View Full Version : Headless Construct

2013-02-03, 10:27 PM
In my last session my DM gave my Maug Artificer a flaw after dying and getting reconstructed (homebrew). As soon as I heard the flaw I was actually excited and didn't consider it a flaw at all.

I am Headless.
I do have a head. But it is not correctly attached to my body. Whenever I get hit with Bludeoning damage I have to save fort or my head falls to an adjacent square. I can also dettach my head at will.

Now I thought of fixing it real fast with sovereign glue or things of the sort. But I actually want to have fun with this instead of patching it up with magic or some other easy fix.

Any ideas on what kind of fun stuff can I do with a dettached head?

Im open to all type of suggestions magical or physical that can lead to making a good use of this. Weather its for fun or for something practical like peeking around a corner.

If only I could enchant my head and throw it at people.

2013-02-03, 10:35 PM
Become Krang.

Also, enchant a small saucer to be able to fly & respond to your head's will. Attach wands that fire at your head's will.

Leave your body behind to forge stuff.

Astral Avenger
2013-02-03, 10:39 PM
In my last session my DM gave my Maug Artificer a flaw after dying and getting reconstructed (homebrew). As soon as I heard the flaw I was actually excited and didn't consider it a flaw at all.

I am Headless.
I do have a head. But it is not correctly attached to my body. Whenever I get hit with Bludeoning damage I have to save fort or my head falls to an adjacent square. I can also dettach my head at will.

Now I thought of fixing it real fast with sovereign glue or things of the sort. But I actually want to have fun with this instead of patching it up with magic or some other easy fix.

Any ideas on what kind of fun stuff can I do with a dettached head?

Im open to all type of suggestions magical or physical that can lead to making a good use of this. Weather its for fun or for something practical like peeking around a corner.

If only I could enchant my head and throw it at people.

Duct tape (or equivalent) Alchemists fire flasks to your head and throw it at people...

make a disguise check to make your head look like something else and then replace the deer-head-on-the-wall with your head to spy on people.

Put your head on a spike near the gates to your home-base to scare off trouble makers before they can get there. "I wouldn't go in there if I were you, I am in terrible pain..." "The horror, the horror" "oh the pain" etc.

Become a performance artist.

Attach your head with a spring, so when you take bludgeoning damage, everyone near you has a chance of bludgeoning damage.

Hm... Thats all I can think of for the moment...

2013-02-03, 10:46 PM
Duct tape (or equivalent) Alchemists fire flasks to your head and throw it at people....

But that would damage me too :(

Mithril Leaf
2013-02-03, 11:07 PM
Learn alchemy.

doc neon
2013-02-03, 11:17 PM
Put an extendable 10-foot pole inside your neck? Go go gadget head!

Throw your head behind enemies' cover, to let your body attack from range without a penalty.

Graft on a ponytail, swing the head around as an improvised heavy flail. Bonus: get a bite attack as well, and get 1d6+STR or however much damage the bite is added to the flail damage.

Get a breath weapon, then use your head as a breath-weapon grenade/turret.

Build more bodies, and switch your head between them as the situation demands. One with a swim speed, one with a climb speed, etc.

Of course, none of this is supported by RAW, but if a DM takes off your head, they need to learn to deal with the consequences.

2013-02-03, 11:42 PM
If only I could enchant my head and throw it at people.

Step 1: Take a level in Drunken Master (or take some other way to use improvised weapons that doesn't completely suck, that's just the one that I thought of first).

Step 2: Get the party mage to cast masterwork transformation on your head.

Step 3: Enchant your head as a weapon.

Step 4: Throw it at people.

2013-02-03, 11:47 PM
Cast Shrink Item on your detached head...

2013-02-04, 08:37 AM
Permanent fly and a breath attack? Remove your head before combat, let it fly above and out of sight, secure a helmet on your body's shoulders (this might even give you an AC bonus depending on your DM).

I would actually consider your head in this case to almost be your familiar, with the Drakken option from Dragon Magic (3.5). Would be pretty cool lol

2013-02-04, 08:41 AM
Take a level of hulking hurler.

2013-02-04, 08:54 AM
Rename yourself Chuck. D. Head?

Then find some way of getting a bite attack and then have a ranged bite attack just for the novelty!

Use your head to deliver touch spells?

Put your head on a stick to act as a periscope!

Put some ranks in bluff so you can take a hit to your head and pretend to be decapitated and dead, then surprise your enemies.

I'm sorry I just can't get over how fun this idea is.

