View Full Version : Iron Jedi Character Creation Contest: Round I - The Saga Begins...

2013-02-03, 09:31 AM
Iron Jedi Character Creation Contest
Round 1

Welcome, everybody to the first Iron Jedi Contest! The goal of this contest is to provide an enjoyable outlet for those character creation urges we all get from time to time, and it will be contested on the specific field of Star Wars Saga Edition.

The Contest
Each contest will take place over the course of a month, and the judging will take place over (probably) a fortnight, although the judging is going to be sort of haphazard, I imagine, until we work out how much interest there is in this contest, and what sort of judging makes sense. Contestents should PM their entries to the Chairman, myself, IdleMuse, preferably with something in the title so I can easily find entries for each round. After the deadline has passed, I'll anonymously reveal the entries, and judging will commence. After judging finishes, the scores will be tallied, the creator of each entry revealed, and congratulations given to the winner. If anyone has any questions about the format of the contest, well, feel free to ask them here, I'm happy to listen to debate with the goal of improving the rules.

The Rules
Each round, contestants will be asked to create one thing, almost always a charater. This creation should be built with the rules of the Star Wars Saga Edition game. This includes (exclusively):
- All fourteen published Saga Edition books.
- Officially published Errata for the above.
- All officially published adventures (including the Dawn of Defiance campaign).
- All published Web Enhancements, including Jedi Counselling articles. I know these can be hard to get hold of these days, but there are backups around, we should really make a list of links here for future rounds.

Nothing else can be included. This includes:
- Homebrew.
- Anything converted from older versions (even using the official conversion guide).
- House rules, EXCEPT those mentioned below.
- Any sort of 'custom' element, like a custom Destiny or something.

Optional Variant Rules where included in books will generally be disallowed, again with the exception of those listed below. If you want to make a case for one, please do so, I'm only too happy to foster debate on what the house rules should be for this contest.

House Rules and Variants in use
- Ability Scores should be generated using 32pt Point Buy for primary characters, and the Standard Score Package for minions, NPCs, and so on.
- When multiclassing into a second (or later) base class, instead of taking one of the class's starting feats as a bonus feat, you may take Skill Training in one of that classes Class Skills.
- You may choose either a single Destiny or a single Background (REcg) for each character. These must come from the published lists. For Destinies, assume that the hypothetical GM is very sparing with Destiny points, only giving one per five levels or so. If you choose a destiny, you may consider the character to fulfil it at level 20, not before.
- There is some restriction on the Skill Focus feat. Exactly what that is shall be a matter for public debate, but for now, assume you CAN still take Skill Focus (even UtF) at first level, but that there is some restriction on the bonus it grants.
- Use the entry requirements for Master Privateer from the Force Unleashed campaign guide, the more liberal of the two.
- The Unleashed feat (and thus all Unleashed abilities) are not available.

I can't think of any more important variants right now, if anybody does bring anything obvious up in the first week of this first round, I'll add it straight in for this round, otherwise, this list will be revised for round 2.

ANY and ALL of these rules may be changed by a round's specific rules! For example, a round may allow you to use homebrewed Backgrounds, or may restrict you to certain books only.

The Entry
Character entries should be presented as a 20-level build, with the levels presented in the basic following format:

ClassName 1 | ClassStartingFeat, Feat, Talent
ClassName 2 | ClassBonusFeat
ClassName 3 | Feat, Talent
PrestigeClassName 1 | Talent (+1 Str, +1 Dex)
and so forth.

Feel free to modify this table to suit the needs of your own build, (for instance, adding BAB in brackets after the class name and level might be appropriate for combat characters without full BAB). Force Powers, techniques, and similar bought abilities should be listed in a separate table below; you need only list the levels that you gain new ones, not the blank ones in between. Example:

1| Force Lightning, Surge
4| Vital Transfer
6| Move Object, Vornskr's Ferocity x2

In addition, for each character, a 'sweet spot' should be identified, and at this level, the character should be worked up and presented as a stat block similar to that in the published books. Exactly how much information you duplicate from the above tables is up to you, but it should be easy to take that character block and use it in a game.

You needn't worry about generating a list of equipment for your character at each level (unless you really want to), but at the 'sweet spot', you are considered to have [lvl] x [lvl-1] x 1000 credits. So if you were generating the sweet spot for your character at level 10, you'd have 90,000 credits to spend on equipment. If your character has the Waelthy talent, add those credits on for THIS LEVEL only. So a level 10 noble with Wealthy would have an additional 50,000 credits to spend.

A background for your character is also usually expected, no matter how rudimentary it is. Certain aspects of judging should be based on how closely the crunch fits the fluff.

Handy list of abbreviations to use when referencing your character:
CW - Clone Wars campaign guide
Core - Core rulebook
GaW - Galaxy at War
GoI - Galaxy of Intrigue
JATM - Jedi Academy Training Manual
KotOR - Knights of the Old Republic campaign guide
LE - Legacy Era campaign guide
RE - Rebellion Era campaign guide
SGtD - Scavenger's Guide to Droids
S&V - Scum and Villainy
SotG - Starships of the Galaxy
FU - The Force Unleashed campaign guide
TotG - Threats of the Galaxy
UR - Unknown Regions
WE - Web Enhancement

Other abbreviations
UtF - Use the Force
SF - Skill Focus
WP - Weapon Proficiency
AP - Armour Proficiency
FP - Force Point
DP - Destiny Point
BF - Bonus Feat
more added on request

This is a subject that I'd like to hear some feedback and ideas on, as I'm worried that the D&D3.5 Iron Chef's judging method may not work with the fewer people I expect here. Nevertheless, some broad parameters can be laid down:

1. Each round of the contest may have different criteria, depending on the challenge in question.

2. However, it can be expected that each round, at least the following three criteria should be judged:
- How well the entry fulfils the challenge laid down
- Power level and 'playability'. If a character requires five thousand rounds of rare ammo to be bought every time he wants to go into a fight, this counts as a penalty to 'playability' in my opinion, for instance. Whether or not a Destiny has been chosen should not be taken into consideration when judging the Power of a build, since their availbility is highly GM-dependant. They should ONLY be considered as a flavour element.
- How well the entry fits the fluff that has been written for it, and the universe at large. Using extremely obscure lightsaber crystals could give a penalty here, for instance, unless they are given a serious enough reason to have them in the backstory presented.

