View Full Version : Let's Play with Saithis: A Gamer Girl's Tales of Destruction

Saithis Bladewing
2013-02-03, 03:39 AM
Hello Playgrounders!

Once upon a few months ago I was engaged in active Let's Plays, but work and the demands of real life wore me down and robbed my free time, creating a gap of a couple months between uploads. Finally, however, I've seen the light! I'll be uploading new content with hopeful regularity, with weekends being the prime focus of uploading due to extra free time. My old thread vanished into the depths of the forum and is long dead, so it seems I'll have to leave necromancy be and start a new one instead. Alas, but that's fine since I wanted to change the title anyway.

All my gaming videos are recorded in HD resolutions - I'm surprised my current computer can handle it but there you go! At the moment I have a decently extensive foray into Crusader Kings II and a start to a Fallout: New Vegas series (which I know Archonic Energy, at least, was hoping for updates on...) I have a new Gaming PC on order, though, and next month I'll be buying a new headset with a better mic!

Without further adieu, I shall list all series' below:

Sai Burns Down Westeros
Crusader Kings II - A Game of Thrones Mod


I'll be playing Crusader Kings 2's wonderful "A Game of Thrones" mod. It is my hope to give people a real-time insight into the complexities of both Crusader Kings 2 and the mod and hopefully to make a hopefully enjoyable experience. Do not expect perfect gameplay, for one because I have zero interest in playing "to win" but would rather play to have fun, win or lose. I'll try to keep the action fast-paced enough to avoid people getting bored, whether it will work or not I have yet to see.

The series shall start with Lord Ned Stark during Robert's Rebellion, but will not necessarily stick with the Starks. Once I feel I've done everything that is interesting to do with the North, I will likely switch to another character in the same save, and another, to explore more possibilities at all levels of the Game of Thrones ladder and to see just how strange and alternate this game gets. I know that I don't have a vast knowledge of Game of Thrones lore so don't expect complicated background stories from me. I will however poke around the more famous families now and then, just to see what they're up to. Who knows what treasures can be dug up...

All videos are recorded in 720p or 1080p HD format, so if you're having trouble reading text and your bandwidth permits, you can increase the quality by clicking on the gear in the bottom right of the window. If not, I'm sorry for wasting your time! Hee! :smalleek:

House Stark:
Play All Episodes (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCE28DBE220D019AB&feature=view_all)
Episode 1 - The Cold North (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6MLHFTr0aA)
Episode 2 - War of the Usurper (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wHz0jJYk-I)
Episode 3 - Lions and Wolves (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqkLJ1PpB04)
Episode 4 - Rebellious Lands (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MJh76ZU_aqU)
Episode 5 - Alliance and Succession (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npYO8_wK2xU)
Episode 6 - Terrick Rebellion (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2N4JvdDPq0)
Episode 7 - A Bold Plan (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrLfKvHRUw8)
Episode 8 - Rivers of Blood (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uvTMNUhtBK8)
Episode 9 - Marital Favours (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-Uj90xICug)
Episode 10 - Landed Sons (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhxrUcxCgtU)
Episode 11 - Gluttony's a Virtue (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=utWDBhBMfIQ)
Episode 12 - Ned Must Die! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_lG77GOyS8)
Episode 13 - Modest Proposals (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SN1_fZToSH8)
Episode 14 - A Harsh Winter (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jo21tZZonyA)
Episode 15 - An Inheritance (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Oid3GDShNE)

House Rayder:
Episode 1 - Invasion of the Wall (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMoIWQQA45E)
Episode 2 - Uniting the Free Folk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-m0Y3AH-0IQ)
Episode 3 - War of the Wall (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eQkXVQANwKk)

Sai Burns Down New Vegas
Hardcore Fallout: New Vegas
To be clear, I've never played Fallout New Vegas before. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of the Fallout Universe and I've played every Fallout game before this, but I never got around to playing it. I've heard a lot of positive things about this edition of the game and there's no way I'm going to go without a good playthrough of this.

In true daring gamer fashion, I will be playing this Hardcore and Blind. I'm also trying to play it Iron Man, although wish me luck on that aspect...Fallout doesn't have the greatest shooter controls in the world and I haven't touched it in so long!

All videos are recorded in HD, but on a somewhat crummy PC there may be performance issues. Hopefully this will be resolved in upcoming episodes on my newer computer!

