View Full Version : Dark Souls PvP build help.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-01-31, 09:32 PM
I got Dark Souls about a month ago; but I hadn't been able to play till recently and I have to say that I absolutely love the game; but I've been having some trouble in the PVP aspect of the game. Apparently my build is terrible and I should feel bad about it.

Anyway I've done some research; but nothing of what I've found has really helped me, so I was wondering if you guys could help me directly or point me in the right direction (the Gamefaqs site is decent; but the boards actually scare me).

If it matters I want to try a Dex/Int hybrid with sorceries taking a more buffing/supporting side.

Thanks in advance.

2013-01-31, 10:04 PM
As something of a Dark Souls maniac myself, I may be able to help you here. First off, I'll just drop a link to the DS wiki (http://darksoulswiki.wikispaces.com/), which has everything you could possibly want to know on it, if you haven't already browsed through it.

Now, the major question is: what level are you aiming for/at? The 'standard' for high level PvP is level 120, when a lot of players finish their 'builds.' Determining what soul level you want is important.

Next, looking at your idea for Dex/Int with more supporting sorceries, this can work. The first thing to do would to grab a high dex-scaling weapon and up it to +15. Katanas are very popular for PvP, and have good dex scaling, so those work. I'm also partial to the Painting Guardian Sword, which can be picked up in Anor Londo (dropped by the white-robed ninjas in the cathedral). You'll want 40 vitality and at least 34-ish endurance, going as high as 40. Dex should go up to the mid-thirties up to 40 as well. Enough Int to cast the spells you want is all you need. Now, for sorceries of choice, you'll definitely want Crystal Magic Weapon, sold by Logan in the Duke's Archives. It'll give a huge damage buff to the weapon you're using; just make sure your catalyst is equipped in your left hand to cast it (Logan's catalyst is the best). There aren't many other good 'support' sorceries, though if you've got Int you should absolutely pick up the spell Pursuers (trade the Soul of Manus to Snuggly the crow (assuming you have the DLC or PC edition)). That's 3 attunement slots right there, which is all you really need, though you may want more if you also pick up pyromancy; Black Flame is really good for PvP. The Silver Knight Shield is, I believe, the most stable of the standard shields, and only requires 14 Str; a +5 one will serve you well. Armor is whatever you want so long as you can fast roll in it, though you should definitely pick up the Crown of Dusk, which boosts sorcery effectiveness. Get the Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring, which also buffs sorceries, and whatever other ring you want (I like the wolf ring, but find something neat that suits your playstyle).

Finally, covenants. For maximum PvPing, you want to be a Darkwraith for the Red Eye Orb, though it's quite possible to make the covenant inaccessible entirely. Otherwise, be a Darkmoon Blade or Forest Hunter, depending on your preferences, and chill in human form in either the Kiln of the First Flame or the Oolacile Township.

If you need to know more about anything I said, I can explain further or you can look it up on the wiki.

Sorry for the massive infodump. Have fun stabbin' guys, be careful of lagstabs, and praise the sun!

Dusk Eclipse
2013-01-31, 11:10 PM
What about Murakamo and Ricard's rapier combo, do you reckon it would work well?

2013-02-01, 03:48 AM
If you're going for Int/Dex and using Ricards Rapier I would recommend going to fight with a few castings of Magic Weapon/Greater Magic Weapon/Crystal Weapon. The unqiue 4-strike combo will shred most tanks.

It's been a while since I PVPed in Dark Souls though...does 99% of the fighters still just use Havels Armour + Lighting Zweihander + Dark Wood Grain Ring?

2013-02-01, 06:44 AM
It's been a while since I PVPed in Dark Souls though...does 99% of the fighters still just use Havels Armour + Lighting Zweihander + Dark Wood Grain Ring?

Both lightning weapons and the DWGR were nerfed. The DWGR now only gives you the backflip if you're under 25% weight load. Lightning weapons deal less damage now, I think.

Almost everyone still uses the DWGR, mind you. They just wear less armor now. Still, that backflip is the bane of my sorcerer.

2013-02-02, 11:37 PM

If you want to try something other than Dex/Int. Yes it is pure cheese and people will hate you for it.

There are other versions that may appeal more/less to you.

I've been thinking about tweaking the build to use Avelyn.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-02-02, 11:56 PM
Umm please talk to me as if I was a toddler, because I don't really know anything about Dark Souls Pvp (and today I got back-stabbed-killed.... twice) I don't see how it is cheese. Also wouldn't the Lifehunt Greatscythe be better than a "simple" +15 scythe? IIRC it deals 50% bleed damage.

2013-02-03, 12:04 AM
+15 Greatscythe is the one you'll be using more.

You want the Greatscythe for the following reasons:

It has much better range.
Lifehunt requires 16 Strength; this isn't a problem if you're tweaking to get the Repeating Crossbow Avelyn, otherwise it's too much.
Lifehunt inflicts bleed on you, and requires you build your char to minimize bleed.
Lifehunt can't be enchanted by Resins, Darkmoon or Sunlight Blade for additional damage.
Most good PvPers are difficult to take down with Bleed. Centralizing your build around Bleed isn't worth it. Bleed is primarily useful to maintain pressure.

As for the 'cheese' part, it is pretty much a gestalt of the best equipment/spells in the game, pound for pound/vis a vis prereqs.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-02-03, 12:12 AM
Well it does looks like an interesting build; but I already started with a Dex/Int build (Wanderer) and right now I have 20/20 Dex Str, with the intention to raise Str to 28 (for Murakamo) and while tempted to change classes, starting all over again is really unappealing.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-02-03, 01:49 PM
Do people usually wait for NG+ for pvp? I mean I've seen many persons with late-game gear in low-level areas.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-02-07, 01:41 PM
Ok so I made this build based on my current character, what do you think about it?

Build (https://mugenmonkey.com/darksouls/?c=230678929161361363)