3. Builds that are not 'legal' in the mechanical sense, whether it be due to failing to take prerequisites into account, or misunderstanding how a certain feat or talent works in combination with others, shall be penalised in some sense, but not massively, unless it appears that the illegality is deliberate, or essential to the build.

For example, if a character progression can be made legal simply by switching two talents, or changing an unimportant flavour feat for something else, then only a small penalty should be awarded to the score (probably in the 'power' criteria). Builds that are obviously illegal, or rely on disproven tricks or interpretations, should be awarded ZERO in the power category. This is the only time that I, the Chairman, have a say in the scores of the judges; if they haven't taken this into account in their judging (and mentioned that they have), I will apply it for them.

The rest of the scores are solely up to the individual judge's discretion, no input from me (or anyone else) should be given unless asked for.

Final Word on disputes
The Chairman (myself, IdleMuse) has the final say in ALL matters concerning the competition and the interpretations of the rules used therewithin. If you disagree with an interpretation I have provided, either here, or in Private Message, please feel free to PM me an explanation of why you I am wrong, or make a post in the general thread for Star Wars Saga Edition. I cannot promise I will change my mind, but I will generally abide by the consensus of that thread.

Thread Rules
Here are just a couple of rules you should abide by when posting in these threads, just to keep it fair.
- Firstly, of course, always abide by the GitP general forum rules.
- Please do not 'speculate' as to potential builds before the deadline has passed: Let inspiration strike people individually.
- Whether it's before or after they're posted anonymously, please don't make any comment that could suggest which entry is yours, to preserve anonymity for unbiased judging.

Finally, please feel free to post here or PM me if you have any questions or queries at all. It's entirely possible I've overlooked something in this document, it being the first round and all.

This Round
With no further delay, the challenge for this month's IJCCC is...

Across the Galaxy, scrap metal is produced on an huge scale, and all that scrap metal has to go somewhere. This leads to planets such as Raxus Prime (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Raxus_Prime), junk planets, covered from pole to pole with scrap metal. Some are inhabited, often underground, some are merely places to crash unwanted ships. Often, the surface is governed by warring tribes of scavengers, salvaging what they can from the trash that's dumped on the ruined planet. Your task is to create a character to survive and thrive in the harsh environment of a junk planet, whatever you take that to mean.

The deadline for this contest is Midnight GMT, February 28th. Note, GMT, not any American time. Entries should be PMed to me, with [IJCCC round I entry] in the title, as well as your name, or character's name, something to identify each entry quickly in my inbox.

Judging this round will be simply on the three categories mentioned in the basic rules; How well the entry fulfils the challenge, How well the entry fits it's own backstory and fluff, and Power level.

The Rules will be the basic rules presented above, no special changes for the first round.

Good luck! Please don't hesistate to post here or PM me with queries. I've deliberately left this first contest somewhat vague, so hopefully people won't have too much of a problem coming up with ideas.

Have fun building!

2013-02-03, 09:32 AM
Entries! I'll put links to them here, because otherwise I worry that the post limit will be reached.

Utinni, High Priest of Junkion (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15032670&postcount=33)

Von Hyel (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15032686&postcount=34)

Don Trash Heap (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15032771&postcount=35)

2013-02-03, 11:55 PM
Awesome. :)

2013-02-04, 10:56 AM
I don't play the game, but this looks interesting. This round: WALL-E?

2013-02-11, 10:14 AM
If I told you half the things I've heard about this contest, you'd probably short circuit.

2013-02-11, 01:45 PM
How are people doing, anyone interested in putting together an entry? It doesn't matter how skilled or experienced you are with the system, it's just a bit of fun :smalltongue:

2013-02-13, 10:20 AM
I know you have entries already, you're just holding out on us for more credits, probably. :D

2013-02-13, 01:36 PM
Well, I'm hoping for more than one XD

2013-02-14, 07:29 AM
Are we supposed to post our interest here before our entry? Because I am interested :)

2013-02-14, 12:10 PM
At the risk of speaking for Darth IdleMuse:

No, you don't have to post here. You can PM your entry to IdleMuse and he will post them in the thread, so no one but he knows whose entry is whose.

2013-02-15, 01:38 PM
Posting your interest here is good, because it means I know that people are interested in the contest XD And also, like, if you have problems with formatting or rules or whatever, we can help you. I'm trying to keep it casual for this first round, but the WALL OF RULES may have sort of run away with me there... If you're interested, that's great!

2013-02-18, 02:07 AM
This isn't the entry you're looking for.

2013-02-21, 09:06 AM
Some questions came up via PM that i'm going to clarify here, too. Don't worry if you've already submitted entries, no-one will be penalised for stuff like this, I hope XD


HP: should be taken as the average of the roll.

Minions: If you have minions, followers, droids, bodyguards, things like that, then you're free to stat them up as little or as much as you like. On on hand, it's easier to just say 'I buy the best battle droid I can get my hands on', but on the other, specifically statted minions may be an important part of a build.

2013-02-25, 05:47 PM
I realise I'm a newb and late to the party, but I think it would be fun to enter this competition if I can find the time before the deadline. If not, it'll still be fun to see all your entries.

2013-02-25, 08:03 PM
You still have a few days, stat that, Stat!

2013-02-26, 03:47 AM
I realise I'm a newb and late to the party, but I think it would be fun to enter this competition if I can find the time before the deadline. If not, it'll still be fun to see all your entries.

Since it's the first round, and we need as many entries as we can get, I don't mind extending the deadline a couple of days if I know people are working on entries :smallwink:

2013-02-26, 04:25 AM
Been super busy, but I have a character draft ready. Just need to go back and make sure that I have everything in order by level and following all the rules... before submitting. I will try and have that submitted tomorrow if possible :)

BTW Thanks for starting this competition, I always enjoyed reading the one in the DnD 3.5 section!

