View Full Version : Rivana's Quest (Rebooted)

2013-02-01, 03:06 PM
Two weeks ago, on the night of the autumn equinox, at the stroke of midnight, the guard at Hillfork stormed the Green Cottage. On the stroke of midnight, every living being in the Green Cottage, save one young man from Frin, vanished into thin air. Amongst them, heir of House Charridan, Aurellius.

Two weeks ago the Inspector of House Pauli, a living legend in Eastgate arrived in Hillfork, and as he briefed you in the council room of house Charridan's residence (having sent the main representative of house Charridan out of the room), drumming his long, claw like fingers on the round ebony table, this is what he said:

"My fellow prisoners- for we are all flies entangled in 'Aurellius' web- I came here at the request of the local constabulary, but in truth, I saw the strangest vision and could not work out who sent it. But now I am quite sure- the Aurelius Charridan who disappeared in the Green Cottage, is not the real Aurellius. The real Aurellius, if I am correct, never left Firni'en. What I am not sure is why he left this mask and parchment. It may be a clue given by a man who thinks that he cannot be caught. Conversely it might just as likely be a diversion. It may simply be that whatever witchery was worked in the Green Cottage was meant to leave it there by the strange laws one would expect. In any case, I would suggest that you take these with you and while you look for Aurellius, look into them."

Then you set off for Rivana's Coast, the locale of Aurelius' summer residence and quite probably the people who last saw him...

It has now been almost two weeks since you set out for Firni'en and the southerly winds, howling over the fells as they flattened the grass in their wake and driving the occasional clouds above the glens have only grown colder. As you gradually climb higher and deeper into the foothills of the Frostwall Mountains, and further from the seas to the west of the four kingdom, the climate grows ever harsher, and the further into your journey, the closer the coming of the first winter snows.

The road winds its way along the side of a shallow heathery valley, purple with flowers and fairly sheltered from the winds that roam the fells above it. It is evening and the sky is growing slowly darker. Soon it would be time to make camp....

2013-02-02, 01:12 PM
Not for the first time in the last two weeks, Tommy silently curses himself for leaving the city at all. Give me a cobblestone bed anytime, instead of this bother. Who knew the wilderness was so uncomfortable? His feet hurt, he hadn't take a proper bath since he left Hillfork, and the cold was turning his writing ink to sludge. Not that it really mattered...he also hadn't had a thought worth writing down since he left Hillfork.

In an attempt to keep himself busy, he began to try and pick out good places to spend the night. Two weeks on the road and he still didn't know what he was looking for - was it shelter? was it a vantage point? dry ground? Not that I'd recognize any of those things anyways...outside a city and it all looks the same.

Can we pick a place to stop already? My feet are about ready to go back to the city on their own.

I'm assuming we're traveling together...is that right? We met at Hillfork, and now we're on the way to find this missing person?

2013-02-02, 02:07 PM
Kippa has remained quiet as she always does. She is familiar with wilderness and knows the value of silence. She'd only asked one question--"Who was the survivor?"

2013-02-02, 03:59 PM
Somebody important enough to get a search party. Sounds like a professional funny guy. I hate funny guys. The name is familiar though...maybe he's made a trip to Eastgate and laid some bets or something.

I'd like to make a knowledge (local) check for info about Aurelius


2013-02-02, 06:45 PM
Kippa: You remember even now, in your thoughtful silence, the inspector's thin smirk and the gentle nod towards the young man with a blue cloak and a tidily cropped head of hair who stood not too far away from you. Arleth was the man's name. The inspector had gone on to explan and by all appearences truly enjoy explaining that, in fact, initially he was the primary suspect, if not for a couple of circumstances that would make that conclusion highly improbable, if not impossible. He didn't explain why that was the case, but he did seem to take particular pleasure in assuring you that his sources were "quite reliable". In fact, he was sending this "survivor" as part of the team...

Tommy: You curse this no-man's wilderness with all the vehemence that a true city dweller, to whom the sounds and the sights of the hills hold a green monotony punctuated only by the wind's miserable howling. Your mind wonders to the comforts and excitement of Eastgate. Personally, you do not know Aurelius. That does not mean that you do not know of him...
He simply isn't the kind of person whom a lot of people can boast close ties to. That does not mean that you do not know of this person. Aurelius is the the heir of house Charridan. Something of a wondering scholar and treasure hunter with, let us say, eccentric and esoteric tastes and habits, Aurelius disappeared on a voyage to Firni'en almost a year ago. From what if known to you, he is sad to have reappeared in the last month, and has now once again vanished. Some say that he is questing after the hidden treasure of House Aulos, others say that it is the riches of the old world that he wants to unearth in foreign lands. Apparently he has an almighty appetite and a small residence in most major towns in Eastgate.

