View Full Version : Jade (well, Ebon) Pheonix Mage handbook?

2013-01-31, 10:19 PM
Hey playground!

I was wondering, is there a handbook for the Jade Pheonix Mage PrC?

If not, then I'd like to ask for advice in building one. My specific situation has the following relevant peculiarities:

Best options for races: Human (as PHB, plus a +1 and a -1 of my choice to any ability scores of my choice) Half-elf (treated as a template added to human, adds an additional +1 and a -2, again to ability scores of my choice.)

Chargen method: "Focus and Foible"

Chose an ability score "Focus" Put an 18 in it.
Chose an ability score "Foible" Put an 8 in it.
For the other four ability scores: roll 1d10+7 four times, apply scores in order.
Then add racial modifers (if any.)

If the result is unplayable, 32 point buy may be used

Warblade HD dropped to d10.

Following spells banned: Alter Self, Polymorph (and polymorph any object), Shapechange, all Calling spells (gate, plannar binding + ally.)

This is for a backup character incase my ultimate magus dies.

2013-01-31, 11:02 PM
Google is your friend. :smallwink: (https://www.google.com/search?q=d%26d+jade+phoenix+mage&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS510US510&oq=d%26d+ja&aqs=chrome.4.57j62l3j59j60.2722&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#hl=en&tbo=d&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS510US510&sclient=psy-ab&q=d%26d+jade+phoenix+mage+handbook&oq=d%26d+jade+phoenix+mage+handbook&gs_l=serp.3...739.2277.0.2453. .3j6.9.0.les%3Bepsugrpq1high..0.0...1.1.2.serp.2XT wi8KU_rM&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.41867550,d.aWc&fp=ed37b7f9496e4d03&biw=1118&bih=929)

2013-02-01, 12:00 AM
Thanks, Morcleon!

However, reading the handbook on the wizards' site, I've run into a couple problems with the recomended entry progression:

1. No access to human paragon class.
2. No access to spellsword PrC.

2013-02-01, 09:26 AM
Wu Jen X/Incantatrix 3/Jade Phoenix Mage Persisted Transcend Mortality with Phoenix Mage rebirth.

Late on, as it requires 9ths but Wu Jen are still very playable.

Ramp up your Con and Int, Dex in 3rd, Wis and Cha can be dumped. Strength is easy to be buffed, but you shouldn't be hitting things anyway, so can drop that. Why are humans made MORE powerful? Abusee the hell out of that, and dump you cha and ramp up int or con, whichever is an even even number.

A dip in Archivist for access to all Sor/Wiz, Divine and Bard spell wand/scrolls.

2013-02-01, 09:51 AM
Wu Jen X/Incantatrix 3/Jade Phoenix Mage Persisted Transcend Mortality with Phoenix Mage rebirth.

Late on, as it requires 9ths but Wu Jen are still very playable.

Ramp up your Con and Int, Dex in 3rd, Wis and Cha can be dumped. Strength is easy to be buffed, but you shouldn't be hitting things anyway, so can drop that. Why are humans made MORE powerful? Abusee the hell out of that, and dump you cha and ramp up int or con, whichever is an even even number.

A dip in Archivist for access to all Sor/Wiz, Divine and Bard spell wand/scrolls.

Hmm, nice build. Unfortunately, Wu Jen are also unavailable, and Incantatrix, while available, has been housruled to lose a level of spellcasting, at 1st level.

Also, how would archivist give access to all that?

2013-02-01, 10:13 AM
Also, how would archivist give access to all that?

From what I understand, it's because there are ways to get spells from the Sor/Wiz list, alongside the other options shown above, as divine spells. Mostly from PrCs, ACFs and stuff.