View Full Version : [PF] Looking for a build with status effect removal and BFC

2013-02-01, 01:47 PM
So the Pathfinder game I'm joining already has an Alchemist...two if you count the guy who dipped it for the mutagen. This unfortunately rules out my initial character idea.

After talking with the DM and some of the players, it appears that there are two things the party needs:

First, status effect removal. These guys apparently chug restoration potions like there's no tomorrow, which they can't afford on account of the DM being stingy with WBL. The group needs, if not a healer, a cheap source of healing and status effect removal. I'd prefer to be able to do this at minimal cost in actions and spell slots.

Second, BFC. This is less something the group thinks it needs, and more something I can tell it needs.

So I'm looking for a class, archetype, build, etc., that gives me reasonably plentiful healing and status effect removal while still allowing me to focus on battlefield control. Spell suggestions would be preferable. While Alchemist is the most obvious choice for this, as said before that would be stepping on other players' toes. So please provide suggestions! I'm especially curious about what spells to focus on, as I'm not familiar with what PF has nerfed. Apparently the monsters typically have high saves and high CMDs (hopefully not all at once, but we'll see), so no-save debuffs would be ideal.

As an aside, this DM in one conversation managed to fill about half of the bad DM checklist. Is there anything like the Easy-Bake Wizard in PF? Any tips for dealing with low WBL and DM randomness? With the above build in mind, it would be helpful to have reliable access to long-distance travel spells so that I can jump the DM's rails if I really need to.

Finally, no 3.5 content on this one. The rest of the group sticks to pure PF, so I am too.

Edit: Various important details: we start at level 14, so the build can mature late, but on the flipside I'd rather it have various basic high level capabilities since I'm not sure the party does.

At the moment I'd rather avoid DSP psionics, but I'll ask the DM if a particularly interesting build is in the offing (I'm assuming Vitalist?).

2013-02-01, 01:59 PM
What level will your character be?

Also, does the group allow psionics (Dreamscarred press)?

2013-02-01, 02:51 PM
What level will your character be?

Also, does the group allow psionics (Dreamscarred press)?

Ah yes, I should specify those things. Will add to the OP.

2013-02-01, 02:54 PM
Pretty much any Divine caster is going to have access to healing and status condition removal - Paladin, Ranger, Bard, Druid, Cleric, etc. You could just buy wands for the four or five most common status conditions, and you'll be set. By default, I'd say that vanilla PF Paladin or Merciful Healer Cleric is probably best at this.

Battlefield control can also be attained with a wide variety of spells. Otherwise, you'll be limited to what you can squeeze out of melee. Lots of options here depending on which class you take.

2013-02-01, 02:55 PM
I believe Paladins gain status effect removal at a decent rate through "mercies"

2013-02-01, 03:05 PM
For pure Pathfinder, I'd suggest a Merciful Healer (http://www.pathfindersrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/archetypes/paizo---cleric-archetypes/merciful-healer) Cleric with the Healing (http://www.pathfindersrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/domains/paizo---domains/healing-domain) domain. Specifically, check out the restoration subdomain. The Earth (http://www.pathfindersrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/domains/paizo---domains/earth-domain) domain has some good area denial spells in it as well.

Merciful healer lets you remove certain status effects without expending spell slots. You gain a few useful goodies from the domains, as well.

If you can use psionics, a Vitalist or Egoist Psion (their 8th level ability lets you share psychometabilism abilities with allies) could work very well.

Alternately, take a look at the witch. Between some brutal SLA debuffs and a decent spell list, it might do the job too.

2013-02-01, 05:58 PM
Merciful Healer and the like seem mostly focused on removing status effects that typically go away on their own. It's nice for its own niche, but I'm more interested in cheap ways to restore ability damage, ability drain, and negative levels. Is there anything like a Rod of Bodily Restoration in PF?

Witch looks interesting...can they keep up in terms of healing/status removal? Is Hedge Witch worth it, or are things like Cure spells, as in 3.5, better done with items?

What are good BFC spells for Clerics? In particular, anything saveless?

Is summoning worth it in PF?

2013-02-01, 06:05 PM
Samsarans (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/uncommon-races/arg-samsaran)are a race that can pick any divine spell as a spell known:

Mystic Past Life (Su) You can add spells from another spellcasting class to the spell list of your current spellcasting class. You add a number of spells equal to 1 + your spellcasting class's key ability score bonus (Wisdom for clerics, and so on). The spells must be the same type (arcane or divine) as the spellcasting class you're adding them to. For example, you could add divine power to your druid class spell list, but not to your wizard class spell list because divine power is a divine spell. These spells do not have to be spells you can cast as a 1st-level character. The number of spells granted by this ability is set at 1st level. Changes to your ability score do not change the number of spells gained. This racial trait replaces shards of the past.

I'd say druids have a better spell list for battlefield control, so you might consider becoming a samsaran druid, and then poaching any cleric and paladin spells you're missing.

Dazing spell applied to geyser is a decent option for battlefield control. Wide AoE, no SR, takes a 7th level slot. A persist rod works well with it.

2013-02-01, 07:00 PM
Merciful Healer and the like seem mostly focused on removing status effects that typically go away on their own. It's nice for its own niche, but I'm more interested in cheap ways to restore ability damage, ability drain, and negative levels. Is there anything like a Rod of Bodily Restoration in PF?

Witch looks interesting...can they keep up in terms of healing/status removal? Is Hedge Witch worth it, or are things like Cure spells, as in 3.5, better done with items?

What are good BFC spells for Clerics? In particular, anything saveless?

Is summoning worth it in PF?

I guess a mystic theurge could work if you start at 14. Not that it's a good class, but it's flavorful. Putting in spell perfection for a spell which is shared between cleric and wizard at 15 (like fireball if you have the fire domain) lets you retain some offensive capability as well.

2013-02-01, 07:04 PM
A personal favorite of mine is Sorcerer 4/Oracle 4/ Mystic Theurge 6 because you can take the best of both spell lists, always have a restoration/healing spell ready (no worries about preparing too many or too few) and have both sides of your MT cast off CHA.

2013-02-01, 07:07 PM
Cleric with the right domains can do more than good enough as a BFCer. I'd just go straight Cleric. Druid would work too but since they don't actually get Restoration, less well. Clerics also get Summon Monster-line which provides reasonable healbots as necessary in addition to having a lot of offensive value; PF buffed Summon Monster to high heavens.

the clumsy bard
2013-02-01, 07:12 PM
While a cursory look shows the following classes get restoration as a class spell

alchemist 4
cleric/oracle 4
inquisitor 4
paladin 4

Now we can already rule out the alchemist for the original reasons the poster gave us. Although I will say that you could have a party of alchemists and they could all be unique in their own way.