2013-02-02, 08:22 PM
Tommy suddenly stops walking - Hold a mo - is this goy's name spelled A-u-r-e-l-i-u-s, as in the Aurelius? Can't believe I din make the connection before. This is definitely a funny guy, if yah know what I mean. He's some kind of lunatic treasure hunter, wants the heirlooms of house Aulos - though he's heir to Charridan. I heard he'd disappeared for awhile, then just showed up out of nowhere. Now he's gone again, under suspicious circumstances?

Sounds to me like this goy don' mind being missing.

2013-02-04, 06:27 PM
Turning on his heel suddenly, Tommy faces the woods and begins to walk in. Stopping some 10 paces in to the trees and flopping on to the ground, he calls

I've had just about enough walking for today. Unless one of you wants to carry me, I'm making camp right here

2013-02-04, 08:07 PM
[Sorry guys, things a tad hectic, will have IC post up tomorrow, latest.]

bindin garoth
2013-02-05, 11:33 AM

Sorry, I thought I had posted up yesterday!

Lincusto stays rather silent on the way. He simply meditates while walking, a feat no many druids have been known to be able to pick up.

In with the life.

Out with the poision.

He continues to walk, seemingly on autopilot, while chanting these words in his head. He found it helped him keep his head clear.

He does, however, chime in at the mention of camp. "It doesn't sound like a bad idea." is all that is heard before he goes back to his meditating.

Fluffy remains at his side for the while, with the occasional hissing at the nearby wildlife.

2013-02-05, 10:25 PM
Once utterly unused to the world outside Frin's gates, Arleth finds the outdoors as refreshing as they have been since his reformation. The company has been pleasant enough over their two week journey, and he can't help but feel sympathetic to the complaints of those less traveled. Still, while friendly with the others, he largely keeps to himself, spending the time brooding about the strange turn of events that brought him to this winding road.

"I'll call myself a 'survivor' once I've gotten out of this mess alive, thank you much," he says with a wry grin. He stops with the others, shaking his legs out before finding a tree to lean against as the group deliberates on camp. For his part, he's fit to keep going til full dark, but won't stop the others from setting up camp if that's the consensus.

2013-02-05, 11:08 PM
Staring at each of his companions in turn, Tommy's eyes finally settle on the one he decides looks the most relaxed. Standing up despite his sore feet, he walks over to Arleth, throws his bed roll down, and props himself against the tree next to him.

What's your story pretty boy? I know you had the dream, but what'd you do that made you skip town like you did? It's a certain type that drops everything and starts chasing dreams.

2013-02-06, 11:48 AM
The young man glances over with keen brown eyes, shrugging his shoulders. "I never 'ad the dream you lot've talked about, never 'ad the luck. Just woke up in the morning at the Green Cottage to find the place empty, save myself. Wasn't given much of a choice for this little trip either, mind." He pauses, nodding towards the Inspector [does he have a name, btw?]

"Copper says it's best if I come with you. Given e's the one who got me out of the pokey for this, wasn't much to argue." He pauses again, thoughtfully, before changing the subject. "What's your beat, then? Don't seem much for the open road, and I'd know a city boy if I ever saw one."

2013-02-06, 10:36 PM
Aye, I forgot you were at the place. I'll give yah a nod for coming too - I like a man that has a bit of honor and obligation in him. Depressing few believe in the notions.

As for me, born an' bred in Eastgate. Guess my trade would be gladiator, though that sounds mighty grand for what actually went down. In case yah hadn't noticed, I like to talk. Working my jaw and breakin' others, that's about what my life is. I came on this quest of ours 'cause I had nothin better to do - and I figure it was about time to see the wide world.

2013-02-08, 10:34 PM
After sitting for a few minutes in silence, Tommy finally calls out

Hey shortstuff! Have you trained that snake to fetch? Think it could fetch us some rabbit or pig or whatever lives in this forest? I'm pretty tired of eating dried something that died before I was born, and I'm sure some of you other might agree with me. How bout it?

2013-02-09, 03:29 PM
As the leather-bound Tommy places his backside firmly on the cold ground, the rest of the party agrees that this thin grove of stubby spruce as good a spot for making a camp as any. It is paltry protection from the elements and there is a moderate amount of camouflage- though arguably, being the only signs of sapient life on this stretch of the road, that hardly seems relevant. That irrelevance, however, is not to last...

Lincusto & Tommy: As if in reaction to your words, the constrictor rears its head sharply upwards and looks down the valley, hissing and writhing in agitation.

Lincusto: Fluffy can sense something moving in your direction, something big and threatening- or big and threatening enough to threaten a large snake. Something it is accustomed to be threatened by. Something that is hard to devour but will gladly devour it. Your own senses, already sharp from years of looking for the cause of rustling of the leaves on windless days and searching the sky for that one great nemesis, awaken to their fullest for that moment- and in the dusk, where the road merges with the curve in the valley, you can make out- just about eight figures. They seem to be a good few hundred meters away. Judging by the distance, they are a touch bigger than your average human, are each carrying items which are almost undoubtedly spears and... No it is too hard to tell at this distance. You cannot make out much detail at this point, but soon you will...