2013-02-26, 10:16 AM
Since it's the first round, and we need as many entries as we can get, I don't mind extending the deadline a couple of days if I know people are working on entries :smallwink:


I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further.

2013-02-27, 07:47 AM
Are we allowed to do a retrain of a feat, skill, or talent?

2013-02-27, 01:32 PM
Since it's the first round, and we need as many entries as we can get, I don't mind extending the deadline a couple of days if I know people are working on entries :smallwink:

Very kind of you. However, don't wait around just on my account. I'll be lucky if I can find ten minutes a day to work on this :S. But if you decide on a new deadline, please let me know what it is and I'll see what I can do.

2013-02-28, 04:57 AM
Hmm this could be fun I got to think on it but I may drop in a build

Hmm Jedi or L1 A5 assassin droid

2013-02-28, 01:25 PM
I'm not going to make it, but I might try the next one.

2013-03-01, 02:19 AM
Looking forward to seeing the entries :)

2013-03-01, 07:58 AM
Thank you very much for everyone's submissions! I'm just waiting now to clear up a minor rules clarification, then I'll post the builds I have and we can get down to the judging stage!

Echobeats, Vknight, I'm gonna push the deadline forward to Sunday Morning (GMT), so if you can get some time tonight or tomorrow night to work on it, that'd be great, but otherwise, don't worry, there'll be another round! And it'd be great to hear your opinions on the builds we do have anyway.

2013-03-05, 07:34 AM
How are the submissions coming along? :smallsmile:

2013-03-05, 03:54 PM
Sorry with the delays with this; I'm having a really busy week with work, I'll get too it when I can!

2013-03-05, 05:51 PM
Sorry with the delays with this; I'm having a really busy week with work, I'll get too it when I can!



2013-03-11, 08:00 AM
*Burns a destiny point to assist IM out* :)

2013-03-12, 09:40 AM
Attempt a Knack reroll?

2013-03-12, 01:57 PM
Heh, sorry guys :smallamused: thanks for sticking with me. I'll definitely have time to move this on to the next step this week; monday morning at the latest, hopefully before then.

2013-03-18, 07:21 PM

2013-03-26, 02:17 AM
I think the Iron Jedi rusted out! jk :)

2013-04-05, 09:02 AM
Apologies for the long delay, but I'm finally at a weekend where I can get this back on track! Please avoid posting here until I've finished posting the entries, so they're all neat and in order.

First entry...

Utinni, the High Priest of Junkion
Utinni, the High Priest of Junkion
Jawa Scout 2/Scoundrel 2/Soldier 3/Improviser 1/Noble 4/Crime Lord 8

STR: 6
DEX: 20
CON: 16
INT: 19
WIS: 10
CHA: 15

Trained Skills (At level 20)
Knowledge: Technology
Treat Injury
Use Computer

Scout 1 | Shake it Off, Pistols, Rifles, Simple Weapons, Tech Specialist, Ghost Assailant
Scout 2 | Skill Focus: Mechanics
Scoundrel 1 | Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Dastardly Strike
Scoundrel 2 | Droid Hunter, (+1 Dex, +1 Int)
Soldier 1 | Skill Training: Use Computer, Ambush Specialist
Soldier 2 | Deadeye, Droidcraft
Soldier 3 | Destructive Ambusher
Improviser 1 | Improvised Device, (+1 Dex, +1 Int)
Crashes on Junkion
Noble 1 | Skill Training: Persuasion, Scavenger, Born Leader
Noble 2 | Leader of Droids
Noble 3 | Bolster Ally
Noble 4 | Superior Tech: Droids, Skill Training: Deception, (+1 Int, +1 Cha)
Crime Lord 1 | Attract Minion
Crime Lord 2 | Wealth of Allies
Crime Lord 3 | Stand Tall, Impel Ally I
Crime Lord 4 | Impel Ally II, (+1 Int, +1 Cha)
Crime Lord 5 | Attract Superior Minion
Crime Lord 6 | Natural Leader, Bodyguard I
Crime Lord 7 | Bodyguard II
Crime Lord 8 | Inspire Wrath, (+1 Int, +1 Cha)

Natural Leader: The Church of Junkion
Organization Scale: 12 (Multiple systems, but for our purposes, only the planet Junkion)
Utinni has a +10 bonus to his organization score (Natural Leader, founder of the Church.) The Church organization is not fully detailed here; in summary, Utinni runs a cult of droids fanatically loyal to their High Priest, who gives them 'life.'

Sweet Spot Stat Block

Utinni, High Priest of Junkion
CL 15
Small Jawa Scout 2/Scoundrel 2/Soldier 3/Improviser 1/Noble 4/Crime Lord 3
Force Points: 13
Init: +17
Senses: Perception +12, Darkvision
Languages: Speaks: Jawa, Jawa Trade Language. Understands: Jawa, Jawa Trade Language, Basic, Binary, Tusken
Defenses: Reflex 33, Fortitude 30, Will 29
HP: 122
Threshold: 30
Speed: 4 squares
Melee: Spear (Improved Accuracy) +9 (1d8+5)
Bonus: +2 additional damage with Spear to droid targets (Droid Hunter)
Ranged: Ion Rifle (Improved Accuracy) +16 (3d8+7, ion)
Ranged: Ion Rifle (Improved Accuracy) +17 (4d8+7, ion) with Point Blank Shot, Deadeye
Ranged: Ion Rifle (Improved Accuracy) +19 (5d8+7, ion) with Point Blank Shot, Deadeye, Ambush Specialist, Destructive Ambusher
Bonus: +4 additional damage with Ion Rifle to droid targets (Droid Hunter) and +7 additional damage to droid targets, Scavenger (species feature.)
Base Atk +10; Grp +10
Atk Options: Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Dastardly Strike, Deadeye, Ambush Specialist, Destructive Ambusher, Ghost Assailant
Special Actions: Shake it Off, Born Leader, Bolster Ally, Stand Tall, Impel Ally I
Species: Desert Dweller, Scavenger, Mechanics Reroll

Ability Scores at 15th level:
STR: 6
DEX: 20
CON: 16
INT: 17
WIS: 10
CHA: 13


Utinni was your average Jawa on Tatooine. As he grew up, he learned to hunt and disable droids, to fix (or not really fix) broken machinery and electronics, and even to piece together some improved technology, or at least a temporary creation that would surely fall apart soon.