Episode Library:
Play All Episodes (http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9h_6kgKnENIdHozsZ4OkjLKkeyuWurUy&feature=view_all)
Episode 1 - Varmints! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ej9k6nQYP4Y)
Episode 2 - MMO Quest (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHtIwFhce0M)
Episode 3 - Powder Gangers (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4xmWS90tqk)
--Note: Episodes 1-3 are based in the starting area and if you don't want to see that crap all over again, feel free to skip to part 4!--
Episode 4 - Goodbye Goodsprings (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvEpB-SxfcY)
Episode 5 - Gecko Gala (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t1-szWPOFKo)
Episode 6 - Primm, Population: Convict (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycR6Gvm0GKY)
Episode 7 - Anybody Seen a Doctor? (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PosWtTM2ZGo)
Episode 8 - Dusty Roads (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9cOFRMA2bMU)
Episode 9 - Civilization's Edge (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLld1dOWFVU)
Episode 10 - Outpost Mojave (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWZujMSjN50)
Episode 11 - Raiders, Raiders Everywhere! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKhEuo_tM2M)
Episode 12 - Caesar's Legion (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbrNORZxW1Y)
Episode 13 - Retracing Steps (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0PrhNkRSUc)
Episode 14 - NCR Correctional (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2b4ksFwQz6M)

Sai Burns Down Torchlight (with help!)
Torchlight II - Let's Play Elite Co-op
What happens when you take five friends with old mics and worse tempers, then set them on the path of an evil, dark power fuelled by late-night snacks and alcohol? Only one way to find out!

Videos are recorded in 720p and I've used this opportunity to try out some more complicated and powerful video editing techniques and software, hopefully this won't be wasted and the LP will be fun, however impossible herding 5 impatient gamers might be! Sound is a little imbalanced and distorted in places because Google Hangouts is CRAAAAP at internet recording. I've insisted that next session will be recorded on C3 or Vent.

For anyone who might not know, Torchlight II is a wonderful new game developed and owned by Runic Games. This game comes very cheaply compared to its AAA competitor Diablo 3, but isn't lacking in the department of features or gameplay quality - for me, it's a great game and definitely worth the cash.

Episode List:
Episode 1: Tipsy on the Trail (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byWjB_S-dng)
Episode 2: Legions of the Dead (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VTrVdXlDyrs)

FTL Academy
Let's Play Faster Than Light IN SPAAAAACE!


Well, it was inevitable that sooner or later, I'd join the hordes of rabid indie gamer fans in acclaiming one of my favourite indie games: Faster Than Light. While meeting many of the definitions of a Roguelike, this space adventure sim is slightly different and can almost be seen as a real-time tactical with adventure/RPG elements, the procedurally generated 'world' and Iron Man by default. If anyone hasn't found this game, definitely look into it as it's a blast for the price and a real challenge that's hard to find in modern games.

Taking the helm of the FSS Ticonderoga for the first mission, I'll be happy to take any input for future crew/ship names and I'm hoping to both make a nice introduction to the game for newcomers, to beat the game for my very first time, and to share in the joy and chaos that only uniquely generated games such as this can provide. Ladies and Gentlemen, this is Faster Than Light!

[u]Episode Library:
Episode 01: Crash Course (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gX3vP6MYt8U)
Episode 02: Take Two (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55SDYgGN5-Y)

All FTL videos are recorded in 720p HD. Any feedback (positive or negative) is wholly welcomed!

If you have any friendly critiques, suggestions, or ideas about games I'm playing or wish to play, please feel free to let me know! I'll gladly listen to anything you guys have to say (and hopefully someone will want to say at least something!)

Sai's To Play Someday List:
Faster Than Light
Wonder Boy in Monster World
Sonic the Hedgehog (1, 2, 3 & Knuckles)
Black Mesa
X-COM: Enemy Unknown (2012)

Archonic Energy
2013-02-03, 06:49 AM
YAY! more NV.
the thing i like about watching blind lets plays of a game i have 400+ hrs in is i get to relive my first time again.

anyway all your to play games are good choices but my top 3 from those are
3. Terraria
2. X-com (2012)
1. FTL (blind :smallamused:)

Saithis Bladewing
2013-02-04, 06:17 AM
Promised updates, straight off the conveyor belt.

One for AGOT...

Mance Rayder Episode 4: Counter-Invasion

And one for AE...

Hardcore Fallout: New Vegas - Episode 12: Caesar's Legion

YAY! more NV.
the thing i like about watching blind lets plays of a game i have 400+ hrs in is i get to relive my first time again.

anyway all your to play games are good choices but my top 3 from those are
3. Terraria
2. X-com (2012)
1. FTL (blind :smallamused:)

Glad to be of service. :D Let me say that I would absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE to play FTL blind for you, but I've already played some and true blind isn't going to happen (although I haven't beaten it yet.)

2013-02-04, 07:35 AM
Wee, more fallout! Your fallout playthrough is fun to watch, I have to say.

Saithis Bladewing
2013-02-06, 03:18 AM
Glad to hear it, thanks Eldan. :smallbiggrin: Next episode of it has to wait until tomorrow, though, first is some more AGOT.

House Stark Episode 16: Hullen's New Clothes

Archonic Energy
2013-02-06, 05:17 PM

glad to see you weren't got by the legion after throwing some dynamite among the pigeons.