Now the one I would suggest would be the oracle.

I could suggest specific things, but the best place to look would be here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WdtrZCESRmVfljXY196wMrMLTnS8Uzk4DEk3oQdVZok/edit?hl=en_US&pli=1#) and here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W5xDNpGTGNmiQwSHvne4eTGLIFbCEJcYJ3qWWWFmlRE/edit?pli=1) for spells

2013-02-01, 07:34 PM
Merciful Healer and the like seem mostly focused on removing status effects that typically go away on their own. It's nice for its own niche, but I'm more interested in cheap ways to restore ability damage, ability drain, and negative levels. Is there anything like a Rod of Bodily Restoration in PF?

If there is anything like a Rod of Bodily Restoration, I haven't found it it. Pathfinder has pretty much the exact problem with healing that core 3.5 had, but magnified due to lack of splat support. The only patch I've found is massive use of Dreamscarred Press material.

Witch looks interesting...can they keep up in terms of healing/status removal? Is Hedge Witch worth it, or are things like Cure spells, as in 3.5, better done with items?

Overall, the Witch is focused on debuffs and action denial over healing. You can get the full restoration line from the Healing patron, but then you're spending spell slots on it.

One specific archetype I'd like to note is the Scarred Witch Doctor. It's an Orc racial archetype that makes Constitution your casting stat.

Is summoning worth it in PF?

It's not quite as abusetastic as it was in 3.5 due to the smaller number of available books, but anything that wrecks the action economy is still pretty good.

2013-02-01, 08:07 PM
Dazing spell applied to geyser is a decent option for battlefield control. Wide AoE, no SR, takes a 7th level slot. A persist rod works well with it.

Hmm, so the point of this is a relatively wide radius SR:No Will save or daze (presumably only works on creatures not immune to fire)? I'd think there would be more efficient ways to do that, but I guess I can believe there aren't.

2013-02-01, 08:54 PM
Stone call is another option, but it only does 2d6 bludgeoning that's subject to DR. Between it and geyser you should be able to affect most things, but due to the low damage there will be some things that won't trigger the daze by resisting all the damage. If you're willing to be a sorcerer, the havoc of the society trait adds 1 force damage to all damage spells, ensuring that anything not immune to force damage (nothing?) is subject to dazing spell. The makes picking up things like restoration more difficult though, I'm not sure of any arcane lists a samsaran would be able to poach from have cleric-y spells. Bard has the cure line, but that's it I think. Edit: though I guess a sorcerer could buy a ring of spell knowledge (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/rings/ring-of-spell-knowledge) 4 and get restoration. False priest (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/sorcerer/archetypes/paizo---sorcerer-archetypes/razmiran-priest) can get your remove disease. Remove curse is already on the sorcerer list.

2013-02-01, 09:06 PM
It's not quite as abusetastic as it was in 3.5 due to the smaller number of available books, but anything that wrecks the action economy is still pretty good.

The basic Summon Monster line is significantly more powerful in PF; sure, you don't have access to Malconvoker & al. but still, 3.5 SMIX is about SMVII in PF; that's a massive advantage.

Regardless of the level, you can get level-relevant SLAs and even combat ability from the equivalent SM, and interestingly healing is available from SMV onwards IIRC (the Agathion is the lowest level summonable creature with repeatable heals). Kinda gives Druids' shtick to Wizards/Clerics.

2013-02-01, 10:08 PM
The basic Summon Monster line is significantly more powerful in PF; sure, you don't have access to Malconvoker & al. but still, 3.5 SMIX is about SMVII in PF; that's a massive advantage.

Regardless of the level, you can get level-relevant SLAs and even combat ability from the equivalent SM, and interestingly healing is available from SMV onwards IIRC (the Agathion is the lowest level summonable creature with repeatable heals). Kinda gives Druids' shtick to Wizards/Clerics.

Is there a way to get standard-action summoning in PF? That's a major difficulty for me: if the summons don't come out until the next turn, then the enemies get a chance to act before I can get things in the way.

2013-02-01, 10:12 PM
Clerics have all the best removal spells. Prepare lesser restoration, if not multiple copies, but put the more obscure ones on scrolls to keep your spell slots open for the more common problems. Scrolls are half the cost of potions too.

An oracle might work even better than a cleric assuming you don't know what's coming. You could cast 5 lesser restorations or 5 auguries without foreknowledge of which one you'll need. They get more spells per day too, and anything missing can likewise be handled with scrolls. If you will get warning of what's coming or if your afflictions can wait 24 hours then stick with cleric.

I didn't think clerics had much BFC but maybe PF added some? Blessing of Fervor is pretty amazing, similar to haste, but while that's batman wizard-y it's not really BFC. Nap stack is great too. Personally I prefer mass buffs/debuffs like prayer, assuming you can't find some BFC. Later on clerics do get wall of stone though, which is quite nice BFC. Druids get a lot more BFC and may make a better hybrid BFC / affliction remover if you don't mind compromising the affliction removal somewhat.

2013-02-01, 10:20 PM
Is there a way to get standard-action summoning in PF? That's a major difficulty for me: if the summons don't come out until the next turn, then the enemies get a chance to act before I can get things in the way.

Ironically, Alchemists get standard-action summoning from both lists, all the way up to IX. It's starting to look like your best option :smalltongue:

But I suppose that isn't helpful. Hmm... Clerics can standard-summon creatures of matching alignment with the Sacred Summons feat. And summon spells work with quicken rods per PF FAQ. That's all I've got for now.

2013-02-01, 11:07 PM
Ironically, Alchemists get standard-action summoning from both lists, all the way up to IX. It's starting to look like your best option :smalltongue:

But I suppose that isn't helpful. Hmm... Clerics can standard-summon creatures of matching alignment with the Sacred Summons feat. And summon spells work with quicken rods per PF FAQ. That's all I've got for now.

Sacred Summons looks nice. With the right alignment and a quicken rod that should be feasible.

2013-02-01, 11:23 PM
With the right domains a cleric can do BFC. Check out the storms (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/domains/paizo---domains/weather-domain/storms) subdomain for a start; both the granted power and spells like sirocco and sleet storm can help. I don;t know what domain combinations would be legal with that in your campaign, but you might look up say the smoke (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/domains/paizo---domains/fire-domain/smoke) subdomain for stinking cloud and pyrotechnics.

