View Full Version : build advice for a zenarcher cleric

2013-02-03, 08:38 AM
he will start at lvl 12 and shouldn t be cheesy but well built. starting setting will be forgotten realms although i guess we will hit some planes as well.

2013-02-03, 09:59 AM
At that level, your main challenge will be dealing enough damage to warrant not simply casting flame strike instead. I recommend a high strength, the Divine Power spell (persisted, if that's within your cheese tolerance) the Splitting enhancement on your bow, and anything that gets you bonus damage on each hit.

2013-02-03, 02:57 PM
Also, this bow (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ask/20061227a) will be useful, as well as the Zen Archery feat.

2013-02-03, 09:34 PM
hey there and thx for the replies so far.
isn`t persistent spell a + 6 on lvl ? and divine power is a lvl 4 spell so at lvl 12 thats kinda unavailable, isn`t it ?
and this bow for that money is kinda cheesy imo.

2013-02-03, 09:56 PM
hey there and thx for the replies so far.
isn`t persistent spell a + 6 on lvl ? and divine power is a lvl 4 spell so at lvl 12 thats kinda unavailable, isn`t it ?
and this bow for that money is kinda cheesy imo.

Check out Complete Divine. Read the 'Divine Metamagic' feat. Note that the errata'd it so it only applies to one metamagic per time you take the feat. It goes a little something like this:

Planning Domain: Extend Spell
Undeath Domain: Extra Turning
1: Persist Spell
H: Divine Metamagic: Persist
3: Extra Turning
6: Extra Turning
etc. It costs ~7 turn attempts to persist a spell, so with your base 3 + 2 from Cha (cast Eagle's Splendor) + 6 from feats you can persist a spell at third level.

Then you buy an item from... Libris Mortis? called a Nightstick, which gives you Extra Turning. Buy a backpack full.

Of course, this is pretty cheesy. You might be happier using Divine Metamagic (DMM to the cool kids) for Quicken Spell instead, or not using it at all.