Saithis Bladewing
2013-02-07, 08:01 AM
Glad to be alive still. Have some more New Vegas, glad some people like it at least. :smalltongue:

Episode 13: Retracing Steps

Volume was a wee bit quiet on this one but trying to amplify it just made it sound really really harsh. The moral of the story: £20 microphones are a pile of crap.

Archonic Energy
2013-02-07, 10:12 AM
Yay! even more Vegas!

the Books you sold at the beginning of the episode were expensive because they permentally increase skills. as does the "tales of a junktown derby" you picked up in the hotel. just though you'd like to know. you may be able to get them back, though you'd likely be fleeced on the price.

2013-02-14, 02:51 AM
Glad this is back!

Morph Bark
2013-02-14, 04:43 AM
This looks interesting. I have just two questions: what are blind Let's Plays? And what are the NVs that Archonic Energy mentioned?

Archonic Energy
2013-02-14, 09:14 AM
Blind LPs are Lets Plays that the person playing haven't played before. so the don't know everything the game is going to throw at them.

NV is short for New Vegas.

Karen Lynn
2013-02-14, 01:23 PM
For Sonic, are you going to play all five combinations?

Any thoughts on MMOs?

Hiro Protagonest
2013-02-14, 06:23 PM
Any thoughts on MMOs?

The only true MMO. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2saAgaJ6p54)


Karen Lynn
2013-02-14, 06:30 PM
The only true MMO. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2saAgaJ6p54)


Silly Minnesotan. I understand you northerners were born with frostbite on the brain, but we all know Eve Online is superior to WoW.

2013-02-15, 03:15 AM
True, but Superman 64 is more fun than WoW.

Archonic Energy
2013-02-15, 04:51 AM
True, but Superman 64 is more fun than WoW.

OUCH! that was harsh!

Sai, what capture software do you use? the only ones I can find leave unsightly watermarks over the video in random places?

2013-02-15, 09:19 PM
Meh, I actually enjoyed Superman 64. It was fun and I had the level skip cheat to get around the annoying races.

@Saithis: You have an awesome voice. And I'm watching your New Vegas LP, and spending the first 7 or 8 episodes screaming for you to press R because New Vegas ditched the stupid repair to skill mechanic of F3.

Ah well. Every LPer has their own quirk which annoys me. You're still nowhere near as compulsive a looter as I am.

2013-02-17, 05:09 PM
Hooray, more adventures of Lord Stark the Really Old!

Saithis Bladewing
2013-02-18, 08:32 AM
Wow, you guys have been busy. I've been busy too, but not much joy coming out of my end. To try and answer a few questions:

1. I'm open-minded to MMOs, but will never ever play World of WarCraft, both because it costs money every month, and because I'd rather play E.T. on the Atari than that. Guild Wars 2 or The Old Republic would be the most likely candidate if I were to do so as I already own both and they won't cost me a subscription (unless I want to go all the way on TOR).

2. I use a registered copy of FRAPS although I'm keeping my open for programs with better compression software, as the size of the files it creates is somewhat overwhelming for my HDD space.

3. Sonic! I was only planning to do a single 'regular' playthrough for Sonic 1-3 although I could be convinced to do a Tails-only or Tails-main playthrough for Sonic 3. I haven't really played S&K much as it was the only one I didn't own as a kid, so I'm not sure yet how it differs from 3 for the Sonic & Tails mode.

On a further note regarding the LPs...

1. I've had some serious problems, somewhere during the process of backing up save files and moving them to my new PC, I've corrupted my Game of Thrones saves. While yes, I do have backups, they are years out of date and it will be difficult for me to recreate the scenario I was in. It will take time, but is not impossible. I may have to give Stark a break and may call Rayder off completely for awhile.

2. FNV is not affected by the above issue and will continue normally. Onwards into the desert! Death to the Legion! And thanks for the tip AE, I was working under the apparently false impression that the magazine bonuses were temporary...I'll have to be more vigilant from here on.

3. FTL is a very probable LP coming very soon. I've yet to beat it even on Easy (although I can usually get to the final sector) so prepare for some awful fail. :P Said LP would probably continue until I beat the damn game. Maybe until I beat it with every ship if I'm feeling determined.

4. Triaxx: Thank you, you're kinder than I am to myself. I too am kicking myself now that I know you can just repair up fully, I was under the impression I shouldn't even bother because of how F3's repair skill worked. We'll see how the future goes now that I'm starting to get more comfortable with the game.

2013-02-18, 09:24 AM
Yeah, NV is one of my favorite games in the fallout series.

However, Magazine bonuses, those from Lad's life which give 10/20 with comprehension, are temporary. Things like the Big Book of Science, which only gives 3/4 are permanent.

Plus you missed a Guns and Bullets on the desk in the Police Station south of Novac. you'll have to go back to tell the Lieutenant about his enhanced forces, so you can snatch it up then.