Obviously clerics are the original status effect removers.

2013-02-01, 11:39 PM
In addition, check out the Theologian archetype - this will let you prepare domain spells in your normal cleric slots, but restrict you to one domain. This will buff your BFC abilities considerably depending on your choice. (An example of a good {sub}domain for this is Cloud.)

2013-02-02, 12:10 AM
I thought I'd look into Oracle options a bit.

Oddly enough the one revelation I found for affliction removal was the Time revelation. Erase from Time used on an ally can act as the ultimate defense letting you deal with the affliction after the fight is over without risking the loss of an ally. The bonuses to general rolls, speed boosts and bonus spells aren't bad either. The move action teleport is a great way to reach any ally that needs saving too.

A dual cursed oracle can use misfortune to "force" an ally to reroll a low roll on a save as an immediate action. Limit once per ally per day, which is quite a lot.

An ancient lorekeepr oracle (elf required) lets you pick up 1 arcane spell per 2 levels which is 1 level lower than the max level you can cast. You could use those to get the best battlefield control there is: wizard casting. For example I would select ray of enfeeblement, web, sleet storm, solid fog, wall of force, repulsion, reverse gravity and maze. Resilient sphere could also act as an ultimate ally saver instead of erase from time but you'd need to wait until level 10 to get it.

I'd do an ancient lorekeeper with the Time revelation if you go with an oracle. Dunno if you're allowed to add dual cursed to that or not. I think there's a conflict with the skills part if you're even allowed to take 2 archetypes.

2013-02-02, 12:16 AM
Oracle - Life Mystery

Get Channel Energy like clerics.

Get all Cure spells for free just for being an Oracle.

Mystery Spells are all about removing afflictions such as Lesser Restoration, Neutralize Poison, and Restoration, enabling you to use your known spells for other things.

As for which spells you choose, they can be anything - personal buff spells, attack spells, party buff spells, other remove afflictions such as Remove Paralysis, Remove Curse, etc. If permitted, play a human and use the favored class feature of more spells known instead of the skill point or hit point. You can get a good variety of types of spells.

You will not be frustrated getting higher level spells one level later than a cleric because as a spontaneous caster you can do one thing the cleric cannot - spam buff spells. When a cleric wants to cast Bull's Strength, he usually only prepares it once to cast on himself or a party member. Then he has no more. If he prepares it more than once, he's limiting his options. As an Oracle, you can cast Bull's Strength when you need to. When you just know you're about to fight the BBEG, you can cast it on yourself and all of the warrior party members. Give everyone Shield of Faith while you're at it. When situations warrant not buffing everyone for whatever reason, just cast something else without loss of efficiency.

2013-02-02, 12:52 AM
One worry I have with Oracle (and Witch to a lesser extent): if some of my spells known happen to fall under an unfavorable DM interpretation, suddenly a big chunk of my versatility vanishes. Part of why I'd rather play a Cleric or Druid is that if I discover the DM is a jerk about certain spells I can just prepare different spells the next day, and if the DM throws some bull**** problem at the party I can scour the spell list and be back the next week with the perfect counter.

2013-02-02, 01:30 AM
BTW, if the domain slots aren't enough for you, the Preferred spell feat lets you spontaneously cast one spell. So you can effectively use ordinary slots to cast some domain spell. You'd have to choose a spell unlikely to be affected by an unpleasant DM judgement call.

2013-02-02, 01:41 AM
Are any of the prestige classes worthwhile for a BFC or summoning focused Cleric?

2013-02-02, 02:22 AM
It doesn't particularly go with a storm domain cleric like I was suggesting, but veiled illusionist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/s-z/veiled-illusionist) would help for BFC. The relevant feature is goddess's veil (human).

2013-02-02, 07:26 AM
I'm re-plugging the Sorcerer/Oracle/Mystic Theurge because having a limited number of spells known is a lot less of a problem when you get to cast spontaneously off both lists. And it's SAD!

2013-02-02, 07:31 AM
Are any of the prestige classes worthwhile for a BFC or summoning focused Cleric?

Maybe you should be an Ur-priest? :smallwink:

2013-02-02, 07:38 AM
Are any of the prestige classes worthwhile for a BFC or summoning focused Cleric?

Not really; almost all PRCs lose CL or do nothing like Loremaster. On the flipside, modifications to the core chassis in archetypes and traits generally got it covered.

2013-02-02, 09:24 AM
Going with a classic cleric gives you some fun options, especially at level 14. While not focused on control, you can put together a build for a lot of area damage and controlled healing with the following Feats:

Selective Channeling (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/feats.html#_selective-channeling)

Versatile Channeler (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateMagic/ultimateMagicFeats.html#_versatile-channeler)

This allows you to channel energy with less worry about battlefield placement, other than to be in the thick of it. To ramp things up consider:

Quick Channel (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateMagic/ultimateMagicFeats.html#_quick-channel)

This allows for a channel and Standard and Swift action on the same turn, giving you a lot of fun options for other spells and/or additional healing/damage.

To add in control consider an Aasimar and adding the following feats:

Channel Force (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedRaceGuide/featuredRaces/aasimars.html#_channel-force)

Improved Channel Force (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedRaceGuide/featuredRaces/aasimars.html#_improved-channel-force)

Greater Channel Force (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedRaceGuide/featuredRaces/aasimars.html#_greater-channel-force)

At 6 Feats total it's kind of hefty, especially considering you will likely want Extra Channeling Feats, but should let you lay down damage and control enemy placement.

the clumsy bard
2013-02-02, 10:21 AM
I shudder to suggest it, but the words of power spells have a line of summons

servitor (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/words-of-power/effect-words/servitor-i)

I am only suggesting it because the summons works as a standard action and not full round action.

2013-02-02, 10:32 AM
I shudder to suggest it, but the words of power spells have a line of summons

servitor (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/words-of-power/effect-words/servitor-i)

I am only suggesting it because the summons works as a standard action and not full round action.

I think you lose the multi-summon options with this though (e.g. 1d4 from a lower list.)

the clumsy bard
2013-02-02, 10:46 AM
Yes to a degree.

But you can use several "effect words" that add add up to higher level in higher slot. [Example: 2 1st level effect words spells = 3rd level spell. There is a list here (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/words-of-power)

Also as they say "If you combine this word with any other effect words, the summoned creature is the only target for these words. If the target word is boosted, a wordspell with this effect word summons 1d4+1 of the chosen creatures."

