to the cash gift in flat monotone. Whatever excitement, pride, surprise, fear, and anxiety she is feeling at the moment doesn't process anywhere in her appearance. "If you believe in me, erm, I'll do my best." She strains every muscle in her body to make eye contact and force a smile. It's quite a sight.

Upon hearing Gary, that annoying, loud-mouthed frat boy grandson who doesn't deserve anything his genius elder gives him, all emotion is wiped from her face. She slings the package under her arm, drops her head down, and slides past Gary as he barges into the Lab as he often does. "Eh, sorry, excuse me, Gary, hi."

The Lab door closes behind Alexis for possibly the last time. A typical trip to Viridian City normally wouldn't shake Alexis at all, after all, she has made the trip before, back when she helped her mother sell the family crops before she began her internship at Pallet Town's pokemon lab. However, being a new pokemon trainer means she's supposed to brave the wilderness all on her own. Pokemon don't grow without a challenge. Alexis unfolds her bicycle, secures the package to the front, and, slowly but surely, makes her way towards Route 1.

Gary winks at you as you pass. That pervert.

When you near the gate for Route 1, the guards wave you through. While they seem cautious to let a young woman such as yourself leave without protection, they must have been talked to be Oak.

Perception and Athletics.

2013-01-31, 10:32 PM
Alexis is already tired just making it to the city gates. Why am I doing this again...? She puffs and pants her way to the edge of the gates when a wavering thought lingers into her mind. What am I doing? I haven't prepared at all. I have this pokemon with me. I need to take care of this. It's my lifeblood. A bulbasaur is mainly an herbivore, but I'm sure I can find proper dietary supplements here before I leave Pallet Town. Professor Oak gave me this money for a reason. I might as well spend it.

Before she leaves town, Alexis was sure to fill her First Aid Kit at the Lab with 2 Revives, 2 Bandages, and 1 Potion. She visits Alfred's Bakery and spends $50 on ten meals of PokeFood. She also purchases 1 candy bar and 3 loaves of bread.

Perception check was 10, Athletics was 2. Awesome.

2013-01-31, 10:36 PM
As you ride, barely keeping your balance, taking almost three hours to reach the midway mark, you see a treebranch in the road from about fifty yards out and slow accordingly. Up ahead there seems to be a man on the ground, bike knocked away from him. He must not have seen the branch until it was too late. Two large rats are advancing on him. They don't seem to have noticed you.

You have been added to the battlemap. You are slower than Anonyman and the Rattata.

2013-01-31, 11:11 PM
The man springs up, hopping on his bike. He furiously pedals away. The rats give chase, but can't keep up with him.

2013-02-01, 12:22 AM
The large man from earlier, Dominic? flies past you on his bike, hits the same tree branch, and flips through the air a few times before coming to a stop, hitting the ground hard.

2013-02-01, 12:37 AM
Route 1 Thread! (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=14631170#post14631170)

2013-02-05, 01:39 AM
Alexis continues north. When she reaches the Pokemon Center, she asks the medic on staff if she knows which pokemon exist in the areas around Viridian City. After, she asks for a place to sleep for the night.

2013-02-05, 02:21 AM
Alexis continues north. When she reaches the Pokemon Center, she asks the medic on staff if she knows which pokemon exist in the areas around Viridian City. After, she asks for a place to sleep for the night.

The nurse replies that she only really knows that there are a lot of Weedle to the north; she suggests asking a guard.

As for pricing, you can get a room for the night for ^50.

2013-02-05, 10:28 AM
"Hmph," Alexis mumbles with a sneer, "Figured a nurse should know the area's pokemon... dealing with the injuries they impact on trainers and all..." Alexis shrugs off the disappointment and hands her ^50. "I'll take the room at least."

Time-skipping to move things along. If anything of interest happens between here and arriving in my room, I'll scrub everything beneath this.

When Alexis arrives in her room, she takes care to lock the doors and windows before getting comfortable. Or as comfortable as I can get in a place like this. She places her pokeball on the bed, goes into the bathroom, and redresses her wound. It hasn't gotten much better at all since she's put it on; cycling for four hours will do that to you. But at least it hasn't gotten worse. Alexis estimates she will be healthy by morning.

"redresses wound." I'm not actually using another bandage. Just fluff.

Alexis sits down cross-legged on the bed, breaking off small pieces of a candy bar before eating them. She stares intensely at the pokeball. So much has happened today... earlier this morning you were a subject in the lab. Now... well you're the only thing separating me from death, that's one thing... Well, I mean, I wouldn't have put myself at risk if it weren't for you... She takes a bite of the chocolate bar. After tasting nothing but sweat since midday, to say it tastes good would be a major understatement. Well... You wouldn't be at risk if it weren't for me, either, right? Alexis leans forward, takes a breath, and taps the button to release her Bulbasaur from its pokeball.

2013-02-05, 08:06 PM
"Hmph," Alexis mumbles with a sneer, "Figured a nurse should know the area's pokemon... dealing with the injuries they impact on trainers and all..." Alexis shrugs off the disappointment and hands her ^50. "I'll take the room at least."

Time-skipping to move things along. If anything of interest happens between here and arriving in my room, I'll scrub everything beneath this.

When Alexis arrives in her room, she takes care to lock the doors and windows before getting comfortable. Or as comfortable as I can get in a place like this. She places her pokeball on the bed, goes into the bathroom, and redresses her wound. It hasn't gotten much better at all since she's put it on; cycling for four hours will do that to you. But at least it hasn't gotten worse. Alexis estimates she will be healthy by morning.

"redresses wound." I'm not actually using another bandage. Just fluff.

Alexis sits down cross-legged on the bed, breaking off small pieces of a candy bar before eating them. She stares intensely at the pokeball. So much has happened today... earlier this morning you were a subject in the lab. Now... well you're the only thing separating me from death, that's one thing... Well, I mean, I wouldn't have put myself at risk if it weren't for you... She takes a bite of the chocolate bar. After tasting nothing but sweat since midday, to say it tastes good would be a major understatement. Well... You wouldn't be at risk if it weren't for me, either, right? Alexis leans forward, takes a breath, and taps the button to release her Bulbasaur from its pokeball.

As you release the Pokemon, the same little Pokemon appears out of the Pokeball. There is a marked change though; the once calm, happy face is glaring at you in hatred.

2013-02-05, 09:47 PM
Alexis frowns. "You should be mad at me. I messed up royally today. I almost got the both of us killed." Alexis leans over the side of her bed, reaches into her bag, and pulls out a handful of PokeFood. "I guess this is all I can offer you. Sorry there isn't more, the Rattatas got a lot of it..."

2013-02-05, 11:44 PM
Alexis frowns. "You should be mad at me. I messed up royally today. I almost got the both of us killed." Alexis leans over the side of her bed, reaches into her bag, and pulls out a handful of PokeFood. "I guess this is all I can offer you. Sorry there isn't more, the Rattatas got a lot of it..."

The Bulbasaur's vines shoot out, grabbing the food. It goes to sit in the corner, munching on its food, occasionally shooting an angry glance your way.

