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2013-04-03, 01:03 AM
Okidoky... let's leave now, yes? This is above CR 5, which means we shouldn't be facing it yet anyway.

2013-04-03, 01:18 AM
Oh wow! That's a really high CMD! How did it get so high? :smallconfused:

Plus the improved grapple...

Anyway, great! That means that as soon as Ovdal gets out of the way, Fale gets to have some fun with.. BOMBS! :smallbiggrin:

Rendel Nep
2013-04-03, 01:55 AM
Monks get to add their AC bonus to their CMD.
When unarmored and unencumbered, the monk adds his Wisdom bonus (if any) to his AC and his CMD. In addition, a monk gains a +1 bonus to AC and CMD at 4th level. This bonus increases by 1 for every four monk levels thereafter, up to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.

2013-04-03, 11:02 AM
Our Average party level is 5 and 1 CR 8 Monster is considered a Challenge for us but doable, It might be easier if everyone in the party was helping:smalltongue:

Also just to point out to the DM about the splitting size, I think they should be losing size because it should only have so much mass and be dividing it semi-equally between each of it's halves. But this is pathfinder and fantasy so I wouldn't really expect RL science to work with this:smalltongue:

Brass Dragon
2013-04-03, 12:31 PM
fine then, ill take their average damage down 2 sizes, so 3 damage average off each attack, the acid is not changed, neither is the strength, they will also get to hit bonuses and ac bonuses, oh wait, dont forget about the changes to strength and dex...

fine line is, if the book tells me to spend half and hour making 5 diferent sizes for a monster ill do it, if it doesnt, i have better things to do, and the book will stand. if i had the time, or the motivation, i would size them like i do dragons, but i have little of either in this case.

in terms of CR, putting 4 real lvl 5 players against a cr 5 is pittiful, it provides little challenge and other than brand new players, i've never had anyone have any problems killing something a few higher. do i plan on putting yall against anythig higher than that difference, no. but i am of the belief that challenge ratings are badly done.

also, good job not getting grabbed

2013-04-03, 03:53 PM
I don't get it. First you say the strength is not changed. Then in the same run-on sentence later you say "don't forget about the changes to strength". Let me just try to break this down since I'm rather inexperience with this.

The split oozes go from Huge to Medium size.
So their attack and AC modifiers go from -2 to 0. (gain of 2 AC and 2 attack)
Their CMD and CMB also decreases by 2.
Their reach (which hasn't seemed to apply so far) goes from 10 ft to 5 ft.
They now officially only occupy one 5-foot square.

Now, on top of all this, they also get some sort of penalty to STR but a bonus to DEX, right? From huge to medium that would be -4 str, but +4 dex?

And also just a note: Lorenz still hasn't gone on this turn, and Fale is waiting for his response. I think they're the only 2 left to go this round atm.

Brass Dragon
2013-04-03, 04:14 PM
the point of the run on sentence, in case you're immune to dry humor, is that i was "thinking aloud" of how i change sizes and the things associated with it. i know how to do it, as i've done it plenty of times before, i just don't give more than half a f*ck in this case

to properly hange the size of things, first you apply +2/-2 per change to strength and dex, then you apply size bonuses and minuses to cmb/cmd attack and ac, then, past the required changes there are countless little erroneous things that a good dm does, like the reducing or improving of hitpoints or natural armor, the reach changes, scaling of abilities, etc

also, oozes are weird, they can be huge but in a single square

2013-04-03, 04:26 PM
Oh I don't know if I'm immune to dry humor... though the trouble is figuring out if an attempt was made at it in the first place. Was more like "wtf headkersplode". Usually a smiley might help.
:smallannoyed: <--- see, like this but happy.

And is Cora REALLY trying to whack Tensu now? :smallsigh:

2013-04-03, 04:28 PM
He did try to set her on fire as far as she can tell. Since she can't see his rolls.

2013-04-03, 04:35 PM
Oh I see, so Cora apparently is selectively deaf and doesn't hear anything Tensu is talking about. She's also uber-paranoid and forgetful and must be wondering why some complete stranger has just nearly hit her with a flask of oil while there are giant oozes capable of eating her and everyone 2 feet from her. Gotcha.

Edit: giant oozes that don't seem to be affected by anyone's weapons much at all and have nearly killed the 3 people who got near.

2013-04-03, 04:37 PM
Fine, point taken. Cora doesn't attack tensu.

2013-04-03, 04:58 PM
Edit: giant oozes that don't seem to be affected by anyone's weapons much at all and have nearly killed the 3 people who got near.

They Split til 10 hp, which the most split so far should be about at with Lorenz's fire and such.

