View Full Version : Crystal Clear Knights

2013-02-03, 07:48 PM
Play this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2-ypqrEu6z8





2013-02-04, 11:28 AM
“With all due respect sir,” the lad mumbled as he crawled to the side of his relatively short bed. “I don’t think Codelit is really a name suitable for the king to hear,” he couldn't quite understand why his parents choose that name for him, or why it seemed to draw snide remarks among the halls. Never the less, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes, a copy of ‘The Dark Knight’ sliding off his sheets as he milled about and jumped to his feet. Even in his mentors armor the human boy could meet the forbidden helm that dawned Eltan’s crown at an even level.

“Squire Codelit Fullhelm reporting for duty, SIR!” he gave the practiced salute. Drilled into him over countless hours of training; his right arm across his chest, hand cupped over the heart, as if he was prepared to pull the very thing out to present to his superior.

2013-02-06, 11:17 PM


2013-02-07, 03:16 PM
"We're one of the three richest kingdoms in the world and we can’t even afford decent chain-mail..." he murmured, trying to coax the left bracer into a position that DIDN'T irritate his arm. Giving up he bowed his head respectful. "Sir, by your sanction,"

The halls where quite at this hour, Codelit assumed most of his peers would be at morning drills right now. His walk by the numerous identical doors felt routine in spite of the ad-normalness of today, being asked to wait for Eltan, then an audience with the king? His mind couldn’t help but play with the idea that this was the day he earned his rank. A smile played across his lips as he navigated out of the barracks and down the stairs to the dungeon.

Maybe Matoya could shed some insight? She always seemed to possess a clairvoyance above the average mortal. After all, she WAS the one that discovered his ‘gifts’. Her door was easy to spot, not many others would willingly put the mark of Kimono, the deamon gate, on their entranceway.

Codelit saw it differently though, to put a symbol so feared on your door was a sign of power; power that those that enter should fear you as if they were entering hell itself.

He opened without knocking.