2013-02-06, 10:56 AM
Alexis sighs and flops down on her bed starring up at the ceiling. "I'm sorry, Bulbasaur. Not that I got you almost killed... I mean I am, but I'm sorry for having you at all. I'm not a Pokemon trainer. I'm a researcher. A student and nothing more. I had you forced upon me by a foolishly-optimistic old man. You should have gone to someone stronger, more ready for the challenge." She holds the candy bar in front of her face and has sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. She tosses it on the ground next to her pokemon. "Here, you deserve this, Bulbasaur, not me... Bulbasaur -" she crawls to the front of the bed, closer to her pokemon, with a sudden spring in her voice, "Do you like being called 'Bulbasaur?' No, right?" Dominic named his Squirtle Nepto, and he seemed to like him well-enough. If I want a relationship like that, I need to treat my Bulbasaur more like a partner and less like a tool. "Well, Bulbasaur, you're my first pokemon," at this pace, if I get any more it'd be a miracle, "and you're the first pokemon in the National Pokedex. How 'bout I call you Alpha?" Alexis inches closer to the pokemon. "It also means 'the strongest' and 'the best.' I've seen Professor Oak give away plenty of other Bulbasaur, and I know you have the potential to be the best. I'll work my hardest to help you live up to that name. If you'll let me." She sits eagerly at the foot of her bed. "Do you like that name, Alpha?"

2013-02-06, 05:23 PM
Alexis sighs and flops down on her bed starring up at the ceiling. "I'm sorry, Bulbasaur. Not that I got you almost killed... I mean I am, but I'm sorry for having you at all. I'm not a Pokemon trainer. I'm a researcher. A student and nothing more. I had you forced upon me by a foolishly-optimistic old man. You should have gone to someone stronger, more ready for the challenge." She holds the candy bar in front of her face and has sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. She tosses it on the ground next to her pokemon. "Here, you deserve this, Bulbasaur, not me... Bulbasaur -" she crawls to the front of the bed, closer to her pokemon, with a sudden spring in her voice, "Do you like being called 'Bulbasaur?' No, right?" Dominic named his Squirtle Nepto, and he seemed to like him well-enough. If I want a relationship like that, I need to treat my Bulbasaur more like a partner and less like a tool. "Well, Bulbasaur, you're my first pokemon," at this pace, if I get any more it'd be a miracle, "and you're the first pokemon in the National Pokedex. How 'bout I call you Alpha?" Alexis inches closer to the pokemon. "It also means 'the strongest' and 'the best.' I've seen Professor Oak give away plenty of other Bulbasaur, and I know you have the potential to be the best. I'll work my hardest to help you live up to that name. If you'll let me." She sits eagerly at the foot of her bed. "Do you like that name, Alpha?"

Quick note: No "National" Pokedex. You guys have the first ones.

The Bulbasuar hastily grabs the candy bar, devouring it almost instantly.

It growls slightly as you approach, but does not move to attack. It listens to your speech, the hatred slowly fading away. By the end the hatred is completely gone. While it still obviously disproves of having you as a trainer, it doesn't seem to hate you.

It gives a slight nod as assign its name.

2013-02-06, 07:41 PM
Alexis tries to smile, but Alpha's response isn't the instant turn-around she thought it would be. I shouldn't have expected a pokemon to have such a fast change of heart. It's smarter than an animal, its heart can't be won back so simply. "Hmph. Well eat up, Alpha. I don't know what tomorrow has in store, but I'm sure we'll need our energy." Before she crawls into bed, lingering doubt forces Alexis to investigate the room. After a day like today, Alpha would be wise to kick rocks as soon she could. The new trainer checks the door and window and makes sure each is locked and securely safe from any attempt to escape Alpha might make. Once she feels comfortable, she shuts the light off and gets back into bed. "Well, good night, Alpha." Before she goes to sleep, she has another thought. Alexis takes the spare blanket and drapes it over her pokemon. "Tomorrow will be better. I promise." I hope. As soon as her head hits the pillow, she finally finds sleep after the longest day of her life.

2013-02-06, 08:34 PM
Alexis tries to smile, but Alpha's response isn't the instant turn-around she thought it would be. I shouldn't have expected a pokemon to have such a fast change of heart. It's smarter than an animal, its heart can't be won back so simply. "Hmph. Well eat up, Alpha. I don't know what tomorrow has in store, but I'm sure we'll need our energy." Before she crawls into bed, lingering doubt forces Alexis to investigate the room. After a day like today, Alpha would be wise to kick rocks as soon she could. The new trainer checks the door and window and makes sure each is locked and securely safe from any attempt to escape Alpha might make. Once she feels comfortable, she shuts the light off and gets back into bed. "Well, good night, Alpha." Before she goes to sleep, she has another thought. Alexis takes the spare blanket and drapes it over her pokemon. "Tomorrow will be better. I promise." I hope. As soon as her head hits the pillow, she finally finds sleep after the longest day of her life.

(Time skip if all goes as expected)

When morning comes, Alexis is quick to rise and check on Alpha. "Good morning Alpha. It's tomorrow. Let's go get some sun, shall we?" She lowers a pokeball to the Bulbasaur's face. "I'm going to have to put you back in here, sorry," she explains, "once we get back outside, I'll let you back out." With that, she presses the recall button on the pokeball, and Alpha is absorbed into a beam of red light.

Alexis walks back downstairs to the PokeCenter lobby and looks for food available. She'll need more than bread to make it through the wilderness full of deadly pokemon.

All seems well when you awake. Well, all but one small detail. Alpha isn't there anymore. The door is cracked open slightly.

2013-02-06, 08:37 PM
"Muk." Alexis darts out of bed, scrambles to grab her pokeball, bag, and room key, and flies out of the room as fast as she can. Upon leaving, however, she takes a second to check if the door was forced open from the inside, by Alpha, forced open from the outside, or simply opened by turning the knob. "Muk muk muk muk" When she arrives in the lobby, she shouts as loud as she can muster, "Help! Has anyone seen a Bulbasaur!" If no one responds, she runs up to the nurse and asks, "You! You've been working all night! Or you talked to someone who has, have you seen a Bulbasaur!?"

2013-02-06, 09:35 PM
"Muk." Alexis darts out of bed, scrambles to grab her pokeball, bag, and room key, and flies out of the room as fast as she can. Upon leaving, however, she takes a second to check if the door was forced open from the inside, by Alpha, forced open from the outside, or simply opened by turning the knob. "Muk muk muk muk" When she arrives in the lobby, she shouts as loud as she can muster, "Help! Has anyone seen a Bulbasaur!" If no one responds, she runs up to the nurse and asks, "You! You've been working all night! Or you talked to someone who has, have you seen a Bulbasaur!?"

A guard points you outside.

"It went out there about an hour ago. I have a few guards looking at it. Is it yours? You might want to return it."

2013-02-06, 09:42 PM
A wave of relief washes over Alexis. "Um, this is really embarrassing. Sorry." She walks outside to find her pokemon and the guards. That damn pokemon and its prehensile vines...

2013-02-06, 10:00 PM
A wave of relief washes over Alexis. "Um, this is really embarrassing. Sorry." She walks outside to find her pokemon and the guards. That damn pokemon and its prehensile vines...

You go outside to see Alpha sitting contentedly outdoors, a guard a few feet away, keeping a close eye on it. It seems to simply be feeding; its bulb is glowing slightly green.

"Hey kid," he asks, looking at you. "This your Pokemon? Should keep a better eye on it."

2013-02-06, 10:18 PM
"Um, I was, eh, what I was trying to do was," the girl growls in frustration. "Alpha, what are you doing!?" She kneels down next to the pokemon, takes a deep breath, and does her best to study the situation.

"You're...photosynthesizing, aren't you? I should have known a candy bar was a stupid idea for a plant-type pokemon. You were hungry, so you left, using your vines to open the door... you're so much smarter than I took you for."