Also I really don't give much of a damn about the ooze's size I just thought it was funny that the PRD and bestiary didn't mention that along with split.

Brass Dragon
2013-04-03, 05:08 PM
i know, right?

also, i think it's perfectly acceptable for cora to be pissed, attacking is a bit over the top, but whatever

she might not have been hit though, attack roll depending

2013-04-03, 05:11 PM
Lucky since Aerus is no longer in the center of the Ooze's he can use hit-and-run tactics on the Oozes, you said we gain a level from this correct?

2013-04-03, 05:45 PM
Edit: before I can even decide what to do... what is the status on Aerus now? Was at 13 HP... got healed by 4 HP from Cora I think. The char sheet says current 22 HP but not sure if that is accurate. Should have 3 more rounds of rage, at least.

Now this next attack does 17 damage and grabs him again. :smallsigh:

2013-04-05, 02:35 AM
So, if I were to shoot at the ooze right by Aerus, I get a -4 penalty to the shot, right? Is that it? I was looking for the parts in the combat section that might talk about friendly fire but I don't even see it! Where is it? Otherwise I don't even know why we were rolling to see if oil gets on Cora...

2013-04-05, 02:38 AM
Because he rolled a 1 on the attack roll...

2013-04-05, 08:40 AM
So, if I were to shoot at the ooze right by Aerus, I get a -4 penalty to the shot, right? Is that it? I was looking for the parts in the combat section that might talk about friendly fire but I don't even see it! Where is it? Otherwise I don't even know why we were rolling to see if oil gets on Cora...

Throwing oil is considered an improvised weapon for me so I have to roll.

2013-04-05, 09:14 AM
Stupid damage rolls. Well, I hope the ooze that's got Aerus splits. Would probably be good if everyone else knew if it did and where the 2nd goes.

Why split it? Well, maybe it can't maintain a grapple anymore, as it would technically be a different entity. Or at the very least, might get smaller, meaning less slam/constrict damage and less bonus on its grapple...

Brass Dragon
2013-04-06, 12:35 AM
splitting it does indeed release him

2013-04-06, 12:38 AM
Did the second ooze attack hit Aerus though as he was the only attackable target last turn (I think) or did the second ooze just pause once the first one got him?

2013-04-06, 01:31 AM
Meh I think Brass dragon wouldn't have bothered saying you were released... I think he'd also be upfront and unceremoniously say "ok you're dead" by now. lol

Also... oozes turn! I think. If your armor is completely destroyed I think you at least can go 30 feet per round.....

2013-04-06, 01:37 AM
I think I was already going 30 ft. per round, at least with withdraw actions, and actually, Brass seemed slightly against Aerus already dying, Though if Aerus is ultimately dead I already have 1-2 backup character:smallsmile::smalltongue:

2013-04-06, 01:38 AM
I have one as well, but it isn't one anyone wants in the group... It's a bit paladiny... Without being a paladin.

Brass Dragon
2013-04-06, 02:38 AM
in case it wasn't clear, if the first one grabbed you, the second one doesnt attack, just like last time

2013-04-06, 03:10 AM
alive, but if you were correct and were at -25, not being hit by the second one puts you at -7, so unconsious

The reason he would've been at -25 is because he was raging. If made unconscious by the 2nd hit, he'd lose the rage, the +4 con, and 10 more HP.

So imagine he's at 3 HP but the 2nd ooze attacks.
That's 18 damage. So he'd be at -15 already (and dead).
But just for posterity's sake, then his rage also ends. Meaning -25.

So no, uh.. he has 3 HP and not unconscious.

2013-04-06, 08:11 AM
I see I've missed some glancing death, prudish actions, and tom foolery overnight. However I'm glad you're still clinging to life Aerus :smallbiggrin:

Rendel Nep
2013-04-06, 08:12 PM
I'm wondering if Ovdal should get use his stunning fist for the first time ever.
edit: No, that's actually going to do very little.

2013-04-06, 09:11 PM
I'm wondering if Ovdal should get use his stunning fist for the first time ever.
edit: No, that's actually going to do very little.

Yes... we should all probably know that the oozes won't stun... the question is: does Ovdal know it? :smallbiggrin:

No, actually a better question is, would Ovdal be foolhardy enough to risk trying that seeing as he's almost passed out himself?

Rendel Nep
2013-04-06, 11:25 PM
You're assuming I was thinking of incapacitating the ooze.

2013-04-07, 02:56 AM
lol wonder if we are thinking of the same target then. :smallsmile:

Also.. why isn't anyone going? *poke* *poke*

2013-04-07, 02:58 AM
I'm moving stone blocks.

2013-04-07, 04:58 AM
For the moment Aerus is pretty worn out, he'll probably move to get healing from anyone who gives a signal that they can.