So it comes with buffs built in if you have the right word spells.

Not great, which is why I said I shudder to suggest it :P

It offers some versatility with sorcerers etc, but not always a great choice.

2013-02-02, 11:13 AM
Are any of the prestige classes worthwhile for a BFC or summoning focused Cleric?

If you're willing to lose caster levels, the Blackfire Adept (http://www.pathfindersrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/a-b/blackfire-adept) can cause a tremendous amount of chaos in a very short period of time.

the clumsy bard
2013-02-02, 11:23 AM
Diabolist (http://www.pathfindersrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/c-d/diabolist) is an ok choice if you are of the appropriate alignment. They also don't suffer from caster level loss.

Unfortunately you need to be a level 7 cleric or level 8 oracle to enter it.

2013-02-02, 11:35 AM
Honestly I wouldn't bother with most PrCs at all. In general, it's better just to stay in your base class in PF. Your channel and most domain powers are based on it. If you want to customize your cleric a bit, that's what archetypes and (sub)domains are for.

2013-02-02, 11:45 AM
I would concur with Certified, and suggest Channel Energy Optimization. I would also strongly recommend investigating Variant Channeling (http://www.pathfindersrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/archetypes/paizo---cleric-archetypes/variant-channeling), which decreases the amount healed/damaged, but adds a rider to creatures affected by the channel. These grant access to a number of solid debuffs,
like Fatigue, Slowed, Confused, and Dazed for any creature hit with your channel.

the clumsy bard
2013-02-02, 11:55 AM
I agree with Psyren. I was only suggesting prestige classes because Urpriest asked about it.

The Pathfinder systems as previously mentioned is designed with the idea that you would or should take a class for all 20 levels.

There are some obvious exceptions (cough cough gunslinger cough cough)

2013-02-02, 11:56 AM
I would concur with Certified, and suggest Channel Energy Optimization. I would also strongly recommend investigating Variant Channeling (http://www.pathfindersrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/archetypes/paizo---cleric-archetypes/variant-channeling), which decreases the amount healed/damaged, but adds a rider to creatures affected by the channel. These grant access to a number of solid debuffs,
like Fatigue, Slowed, Confused, and Dazed for any creature hit with your channel.

And as the save for these effects is linked to your cleric level (rather than your caster level) that's yet more reason not to PrC out.

2013-02-02, 01:03 PM
It doesn't particularly go with a storm domain cleric like I was suggesting, but veiled illusionist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/s-z/veiled-illusionist) would help for BFC. The relevant feature is goddess's veil (human).

Does PF have many illusion spells with unambiguous control benefits (a la Legion of Sentinels or the like)? I'd like to avoid relying on things like Silent Image, as they tend to depend highly on DM friendliness.

I'm re-plugging the Sorcerer/Oracle/Mystic Theurge because having a limited number of spells known is a lot less of a problem when you get to cast spontaneously off both lists. And it's SAD!

With this group, I think I'll need 7th level spells in order retain some control over my character's fate, not to mention the party's.

Going with a classic cleric gives you some fun options, especially at level 14. While not focused on control, you can put together a build for a lot of area damage and controlled healing with the following Feats:

Selective Channeling (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/feats.html#_selective-channeling)

Versatile Channeler (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateMagic/ultimateMagicFeats.html#_versatile-channeler)

This allows you to channel energy with less worry about battlefield placement, other than to be in the thick of it. To ramp things up consider:

Quick Channel (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateMagic/ultimateMagicFeats.html#_quick-channel)

This allows for a channel and Standard and Swift action on the same turn, giving you a lot of fun options for other spells and/or additional healing/damage.

To add in control consider an Aasimar and adding the following feats:

Channel Force (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedRaceGuide/featuredRaces/aasimars.html#_channel-force)

Improved Channel Force (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedRaceGuide/featuredRaces/aasimars.html#_improved-channel-force)

Greater Channel Force (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advancedRaceGuide/featuredRaces/aasimars.html#_greater-channel-force)

At 6 Feats total it's kind of hefty, especially considering you will likely want Extra Channeling Feats, but should let you lay down damage and control enemy placement.

Damage isn't a big priority, we've got other party members who cover that fairly admirably. Channel Force and its kind don't seem especially useful, since push and pull aren't all that powerful effects.

Diabolist (http://www.pathfindersrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/c-d/diabolist) is an ok choice if you are of the appropriate alignment. They also don't suffer from caster level loss.

Unfortunately you need to be a level 7 cleric or level 8 oracle to enter it.

This actually looks somewhat interesting, though I suppose it will depend on whether the DM allows me to serve a Devil in the first place. The imp looks relatively useful, the buffs to planar ally are nice, and being able to teleport on my own power seems worthwhile. (Are there other ways for Clerics to access that, besides Travel domain? Any planar allies that are worthwhile for that?)

Were it not for the lost caster levels Darkfire Adept would be similarly appealing.

I would concur with Certified, and suggest Channel Energy Optimization. I would also strongly recommend investigating Variant Channeling (http://www.pathfindersrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/archetypes/paizo---cleric-archetypes/variant-channeling), which decreases the amount healed/damaged, but adds a rider to creatures affected by the channel. These grant access to a number of solid debuffs,
like Fatigue, Slowed, Confused, and Dazed for any creature hit with your channel.

Ok, these are more impressive. Reading the description, these are a permanent alteration to your channel (so can't choose between these and regular channel), and deity-dependent (can clerics of an ideal access them?). I like Rulership for the daze and for buffing the save DCs of Charm-type spells, which our Sorceress will appreciate (although she does happen to be undead...does that mean that I can't affect her with this?)

Currently I'm thinking of either a Channeling optimized Cleric with one of the Variant Channels, or a Diabolist. Either way with seven feats to choose (eight if human) I've probably got room to grab the three of four summoning feats that seem to be everything PF does with summoning.

2013-02-02, 01:45 PM
Ok, these are more impressive. Reading the description, these are a permanent alteration to your channel (so can't choose between these and regular channel), and deity-dependent (can clerics of an ideal access them?).

Correct, you will have this Channel Variant permanently. You have the exact same amount of Channel Dice, but the healing/damage done is reduced by 50% when applicable. Clerics of an Ideal should be able to choose them so long as they are reasonably in-line with the ideal, similar to Clerics of an Ideal and Domains.