Arleth: It takes you a few moments after the snake is roused to work out why, but you soon become aware of jubilant singing offending your ears. You don't see whoever has such a discordant voice yet, but you are unfortunate enough to hear them. I say that the singing is offensive, for it is as off key and guttural as that of a dozen pirates after a few bottles of grog late at night. Except you do not recognise the tongue. You do however believe that it is coming from down the valley.
OOC: Dun dun dun!

2013-02-10, 10:11 AM
Tommy grins at the reaction of the snake, and says

Hey looky that - the snake is hungry too. Seems like he's already got his sights on something tasty. Give the word shortstuff, I can smell dinner cooking already.

2013-02-11, 11:06 AM
Arleth stands up from the tree quickly, a look of concern on his face. "Does anyone else hear that?" He looks around briefly, then looks down the road in the direction of the sound. "We've got company on the way." His face screws up in disgust for a moment, before he adds, "Company singing badly off-key."

2013-02-11, 03:11 PM
Guess those ears are for something 'sides framing that pretty face of yours Tommy whispers. Let's just all be nice and quiet - if they're singing, they're probably drunk, and won't notice us

bindin garoth
2013-02-14, 07:17 AM
Lincusto snaps out of his meditation as he and Fluffy detect them.Fluffy was clearly aggitated by them, and with some strain, he is able to see them! Eight figures, humanoid in shape - not much to tell otherwise about them, however.

"We have eight figures coming in, most likely hostitle." Lincust says, readying his spear to the apparent foes.

2013-02-14, 07:29 AM
They're going to be hostile if you point spears at them - put that thing down will you? You're about 3 feet tall, if they looking for trouble you ein't gonna change their minds, so just take it down a notch, eh? Tommy whispers furiously - Why would they attack us anyways? Is that how country folk behave? Just attack other people 'cause you can?

On the other hand, it's been awhile since my last knuckle-buster. Maybe it'll do me some good, and I'll stop thinking about how much my feet hurt

Suddenly getting to his feet, Tommy dashing to the right side of the make-shift camp (from the point of view of the impending visitors) and hides himself

Oy, I'm not here, get it? I they are looking for trouble a surprise attack is just what they need

hide check

2013-02-14, 02:45 PM
Tommy: Are these guys going to pick a fight? You're unsure about that. More importantly, you are still undecided as to whether you want these guys to pick a fight or not and just to be safe, you dive into the roadside heather, ready for either contingency. It is tall, bushy and prickly- the dry branches scratching your face as they brush it. And then you understand why these country folk might suddenly attack you just cos they can...

Tommy & Kippa: It is only a matter of straining your ears and a few seconds until you too can hear the 'song' Arleth mentioned- and the 'performers' certainly bring out the worst with their rough, tuneless voices. This does not dampen their overenthusiastic exuberance.

Over the pass, over the grass,
Over the lake, over the yurt,
Over the water, over the water,
We hunt forever, we can't be hurt...

We look at the sky, we look to the earth,
We look at the lake, we look to the hearth,
Over the water, over the water,
We hunt forever, we can't be hurt...

Kippa: There does not, to the best of your vast knowledge, appear to be any significance in the song. Just an orc marching song by the sound of it.

Tommy: Over the water, over the water... Over the water, over the water.... That vile Orcish phrase. You do remember it; As chaos laughed, having been pulled off your half-conscious half-corpse, he half sang half growled that phrase to himself. He had chanted it all while beating you to a pulp. Only following your recovery had you learned that there is a particularly fierce tribe that used to be particularly bothersome to Eastgate before the Great Crusade. They called themselves the Tribe over the Water....

Lincusto: As the figures approach, you can make out that the eight of them are the hide draped, green skinned kind of traveller. It is quite obvious that they are orcs and the manner of their dress and armament, similar to that of the ones who inhabit the warm lands of the wild north. They are on foot appear to be well armed. One of them carries what appears to be a staff and a large sack. It does not appear that they have noticed you yet...

OOC: For the purposes of whatever the party intends to do, you can assume that since the orcs aren't hiding, and are approaching, anyone can see them at this point, as Lincusto can point it out. For all intents and purposes, you have two rounds worth of time to decide whether you want to make a battle of this or not (and prepare). What the orcs will do when they get to your position is, however, anyone's guess...

2013-02-14, 07:03 PM
Kippa whispers "It's likely orcs," and moves to a concealed ambush position as well. "Not sure if we should attack but they'll be here any second. They're singing, which isn't what orcs do when they're on the hunt, in my experience."

Various knowledge checks:

Nature (about the orcs): [roll0]
Geography (to find a good spot to ambush for the terrain): [roll1]