View Full Version : Maximum Damage output help (warforged paladin)

2013-02-01, 08:21 AM
at the moment i am having a great deal of trouble picking what would work best for giving me the most damage, ill give you the stats and the play style.

warforged large 5 paladin / 5 Juggernaut / 1 fighter

STR 30
DEX 13
CON 26
INT 14
WIS 12

feats: Alternate spell casting (STR), adamatium body, power attack,
Second slam, Jaws of Death, Stable footing, Cleave.

Attacks: (4 slams) 21 attack, damage 1d6 +1d8 +22 (crit 19-20 x2)
4 slams from natural attack slam, having 4 arms, slam counts at a two-handed weapon
Second slam: 16 attack, damage 1d6 +1d8 +22 (crit 19-20 x2) (feat)
Jaws of death: 16 attack, damage 1d8+7
weapon bounces: (component of natural attack slam +2, keen, heavy) neck slot

what i am having trouble with is picking my lvl 12 class/feat.

what i have been considering atm is ether,
(1) fighter lvl 2 (leap attack) making my +damage from power attack 60 from 20 on my first attack using a jumping charge.
(2) fighter variant lvl 2 (dungeon crasher) adding 4d8 +x3STR mod (30) wehn i bullrush a target into a wall or object.
(3) Fighter lvl 2 (greater cleave) letting me use my cleave feat many times in one turn.
(4) suggestions

at lvl 13 i am taking Warhulk so my STR mod will go up, and i will not be leaving that class, so both "G cleave" and "dungeon crasher" will get stronger over time, but leap attack will not, since my BAB will stay at 10

what should i do to maximize my damage output, these options are the ones i know of, so any suggestions will help, also my lvl 12 normal feat will be "rapidstrikes" giving me more attacks, and i am thinking of getting an ion stone of shock trooper or knock back, if that helps.

Normally he charges into battle and taking out one foe at a time, bullrushing if foes line up, his personality is very secluded, and likes to fight alone and leave the group when he can, but doesn't mind fighting in a party, being normally the only large thing on the map he gets surrounded quite easy but loves the fight, using spells like rhino's rush, to double the damage of attack charge, using divine sacrifice to add 5d6 damage to attack, and zeal to run over foes to assault the leader with an opening charge, he has all black guard, and paladin spells at his disposal, being a lawful evil(near neutral) but cant cast alinement based spells such as good or evil.

2013-02-01, 09:25 AM
Since you're throwing Charisma out the window anyways, might I suggest taking a look at the Warforged Paladin substitution levels in Races of Eberron?

All three (at Paladin levels 1, 2 and 3) would probably be of use to you.

Fouredged Sword
2013-02-01, 09:48 AM
An aptitude weapon will allow you to maintain at least 3/4 BAB over all class levels.

Kockback and dungeon crasher will go like peanut butter and chocolate with large size, long reach, and massive strength.

You become an explosion in combat, hitting all targets to the floor and throwing them around the room.

2013-02-01, 10:05 AM
Since you're throwing Charisma out the window anyways, might I suggest taking a look at the Warforged Paladin substitution levels in Races of Eberron?

All three (at Paladin levels 1, 2 and 3) would probably be of use to you.

i did take those lvls for paladin already

2013-02-01, 10:27 AM
An aptitude weapon will allow you to maintain at least 3/4 BAB over all class levels.

Kockback and dungeon crasher will go like peanut butter and chocolate with large size, long reach, and massive strength.

You become an explosion in combat, hitting all targets to the floor and throwing them around the room.

from what i see about Aptitude weapon, i would need to have feats for a type of weapon already, and since i use my natural attacks, i don't have any weapon focuses or feats, so i don't see how that helps my BAB unless i am missing something.

as for dungeon crasher and knockback, i know its a great combination and with my STR it will do alot of damage, but im looking for math on these, i know for a fact, i can do +60 dmg with leap attack (120 with rhino's charge spell) but its only on the first attack, where with dungeon crasher + knockback i can do a +4d8 +30 on my bullrushes. if they stack with my greater powerful charge and Superior bullrush and rhino's charge and power attack, i would be doing 1d6 +6d8 +62 x2 (138-232, but i would need something for it hit into or i wouldn't get the bounce. getting the feat shock trooper would allow me to throw in any direction i want but if they cant move more then 5ft i still believe i don't get the bounce. so that leaves greater cleave, when i kill someone i always get an extra attack at anything within my range. with me going into warhulk, that means alot, warhulk will allow all my attacks to hit all foes in any square i threaten. meaning i have 12 squares around me to get surrounded and for every single attack i make, i hit all 12, bullrush is a targeted attack to it wouldn't get the bounce i believe but all of my other attacks would so cleaving adds another 11 attacks, and so on until i am the last one standing. that does sound really nice. thats why im having trouble picking

2013-02-01, 11:48 AM
An aptitude weapon will allow you to maintain at least 3/4 BAB over all class levels.

from what i see about Aptitude weapon, i would need to have feats for a type of weapon already, and since i use my natural attacks, i don't have any weapon focuses or feats, so i don't see how that helps my BAB unless i am missing something.

He might possibly mean the Skilled weapon enhancement, a +...2? weapon enhancement from Complete Arcane that gives you 3/4 BAB with the weapon.

Fouredged Sword
2013-02-01, 11:58 AM
Yes, skilled. I get those confused, sorry. Skilled on your armor spikes and a skilled reach weapon are your friends.

2013-02-01, 12:10 PM
oh i see, its called Skillful Weapon, that will be handy later on, since i wont get any bounces from it till lvl 16, since at lvl 12 ill have 10 BAB and the enchantment would gave only 9 BAB. but since ill never have over 10 BAB with Warhulk it will help, but can i use that bounce for power attack purposes?

Fouredged Sword
2013-02-01, 12:27 PM
Yes. You are treated as having that BAB with that weapon. Just make sure to use it when you attack.

2013-02-01, 12:46 PM
Yes. You are treated as having that BAB with that weapon. Just make sure to use it when you attack.

well since i have a amulet of natural attack and my body is my weapon, all my weapon enchantments are placed on the amulet, since my body is my armor too, unlike monsters i can add weapon propertys to myself since i count a a weapon, armor, and object, my body is blue shined and glamored.