"Um, officer," she asks, looking back up at the man who looked after her Bulbasaur while she slept, "would it be okay if I watched over her here for a little while? She's feeding right now, although it may not look like it."

2013-02-06, 10:29 PM
"Um, I was, eh, what I was trying to do was," the girl growls in frustration. "Alpha, what are you doing!?" She kneels down next to the pokemon, takes a deep breath, and does her best to study the situation.

"You're...photosynthesizing, aren't you? I should have known a candy bar was a stupid idea for a plant-type pokemon. You were hungry, so you left, using your vines to open the door... you're so much smarter than I took you for."

"Um, officer," she asks, looking back up at the man who looked after her Bulbasaur while she slept, "would it be okay if I watched over her here for a little while? She's feeding right now, although it may not look like it."

"That's fine," the guard says. "We just tend to get worried with unsupervised Pokemon. Don't let it happen again, alright? Some guards are quicker to attack than I am."

Alpha nods, obviously a little pleased that your understood its purpose as well as you acknowledging its intelligence.

2013-02-06, 10:43 PM
Again, Alexis sighs in relief. That's nice, not everything is a colossal problem. "Thanks," she whispers. "Oh, sir, while you're here," she asks, pulling a pencil and notepad out of her bag, "I, uh, was told you'd know what pokemon are in the areas around here. So, um..." she taps the pencil against the pad, staring in anticipation of a response.

2013-02-06, 10:48 PM
Again, Alexis sighs in relief. That's nice, not everything is a colossal problem. "Thanks," she whispers. "Oh, sir, while you're here," she asks, pulling a pencil and notepad out of her bag, "I, uh, was told you'd know what pokemon are in the areas around here. So, um..." she taps the pencil against the pad, staring in anticipation of a response.

"Oh, yeah," the guard says, seemingly happy to help.

"Down south you have the standard fare. Pidgey, Rattata, occasionally one of their evolved forms. To the north you have almost exclusively Weedle once you hit Viridian Forest. I wouldn't head that way. Finally, to the east there are large numbers of Mankey. Spearow are on the higher crags, and there are a few small packs of the Nidoran lines as well. That's about it, besides the occasional packs of other Pokemon."

"Oh, also, could you do me a favor? If you see a man in dark clothes that is slightly burnt, could you tell a guard? He's wanted for investigation involved in the burning of a farm."

2013-02-06, 11:04 PM
Alexis eagerly scribbles down notes, "mhm"-ing as she goes. "Okay, great, uh, thank you." She turns to her pokemon. "Okay Alpha, once you're done charging up we've got a lot to do today."

She raises an eyebrow at the guard after his strange request. "A... 'slightly burnt' man? I guess that would be your suspect for an arson case..." her heart skips a beat. "Wait, what farm??

2013-02-07, 12:10 AM
Alexis eagerly scribbles down notes, "mhm"-ing as she goes. "Okay, great, uh, thank you." She turns to her pokemon. "Okay Alpha, once you're done charging up we've got a lot to do today."

She raises an eyebrow at the guard after his strange request. "A... 'slightly burnt' man? I guess that would be your suspect for an arson case..." her heart skips a beat. "Wait, what farm??

"Some lunatic set fire to one of the farms outside town. Somehow he slipped back over the wall and back into town. We haven't found him yet. Clothes burnt, probably some burns elsewhere as well. It'll hurt the towns food supply, that's for sure. Find a group, head up to Pewter. If things keep up like this, a meal will cost more than a Pokeball soon."

After about another half hour, Alpha shakes her head, prodding your leg with her head. She seems to be done.

2013-02-07, 12:26 AM
"Hm. Okay, I'll keep a look out." Alexis nods to the man as he leaves.

Alexis barely notices Alpha's nudge. For the past half-hour, her head has been buried in her notepad, glancing back occasionally at her pokedex. She would mutter a few random words, with the area's pokemon mixed in, scribble, erase, mutter some more, and repeat. "...Tail Whip attack... feather, flying... Mankey... defense... bring in a... Weedle... no no no..."

During her note-taking, the avid student utilized the pokedex given to her by Professor Oak to search for data on each pokemon described to her by the guard. She paid careful attention to the pokemon's typing, and which species would be the safest battle for her grass- and poison-type Bulbasaur. If I'm going to go to Pewter, I'll need something capable of taking down hordes of Weedles. She shivers.

2013-02-07, 12:29 AM
"Hm. Okay, I'll keep a look out." Alexis nods to the man as he leaves.

Alexis barely notices Alpha's nudge. For the past half-hour, her head has been buried in her notepad, glancing back occasionally at her pokedex. She would mutter a few random words, with the area's pokemon mixed in, scribble, erase, mutter some more, and repeat. "...Tail Whip attack... feather, flying... Mankey... defense... bring in a... Weedle... no no no..."

During her note-taking, the avid student utilized the pokedex given to her by Professor Oak to search for data on each pokemon described to her by the guard. She paid careful attention to the pokemon's typing, and which species would be the safest battle for her grass- and poison-type Bulbasaur. If I'm going to go to Pewter, I'll need something capable of taking down hordes of Weedles. She shivers.

While studying, you soon find easy information. The Pokemon that will likely be the easiest battles are female Nidoran and Mankey; Alpha naturally resists those. Male Nidoran carry Peck, a move that uses Flying Pakrian, which would not only make them resistant to Vine Whip but also extremely strong against Alpha. Pidgey and Spearow would both be a boon against a Weedle, but once again they would be hard to battle. Rattata are a mid ground; neither strong nor weak against.

2013-02-07, 12:51 AM
"Alpha!" She exclaims in a Eureka moment. "I've figured it out! I've got a plan for us." She points her pencil at the Bulbasaur. "A plan that'll be safest and easiest for you." She smiles and explains the plan in detail. "We're going to go out that way and catch a Mankey. It's a white-haired pokemon that attacks with a mix of martial arts techniques and brute force. But that's okay, because it has difficulty attacking you - your flora structure makes you resistant to that. Once we have a Mankey on our side, we'll never have to worry about those damn Rattatas ever again! Sound good to you?" She stares intensely at her pokemon. Did you understand any of that?

2013-02-07, 12:56 AM
"Alpha!" She exclaims in a Eureka moment. "I've figured it out! I've got a plan for us." She points her pencil at the Bulbasaur. "A plan that'll be safest and easiest for you." She smiles and explains the plan in detail. "We're going to go out that way and catch a Mankey. It's a white-haired pokemon that attacks with a mix of martial arts techniques and brute force. But that's okay, because it has difficulty attacking you - your flora structure makes you resistant to that. Once we have a Mankey on our side, we'll never have to worry about those damn Rattatas ever again! Sound good to you?" She stares intensely at her pokemon. Did you understand any of that?

The Bulbasaur seems to comprehend your meaning at its most basic level. It nods, understanding. Its vines wave expectantly, likely thinking of how it can fight them.

2013-02-07, 01:05 AM
Alexis gives her pokemon an approving nod, glad that it's back on her side. Okay, I've talked the talk... She takes her pokeball out of her pack. "Okay Alpha, before all that, I have some things to deal with back in Viridian. I'll call you out once we're ready, okay?" She clicks the recall button, and Alpha is absorbed by a ray of red light. Alexis scoops all her belongings into her bag and returns into the city.

The girl's first stop is the PokeCenter she stayed the night at. She approaches the front desk, placing her room key in front of her. "Here's the key back." Her stomach growls. "Um, I can get food here, right?"

