View Full Version : Few crusader questions

2013-02-02, 11:05 PM
Got a few crusader questions:

If you have Damage Reduction does Steely Resolve double dip that? or does it only prevent the damage before it enters the pool or as it is leaving the pool?

In addition do you have to ready the maximum amount of maneuvers that are available to you? or could you potentially only ready 1-2 maneuvers so that you are insured to have those available to you always and they are renewed quickly so you could essentially spam the few that you wanted?

Finally a more general question when initiating a maneuver that is only a single strike, and your BAB is high enough to allow multiple strikes are you allowed to only have a single attack? or can you do the combat maneuver and then finish out the rest of your attacks for that round.

Thanks for the help

2013-02-02, 11:15 PM
Damage reduction is applied beforehand, so it's not really double dipping.

I would say that yes you may only ready 2 revenuers so they you are guaranteed to have them, however they would be the only 2 available to you during the combat. See below post.

Last question: That is entirely dependant upon what kind of action it is to initiate that maneuver. If it's a standard action like most are, then No. You only have a move and a swift action left. While there are ways in the game to make attacks with those which you may possess, you generally can only perform an attack as a standard or full round action.

2013-02-02, 11:24 PM
In order:

Damage reduction applies before damage goes into your Steely Resolve pool and doesn't apply to damage coming out of it. - Ask Wizards (https://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ask/20070402a) (so take it with a grain of salt, but consider it designer intent). As written, though, you take damage equal to that in the pool. I'm not convinced that it would keep its damage type (physical/energy) to let you apply DR again.

"You cannot choose to leave a readied maneuver slot unfilled." - ToB p38

Unless the maneuver specifies that you make a full attack, no. Activating a maneuver is (usually) a standard action that you make an attack as a part of, not an attack action or a full attack.

2013-02-02, 11:45 PM
Thanks for the help! :smallsmile:

2013-02-03, 12:00 AM
..not an attack action...
Not to nitpick here (well I guess that's what it is), but an 'attack action' is 3.0 and is defined as a standard action in the 3E PH. It doesn't actually exist in 3.5.

I believe you meant 'attack iterative.'