I like Rulership for the daze and for buffing the save DCs of Charm-type spells, which our Sorceress will appreciate (although she does happen to be undead...does that mean that I can't affect her with this?)

That is correct;

When using positive energy to heal, affected creatures gain only half the normal amount of healing but also receive a specific beneficial effect. When channeling negative energy to harm, affected creatures take only half the normal damage but take an additional penalty or harmful effect....Creatures that would normally ignore the effect of a particular channel (such as undead with respect to a positive energy channel used to heal) ignore the variant effect of that channel.

Since you would be using the Negative Energy to Heal, by RAW you would not be able to buff her if she is Undead. I personally believe this is an oversight made by a development team which assumed living PCs, and have houseruled it in the past, but you would need to discuss it with your DM.

There are a few other ways to buff summoning in Pathfinder, and I'll see if I can find them. I know that the Dark Tapestry (http://www.pathfindersrd.com/classes/core-classes/cleric/domains/paizo---domains/void-domain/dark-tapestry) subdomain can supercharge a single monster from a Summon 1/day, but that's all I got off the top of my head.

2013-02-02, 02:20 PM
Is it possible to pick two Subdomains for the same Domain if they trade out different things?

2013-02-02, 02:37 PM
Is it possible to pick two Subdomains for the same Domain if they trade out different things?


"If a cleric selects a subdomain, she cannot select its associated domain as her other domain choice (in effect, the subdomain replaces its associated domain) (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/advanced/coreClasses/cleric.html)" - You cannot have both a Subdomain and the associated domain. Since Subdomains "count" as the actual domain, it follows that you cannot have both Subdomains from the same Domain. It's poorly worded, but you'd be effectively taking the exact same domain twice, according to the rules.

2013-02-02, 02:42 PM
Think of subdomains like this - if you have access to the Earth domain, you can choose "Earth", "Earth-Caves", or "Earth-Metal" as a domain. But if you tried to pick "Earth" and "Earth-Metal" as your two domains, or "Earth-Caves" and "Earth-Metal," in both cases it would be like trying to take the Earth domain twice. You would need a totally different domain (or subdomain) without the "Earth" on it.

2013-02-02, 02:50 PM
Think of subdomains like this - if you have access to the Earth domain, you can choose "Earth", "Earth-Caves", or "Earth-Metal" as a domain. But if you tried to pick "Earth" and "Earth-Metal" as your two domains, or "Earth-Caves" and "Earth-Metal," in both cases it would be like trying to take the Earth domain twice. You would need a totally different domain (or subdomain) without the "Earth" on it.

That's not what I mean, though. I know you can't choose Fire-Ash and Fire-Smoke, but can you choose Fire-(Ash/Smoke), since they trade out different spells and features? Like stacking Archetypes?

2013-02-02, 02:57 PM
That's not what I mean, though. I know you can't choose Fire-Ash and Fire-Smoke, but can you choose Fire-(Ash/Smoke), since they trade out different spells and features? Like stacking Archetypes?

You would have to choose "Fire-Ash" and "Fire-Smoke" to do what you want. Each one counts as a domain, even if you could feasibly merge them into one.

2013-02-02, 03:08 PM
One worry I have with Oracle (and Witch to a lesser extent): if some of my spells known happen to fall under an unfavorable DM interpretation, suddenly a big chunk of my versatility vanishes. Part of why I'd rather play a Cleric or Druid is that if I discover the DM is a jerk about certain spells I can just prepare different spells the next day, and if the DM throws some bull**** problem at the party I can scour the spell list and be back the next week with the perfect counter.

Ya, I know what you mean. Inconsistency and undeclared nerfs are nearly the only things in a DM I don't just shrug off.

10 billion scrolls would be a good way around that. At least 1-2 of most spells, and enough to tag the whole party with some. But best to be both a cleric and pick up 10 billion scrolls. At level 14 you should be able to afford just about every affliction removal spell there is on scrolls, preparing mainly the high level ones like restoration and greater dispel magic.

I figure it's about time to put together a scroll table for my records anyway, so here's a starting point you might want to consider:

{table] Count | Level | Cost | Spell | Notes
5 | 1 | 125 | Comprehend Languages | Must keep hand on speaker or writing
5 | 1 | 125 | Endure Elements |
5 | 1 | 125 | Protection from Evil |
5 | 1 | 125 | Remove Fear |
5 | 1 | 125 | Summon Monster I |
2 | 2 | 300 | Delay Pain (UM) | "Pain" effects, pain strike, symbol of pain, etc.
3 | 2 | 450 | Align Weapon |
5 | 2 | 750 | Delay Poison |
2 | 2 | 300 | Make Whole | Up to 30 cubic feet
4 | 2 | 600 | Remove Paralysis |
2 | 2 | 300 | Silence |
5 | 2 | 750 | Undetectable Alignment | 24 hours
1 | 3 | 375 | Create Food and Water | 15 people for 1 day, horses count as 3
1 | 0 | 12.5 | Purify Food and Drink | Preserves above food 24 more hours
1 | 3 | 375 | Daylight | 60 foot bright, +60 foot dim
2 | 3 | 750 | Helping Hand | Hand guides anyone to you with gestures, 5 mile range
2 | 3 | 2100 | Invisibility Purge (CL 14) | 70 foot radius, 14 minutes
2 | 3 | 750 | Locate Object | Direction only, 600 ft range, 5 min, general or witnessed object
2 | 3 | 750 | Remove Blindness/Deafness |
1 | 3 | 375 | Remove Curse |
1 | 3 | 375 | Remove Disease |
2 | 3 | 750 | Water Breathing | 10 hours divided among any number of targets
2 | 3 | 750 | Blessing of the Mole (UM) | 35 ft range, 5 creatures, 5 min, darkvision 30 ft., +2 stealth
2 | 3 | 1050 | Communal Resist Energy (UC, CL 7) | 70 min, divided among all touched creatures, resist 20
1 | 4 | 700 | Death Ward | 7 min
1 | 4 | 700 | Dimensional Anchor |
1 | 4 | 700 | Freedom of Movement |
1 | 4 | 700 | Sending |
1 | 4 | 700 | Tongues |

| | 15987.5 | TOTAL |

{table] Charges | Level | Cost | Spell
50 | 2 | 4500 | Lesser Restoration
If you are allowed half charged wands I would get 25 charges. Even that should last forever.