2013-02-07, 01:12 AM
Alexis gives her pokemon an approving nod, glad that it's back on her side. Okay, I've talked the talk... She takes her pokeball out of her pack. "Okay Alpha, before all that, I have some things to deal with back in Viridian. I'll call you out once we're ready, okay?" She clicks the recall button, and Alpha is absorbed by a ray of red light. Alexis scoops all her belongings into her bag and returns into the city.

The girl's first stop is the PokeCenter she stayed the night at. She approaches the front desk, placing her room key in front of her. "Here's the key back." Her stomach growls. "Um, I can get food here, right?"

"Of course!" the nurse says, taking the key back. "We have a buffet over there. As long as you rent a room for tomorrow night you get a 50% discount on the buffet. Normally it is ^50 a person, ^40 per small Pokemon, but with a room it goes down to ^25 and ^20!"

2013-02-07, 01:17 AM
"Good, I'm starved. We can't all photosynthesize." She winces, forgetting to say that only in her head. "Uhm... okay I'll have my room back and the buffet." She places ^75 on the counter.

2013-02-07, 01:22 AM
"Good, I'm starved. We can't all photosynthesize." She winces, forgetting to say that only in her head. "Uhm... okay I'll have my room back and the buffet." She places ^75 on the counter.

The woman hands you back your key, a far to wide smile on her face.

"Thank you! Food is right over there."

The buffet is a little slim. There is a small number of rolls, a few berries that don't seem quite ripe, and a small tin of bacon. While there is plenty for you to eat, there isn't much variety.

2013-02-07, 01:32 AM
Alexis puts her nose up at the food at first, until her stomach reminds her that she's in no position to be picky. She makes a sandwich out of the rolls, berries, and bacon. It's not as good as she expected. While eating, Alexis checks Oak's package for the address of the recipient. She mumbles to herself through loud chewing.

2013-02-07, 01:43 AM
Alexis puts her nose up at the food at first, until her stomach reminds her that she's in no position to be picky. She makes a sandwich out of the rolls, berries, and bacon. It's not as good as she expected. While eating, Alexis checks Oak's package for the address of the recipient. She mumbles to herself through loud chewing.

Oak's package seems to be addressed to a small lab in Viridian. You hadn't even know there was a lab here! Guess you learn something new every day.

2013-02-07, 01:49 AM
Finished with her meal, Alexis plays with a few leftover berries on her plate. She remembers reading somewhere that pokemon sometimes eat berries during battle to restore their health. She wonders if these might possibly be such a species of berry, and does some improvised dissection.

Not sure if this would be a [roll0] or a [roll1].

2013-02-07, 02:06 AM
Finished with her meal, Alexis plays with a few leftover berries on her plate. She remembers reading somewhere that pokemon sometimes eat berries during battle to restore their health. She wonders if these might possibly be such a species of berry, and does some improvised dissection.

Not sure if this would be a [roll0] or a [roll1].

A quick check reveals these to be ordinary old berries. Seems the Pokemon Center was cheap.

2013-02-07, 10:26 PM
Alexis shrugs. She picks up her belongings and leaves the PokeCenter relatively dissatisfied, but there are more important things to do today. First things first, deliver this package. Alexis wanders the city looking for another guard. If she passes by the same guard from this morning, she'll sheepishly walk past him without asking for advice; badgering him twice in one day would be far too awkward to deal with.

2013-02-07, 10:46 PM
Alexis shrugs. She picks up her belongings and leaves the PokeCenter relatively dissatisfied, but there are more important things to do today. First things first, deliver this package. Alexis wanders the city looking for another guard. If she passes by the same guard from this morning, she'll sheepishly walk past him without asking for advice; badgering him twice in one day would be far too awkward to deal with.

You soon find a guard who is able to point you towards the northern part of town, a ways past the Gym.

2013-02-07, 10:49 PM
Keeping her head down, Alexis follows his direction.

2013-02-07, 11:03 PM
Keeping her head down, Alexis follows his direction.

Soon enough you arrive at a humble building just at the edge of town. A small observatory lies at the top, pointed towards the sky.

2013-02-07, 11:29 PM
Hmm... I guess this is the place... With a sneer, Alexis cracks the front door open. She holds the package under one arm and tightly grips Alpha's pokeball with the other.

2013-02-08, 12:04 AM
Hmm... I guess this is the place... With a sneer, Alexis cracks the front door open. She holds the package under one arm and tightly grips Alpha's pokeball with the other.

The door is locked.

2013-02-08, 07:13 AM
"Cmon..." Alexis grumbles. The thought crosses Alexis' mind to leave the package at the doorstep. No... I want to complete this task soon, but I want to do it right. Alexis starts banging on the door and looking in the windows to see if anyone is inside or if the lights are even on.

2013-02-09, 11:54 AM
"Cmon..." Alexis grumbles. The thought crosses Alexis' mind to leave the package at the doorstep. No... I want to complete this task soon, but I want to do it right. Alexis starts banging on the door and looking in the windows to see if anyone is inside or if the lights are even on.

It takes a few minutes, but eventually the door slides open, a haggard old man with Coke-bottle glasses opening the door.

"What can I do for you?" he wheezes, barely talking above a whisper.

2013-02-10, 11:57 AM
Finally. Alexis rolls her eyes. "Are you," she looks down at the box for the recipient's name, and asks it.

2013-02-10, 02:25 PM
Finally. Alexis rolls her eyes. "Are you," she looks down at the box for the recipient's name, and asks it.

"Yes!" the old man says happily. "I am Sven. Do you need anything?"

2013-02-10, 07:57 PM
Alexis holds the package in front of her with both hands. "I, uh, have a package here from Professor Oak in Pallet Town. But I'll need to see some ID."

2013-02-11, 01:04 AM
Alexis holds the package in front of her with both hands. "I, uh, have a package here from Professor Oak in Pallet Town. But I'll need to see some ID."

"Oh, right, ID. I'll be back," the man says, hobbling away. It's almost painful to watch the poor man walk.

Almost five minutes later he returns, an absolutely disgusting card clenched in his hand which does in fact confirm that he is Sven.

2013-02-11, 10:09 AM
"Hmph," Alexis mutters, displeased with the card. "What business do you have with Oak, anyway?" Her honest question comes off intimidating and rough.

2013-02-11, 10:23 PM
"Hmph," Alexis mutters, displeased with the card. "What business do you have with Oak, anyway?" Her honest question comes off intimidating and rough.

"I look at the sky!" he says, a wide grin crossing his face as he waves his hand upwards. "Pokemon come from sky on flaming stones. Fall. Destroy world. New world start. I do research for Oak on sky!'

He snatches the package from you, shaking it next to his ear. Fortunately, nothing breaks.

2013-02-11, 10:54 PM
This old man perturbs Alexis. She's seen plenty of researchers of all ages, and each of them acts respectfully and professionally. More importantly, they all speak in complete sentences. "Are you saying that pokemon came from meteors, old man? What proof do you have of this?"

2013-02-12, 02:08 AM
This old man perturbs Alexis. She's seen plenty of researchers of all ages, and each of them acts respectfully and professionally. More importantly, they all speak in complete sentences. "Are you saying that pokemon came from meteors, old man? What proof do you have of this?"

The old man grins widely.

"Come inside! Lots of proof!" he says, waiving you into his house.

2013-02-12, 12:43 PM
Alexis' hands wring her pokeball, contemplating the offer. I had plans today... but they can wait. Alpha deserves a rest. This could be a waste of time... but the upside of a whole new field of research beats poking around in tall itchy grass in the hot sun for hours. "Sure." She drops the ball back into her pocket and follows the man inside.