He liked to sell these devices to spacers in Anchorhead and Mos Eisley, in the hopes that they'd be long gone before anything he sold inevitably fell apart. Not that he wasn't a gifted mechanic, mind you; he simply liked to scam the Big Beings. Unfortunately, one day, his con caught up with him, and an angry smuggler picked him up by the cloak and tossed him onto a starship, intending to coerce some free technical services from the Jawa who had sold him a 'perfectly functional' alluvial damper.

Utinni had never left Tatooine, and was terrified, despite having a whole Big Being ship to fiddle with. Alas, his captivity was not to be, as the smuggler's ship systems finally gave out entirely in transit, and the freighter, wildly off course, crashed spectacularly on the wasteland, dumping ground planet of Junkion.

Utinni was the only survivor of the crash, but he didn't know it. In his mind (especially considering the head injury he sustained) he'd died in the accident, and gone to Paradise: a higher plane, filled with junk and technological bits as far as the eye could see, a Valhalla of wrecked droids and ships. And, standing on top of the smoldering wreckage, Utinni saw what he must do with his afterlife: He must become a Jawa of the faith.

And so, High Priest Utinni was born. He built everything he needed from the endless junk; he fought off the insane feral droids and made them his new, fanatically loyal 'congregation', for he had given them life after death. With his blessed spear and ion rifle, he walks Junkion, spreading his message of mechanical salvation, guarded by nightmarish constructs of droid parts, devoted to their tiny priest.


Please let me know if I f*cked something up, I tried to follow your entry requirements closely. You didn't specify (and if you did, I didn't see) how hit points were to be rolled, so I assumed an average on each dice.

I also noted in a few places where the 20th level stats are not the sweet spot, 15th level stats. I'm sure you can figure it out. For example, not as many skills are trained at 15th as at 20th, because of Int raising.

2013-04-05, 09:05 AM

Von Hyel
Von Hyel- Clawdite Scout 3, Scoundrel 2, Outlaw 2, Pathfinder 4, Improviser 9
Clawdite Species Traits: size: medium, Speed: 6, Shapeshift, Startle

class name # class feat bonus feat talent ability modifier BAB d bonus
Scout 1 shake it off, weapon prof(pistols, rifles, simple) metamorph improved stealth 0 1f, 2r
2 sf deception 1
3 sf mechanics hidden movement 2
scoundrel 1 st knowledge (Technology) sneak attack dex, str 2 1w
2 Tech Specialist 3
Outlaw 1 Impersonate evasion 3 2f, 4r
Improviser 1 no tools required improvised device 3 4w
2 contraband (2,000) dex, int 4
3 wilderness first aid capture droid 5
Pathfinder 1 safe zone 5 4f
Improviser 4 contraband (4,000) 6
5 martial arts 1 Improved Jury-Rig 6
6 contraband (6,000) dex, int 7
7 Bigger Bang 8
8 contraband (8,000) martial arts 2 9
9 custom model 9
Outlaw 2 fugitive +1 dex, int 10
Pathfinder 2 create cover 1 square martial arts 3 11
3 obscuring defense 12
4 create cover 2 squares dex, int 13

Von started her journey to Raxus Prime as the jack of all trades for a small group of smugglers. They had no strong backers and proved to be easy scapegoats when the crime boss they were working for needed someone to blame a ‘problem’ on. Short of funds and with a price on their heads the group headed to Raxus Prime in the hope of digging evidence of their innocence out of the garbage there. A small conflict with some bounty hunters left their ship grounded. At first they tried to repair it with the scraps that were available to them, but slowly had to acknowledge the truth. None of them were going to leave this planet alive.
Von survived and even prospered on Raxus Prime. She learned to turn the feral droids against each other when she cannot avoid them. On those few occasions when she encounters strangers her shapeshifting abilities and deceptive skills come in handy. She makes a living for herself by turning trash into treasure, and long practice has given her a great deal of skill at turning the junkscape around her into temporary havens.

Sweet spot: Level 16
STR: 10
Dex: 17
Con: 14
Int: 18
Wis: 10
Cha: 12

Trained Skills: Deception, Endurance, Knowledge (Physical Sciences), Knowledge (Technology), Mechanics, Stealth, Survival, Use Computer
Possessions: Portable computer, datapad, personal holoprojector, electrobinoculars, sensor pack, all temperature cloak, breath mask, field kit, utility belt, water extractor, personal translator, personal multitool, climbing harness, Bandolier of frag and ion grenades, heavy blaster pistol, vibroblade, various personal items, odds and ends, tech she has repaired to trade, sell or use

Apologies that the tabs didn't really come out so well in the class table, since the forum ignores them. If the author of this wants to pm me a version using vert bars (|) instead, I'll happily update this.

2013-04-05, 09:23 AM
And lastly...

Don Trash Heap
Name: Don Trash Heap
Background: Marooned (skill survival)
Race: Khil
Special: Cooperative Spirit, Hulepi, Dependable Worker