Grand total: 20487.5 gp

Feel free to copy into a spreadsheet and edit to the extreme, wouldn't bother me. Some spells like grace (APG) and napstack (APG) are missing because I expect them to be prepared. Level 4 tapers off due to cost and because that's about where you start preparing spells instead. But you might want to add more or even get higher level spells than 4. In addition to the wand of lesser restoration you might prepare a copy or two plus there's regular restoration. But wands last a long long time so don't bother with more than that. I was disappointed that mass feather step (APG) wasn't on the cleric list, which lets the whole party ignore difficult terrain. It is on the druid list, or you could UMD it. This is a general catch-all list. Any time you get into town replace whatever got expended and consider getting even more of that thing. Or if it's really bad, prepare it.

2013-02-02, 04:17 PM
You would have to choose "Fire-Ash" and "Fire-Smoke" to do what you want. Each one counts as a domain, even if you could feasibly merge them into one.

Hmm, reading over the Subdomain rules again, it specifically states the following:

Subdomains are treated as equivalent to their Associated Domain for any effect or prerequisite based on domains.
Arguably, having access to the Associated Domain is the prerequisite for taking a Subdomain, so a Subdomain should count as the Associated Domain for purposes of selecting other Subdomains. Which makes it sound like you could do something like picking the Ash Subdomain of the Smoke Subdomain of the Fire Domain, so like Fire-Smoke-Ash. I agree that it's a fuzzy argument, but it would be interesting if possible. Are there any concrete rules against it?

Ya, I know what you mean. Inconsistency and undeclared nerfs are nearly the only things in a DM I don't just shrug off.

10 billion scrolls would be a good way around that. At least 1-2 of most spells, and enough to tag the whole party with some. But best to be both a cleric and pick up 10 billion scrolls. At level 14 you should be able to afford just about every affliction removal spell there is on scrolls, preparing mainly the high level ones like restoration and greater dispel magic.

I figure it's about time to put together a scroll table for my records anyway, so here's a starting point you might want to consider:

{table] Count | Level | Cost | Spell | Notes
5 | 1 | 125 | Comprehend Languages | Must keep hand on speaker or writing
5 | 1 | 125 | Endure Elements |
5 | 1 | 125 | Protection from Evil |
5 | 1 | 125 | Remove Fear |
5 | 1 | 125 | Summon Monster I |
2 | 2 | 300 | Delay Pain (UM) | "Pain" effects, pain strike, symbol of pain, etc.
3 | 2 | 450 | Align Weapon |
5 | 2 | 750 | Delay Poison |
2 | 2 | 300 | Make Whole | Up to 30 cubic feet
4 | 2 | 600 | Remove Paralysis |
2 | 2 | 300 | Silence |
5 | 2 | 750 | Undetectable Alignment | 24 hours
1 | 3 | 375 | Create Food and Water | 15 people for 1 day, horses count as 3
1 | 0 | 12.5 | Purify Food and Drink | Preserves above food 24 more hours
1 | 3 | 375 | Daylight | 60 foot bright, +60 foot dim
2 | 3 | 750 | Helping Hand | Hand guides anyone to you with gestures, 5 mile range
2 | 3 | 2100 | Invisibility Purge (CL 14) | 70 foot radius, 14 minutes
2 | 3 | 750 | Locate Object | Direction only, 600 ft range, 5 min, general or witnessed object
2 | 3 | 750 | Remove Blindness/Deafness |
1 | 3 | 375 | Remove Curse |
1 | 3 | 375 | Remove Disease |
2 | 3 | 750 | Water Breathing | 10 hours divided among any number of targets
2 | 3 | 750 | Blessing of the Mole (UM) | 35 ft range, 5 creatures, 5 min, darkvision 30 ft., +2 stealth
2 | 3 | 1050 | Communal Resist Energy (UC, CL 7) | 70 min, divided among all touched creatures, resist 20
1 | 4 | 700 | Death Ward | 7 min
1 | 4 | 700 | Dimensional Anchor |
1 | 4 | 700 | Freedom of Movement |
1 | 4 | 700 | Sending |
1 | 4 | 700 | Tongues |

| | 15987.5 | TOTAL |

{table] Charges | Level | Cost | Spell
50 | 2 | 4500 | Lesser Restoration
If you are allowed half charged wands I would get 25 charges. Even that should last forever.

Grand total: 20487.5 gp

Feel free to copy into a spreadsheet and edit to the extreme, wouldn't bother me. Some spells like grace (APG) and napstack (APG) are missing because I expect them to be prepared. Level 4 tapers off due to cost and because that's about where you start preparing spells instead. But you might want to add more or even get higher level spells than 4. In addition to the wand of lesser restoration you might prepare a copy or two plus there's regular restoration. But wands last a long long time so don't bother with more than that. I was disappointed that mass feather step (APG) wasn't on the cleric list, which lets the whole party ignore difficult terrain. It is on the druid list, or you could UMD it. This is a general catch-all list. Any time you get into town replace whatever got expended and consider getting even more of that thing. Or if it's really bad, prepare it.

Thanks! This is a rather nice list. I didn't realize it would be this cheap, unless the DM is quite a heel I should be able to afford this. One question, what are the Summon Monster I spells for? Trapmonkeys?

2013-02-02, 05:42 PM
One worry I have with Oracle (and Witch to a lesser extent): if some of my spells known happen to fall under an unfavorable DM interpretation, suddenly a big chunk of my versatility vanishes. Part of why I'd rather play a Cleric or Druid is that if I discover the DM is a jerk about certain spells I can just prepare different spells the next day, and if the DM throws some bull**** problem at the party I can scour the spell list and be back the next week with the perfect counter.

Cynic answer: Your DM is just being a jerk. The problem is the DM, not Oracle.

More helpful answer: Before choosing your spells talk to the DM about them. If you don't like the outcome, pick a different spell. For example, I'm playing a Ancestors Oracle and get as Mystery spells Spiritual Weapon & Spiritual Ally. Both were written with the cleric in mind; hence they use Wisdom as your attack modifier. I talked with the DM, and he agreed I could use Charisma instead for my Oracle.

Since Oracle did not exist when Core Book came out obviously its cleric spells won't account for them, unlike arcane spells allowing for differences between wizard and sorcerer. However, Pathfinder doesn't have that excuse for Advanced Player's Guide, where Spiritual Ally exists, and Ultimate Magic. It's a bad error on their part not to have that distinction with a paragraph or two to backpedal Core Book pells, such as Spiritual Weapon.

Neutral Answer: Oracles can change spells known every even level. If you don't like how a spell is working out, change it.