2013-02-18, 04:09 PM
Alexis' hands wring her pokeball, contemplating the offer. I had plans today... but they can wait. Alpha deserves a rest. This could be a waste of time... but the upside of a whole new field of research beats poking around in tall itchy grass in the hot sun for hours. "Sure." She drops the ball back into her pocket and follows the man inside.

Upon entering the lab the smell of dirty laundry, moldy cheese, and other unspeakable stenches assail your nostrils.

There are counters all around the room. Small rocks, pieces of machinery, even a small model plane cover them. A stuffed Pokemon sits on the counter as well, posed oddly.

INT Pokemon to identify.

"See! Proof of aliens! Space monsters!" he says, holding up a strange rock.

INT: Petrology.

2013-02-19, 01:49 AM
I'm not sure what vehicle tech is in Kanto... does Alexis know what a plane is?

Alexis wretches at the smells. This is... this is no way to treat a lab, to conduct research! The odor isn't the only thing that perturbs the former assistant. A pokemon stuffed on a counter bothers Alexis. Dissecting a pokemon to study it is one thing. Mounting it for exhibition is something different entirely. But... would I be thinking this way if it weren't for Alpha?


Alexis shrinks back when Sven shoves a rock in her face. The senile man appears like he wouldn't hurt a fly... but I'm not entirely certain he won't snap. She studies the rock in his hand. Maybe he's onto something, or maybe he's just as crazy as he seems...


2013-02-19, 08:53 PM
I'm not sure what vehicle tech is in Kanto... does Alexis know what a plane is?

Alexis wretches at the smells. This is... this is no way to treat a lab, to conduct research! The odor isn't the only thing that perturbs the former assistant. A pokemon stuffed on a counter bothers Alexis. Dissecting a pokemon to study it is one thing. Mounting it for exhibition is something different entirely. But... would I be thinking this way if it weren't for Alpha?


Alexis shrinks back when Sven shoves a rock in her face. The senile man appears like he wouldn't hurt a fly... but I'm not entirely certain he won't snap. She studies the rock in his hand. Maybe he's onto something, or maybe he's just as crazy as he seems...


You recognize the Pokemon as a Clefairy; extremely rare, hard to find, and powerful in battle. The rock, on the other hand, is a mystery.

"What? You no know rock?"

2013-02-19, 09:20 PM
Alexis raises an eyebrow. "Eh, no, I don't, uh, know rock..." she mumbles in response, not paying much attention to the man and his space rocks anymore. The Clefairy is much more interesting. She approaches it with caution, as if it's about to pounce. "What is this?" She carefully touches the pokemon. "I mean I know it's a Clefairy, duh, but why is it here? And stuffed?"

2013-02-19, 11:11 PM
Alexis raises an eyebrow. "Eh, no, I don't, uh, know rock..." she mumbles in response, not paying much attention to the man and his space rocks anymore. The Clefairy is much more interesting. She approaches it with caution, as if it's about to pounce. "What is this?" She carefully touches the pokemon. "I mean I know it's a Clefairy, duh, but why is it here? And stuffed?"

The man looks at you, leaning in.

"Clefairy are aliens! They come from space, in spaceship! This piece of spaceship!" he says, shoving the rock in your face. "Moon Stones are aliens!"

You hear a man clear his throat behind you. If you turn, you see an attractive man, probably about a year older than you, coming downstairs.

"Father, what did I tell you about answering the door?"

The old man actually looks ashamed, as if he's an overgrown puppy or something.

"Not to do it..."

"Right. I'll let you help me with research later, just give me some time to talk to this girl, alright?"

The old man slinks away.

The younger man walks up, offering his hand.

"Sven. Junior. You've met the senior. Sorry about that; he's a bit eccentric," he says, trying to clear a few things off the counter. "Trust me, we're not studying aliens or anything silly like that. The effects of evolutionary stones on the physique and health of Pokemon is more accurate," he says, opening the package. "If I'm right, ah, yes!" he says, holding up some Pokeballs. "More Moon Stone Pokemon. Jigglypuff, another Clefairy, a Nidorino... Where's the Nidorina?" he asks nobody in particular, reading a note. His face falls as he does so.

"Anyways, thanks for your help. I appreciate it. You want something to eat? I have cleaner rooms than this."

2013-02-20, 03:31 PM
Alexis is uncomfortable all over again in a new way. Sure, Sven Sr. is erratic and perhaps crazy, but at least he's not... charming. Sven Jr. is an intelligent student of pokemon, like herself, and she has a lot to gain from talking with him. She'd heard about evolutionary stones before; Alexis has never actually worked with them, but she knows other types exist. This man could teach me her a lot. If only he weren't so unbearably charming. Alexis shrinks back in her posture. "Uh, no thanks," she wimpers meekly, "I, uh, just ate, and, uh, I, uh, I gotta go." Head down, Alexis tries to slink out the door.

2013-02-20, 06:48 PM
Alexis is uncomfortable all over again in a new way. Sure, Sven Sr. is erratic and perhaps crazy, but at least he's not... charming. Sven Jr. is an intelligent student of pokemon, like herself, and she has a lot to gain from talking with him. She'd heard about evolutionary stones before; Alexis has never actually worked with them, but she knows other types exist. This man could teach me her a lot. If only he weren't so unbearably charming. Alexis shrinks back in her posture. "Uh, no thanks," she wimpers meekly, "I, uh, just ate, and, uh, I, uh, I gotta go." Head down, Alexis tries to slink out the door.

"If you're sure," he says, sounding disappointing. "If you need work or anything, swing by. I'm sure I can come up with something for you!" he says.

"I'll get that," he says, grabbing the door for you.

2013-02-20, 07:47 PM
Quicker than the shadows, Alexis escapes the room as soon as the door is open, mumbling something incomprehensible. She hustles down the road fleeing from the Svens. Well that was just about enough of that. I'd rather camp out on Route 1 all night with the Rattata than spend another minute in there. I don't care how important this Sven guy may be, a box full of "space pokemon" aren't worth dealing with that embarrassment... I can't believe Professor Oak trusted me with a package full of pokeballs! What if I hadn't made it to Viridian, or had dropped it off with the wrong person... Alexis' stomach drops. The professor is probably going to want some sort of receipt... damn it all. Reluctantly, Alexis turns back towards the lab. "Okay..." she mumbles to herself, setting the plan of attack to get this receipt in as short a time as possible, "Go in... find Sven Sr.... he scribbles his name, date, so do I, I'm out..." sooner than she expects, she's back at the door. Damnit. Here we go. Slowly, she pries open the door, peeking her head gingerly inside. "Ehm, hello?"

2013-02-20, 08:26 PM
Quicker than the shadows, Alexis escapes the room as soon as the door is open, mumbling something incomprehensible. She hustles down the road fleeing from the Svens. Well that was just about enough of that. I'd rather camp out on Route 1 all night with the Rattata than spend another minute in there. I don't care how important this Sven guy may be, a box full of "space pokemon" aren't worth dealing with that embarrassment... I can't believe Professor Oak trusted me with a package full of pokeballs! What if I hadn't made it to Viridian, or had dropped it off with the wrong person... Alexis' stomach drops. The professor is probably going to want some sort of receipt... damn it all. Reluctantly, Alexis turns back towards the lab. "Okay..." she mumbles to herself, setting the plan of attack to get this receipt in as short a time as possible, "Go in... find Sven Sr.... he scribbles his name, date, so do I, I'm out..." sooner than she expects, she's back at the door. Damnit. Here we go. Slowly, she pries open the door, peeking her head gingerly inside. "Ehm, hello?"

