View Full Version : necropolitan bard

2013-02-03, 03:58 PM
I rolled a necropolitan (starting as star elf) and have 10/16/-/16/10/18 after 32 point buy and lvl 4 (would be lvl 5 if not for exp for necro). At some point in the early campaign, I will get interaction to a large amount of negative energy and become evolved undead but as a PrC instead of LA. I am also a bard, but I will not be able to hear my own songs until lvl 6 when i can get requiem. We have an artificer, some guy wanting to end up duelist (so melee), and a paladin (who I have to disguise myself against or he will not be liking me so much). I have access to anything that has the Wizard's logo (official stuff) with a few exceptions aside (like game breaking). My DM is much more experienced than I am, so I doubt I will be able to sneak anything awful by him.

I would most like to focus on being the face, but this would be the first time I have even played a game with bard in it. I was just looking for suggestions as to what other role to fill. I was thinking looking in to do some inspire courage business, which there are plenty of guides on. Would this produce a fairly standard, useful build? Is there anything else someone might suggest? Also, the DM likes story telling as opposed to being combat heavy and likes us to RP diplomacy and such, so out of combat stuff is really important.

Thanks for any and all help, eh.

2013-02-03, 04:19 PM
Just a quick note from my phone;

If you want to be the party face, find a way to acquire Disguise/Alter Self, if they're not on the list of spells. You'll need it.

2013-02-03, 04:52 PM
Bards have it as a lvl 1 spell, but I plan on having a hat of disguise that gives the same effect. I was also looking into going diresinger, which may prove even more difficult with a paladin.

I am thinking getting more skill points would prove to be beneficial, but I cannot take nymph's kiss, so I will be looking for other ways. Do you think it would be a better idea to go human to start?

EDIT: and I was wondering if I should go melee or ranged as my primary weapon? The decision would affect what flaws I take (I cannot take the con/fort modifying ones).