2013-02-02, 07:12 PM
If I'm going to go with Theologian, I've pared things down to four possible domains: Weather, Earth-Caves, Air-Cloud, or Fire-Smoke(/Ash if legit, but it doesn't much affect this question).

In choosing between Cloud and Weather, I've noticed that Sleet Storm has roughly the same capabilities as Solid Fog now. Is this an accurate assessment?

Cave has a bunch of pits, but at this level, shouldn't most things be flying?

That leaves me deciding between Weather and Smoke. Essentially, the choice seems to boil down to Sleet Storm and Control Winds versus Stinking Cloud and Wall of Fire (and Elemental Body if it actually looks useful?). On the one hand, Sleet Storm is no-save, while Stinking Cloud both offers a save and doesn't work on the poison-immune. On the other, nauseate is a much more powerful debuff than half-speed. I'm slightly annoyed that I can't find many higher level BFC spells, should I just be heightening the crap out of low level ones to keep the save DCs up?

2013-02-02, 07:25 PM
That leaves me deciding between Weather and Smoke. Essentially, the choice seems to boil down to Sleet Storm and Control Winds versus Stinking Cloud and Wall of Fire (and Elemental Body if it actually looks useful?). On the one hand, Sleet Storm is no-save, while Stinking Cloud both offers a save and doesn't work on the poison-immune. On the other, nauseate is a much more powerful debuff than half-speed. I'm slightly annoyed that I can't find many higher level BFC spells, should I just be heightening the crap out of low level ones to keep the save DCs up?

Cleric gets some good ones already. Wall of Stone & Antilife Shell for instance. Really, higher up you usually don't prepare that many BFC spells as a Wizard either since the low level ones tend to get the job done in many cases, and the rest of the time it's just about Walls.

But yeah, you definitely want Stinking Cloud; probably the best cloud in PF. Sleet Storm is okay, but ultimately replaceable while having an AOE Fort-targeting spell that also doubles as a blocking effect is really convenient, especially from a low level slot.

2013-02-02, 08:20 PM
Storms has sirocco as well. Knock prone & fatigue is an OK pair of debuffs.

On veiled illusionist: There's a few useful illusions for BFC which aren't DM-dependent. Phantasmal web (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/p/phantasmal-web), rainbow pattern (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/r/rainbow-pattern), the shadow conjuration/evoc line. No shadowcraft mage tricks in PF as far as I know tho'. You'd probably want to take the separatist archetype to get the trickery domain to qualify for the PrC as well as another more useful for battlefield control.

2013-02-02, 09:17 PM
Storms has sirocco as well. Knock prone & fatigue is an OK pair of debuffs.

Sirocco is nice, but it's pretty high level for just save-or-prone and saveless fatigue.

2013-02-02, 11:01 PM
Thanks! This is a rather nice list. I didn't realize it would be this cheap, unless the DM is quite a heel I should be able to afford this. One question, what are the Summon Monster I spells for? Trapmonkeys?
Bingo. Which reminds me, they should really be CL 3 so that they aren't useless. That adds 250 gp to the total. It's not a bad idea to prepare one copy too, in case you need a 14 round summon for an unusually long passageway. EDIT: Or if you're going to have a lot of summons anyway, those scrolls aren't as useful.

2013-02-02, 11:04 PM
Any suggestions for feats? So far beyond Augment Summoning, Sacred Summons, and Superior Summoning (and whatever I need for channel optimization), I can only think of core-esque stuff like Heighten, Improved Initiative, Combat Casting, and the Spell Focus line.

If I do go Diabolist, are there good feats for the Imp to grab?

2013-02-03, 12:03 AM
What race are you planning on being, and what ART are you looking at? Might influence what feats you have available.

Divine Interference (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateMagic/ultimateMagicFeats.html#divine-interference) lets you burn Spells as Immediate actions to force enemies to reroll attacks with a penalty equal to the spell level sacrificed. The only limitation is that you can only use this 1/day per enemy, but it's still going to net a host of rerolled attacks if you don't mind losing first level spells.

2013-02-03, 12:11 AM
If you're insane, have good ability scores, and can squeeze the feats, look at Greater Eldritch Heritage (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/greater-eldritch-heritage)along with the abyssal bloodline when you hit level seventeen. It gives you this gem:

Added Summonings (Su): At 15th level, whenever you summon a creature with the demon subtype or the fiendish template using a summon monster spell, you summon one additional creature of the same kind.

2013-02-03, 12:37 AM
What race are you planning on being, and what ART are you looking at? Might influence what feats you have available.

Divine Interference (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateMagic/ultimateMagicFeats.html#divine-interference) lets you burn Spells as Immediate actions to force enemies to reroll attacks with a penalty equal to the spell level sacrificed. The only limitation is that you can only use this 1/day per enemy, but it's still going to net a host of rerolled attacks if you don't mind losing first level spells.


Also, race suggestions would actually also be useful. I imagine a Wis bonus is useful, but beyond that, what is worthwhile?

2013-02-03, 12:15 PM

Also, race suggestions would actually also be useful. I imagine a Wis bonus is useful, but beyond that, what is worthwhile?

ART = Alternate Racial Traits.

I'll give a shout out to my favorite Pathfinder Race, Half-Orcs. They have the same Wisdom Bonus of every other decent race, have arguably the best Favored Class Alternative, have the same bonus skills as a Human [Skilled, trades Darkvision], gain access to Ferocious Summons (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/arg-feats/ferocious-summons-orc-half-orc), effectively adding extra HP to all summons equal to their Constitution Score (20+ in many cases), and your choice of either Orc Ferocity, a +1 Luck Bonus on all saving throws [Sacred Tattoo, trades Orc Ferocity], or +2 to Perception [Bestial, trades Orc Ferocity]. If you do go this route, I'd also recommend taking [City Raised]; since you don't care about weapon proficiencies, it's a free +2 on Knowledge: Local checks.

2013-02-03, 12:44 PM
Half-Orcs look interesting...I'm not sure if that's all worth the human bonus feat, but it might well be. Depends on how feat-starved I end up being. Plus, even 20+ extra hit points is kind of minimal when you're dealing with a Roc or similar.

Any other race or ART suggestions?