There is no response. There doesn't seem to be anybody in the lab at the moment.

2013-02-20, 08:42 PM
Alexis gingerly continues into the lab. "Heh-hello?" She peers around some more. "Sven? Uh, Sven senior? I, uh, just need a, uh, receipt, saying... you know, you got the package."

2013-02-20, 09:02 PM
Alexis gingerly continues into the lab. "Heh-hello?" She peers around some more. "Sven? Uh, Sven senior? I, uh, just need a, uh, receipt, saying... you know, you got the package."

The senior doesn't respond, but the junior does. He walks back in, searching for a pen. He takes the clipboard, and signs it.

"Been faking his signature for years. Sure you don't want to grab something?"

2013-02-20, 09:31 PM
"Um..." Alexis picks up the receipt and puts it in her backpack. "I don't think so, I, uh, have to get back to... something..." she makes her way over to the door when the stuffed pink pokemon catches her eye. She stops in her tracks and turns around. "Did you catch this pokemon?"

2013-02-20, 09:58 PM
"Um..." Alexis picks up the receipt and puts it in her backpack. "I don't think so, I, uh, have to get back to... something..." she makes her way over to the door when the stuffed pink pokemon catches her eye. She stops in her tracks and turns around. "Did you catch this pokemon?"

"That? No, that used to be my dad's back when he was first a trainer. Nothing lasts forever though, you know? He didn't want to just bury it, so he had it stuffed. A little weird I'll admit, but he likes having her around, even if she's in that form."

2013-02-20, 10:39 PM
Alexis has seen almost as many pokemon dead on a dissection table than alive. "That's not really weird. I see dead pokemon all the time." She winces and her eyes shoot open. That sounded so dumb. "Uhm, I mean, in my, um research." She stares at the ground. "I don't, um, I don't kill pokemon..."

2013-02-21, 09:22 PM
Alexis has seen almost as many pokemon dead on a dissection table than alive. "That's not really weird. I see dead pokemon all the time." She winces and her eyes shoot open. That sounded so dumb. "Uhm, I mean, in my, um research." She stares at the ground. "I don't, um, I don't kill pokemon..."

"Phew. Had me worried there. I was going more for "I see dead people" than Pokemon serial killer, but that's good too," he says, a broad grin on his face.

"If you don't want to eat, how about a Pokemon battle? I assume you have one yourself," he says, gesturing at the holster at your side.

2013-02-21, 10:15 PM
The girl shrinks back, twists, and attempts to hide her pokeball from sight, as if Sven hasn't already seen it. Admitting defeat, she relaxes a tad. "Eh..." A fight? Is he mad!? "Um, I'm not very good," she whimpers, "I only got this Bulbasaur yesterday..."

2013-02-21, 10:44 PM
The girl shrinks back, twists, and attempts to hide her pokeball from sight, as if Sven hasn't already seen it. Admitting defeat, she relaxes a tad. "Eh..." A fight? Is he mad!? "Um, I'm not very good," she whimpers, "I only got this Bulbasaur yesterday..."

"It's good for the little beasts to fight. Keeps them from having too much pent up energy. I have a young Nidoran, one of the males. If you're not comfortable with battling though, it's not an issue."

"What do you know about Evolution Stones? Maybe you could help me with my research. That seems to be more your speed."

2013-02-21, 10:55 PM
More my speed? Alexis snarls. What an unbelievable jerk. That's exactly the problem with these charming types. They're all *ssh*les, and they justify their actions and words because they're good-looking. She glares at him and grabs her pokeball. "You don't think I can fight?" She sputters. "I can fight. Let's fight."

2013-02-21, 11:09 PM
More my speed? Alexis snarls. What an unbelievable jerk. That's exactly the problem with these charming types. They're all *ssh*les, and they justify their actions and words because they're good-looking. She glares at him and grabs her pokeball. "You don't think I can fight?" She sputters. "I can fight. Let's fight."

He grins. Had he been goading you?

"Perfect. Let's head to the Gym; they have an actual ring. Better than tearing up this old house."

2013-02-22, 05:45 PM
Again, Alexis growls. Damnit! I'm such a sucker! He wanted this all along. When I said no, he manipulated me until I did what he wanted in the first place. Alexis clenches her pokeball in both hands and follows Sven outside, suddenly very competitive and not friendly.

2013-02-22, 08:26 PM
Again, Alexis growls. Damnit! I'm such a sucker! He wanted this all along. When I said no, he manipulated me until I did what he wanted in the first place. Alexis clenches her pokeball in both hands and follows Sven outside, suddenly very competitive and not friendly.

Soon enough you approach the Gym. Sven apparently knows the people; a few wave at him, looking you up and down.

Soon enough he leads you to an empty battle ring. He steps to one side, lightly tossing his Pokeball in his hand.

"How about a wager? You win, and I buy you lunch. I win, and you come to dinner with me. Deal?"

2013-02-22, 08:45 PM
Alexis' cheeks grow flushed. Damnit, I knew it. I knew it I knew it I knew it. How many times do I have to say no to this guy!? "Erm, okay," Alexis replies sheepishly. Seriously, how thick is this guy's head!?

The young trainer takes a moment to look around the gym. The room is so large, so imposing. It doesn't help at all that it's full of strong trainers of pokemon. She's uncomfortable in such a place, but she needs to get used to these gyms in a hurry if she's to become a stronger trainer.

Alexis holds her pokeball very close to her face. "I'm sorry Alpha, this isn't outside like I promised." Alexis presses the release button on the pokeball and the leafy green pokemon appears at her feet. She says nothing, but glares at Sven.

2013-02-22, 09:21 PM
Alexis' cheeks grow flushed. Damnit, I knew it. I knew it I knew it I knew it. How many times do I have to say no to this guy!? "Erm, okay," Alexis replies sheepishly. Seriously, how thick is this guy's head!?

The young trainer takes a moment to look around the gym. The room is so large, so imposing. It doesn't help at all that it's full of strong trainers of pokemon. She's uncomfortable in such a place, but she needs to get used to these gyms in a hurry if she's to become a stronger trainer.

Alexis holds her pokeball very close to her face. "I'm sorry Alpha, this isn't outside like I promised." Alexis presses the release button on the pokeball and the leafy green pokemon appears at her feet. She says nothing, but glares at Sven.

"Ladies first," he says, releasing a small purple Pokemon. It looks around anxiously. It seems very young, and quite energetic. It looks at the trainer. He holds up the Pokeball; seems as if the Nidoran was a little rebellious.

You have the first move. Map linked in chat

Also, Knowledge Pokemon if you want potentially useful facts.

2013-02-22, 09:33 PM
Alexis wracks her brain to try and identify the creature opposing her before making any decisions.

Education (Pokemon) check: [roll0]

2013-02-23, 03:12 AM
Alexis wracks her brain to try and identify the creature opposing her before making any decisions.

Education (Pokemon) check: [roll0]

Nidoran are especially famous for their lethal venom. Even the slightest touch against one of their barbs can transfer it. Fortunately for Alpha, he is inherently resistant to this Poison, so it won't bother him greatly. Unfortunately, they may utilize their small horn much like a beak, allowing him to hit Alpha as hard as any bird.

Nidoran are quite small and light, something that may prove to be an advantage. Usually their Poison discourages any sort of grapple, but they are unable to do much against Alpha in that regard.

Finally, Nidoran have exceptional hearing. Stealth is not advised.