1. Noble: Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 18; CFeat> Linguist, Weapon Proficiency (pistols, simple weapons); Feat> Leader of Droids; Trained Skills>Deception, Gather Information, Initiative, Knowledge (tactics), Knowledge (technology), Perception, Persuasion, Survival, Treat Injury, Use Computer; Languages> Basic, Binary, Bocce, Bothese, High Galactic, Huttese, Jawa, Khilese, Ryl, Shyriiwook, Sullustese
2. Noble: CFeat> Predictive Defense
3. Noble: Talent> Coordinate; Feat>Force of Personality
4. Noble: +1 Intelligence, +1 Charisma; CFeat>Stand Tall
5. Noble: Talent> Trust
6. Scoundrel: Talent> Stymie; MCFeat> Point Blank Shot; Feat> Scavenger
7. Scout: Talent>Evasion; Skill Retrain GI to Endurance, MCFeat>Shake it off;
8. Scoundrel: +1 intelligence, +1 charisma; Language> Mon Calamarian, Durese; Skill training> Mechanics; CFeat>Tech Specialist
9. Crime Lord: Talent> Attract Minion; Feat> Silver Tongue
10. Crime Lord: Talent> Impel Ally I
11. Crime Lord: Talent> Impel Ally II
12. Crime Lord: +1 wisdom, +1 charisma; Talent> Master’s Orders; Feat>Droidcraft
13. Crime Lord: Talent> Inspire Wrath
14. Jedi: Talent: Adept Negotiator; MCFeat: Force Sensitive
15. Jedi: CFeat>Skill training: Use the Force; Feat> Force Training
16. Jedi: Talent: +1 wisdom, +1 charisma; Master Negotiator
17. Jedi: CFeat> Disturbing Presence
18. Jedi: Talent: Equilibrium, Feat: Natural Leader
19. Noble: CFeat> Cybernetic Surgery
20. Noble: +1 strength, +1 constitution; Talent: Anticipate Movement

Force Powers:
15. Farseeing
16. Enlighten

Power levels 16, 18, 20 with special mention to level 13

Don Trash heap CL 16

Medium Khil noble 5/scoundrel 3/crime lord 5/Jedi 3
Init +13; Senses Perception +14
Languages Basic, Binary, Bocce, Bothese, Durese, High Galactic, Huttese, Jawa, Khilese, Mon Calamarian, Ryl, Shyriiwook, Sullustese

Defenses Ref 33 (flat-footed 28), Fort 28, Will 36; Evasion
hp 93; second wind +13/17; Threshold 28
Immune starvation (except in sterile conditions), +5 to Fortitude Defense against extreme heat and cold effects

Speed 6 squares
Melee unarmed +10 (1d4+7)
Ranged Model 434 "DeathHammer" blaster pistol +11 (3d8+8) or
Ranged sonic stunner +11 (3d6+8 stun) or
Ranged frag grenade +11 (4d6+8, 2-square burst) or
Ranged stun grenade +11 (4d6+8 stun, 2-square burst) or
Ranged radiation grenade +11 (3d8+8 ion, 2-square burst)
Base Atk +11; Grp +11
Atk Options Point Blank Shot
Special Actions Born Leader, Coordinate +1, Impel Ally I and II, Inspire Wrath, Master Negotiator, Shake it Off, Silver Tongue, Stand Tall, Stymie, Trust
Force Powers Known (Use The Force +19) enlighten, farseeing

Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 22
Special Qualities command cover +2, cooperative spirit, hullepi, Leader of Droids
Talents Adept Negotiator, Attract Minion, Born Leader, Coordinate, Evasion, Impel Ally I, Impel Ally II, Inspire Wrath, Master Negotiator, Master's Orders, Stymie, Trust
Feats Droidcraft, Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Force of Personality, Leader of Droids, Linguist, Point Blank Shot, Predictive Defense, Scavenger, Shake it Off, Silver Tongue, Stand Tall, Tech Specialist, Weapon Proficiency (pistols, simple weapons)
Primary Skills Deception +19, Endurance +14, Initiative +13, Knowledge (tactics) +18, Knowledge (technology) +18, Mechanics +18, Perception +14, Persuasion +19 (can intimidate or change attitude as a standard action), Treat Injury +14 (no penalty to heal self), Use Computer +18, Use the Force +19
Secondary Skills Acrobatics +8, Climb +7, Gather Information +14, Jump +7, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +13, Knowledge (galactic lore) +13, Knowledge (life sciences) +13, Knowledge (physical sciences) +13, Knowledge (social sciences) +13, Pilot +8, Ride +8, Stealth +8, Survival +9, Swim +7
Possessions ABC scrambler, computer interface visor, field kit (2 condensing canteens, sunshield roll, 7 day food supply, 24 filters, 12 atmospher canisters,, 2 glow rods, 2 breath masks, all-temperature cloak), frag grenade, long-range comlink, Model 434 "DeathHammer" blaster pistol, radiation grenade, sonic stunner, stun grenade, tool kit, hypoinjector wristband

Don Trash heap CL 18

Medium Khil noble 5/scoundrel 3/crime lord 5/Jedi 5
Init +14; Senses Perception +15
Languages Basic, Binary, Bocce, Bothese, Durese, High Galactic, Huttese, Jawa, Khilese, Mon Calamarian, Ryl, Shyriiwook, Sullustese

Defenses Ref 35 (flat-footed 30), Fort 30, Will 38; Evasion
hp 105; second wind +13/18; Threshold 30
Immune starvation (except in sterile conditions), +5 to Fortitude Defense against extreme heat and cold effects

Speed 6 squares
Melee unarmed +12 (1d4+8)
Ranged Model 434 "DeathHammer" blaster pistol +13 (3d8+9) or
Ranged sonic stunner +13 (3d6+9 stun) or
Ranged frag grenade +13 (4d6+9, 2-square burst) or
Ranged stun grenade +13 (4d6+9 stun, 2-square burst) or
Ranged radiation grenade +13 (3d8+9, 2-square burst)
Base Atk +13; Grp +13
Atk Options Point Blank Shot
Special Actions Born Leader, Coordinate +1, Disturbing Presence, Equilibrium, Impel Ally I and II, Inspire Wrath, Master Negotiator, Shake it Off, Silver Tongue, Stand Tall, Stymie, Trust
Force Powers Known (Use The Force +20) enlighten, farseeing