In terms of spell choices, I'm looking at my options and so far I've got SR:No Ref Save or Lose in Wall of Stone for most aberrations, humanoid(giants), probably constructs, oozes, plants, and maybe some undead, and vermin, SR: Yes Will Save or Suck in Waves of Ecstasy (and maybe Channel) for magical beasts and maybe also some humanoid(giants), SR: No (but counts as poison) Fort Save or Lose in Heightened Stinking Cloud for...I guess Fey?

Anyway, at this point I feel like I don't have a counter for Outsiders, Dragons, or good-Ref Undead and Constructs. Any suggestions?

Also, any suggestions for the Imp if I go Diabolist? A 16HD Outsider has to be good for something.

2013-02-03, 01:11 PM
Any suggestions for feats? So far beyond Augment Summoning, Sacred Summons, and Superior Summoning (and whatever I need for channel optimization), I can only think of core-esque stuff like Heighten, Improved Initiative, Combat Casting, and the Spell Focus line.

If I do go Diabolist, are there good feats for the Imp to grab?

Well, there's a bunch of good traits in PF; if you want more, you can take Additional Traits. Extend Spell and Quicken Spell are obviously good, and with AOE damage, Dazing Spell works just as well for a Cleric as for a Wizard. Toppling Spell has some cute applications though it still relies on CMB which is of course not your forte.

2013-02-03, 04:06 PM
Well, there's a bunch of good traits in PF; if you want more, you can take Additional Traits.

Any trait suggestions?

2013-02-03, 04:32 PM
Any trait suggestions?

Finding Haldeen is most excellently cheesy:

Finding Haldeen: "This class is always a favored class to you, and your dedication to it is such that every time you take a level in the class, you gain +1 hit point and 1 additional skill point over and above what you would normally gain."

2013-02-03, 08:13 PM
Looks like the party alchemist has Stink Bomb, so it's not so useful for me to have Stinking Cloud. I'll probably aim for Weather(maybe Storm) or Cave, possibly avoiding Theologian and picking up Liberation or the like as my second domain (easy access to FoM-like effects and Mind Blank seems useful). That is, if there are gods that offer those things, unfortunately the DM has been a bit slow to get a domain list to me as apparently nobody has tried to get one before.

I don't know if I'll have the Cha for much Channel use, but Diabolist doesn't really seem worth it. Pure Cleric will give me more versatility.

2013-02-03, 08:27 PM
Any trait suggestions?

Well, Magical Lineage is always nice. Wayang Spellhunter is useful if you can qualify for it. Other than that, Initiative boosters (you can get 2 for effective Improved Initiative) and ones that add skills to your class list are what I'd go with.

2013-02-03, 10:53 PM
Is it just me, or has PF really shafted MAD classes? By putting Wis and Cha in the same slot and adding a substantial surcharge for having two ability bonuses in the same slot it seems to make it very difficult to keep two scores up.

2013-02-04, 12:05 AM
From the bottom of any of the specific deity pages on Pathfinderwiki (like Asmodues here) you can view any given god and their offered domains. I'll skim through and see if I see any that fit your needs, but having a source might help you out. I'll tell you now - it's going to be a heck of a lot easier to just worship an ideal with your domains than it will be to find a perfect fit.

2013-02-04, 12:10 AM
From the bottom of any of the specific deity pages on Pathfinderwiki (like Asmodues (http://www.pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Asmodeus) here) you can view any given god and their offered domains. I'll skim through and see if I see any that fit your needs, but having a source might help you out.

Handy, but this guy is running a homebrew campaign setting. By the DM being slow to get the domain list to me, I mean he needs to actually write it.

That flexibility was...helpful, to say the least. I managed to convince him to give one of his gods Caves and Liberation, to represent banking and free trade (it's a greedy CE Hydra god).

2013-02-04, 12:23 AM
Is it just me, or has PF really shafted MAD classes? By putting Wis and Cha in the same slot and adding a substantial surcharge for having two ability bonuses in the same slot it seems to make it very difficult to keep two scores up.

Funny, I thought Pathfinder made such things easier since the headband slot is a new slot separate from the head slot. Helped one of my builds. And wis in the amulet slot keeps you from getting natural armor for melee. I suppose one way or another there's a downside and you got bad luck this time.

Hmm, every melee wants str+con whereas every caster wants mental+con. I could see how that's a little unfair.

2013-02-04, 05:31 AM
And wis in the amulet slot keeps you from getting natural armor for melee. I suppose one way or another there's a downside and you got bad luck this time.

At high levels, you can simply add them both to the same amulet (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items#TOC-Adding-New-Abilities) by paying a premium. You should be able to afford it by then.

Hmm, every melee wants str+con whereas every caster wants mental+con. I could see how that's a little unfair.

Con isn't quite as important for casters anymore since concentration checks don't depend on it. Sure there's still hp and fort saves to worry about, but there are other ways to boost those.

2013-02-04, 11:42 AM
Samsarans (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/uncommon-races/arg-samsaran)are a race that can pick any divine spell as a spell known:

Wow, so it looks like my next Cleric or Druid 7 will be using a Holy Sword (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/spells/holySword.html#_holy-sword) (+5 Holy with a Magic Circle). Anyone know other Paladin, Ranger, or Inquisitor spells that are similarly too powerful for their spell level if they were ported over?

2013-02-04, 03:02 PM
Wow, so it looks like my next Cleric or Druid 7 will be using a Holy Sword (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/spells/holySword.html#_holy-sword) (+5 Holy with a Magic Circle). Anyone know other Paladin, Ranger, or Inquisitor spells that are similarly too powerful for their spell level if they were ported over?

Heck, if you're an Arcane class you can do it with Arcane spells too. So a Wizard with a select few spells at Summoner rates? Nasty.

Does Pathfinder have anything like Soulfire or other more permanent sources of Death Ward? I feel like 1min/level is a bit annoying.

2013-02-04, 03:14 PM
One worry I have with Oracle (and Witch to a lesser extent): if some of my spells known happen to fall under an unfavorable DM interpretation, suddenly a big chunk of my versatility vanishes.

Try some Oradin build with a trip weapon. You'd get status removal both from revelations and mercies.

2013-02-04, 04:35 PM
Late reply to some earlier questions:

There's a magic item that spontaneously generates lesser restoration effects: the sapling rod (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/rods/sapling-rod). It's not ideal (limited to 2d4 lesser restorations per week), but combining it with a wand of lesser restoration will offset costs significantly.

There's a feat which allows standard-action summoning: Acadamae Graduate (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/local-feats/acadamae-graduate-local-1). It requires a Fort save to avoid the fatigued status, and it's only available to wizards, but it's handy.