2013-02-23, 08:59 PM
This pokemon uses poison. Luckily Alpha isn't affected... but her grass-type attacks won't hit hard either. Better stick to tackling. "Um, okay Alpha, don't worry, go get it!" Alexis stands fiercely behind her charging pokemon when a thought comes to her mind. She's too far to hit it, and vine whip won't be as effective as I'd hope... wait! "Alpha! Hit it with Leech Seed!"

The charging green pokemon stops dead in its tracks and releases a spray of seeds from the large leafy bulb on its back.

Alpha's Shift Action - Shift to G7 (if that black square means I may not move into there (it's a hole, it's a pole, etc.), put Alpha in H7).
Alpha's Standard Action -

Alexis: HP 47/47, Def 5, S. Def 5, Speed 5.
Bulbasaur: HP 55/55, Attack 14, Def 8, S.Atk 10, Def 8, Speed 3. Attacks with Leech Seed.

Accuracy check: [roll0] (Needs 4 to hit)

2013-02-26, 10:00 PM
This pokemon uses poison. Luckily Alpha isn't affected... but her grass-type attacks won't hit hard either. Better stick to tackling. "Um, okay Alpha, don't worry, go get it!" Alexis stands fiercely behind her charging pokemon when a thought comes to her mind. She's too far to hit it, and vine whip won't be as effective as I'd hope... wait! "Alpha! Hit it with Leech Seed!"

The charging green pokemon stops dead in its tracks and releases a spray of seeds from the large leafy bulb on its back.

Alpha's Shift Action - Shift to G7 (if that black square means I may not move into there (it's a hole, it's a pole, etc.), put Alpha in H7).
Alpha's Standard Action -

Alexis: HP 47/47, Def 5, S. Def 5, Speed 5.
Bulbasaur: HP 55/55, Attack 14, Def 8, S.Atk 10, Def 8, Speed 3. Attacks with Leech Seed.

Accuracy check: [roll0] (Needs 4 to hit)

The seeds connect with the Nidoran, burying under its skin. It cries out at the slight pain, long vines beginning to wrap around its body.

"Good strategy, but we have our own. Nidofour, Focus Energy! Now!"

The Nidoran glares at Alpha, obviously looking for some sort of weak point.

2013-02-26, 11:27 PM
Nidofour? What kind of name is that? What happened to the first three!? Alexis shakes off the disturbing undertone of that name and refocuses on the battlefield. "Good job Alpha! Now, keep your distance! Whip it with your vines and run!" Alpha releases two long green vines at its foe; after the attack, it scampers to a back corner of the arena.

Alpha's Standard Action - Vine Whip on Nidofour.
Alpha's Shift Action - Shift to B2.

Alexis: HP 47/47, Def 5, S. Def 5, Speed 5.
Bulbasaur: HP 55/55, Attack 14, Def 8, S.Atk 10, Def 8, Speed 3.
Attacks with Vine Whip.

Accuracy check: (Needs 2 to hit)
Damage: [roll]2d6+25

2013-02-26, 11:41 PM
Nidofour? What kind of name is that? What happened to the first three!? Alexis shakes off the disturbing undertone of that name and refocuses on the battlefield. "Good job Alpha! Now, keep your distance! Whip it with your vines and run!" Alpha releases two long green vines at its foe; after the attack, it scampers to a back corner of the arena.

Alpha's Standard Action - Vine Whip on Nidofour.
Alpha's Shift Action - Shift to B2.

Alexis: HP 47/47, Def 5, S. Def 5, Speed 5.
Bulbasaur: HP 55/55, Attack 14, Def 8, S.Atk 10, Def 8, Speed 3.
Attacks with Vine Whip.

Accuracy check: [roll0] (Needs 2 to hit)
Damage: [roll0]

Sven, seeing his Nidoran is too far away to attack, grimaces. The Vine Whip had definitely hurt.

"Nidofour! Move!"

The Nidoran complies, dashing across the field, crying out slightly from the vines wrapped around it.

2013-02-27, 02:34 AM
Alexis is confused. Sven's pokemon isn't pursuing Alpha. As long as Leech Seed is active, I don't need to risk Alpha's health by attacking it further... She arches an eyebrow, unimpressed with the battle so far. "This pokemon... doesn't want to fight..." she mumbles. Then, she orders, "Alpha, keep your distance."

Alpha shifts to A1.

2013-02-27, 01:14 PM
Alexis is confused. Sven's pokemon isn't pursuing Alpha. As long as Leech Seed is active, I don't need to risk Alpha's health by attacking it further... She arches an eyebrow, unimpressed with the battle so far. "This pokemon... doesn't want to fight..." she mumbles. Then, she orders, "Alpha, keep your distance."

Alpha shifts to A1.

"Get closer Four! You can end this in one hit!" Sven shouts.

The Nidoran closes on Alpha, glaring angrily but too far away to attack. The vines are apparently doing their work.

2013-02-27, 11:00 PM
That thing's getting too close... "Alpha! Finish this!" Alpha stands firm and lashes out with its whipping vines once more.

Alpha's Standard Action - Vine Whip on Nidofour.

Alexis: HP 47/47, Def 5, S. Def 5, Speed 5.
Bulbasaur: HP 55/55, Attack 14, Def 8, S.Atk 10, Def 8, Speed 3.
Attacks with Vine Whip.

Accuracy check: [roll0] (Needs 2 to hit)
Damage: [roll1]

2013-02-27, 11:18 PM
That thing's getting too close... "Alpha! Finish this!" Alpha stands firm and lashes out with its whipping vines once more.

Alpha's Standard Action - Vine Whip on Nidofour.

Alexis: HP 47/47, Def 5, S. Def 5, Speed 5.
Bulbasaur: HP 55/55, Attack 14, Def 8, S.Atk 10, Def 8, Speed 3.
Attacks with Vine Whip.

Accuracy check: [roll0] (Needs 2 to hit)
Damage: [roll1]

The little Nidoran takes the hit, barely remaining standing.

"Now Nidofour! Hit it with a Peck!"

The little Pokemon sprints at Alpha, leaping into the air to bring its small horn down into Alpha's hide. It barely connects, but the horn hits deep, drawing a loud cry from Alpha. Alpha cries out in pain, blood running down her side. She stands awkwardly, trying to staunch the bleeding, leaving herself more open for an attack as she does so.

34 damage to Alpha. She gains 2 Injuries. -1 Defense and -1 Special Defense Combat Stages until the Injuries are gone.

The Leech Seed hits the Nidoran again, and this time the nutrients are absorbed into Alpha, helping to heal her slightly.

Heal 3 HP.

2013-02-28, 01:51 AM
"AArgh!!" Alexis cries out in frustration. Alpha's pinned into a corner, and it's her own fault for miscalculating the time it would take Leech Seed to take down the Nidoran. "F*ck you you little rat!" She screams at the pokemon, as if it either wants to battle or could understand her. "Alpha, kill it!" Spit flies as she screams through gritted teeth.

Alpha's Standard Action - Vine Whip on Nidofour.

Alexis: HP 47/47, Def 5, S. Def 5, Speed 5.
Bulbasaur: HP 24/55, Attack 14, Def (7), S.Atk 10, S.Def (7), Speed 3.
Attacks with Vine Whip.

Accuracy check: [roll0] (Needs 2 to hit)
Damage: [roll1]

2013-03-01, 01:50 AM
"AArgh!!" Alexis cries out in frustration. Alpha's pinned into a corner, and it's her own fault for miscalculating the time it would take Leech Seed to take down the Nidoran. "F*ck you you little rat!" She screams at the pokemon, as if it either wants to battle or could understand her. "Alpha, kill it!" Spit flies as she screams through gritted teeth.