Abilities Str 8, Dex 10, Con 13, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 22
Special Qualities command cover +2, cooperative spirit, hullepi, Leader of Droids, Natural Leader (organization scale 15)
Talents Adept Negotiator, Attract Minion, Born Leader, Coordinate, Equilibrium, Evasion, Impel Ally I, Impel Ally II, Inspire Wrath, Master Negotiator, Master's Orders, Stymie, Trust
Feats Disturbing Presence, Droidcraft, Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Force of Personality, Leader of Droids, Linguist, Natural Leader, Point Blank Shot, Predictive Defense, Scavenger, Shake it Off, Silver Tongue, Stand Tall, Tech Specialist, Weapon Proficiency (pistols, simple weapons)
Primary Skills Deception +20, Endurance +15, Initiative +14, Knowledge (tactics) +19, Knowledge (technology) +19, Mechanics +19, Perception +15, Persuasion +20 (can intimidate or change attitude as a standard action), Treat Injury +15 (no penalty to heal self), Use Computer +19, Use the Force +20
Secondary Skills Acrobatics +9, Climb +8, Gather Information +15, Jump +8, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +14, Knowledge (galactic lore) +14, Knowledge (life sciences) +14, Knowledge (physical sciences) +14, Knowledge (social sciences) +14, Pilot +9, Ride +9, Stealth +9, Survival +10, Swim +8
Possessions ABC scrambler, computer interface visor, field kit (2 condensing canteens, sunshield roll, 7 day food supply, 24 filters, 12 atmospher canisters,, 2 glow rods, 2 breath masks, all-temperature cloak), frag grenade, long-range comlink, Model 434 "DeathHammer" blaster pistol, radiation grenade, sonic stunner, stun grenade, tool kit, hypoinjector wristband

Don Trash Heap CL 20

Medium Khil noble 7/scoundrel 3/crime lord 5/Jedi 5
Init +15; Senses Perception +16
Languages Basic, Binary, Bocce, Bothese, Durese, High Galactic, Huttese, Jawa, Khilese, Mon Calamarian, Ryl, Shyriiwook, Sullustese

Defenses Ref 37 (flat-footed 32), Fort 33, Will 40; Evasion
hp 133; second wind +14/29; Threshold 33
Immune starvation (except in sterile conditions), +5 to Fortitude Defense against extreme heat and cold effects

Speed 6 squares
Melee unarmed +14 (1d4+9)
Ranged Model 434 "DeathHammer" blaster pistol +15 (3d8+10) or
Ranged sonic stunner +15 (3d6+10 stun) or
Ranged frag grenade +15 (4d6+10, 2-square burst) or
Ranged stun grenade +15 (4d6+10 stun, 2-square burst) or
Ranged radiation grenade +15 (3d8+10, 2-square burst)
Base Atk +15; Grp +15
Atk Options Point Blank Shot
Special Actions Anticipate Movement, Born Leader, Coordinate +1, Disturbing Presence, Equilibrium, Impel Ally I and II, Inspire Wrath, Master Negotiator, Shake it Off, Silver Tongue, Stand Tall, Stymie, Trust
Force Powers Known (Use The Force +21) enlighten, farseeing

Abilities Str 9, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 12, Cha 22
Special Qualities command cover +2, cooperative spirit, hullepi, Leader of Droids, Natural Leader (organization scale 16)
Talents Adept Negotiator, Anticipate Movement, Attract Minion, Born Leader, Coordinate, Equilibrium, Evasion, Impel Ally I, Impel Ally II, Inspire Wrath, Master Negotiator, Master's Orders, Stymie, Trust
Feats Cybernetic Surgery, Disturbing Presence, Droidcraft, Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Force of Personality, Leader of Droids, Linguist, Natural Leader, Point Blank Shot, Predictive Defense, Scavenger, Shake it Off, Silver Tongue, Stand Tall, Tech Specialist, Weapon Proficiency (pistols, simple weapons)
Primary Skills Deception +21, Endurance +17, Initiative +15, Knowledge (tactics) +20, Knowledge (technology) +20, Mechanics +20, Perception +16, Persuasion +21 (can intimidate or change attitude as a standard action), Treat Injury +16 (no penalty to heal self), Use Computer +20, Use the Force +21
Secondary Skills Acrobatics +10, Climb +9, Gather Information +16, Jump +9, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +15, Knowledge (galactic lore) +15, Knowledge (life sciences) +15, Knowledge (physical sciences) +15, Knowledge (social sciences) +15, Pilot +10, Ride +10, Stealth +10, Survival +11, Swim +9
Possessions ABC scrambler, computer interface visor, field kit (2 condensing canteens, sunshield roll, 7 day food supply, 24 filters, 12 atmospher canisters,, 2 glow rods, 2 breath masks, all-temperature cloak), frag grenade, long-range comlink, Model 434 "DeathHammer" blaster pistol, radiation grenade, sonic stunner, stun grenade, tool kit, hypoinjector wristband

Background: Don Trash Heap was not always known as such. This Khil began his life as a brilliant scientist and philosopher. His thesis was what he dubbed Binary Evolutionary Sapience and brought about it some controversy. The theory went that without memory wiping, droids would be able to eventually develop thought processes and evolve sapience becoming little different than those who created them. The moral implications of this study were significant and while he won many awards, he also came under fire by lobbyists from around the galaxy. He continued his work into Artificial Intelligence and studied the failures of the Clone Wars from the Seperatist perspective. He could not understand why the droids lost to a clone of a single individual. As his experiments grew so did the successes with his interactions with droids. He was able to prove on many occasion that he could effectively lead and motivate droids on the same levels that a humanoid could with those races. The Don was invited to speak on a very controversial subject that inevitably resulted from his research. That topic was to be Legal Rights for droids to allow them to act on their own free will. It was to be a riveting speech about how the galaxy at large were no better than the slavers who Corsec hunts down. That speech was to be delivered on Coruscant, but it was not to be. His ship was shot down over Raxus Prime. The starship crashed into the planet and along with it the scientist’s dreams of educating the galaxy of the potential of droids. (Level 5)
The Don was a broken man, severely injured. His unique physiology allowed him to survive where others would perish. His sheer determination and his brilliant mind formulated plan after plan as he treated his own wounds and began learning how to use what was around him to his benefit (Scavenger Feat). After an excruciating period of months, he finally was healthy enough to set his plans into motion. Using his charm and his wit, he was able to find work with the native Rodians and Jawas, proving his worth time and again even though they thought him some crazy offworlder. As his influence spread he was able to attract a replica droid that was severely damaged. He repaired the droid in a female image of a Khil and considered /her/ as dear as one would consider his wife. The droid’s name was B3-T3 or Betty for short. He allowed the droid to keep her original name even if the name resembled that of a human. With her at his side the Don began to scour the planet for other droids like her. They successfully recovered a number of droids until his organization and power grew. The Don now ruled a significant portion of the planet under the radar and well away from most of the settlements. While he did business with humanoids, those under his care were almost always droids. All of his droids were independent and could come and go as they pleased. Because of the treatment that the Don offered them, most decided to stay with their liberator and champion of droid rights.
Challenges came and went, but the victories continued to pile up for the Don. His brilliant mind and commanding capabilities presented victory without having to lift a finger. The Don could motivate and direct his forces with such vigor and purpose, most steered clear of his ire. One day when he and Betty were venturing through a section of the planet they came across an area that was rich with the force. It was as if the remnants of an ancient battle occurred here. While here the spirit of Kazdan Paratus appeared, recognizing the force potential within the Don. The Don trained under Kazdan while the spirit had strength and enhanced his abilities to command the will of others. He also began to dream of the future. Yearning for more, but without a spirit who used the last of its essence to share with him those secrets the Don returned to the “Sanctum” that he called home. Here he continued his research and began to grow his droid army so that one day he could liberate the droids of the universe and unite them under his banner of freedom and equality for all.

