View Full Version : Toy Battles?

2013-01-31, 10:52 PM
So I love warhammer. I also love collecting 80s and 90s toys. I want an action figure battle system to make my he men battle my ninja turtles "Small Soldiers" style. I do own some of the 2003 Shadowrun Action Figure Dueling Game figures, but the rules are not versatile enough. I was considering using Savage Worlds, but I'd prefer an actual toy-combat system if there is one. Can anyone help me out?

2013-01-31, 11:14 PM
I vaguely remember there being actual rules for a game that was played with plushies (stuffed animal/monster toys). It was printed in the review column of Dragon Magazine way back when they were still printing actual magazines. And I can't remember for the life of me what that game was called. It did give you bonuses for certain plushie qualities: size, amount of fuzz, coloration (stripes and polka dots were the best). Sounded interesting but by that point I wasn't surrounded by plush toys. I could use it about now though.

Sadly even though I have the CDs for issues 1-250, I do not have the time or inclination to look through all of those issues for a few columns buried under a name I can't recall. But it does (or at least it did) exist!