View Full Version : Lvl 20 Factotum Opitmization

2013-02-01, 05:31 PM
I have a DM who is giving the option of a solo Campaign dungeon crawl where he is going to try very very hard to kill the players who enter. We have access to all Pathfinder, 3.5 and 3.0 books and feats. Only restrictions No infinite combos, no pun-pun, Limited to 1 base class and 1 prestige class. I was thinking of a factotum simply because they are pretty jack of all trades and I have no idea what he will be chucking at us.

Right now we have 880k gp value to work with to build our characters. Must be CL 20 max.

Here are the items I was looking at. I need to probably cut some things and add others so please feel free to Critize my items up and down I'm just trying to cover as many bases as possible

Phoenix Cloak (MIC). 50000GP, shoulders slot.
Wakeful Mind graft(FoE): 14000
Hathran Mask of True Seeing (UE). 75000GP Face Slot
Cowl of Warding (MoF). 200800GP, head slot
Ring of Spell-Battle (MIC). 12000GP, ring slot.
100k Armor
200k Weapon
137k Tome of Understanding
36k Headband of Vast Intelligence

Ioun Stones:
Crimson Sphere +2 enhancement bonus to Intelligence (stacks) 24,000 gp
Lavender and Green Ellipsoid Absorbs spells of 8th level or lower 40,000 gp
Amber Spindle +1 resistance bonus on saves (stacks) 10,000 gp
Clear Spindle Sustains creature without food or water 4,000 gp
Dark Blue Rhomboid Alertness (as the feat) 10,000 gp
Deep Red Sphere +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity 8,000 gp
Dusty Rose Prism +1 insight bonus to AC 5,000 gp
Gamboge Nodule Immunity to poison 54,000 gp
Iridescent Spindle Sustains creature without air 18,000 gp
Nacreous Gray Sphere Protects against aging 10,000 gp
Onyx Rhomboid +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution (stacks) 24,000 gp
Pale Blue Rhomboid +2 Strength(Stacks) 8,000 gp
Pale Green Prism +1 competence bonus on attack rolls, saves, skill checks, and ability checks 30,000 gp

Dukar Hand Coral
Price: 1600 GP
(Champions of Valor p. 63)

Collar of Perpetual Attendance Throat Slot
Price: 2000 GP

Gloves of Object Reading Hand Slot
Price: 3000 GP
(Magic Item Compendium p. 107)

Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments
Price: 4000 GP

Monk's Belt: 26000

Stone Dragon Belt, Novice Waist slot
Price: 3000 GP
(Tome of Battle p. 150)

Shax's Haversack and contents:60443

What feats should I use?

Edit: Oh ps. If we die we can re-enter with another character but it can't be the same class.

2013-02-01, 05:51 PM
Font of Inspiration. (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/frcc/20070606) Pretty much only that.

Edit: Well, and Knowledge Devotion.

Check this guide (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=2720.0)

2013-02-01, 06:41 PM
Could you give us your stat array, maxed skills, and any buffs you have in mind? Obviously, you don't need me to tell you to put everything in Intelligence.

Seconding Font of Inspiration. At the very least 3 times, wherever you aren't sure, stick in another. This will allow you to burst the living daylights out of any encounter. Another silly question: are you using 3.5 or PF feat progression? This can significantly impact your build.

Think carefully about what abilities you wish to access through the 19th level Factotum capstone. Remember you can only access abilities with the (Ex) tag. If your DM will permit you to copy spellcasting or manifesting (which do not possess the tag, but some would allow it anyway), I encourage you to use those to their full potential.

Have you made up your mind yet about how you're going to deal with combat? A number of options exist. For example, Pathfinder's Clustered Shots feat allows archers to laugh at DR (which would normally slaughter their damage output), and Point Blank Master lets them fire without provoking, making archery a much more viable combat style.

Something to consider is the classic Mindsight+Mindbender1 combo. This will greatly improve your powers of detection -very little can hide from Mindsight.

Some form of Arcane Sight will be exceedingly useful in locating magic traps. Similarly, if you can cast Corpse Candle (Sorc/Wiz 3) a lot, like from a custom item, it even reveals mundanely-hidden things within 5ft of it.

Personally, I think Phoenix Cloak is a waste of money. Just cast Overland Flight, or use a Winged Mask (13k. One of the faerun books). For your now-open Shoulders slot, I present the Starmantle Cloak from BoED, which for about 136k allows you to negate most damage via a really low Reflex save, and is especially effective coupled with a Ring of Evasion (25k).

Remember that people can target your Ioun stones. It will be very costly if your enemies start skeet-shooting the precious shapes floating around your head. Or if some environmental hazard like a Fireball damages them.

Custom item rules allow you to combine your items' effects, or just make any item slotless by doubling its cost.

2013-02-01, 06:42 PM
Generally spam font of inspiration.
Mortal bane may also be useful:+2d6 to all spell like abilties and all factotum spells are spell like abilities.

However I think the best factorum feat is keen intellect which replaces wisdom with intelligence on will saves and wisdom based skill checks-amazingly useful.

2013-02-01, 08:22 PM
Kirin Style Feats and Knowledge Devotion are things you should take; use your brains for damage.
Scrolls of Uncertain Provenance
Crown of White Ravens-like items for diamond mind and shadow hand; get some maneuvers, like Shadow Jaunt and Moment of Perfect Mind

If you're going iajitsu focus: get a cracked opalescent pyramid, weapon familiarity with the quick razor

2013-02-01, 10:04 PM
Stats are 18,17,16,15,14,13

Pathfinder feat progression. Also if something is in Pathfinder it trumps 3.5 and 3.5 likewise trumps 3.0.

2013-02-01, 10:33 PM
Scrolls of Animate Dread Warrior (Sorc/Wiz 6, Unapproachable East). Put those fallen foes to use! They keep their spellcasting, which can be a pretty sweet deal for you. Just keep your orders down to 12 words or less -shouldn't be hard.

Since you're so rich, scrolls of every spell which could ever come in handy. Things like Analyze Portal and Scholar's Touch; situational, but they rule that situation.

Craft Contingent Revivfy. Basically extra lives if you can get healed. Astral Projection can serve a similar purpose, although I think it'd be frowned upon to to use that spell.

Leadership! That wasn't banned, so go hog-wild with an 18th level Cohort. Maybe an Artificer who crafts your stuff for you, multiplying your WBL. Followers too have their uses.

Folding Holes (basically cheaper Portable Holes which are Kobold relics) to keep your phat lewts in.