More legion killing is always fun.

And I always forget how different the game is before versus after you have Project Nevada installed. Certain enemies are better armed without it, since they'd be brutal with it. Not that it always makes a difference. :smallbiggrin:

Saithis Bladewing
2013-02-25, 05:57 AM
Yeah, I considered installing Project Nevada once I heard about it, but I really want to keep this blind and I don't want to restart unless I die, so I'll think about it!

Some new updates out...

AGOT Announcement:

AGOT Targaryen Episode 01:

I'll be producing new episodes of FNV and the first episode of an FTL series very soon!

2013-02-25, 07:55 AM
Yeah, Nevada is definitely a second playthrough kind of mod.

2013-02-25, 09:37 PM
Is there a reason you didn't have your Wives leading the flanks? 'Cause more Dragonriders seems like a good thing to have.

Saithis Bladewing
2013-02-27, 05:00 AM
Sanguine: As far as I'm aware the game is hardcoded and you can't place women in command of a flank of the battle, unless one of the DLC changed that and I'm unaware of it.

Work on the new FNV and AGOT is underway, with priority to the AGOT for just now (sorry FNV fans :P) but hopefully both will be up within the next 2-3 days (tomorrow is my deadline for AGOT). In the meantime, I've posted the first episode of a new FTL series, because I love FTL way too much.

FTL Academy - Episode 1: Crash Course

I'll update the first post with a new feature/new episodes in the libraries at lunch today, but I'm at work now.

Archonic Energy
2013-03-06, 10:21 AM
YAY new lets Play!

*bets 20 creds on an astroid*

Saithis Bladewing
2013-03-09, 08:16 PM
Got off my rear and got some long-overdue work done:

House Targaryen Episode 2 - Trust No One:

FNV - Episode 14 - NCR Correctional:

FTL Academy - Episode 02 - Take Two:

Hopefully there's something for everyone there! :smalleek:

Morph Bark
2013-03-10, 05:16 AM
I love how you're many-sided in choice of games to play. There might well indeed be something for everyone in there. :smallsmile:

2013-03-10, 05:04 PM
Awesome video. There's actually a magic trick you can do if you're enemies with the Powder Gangers. If for example you're enemies with them and want to get Meyer's as Sheriff without having to fight the guys inside the first area, which makes him flee.

First you'll need a scoped weapon. A Silencer is helpful, but it's not strictly necessary. A scoped, silenced varmint Rifle works perfectly well. Get up on the hills, and sneak up the backside. Start killing the guards on the towers. If you do it quietly enough, none of the guys on the ground will notice. You can shoot over the fence to then hit Dawes, who's the gate guard. Then kill everyone outside the buildings. If anyone is alive, this doesn't work. After everyone is dead, you can pick up Dawes Guard Armor, and then walk in. As long as no one outside is alive you can walk in, because none of the three NPC's inside is in the guard category, which are the ones who can see through armor. You can then talk to Meyers, and get his pardon, without having to leave and wait for him to calm down from the gunfight.

2013-03-12, 01:10 PM
You know an LP is good and/or you have played the game too much when you reflexively reach up and hammer the F5 key in the middle, thereby reloading the page and spoil your fun.

2013-03-12, 04:29 PM
Oh, how I have BEEN there. Especially when it's an all or nothing shot to survive.

2013-03-13, 10:40 PM
I've got a question. What program do you use for your video editting? I've never been able to figure out how people put up those preview things at the ends of their videos, like you've done with FTL.

Saithis Bladewing
2013-04-07, 07:23 PM
I apologize to everyone for my long delay in getting new updates in. With a new computer and accompanying setup I've been scandalously spending a large amount of my time playing rather than recording, as well as being sick and working on an undisclosed writing project. I'm working as it stands to try and bring all of this together and find a better balance (and chasing down where my new mic has ended up, since its not in my hands and was supposedly shipped two weeks ago).

There is another episode of AGOT I forgot to post here which I will promptly do. Ive recorded another episode of AGOT and FTL and plan to sit down and do FNV tomorrow, I'll just have to run them through post and upload.

Destro: Sorry I'm late with this reply, but I use a friend's old copy of Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 to do the picture-in-picture (Sony Vegas apparently works well too but I haven't used it), but have actually been using VideoPad for the rest due to its simpler UI (I've gotten frustrated trying to dig through the mess that's Premiere's UI). Still, I know Sony Vegas and Adobe Premiere both support relatively strong picture-in-picture videos, but I can tell you VideoPad is absolutely useless at it and isn't even very good at laying static images over a video clip, let alone a whole video.

Game of Thrones Targaryen Episode 3 - From Bad to Worse

Archonic Energy
2013-04-08, 05:06 AM
WOOOOO! :smallamused:

hope you're having fun with your new system.