View Full Version : Characters that tied together nicely

2013-02-02, 11:01 PM
Changling oracle duel-cursed, I was just pulling things out of a hat for my friends campaign I wanted basically a wee bit of fun with an interesting character so this is what I came up with and it was like divine inspiration it all just clicked into place as I picked things. I picked consumed as my first curse with legalistic as the secondary and I figured changeling annis hag with oracle mystery fire, she was dropped off on the door step and raised by cultists which accounts for her naive happy go lucky nature but also for her hell like abilities being around demon summoning nut jobs. so basically one day shes out sick and adventurers murder all the cultists not knowing where to go or what to do because she was a sheltered child she sets off wandering trying to figure out her powers. lvl 1 stats
Str 14 Dex 14 Con 12 Int 10 Wis 12 Chr 18
(no knowledges or ranks in them) First feat being mothers gift for NA +1 and shes running off word caster because growing up around cultists she didn't learn proper magic but remembers a bit of the things she has seen. First revalation touch of flame. Starting equipment is chain shirt, buckler, oracles kit, morning star, and a fiddle:smallbiggrin:
Everything ties together so perfectly and going with her personality(happy go lucky,naive, ditsy) I decided during battle she would act like she was possessed.
I wound up doing called shots and upon her first hit she did not only a critical called shot to the head shot but full damage, 19 straight to the head with a morning star. After which covered in blood having caved an enemies skull into his chest cavity, I had her spin around on a whim and point and in an angry voice say YOU. dm forced me to roll intimidate, long story short the entire party failed miserable the enemies ran off and now no one speaks ill of me. Any suggestions on how I could possible make her seem more devilish before the next game on friday?

Astral Avenger
2013-02-02, 11:07 PM
Aside from suggesting taking levels in warlock (seems like a level or two dip may be fitting), I can't help you much.

I can say, Please Please Please with a cherry on top turn this into an Old Man Henderson story as the campaign progresses. :smallbiggrin:

2013-02-02, 11:25 PM
Can I get a link to warlock via pathfinders rules please? And no not based on that but by some freak of nature coincidence that is one more piece of proof this is a coma dream, my brother hearing I got into a real group for once as opposed to p.u.g one shots, sent me that earlier in the day, being in a rush to get home the link sat in my inbox for the duration of character creation after which I checked my email and found it:smallbiggrin:.