Minion (for this I used half and half nonheroic levels and heroic rounding down since I was unsure of how to handle that):
B3-T3 Betty CL 9

Medium Replica droid nonheroic 8/soldier 6/elite trooper 1
Force 13
Init +17; Senses darkvision; Perception +14
Languages Basic, High Galactic, Huttese, Khilese

Defenses Ref 25 (flat-footed 19), Fort 24, Will 17
hp 54; second wind +13/27; Threshold 24
Immune droid traits

Speed 6 squares (walking)
Melee stunning gauntlet +16 (1d6+7 stun)
Ranged heavy assault blaster rifle +19 (3d10+5) or
Ranged heavy assault blaster rifle +17 (3d10+5) with autofire or
Ranged heavy assault blaster rifle +17 (5d10+5) with Burst Fire or
Ranged DT-12 heavy blaster pistol +18 (4d6+3) or
Ranged CryoBan grenade +13 (3d6+3, 2-square burst)
Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square
Base Atk +13; Grp +18
Atk Options autofire (heavy assault blaster rifle), Burst Fire, Comrades in Arms, Controlled Burst, Crossfire, Desperate Gambit, Double Attack (heavy weapons), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot
Special Actions Target Acquisition

Abilities Str 16, Dex 21, Con -, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Special Qualities delay damage
Talents Comrades in Arms, Controlled Burst, Target Acquisition, Weapon Specialization (rifles)
Feats Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Burst Fire, Crossfire, Double Attack (rifles), Droid Shield Mastery, Martial Arts I, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus (rifles), Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, pistols, rifles)
Primary Skills Deception +17, Initiative +17, Perception +14
Secondary Skills Acrobatics +12, Climb +10, Endurance +7, Gather Information +7, Jump +10, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +9, Knowledge (galactic lore) +9, Knowledge (life sciences) +9, Knowledge (physical sciences) +9, Knowledge (social sciences) +9, Knowledge (tactics) +9, Knowledge (technology) +9, Mechanics +9, Persuasion +7, Pilot +12, Ride +12, Stealth +12, Survival +7, Swim +10, Treat Injury +7, Use Computer +9
Systems walking locomotion, heuristic processor, 2 hand appendages, locked access, darkvision, improved sensor package, internal comlink, shield generator (SR 15, shield expansion module), weapon detector, hidden core, translator unit (DC 20), vocabulator
Possessions CryoBan grenade, DT-12 heavy blaster pistol, heavy assault blaster rifle, power generator, stunning gauntlet
(Based on discussions the comptetitor and I had based on how Minions should be statted, I included their alternative - Ed)

Here is the build completely nonheroic. How abysmal! Enjoy :)
B3-T3 Betty CL 5

Medium Replica droid nonheroic 15
Init +17; Senses darkvision; Perception +14
Languages Basic, Binary, High Galactic, Khilese

Defenses Ref 15 (flat-footed 10), Fort 13, Will 10
hp 32; Threshold 13
Immune droid traits

Speed 6 squares (walking)
Melee stunning gauntlet +14 (1d4+4 stun)
Ranged heavy blaster rifle +17 (3d12) or
Ranged heavy blaster rifle +12 (3d12) with autofire or
Ranged heavy blaster rifle +12 (5d12) with Burst Fire or
Ranged DT-12 heavy blaster pistol +16 (4d6) or
Ranged CryoBan grenade +11 (3d6, 2-square burst)
Fighting Space 1 square; Reach 1 square
Base Atk +11; Grp +16
Atk Options autofire (heavy blaster rifle), Burst Fire, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Riflemaster

Abilities Str 16, Dex 20, Con -, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 10
Feats Burst Fire, Droid Shield Mastery, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Riflemaster, Weapon Focus (rifles), Weapon Proficiency (heavy weapons, pistols, rifles)
Primary Skills Deception +17, Initiative +17, Perception +14
Secondary Skills Acrobatics +12, Climb +10, Endurance +7, Gather Information +7, Jump +10, Knowledge (bureaucracy) +9, Knowledge (galactic lore) +9, Knowledge (life sciences) +9, Knowledge (physical sciences) +9, Knowledge (social sciences) +9, Knowledge (tactics) +9, Knowledge (technology) +9, Mechanics +9, Persuasion +7, Pilot +12, Ride +12, Stealth +12, Survival +7, Swim +10, Treat Injury +7, Use Computer +9
Systems walking locomotion, heuristic processor, 2 hand appendages, locked access, darkvision, improved sensor package, internal comlink, vocabulator, translator unit (DC 20), shield generator (SR 15, shield expansion module), hidden core, weapon detector
Possessions CryoBan grenade, DT-12 heavy blaster pistol, heavy blaster rifle, power generator, stunning gauntlet

Sweet credits spot at level 16: 16*15*1000=240000

Cost of Don’s equipment: 8100
Cost of Betty’s equipment and upgrades: 16621 upgrades + 5350 eq
Subtotal: 30071
Droid Army:
Demolitions Droid: 43650
Vulture Starfighter Droids * 4: 76000
Droideka * 2: 42000
Droideka Mk II: 31453
B2 Series Super Battle Droids * 2: 6600
B1 Series Battle Droid: 4300
2-1B Medical Droid: 7150
ASP Labor Droid: 1000

Note: This does not include the loyal following of droids native to the planet that consider him their defacto leader. His citizens if you will.

