View Full Version : [3.5e]A New Melee Idea Please?

2013-02-02, 02:29 PM
Hi all

Me and my Father are joining a game at 10th level.
He is wanting to make a melee char that is able to pack a punch but also has a twist about it. He likes the idea of a spiked chain, which has the 10ft reach, the 2 handedness (for extra strength and power attack)

I suggested because its an exotic weapon, to possibly look at Exotic Weapon Master.
What do you all think? Any suggestions welcome :)

2013-02-02, 02:52 PM
What books do you have available?

Do you want to be competent at anything other than hitting people with a weapon?

What will the game be like? Point Buy? What setting?

We need more data! LOTS more data!

2013-02-03, 01:46 PM
We have access to Phb, DMG, all the completes and spell compendium and also magic item compendium!

Point buy I think is either 32 or 34.
Not sure what the game setting or adventures are like.

He has decided however to be a dwarf. Was going to suggest implementing disarms or trips into his build, but tbh I think he's wanting a melee hard hitter build with good hp

2013-02-03, 01:50 PM
How does your father feel about Warminds (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/psionic/prestigeClasses/warMind.htm)?

2013-02-03, 01:54 PM
Spike Chain Warblade is pretty good, as it gets reach for its strikes. Kusari-gama Crusader is a similar concept, but uses a shield and effectively a one handed spike chain.

You could also go the Warhulk route, which nets the ability to hit a group of enemies with each hit. Basically requires either 1 LA and a level of Barbarian or a couple levels of Stoneblessed and a level of Barbarian.

2013-02-03, 02:10 PM
Saph's Horizon Tripper (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=80415) falls well within your available sourcebooks.

2013-02-03, 02:56 PM
Can you get access to Tome of Battle?


Unarmed Swordsage or Psychic Warrior with Tashalatora is Monk 2.0
Factotum or Psychic Rogue is Rogue 2.0
Swordsage is Ninja 2.0
Warblade is Fighter 2.0
Duskblade is Hexblade 2.0
Crusader is Paladin 2.0

you essentially always want to use the v2.0 superior replacements to these extremely weak classes.

2013-02-03, 03:24 PM
Factotum or Psychic Rogue is Rogue 2.0
Ehh...Psychic Rogue is about on par with Rogue. They get less SA, fewer skill points, worse class skills, crappier special abilities, very little PP, and a very small list of powers known.