Alpha's Standard Action - Vine Whip on Nidofour.

Alexis: HP 47/47, Def 5, S. Def 5, Speed 5.
Bulbasaur: HP 24/55, Attack 14, Def (7), S.Atk 10, S.Def (7), Speed 3.
Attacks with Vine Whip.

Accuracy check: [roll0] (Needs 2 to hit)
Damage: [roll1]

The Nidoran agilely leaps to the side, dodging the vine. It leaps forward again, slamming its powerful horn into Alpha, its eyes gleaming red in rage. It connects with Alpha's head. While their is a loud crack, it doesn't seem to pierce through fortunately. From the sound though, Alpha may have a concussion.

36 damage to Alpha. 2 more Injuries. -1 Defense Stage as well as -1 to all AC rolls until those are fixed. Poor Alpha...

The Nidoran stands, victorious, only to collapse as the vines stretch up to its throat, choking him to unconsciousness. The Leech Seed's work done, Nidofour collapses.

Sven stands there silent for a moment before laughing loudly, clapping slightly.

"Well done! Seems you are a far more competent battler than I thought! Good choice with the Leech Seed. It slowly wore down Four while you distracted us with Vine Whip. Well done!"

He returns Nidofour, muttering something under his breath that you can't quite hear.

"Now, we didn't make a deal in regard to a tie, did we? How about we drop our Pokemon off at the Center to be treated and I take you out for dinner? Sound fair? Both my treat."

8 EXP from the Nidoran, 2x multiplier because I found this fight amusing. 16 EXP to Alpha.

2013-03-02, 10:56 PM
Alexis' blood is boiling. How could Alpha let me down like that!? I set her up to be safe! And win! She did this to herself! She snorts smoke. Stupid pokemon... I did the best I could and it wasn't enough... No. It was me. The responsibility is always on the trainer... I should have planned better. The truth sinking in changes her rage to frusrated depression. There must have been something I could have done differently. She snaps to her pokeball and recalls the injured, bleeding bulbasaur. She lifelessly stares over the battlefield as "A tie...?" finally passes through her lips. Red in the face, Alexis crosses the arena to Sven. "I lost." She swallows her pride and grumbles, "Fine. Dinner. But only if we heal Alpha first."

2013-03-02, 11:19 PM
Alexis' blood is boiling. How could Alpha let me down like that!? I set her up to be safe! And win! She did this to herself! She snorts smoke. Stupid pokemon... I did the best I could and it wasn't enough... No. It was me. The responsibility is always on the trainer... I should have planned better. The truth sinking in changes her rage to frusrated depression. There must have been something I could have done differently. She snaps to her pokeball and recalls the injured, bleeding bulbasaur. She lifelessly stares over the battlefield as "A tie...?" finally passes through her lips. Red in the face, Alexis crosses the arena to Sven. "I lost." She swallows her pride and grumbles, "Fine. Dinner. But only if we heal Alpha first."

"Great! Mind if we just drop them off at the Pokemon Center? With their injuries it'll take awhile for the two of them to get patched up, and I'd rather not have to pay for Premium healing when we're not in a rush."

2013-03-04, 12:22 PM
Alexis, staring into the distance behind Sven, mumbles an "okay" and follows him to the Pokemon Center.

2013-03-05, 10:09 PM
Alexis, staring into the distance behind Sven, mumbles an "okay" and follows him to the Pokemon Center.

Sven takes you to the Pokemon Center, dropping off Nidofour and Alpha, forking over quite a large wad of cash. Maybe it was small bills, or maybe it really was that expensive.

"So, what are you hungry for? We don't have much in the way of food due to, you know, food shortages, but there is a pretty good soup place in town. You up for that?"

2013-03-06, 01:21 AM
Alexis is uneasy in handing over her pokeball. This is the second time Alpha has been in a stranger's hands. A real trainer wouldn't leave their pokemon like this... Her heart drops as she releases her grip on the ball, as if she was making another gigantic mistake.

"I don't care." Alexis responds callously. "Whatever." She appears disturbed, disinterested, and most prominently, confused why, despite her expressions, Sven is so relentlessly interested in her.

2013-03-06, 10:53 PM
Alexis is uneasy in handing over her pokeball. This is the second time Alpha has been in a stranger's hands. A real trainer wouldn't leave their pokemon like this... Her heart drops as she releases her grip on the ball, as if she was making another gigantic mistake.

"I don't care." Alexis responds callously. "Whatever." She appears disturbed, disinterested, and most prominently, confused why, despite her expressions, Sven is so relentlessly interested in her.

"Why are you so down?" Sven asks, looking at you worriedly. "Is it your Bulbasaur? Don't worry, the Pokemon Center staff here is better than they look."

2013-03-08, 12:00 PM
Alexis continues to stare down, neither happy nor sad, simply a blasé neutral. Sven's making her feel more uncomfortable than before; those who know Alexis know that asking her why she looks upset only perpetuates the emotion. "I'm fine," she semi-growls. "I just don't care." Ending the statement with a sting, she tries to amend the attack. Looking up at Sven for the first time in a while, "I don't care what we eat, I mean."

2013-03-13, 02:17 AM
Alexis continues to stare down, neither happy nor sad, simply a blasé neutral. Sven's making her feel more uncomfortable than before; those who know Alexis know that asking her why she looks upset only perpetuates the emotion. "I'm fine," she semi-growls. "I just don't care." Ending the statement with a sting, she tries to amend the attack. Looking up at Sven for the first time in a while, "I don't care what we eat, I mean."

Sven seems a little... disappointed?

"You know what, you're obviously not in the mood for dinner," he says, sounding annoyed. "Come by tomorrow and I should have some work for you. Thanks for the battle," he says, walking out.

2013-03-13, 07:13 PM
Internally, Alexis breathes a sign of relief. "Um. Sorry." She mutters, and duck away in her usual fashion. She's barely a few steps away when regrets cloud her mind as they often do. Good going Alexis. You got rid of a smart, successful, handsome man as fast as you could. You sure showed him - what an idiot to try and be friends with you! Alexis keeps her scream inside her mouth and lashes out against the air. She pants, then nervously checks if anyone saw her. Okay. You're alone in a town you don't know without anyone to help you. What now? Alexis pats her pocket where Alpha's pokeball should be, but isn't. Right. To the Pokemon Center. She heads in the direction of the bright red roof.

2013-03-14, 08:19 PM
Internally, Alexis breathes a sign of relief. "Um. Sorry." She mutters, and duck away in her usual fashion. She's barely a few steps away when regrets cloud her mind as they often do. Good going Alexis. You got rid of a smart, successful, handsome man as fast as you could. You sure showed him - what an idiot to try and be friends with you! Alexis keeps her scream inside her mouth and lashes out against the air. She pants, then nervously checks if anyone saw her. Okay. You're alone in a town you don't know without anyone to help you. What now? Alexis pats her pocket where Alpha's pokeball should be, but isn't. Right. To the Pokemon Center. She heads in the direction of the bright red roof.

You soon arrive back at the Pokemon Center. The nurse informs you that it will still probably be about two hours before Alpha is patched up.

2013-03-14, 10:09 PM
Alexis shrugs and mutters something, and leaves the Pokemon Center. She heads down the road looking for a Pokemon Mart; hopefully the stores are still opening this evening. Thanks Sven for the giant delay... I did have things to do today...