Astral Avenger
2013-02-04, 09:01 AM
But that would damage me too :(

Get some fire resistance, one resist elements before combat and then if you soak yourself in alchemists fire I would argue that enemies have to save vs intimidate before they can grapple you.

2013-02-04, 09:23 AM
Carry your head around on a pike.


Glue your head to the top of a Rod of Lordly Might — glue the other end of the Rod into your neck. Congratulations: you now have a telescopic neck.


Have you head enchanted with the returning enchantment and throw it at people.

2013-02-04, 11:53 AM
Use your head to deliver touch spells?

This would be very practical. Would you suggest to let an ally carry my head so I can buff him/heal him in combat or use it to try and deliver a touch spell on an enemy? Im worried about the enemy focusing my head instead of my body after I throw it.

2013-02-04, 12:03 PM
Can my Head be enchanted?

2013-02-04, 12:06 PM
Of course, none of this is supported by RAW, but if a DM takes off your head, they need to learn to deal with the consequences.

the DM allowed me to be reconstructed. Which by RAW is not possible. I am not complaning about the flaw. I actually like it and I think it will bring a lot of flavor to a pretty dull character (Since I am fairly quiet and neutral in most things). I do not wish to "break" the character. Just have some fun with my head.

2013-02-04, 12:37 PM
Can my Head be enchanted?

I'm not aware of any rules against enchanting improvised weapons as weapons, beyond the fact that you need a masterwork item in order to enchant. The Pathfinder spell masterwork transformation will make your head masterwork (I would require including 300gp worth of material components, as necessary for a weapon), and then you're probably good for enchanting.

2013-02-04, 03:11 PM
Start a bowling league! :smallbiggrin:

2013-02-04, 04:43 PM
Have a manequins head or some other simulacra attached to your body and another PC actually carry your head so that you can effectively cast "around" walls and other obstructions while having most of your body in relative safty and still look/be disguised as a whole person incase of stealth attackers/teleporters.

Or permanent enlarge person + tensers floating disk to be a fau beholder. try and find some spells for eye rays/gaze attacks.

I like the abouve mentioned multiple bodies idea, like a reverse of the witch in Return to Oz. If only you could raise dead headless creatures... but you COULD raise dead multi-headed creatures and replace on of thier heads with yours.

2013-02-04, 11:21 PM
Great ideas. If someone else were to carry my head where should it go?

The golem / simulacrum idea is good. I am an artificer and I will be picking up craft construct eventually. Is any golem good?

2013-02-05, 03:27 PM
Could someone remove the head from this for me please?


2013-02-05, 03:58 PM
Attach a chain to the back and give it a bite attack and Sizing. Be a Chainchomp.

... See if it qualifies for Animated Object...

2013-02-05, 04:39 PM
Could someone remove the head from this for me please?


...that's a cool picture and all, but I cannot get over how that... weapon... thing... looks like it's going to fall apart if it so much as taps somebody.

2013-02-05, 04:58 PM
Here you go

Mithril Leaf
2013-02-05, 05:46 PM
Hollow yourself out and hide people in there if you need to save a fallen ally or something of the sort.

2013-02-05, 05:59 PM
Get a spiked helmet or horned helmet (Races of Faerun). Make sure it has a strong chinstrap. Enchant it with the Flying property (+1 enhancement, Magic of Faerun). Now it's an animated object with a 30' fly speed that can follow simple commands. If you can afford it, make it out of riverine (Stormwrack), maybe add Spellblade (+6000 GP, PGtF) to make it immune to disintegrate.

Hmmm... Needs Throwing and Returning. And probably Flaming. No sense in having a flying head that isn't on fire now, is there?

2013-02-05, 06:19 PM
I seem to have this lying around as well

2013-02-05, 06:32 PM
Totally forgot something.

Make it flying & invisible, totally forgot to tell you that.
If you are worried about people focusing your head you won't have to worry too much if it's invisible & mobile

2013-02-05, 08:29 PM
My item familiar is already enchanted with spellblade (Desintegrate). Its a golden minotaur hammer.

2013-02-05, 08:46 PM
There goes my other suggestion, I was gonna advise selecting your own head as your item familiar, that would have been really entertaining, especially when it starts becoming an intelligent item and houses its own distinct personality... Think of the rp potential! :/

2013-02-05, 10:23 PM
There goes my other suggestion, I was gonna advise selecting your own head as your item familiar, that would have been really entertaining, especially when it starts becoming an intelligent item and houses its own distinct personality... Think of the rp potential! :/

Murray? Right in the nostalgia...