Credits leftover: 294

Also there were a couple of things I could do to really power this guy up, but I wanted to flesh out storyline as much as the character abilities. For example giving him the feat that grants him an organization. That is story driven. Hope you enjoy

And that's all of them! Please, get all your friends, forum and otherwise, to come and post some thoughts and perhaps judgements on the builds, although for bias's sake let's keep the entries anonymous until the end of the judging :smallwink: when I will reveal the winner!

Criteria for judging should be this:
In each of the following categories, each entry should be marked from 1 to 5 (or zero if you think that that criteria has been completely ignored, I guess).
- How well the entry fulfills the challenge ("A character who could survive on a junk planet").
- Power level and character feasibility; raw power should be considered, but should should the ease of actually playing this character.
- Fluff; did the stats match with the background provided, and was the background sufficient to explain the build choices?

A fuller explanation can be found in the first post. Judging should be due... let's say, Midnight GMT next sunday, April 14th. Don't worry about having to write a lot, any thoughts are interesting, even if you don't feel up to assigning numbers to them!

In the end, I'll tally up the scores and average them, to determine the winner! I might even make a champion's signature banner, if I find some nice appropriate art.

EDIT: If you were any of the three mysteriously anonymous comptetitors, whom only I know the identity of, feel free to discuss the builds, but obviously refrain from actually judging, or mentioning something which lets slip which yours is XD

2013-04-09, 02:08 PM
These builds need judging. :)

2013-04-12, 07:02 AM
It would be interesting to see how the two organizations of Uttini the High priest and Don Trash Heap squared off against each other. Those two give me some interesting campaign ideas for players to encounter...especially if you have a droid heavy group.

2013-04-12, 09:33 AM
Yeah XD I can totally imagine them as sort of, warring factions as a backdrop for a campaign, or part of one.

2013-04-13, 05:56 AM

(It had to be said...)

2013-04-15, 03:24 AM
Need some votes!!!! :)

2013-04-18, 05:15 AM
Okay, so, we've hit the end of the judging period. Anyone even know anyone intending to judge? Or IJCC is effectively 'dead', or rather, we can have some serious thought about how it can/can't procede.

2013-04-19, 01:20 AM
My suggestion - use something like Surveymonkey to create a really quick, simple survey to allow people to vote. Post the link to the survey in the thread. It would seem to me that people would be more likely to vote if they could just click the point value they wanted to assign to each criteria and click "submit" rather than writing out a post analyzing why they feel a certain way.

I think that everyone fit the requirements and created characters with interesting powers/combinations that were convincingly explained with their backgrounds.

That being said, I vote for Utinni. Because... lulz.

2013-04-29, 03:28 PM
Surveymonkey is a good suggestion.

2013-05-05, 12:42 PM
I could probably judge but I haven't been on the playground long. And I want to compete in the next one XD

2013-05-06, 03:55 AM
So do we call this one a three way tie? :)

2013-05-06, 08:07 AM
So far there are 2 votes, Utinni.

2013-05-09, 07:32 PM
Since Von Hyel is technically an illegal build, I don't see how they qualify for Outlaw without meeting the Level 7 prereq, I declare the other two builds joint winners! Congratulations to Alejandro and Xaragos.

If the Iron Jedi pops up again in the future, expect big changes, to something more fitting the level of interest we have here, particularly in judging.

Chronos Flame
2013-05-09, 07:46 PM
If it pops up again in the future I may partake. I enjoy creating characters (mechanically and story-wise) in saga.

2013-05-10, 02:20 AM

With your permission I would like to use these two guys for some adventure centered on the trash planet :)

2013-05-10, 08:50 AM
Sure, go ahead.

2013-05-11, 05:38 AM
Okay, here's some suggestions for a second round, since it looks like there's a bit more interest. Would people feel happier with...

- Less secrecy; just post when you've had a cool idea, post your entry, none of the blind-voting stuff.
- Fewer rules; post whatever you want, however much you want, no fussing with that sort of stuff. Use any rules interpretation you wish, as long as you state it.
- Easier judging; everyone can judge, even if you participated, it'll be a simple vote based system, no multiple scores, etc. I'll post details of this later.

Anything else? I'd love to hear your suggestions :smallamused:

2013-05-11, 10:12 AM
If you look at this (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75862/21114617/YBtC_Hall_of_Fame) and that (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75862/26172125/YMt...C_Hall_of_Fame) it should give you some ideas.

I think they include your 3 suggestions, and I've participated in a few of Darth Scorpions contests.

2013-05-11, 10:17 AM
I think for judging you could do two votes per person (one for best mechanics, one for best flavor/use of secret ingredient), can't vote for your own. Voting ends after ___ hours. Ties settled by you.

I think it would be best to post up all entries at once to avoid copying, bu that's just me. I'm sure it's harder on you that way, though, having to find the entries and post em all up at the same time.

Aside from that, looks great. Can't wait for the next one!

2013-05-11, 11:05 AM
In my opinion, it's better to just have one or more judges who are not also competitors. This gets around the problems that happen when either competitors cannot vote, or they cannot vote for their own work (both of which are illogical but do cause results problems.) :)

2013-05-12, 05:58 AM
The problem of competitors voting can be somewhat got around by having blind votes; you can't just vote for the 'losing' side in order to help yourself win, because it's not clear what that is.

EDIT: For anyone stumbling across this, the next round is up http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=15796773