That and he'll wonder Why cora is not doing anything useful:smalltongue:

2013-04-07, 06:09 AM
This is why I really wish there was some sort of map....

If Aerus withdrew and moved at least 30 feet, I'm almost positive he'd be close enough to Lorenz for healing.... and the question of how much distance is between the party (or the closest members anyway) and the oozes is also important. I'd hate to be thinking I'm safe doing something only to be randomly told "an ooze catches you, you die".

Rendel Nep
2013-04-07, 07:22 AM
Ovdal is just going to keep throwing things at them.

2013-04-07, 08:01 AM
I will just pepper it with arrows I suppose :smallbiggrin:

Rendel Nep
2013-04-07, 09:12 AM
Who would have thought the strategy for the battle was in the GM's signature the whole time?

2013-04-07, 10:56 AM
Hahaha. :smallbiggrin: I have a feeling it'll be that way till everyone else gets a few more ranks in knowledge and maybe a point or two more in wisdom....

Also, can we just assume Aerus is close enough to Lorenz already? I don't think the throwing range for bottles and vials is that high... plus wands have some range, don't they?

Brass Dragon
2013-04-07, 03:52 PM
as i said before, ill offer up passive use of my interfacing map to use if you all want it.

also, for the ooze, as long as you move every few turns ill assume you're ok, i dont have a real map either

Rendel Nep
2013-04-07, 05:35 PM
Possibly for the map software but need more details like say a link to the website.

2013-04-07, 05:41 PM
Could you explain how/where to use that map interfacing thing?

And, again, you don't want to just use courier new to draw a map? It could be easy!

For example:
This took me like 2 minutes to make.

Also, sweet... so a bit of montage and the oozes are dead. Who gets a level? Just Aerus for nearly dying? :smalltongue:

Brass Dragon
2013-04-07, 05:53 PM
Could you explain how/where to use that map interfacing thing?

And, again, you don't want to just use courier new to draw a map? It could be easy!

For example:
This took me like 2 minutes to make.

Also, sweet... so a bit of montage and the oozes are dead. Who gets a level? Just Aerus for nearly dying? :smalltongue:

the problem with that being that not everyone can be represented as one letter and each letter takes up a different amount of space. if you look at your own map, you'll find the wrong amount of spaces in a row, namely the one with more than two characters in it

the site/software is epictable, i bought it a long time ago, so you all would just use the player version, feel free to give it a look

2013-04-07, 06:07 PM
Huh? I don't know what you're talking about... courier new makes each character take up the same space. Even when you quoted it all looked perfectly uniform... I dunno, maybe your computer just doesn't display the font correctly? If that may be the case, I may as well just forget it then.

And hooray for a level! Not quite as squishy now... and I'll have some knowledge ranks in some other things to hopefully know what the heck some things are. Though from a IC perspective, it's kinda funny how maybe we level up in the middle of a mission, and in the case of adding ranks to knowledge, you may suddenly know new things out of nowhere. :smalltongue:

Ok, so you can download the "guest" version of epictable from here (http://www.epictable.net/downloads/EpicTable/1/latest/GA/0).

After installing and running.. I suppose it is self-explanatory so far. I think Brass needs to generate an invitation code now.

Rendel Nep
2013-04-07, 07:30 PM
I have another attack when I use Flurry of blows and I have improved trip. Next level Ovdal is going to qualify for the psionic fist.

2013-04-07, 09:46 PM
Just for OOC, Aerus's eye are not damaged, But I took a level in oracle and took the Clouded vision curse, Aerus doesn't know this yet :smallwink:

2013-04-07, 09:53 PM
Uh.. wow... 30 feet is pretty bad. And it might be a while till you get 4 more levels to even increase that.... assuming the next 4 level all go to oracle. :smalleek:

2013-04-07, 09:57 PM
It got in my eyes! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juFZh92MUOY)
Yes. For great justice, wear goggles.

2013-04-07, 10:00 PM
It got in my eyes! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=juFZh92MUOY)
Yes. For great justice, wear goggles.

But they do nothing! :smallbiggrin:

2013-04-07, 10:01 PM
Uh.. wow... 30 feet is pretty bad. And it might be a while till you get 4 more levels to even increase that.... assuming the next 4 level all go to oracle. :smalleek:

It depends on what level this gets too, if it'll get beyond 10th level he'll go straight Oracle until 11th level then he'll start Rage Prophet, if less then 10 he'll go Rage Prophet quicker.

Edit: Plus Darkvision:smallbiggrin:

Brass Dragon
2013-04-08, 12:00 PM
i will be starting up the map at 2 today

schedule of when it should be up (all pacific time)

Monday: 2pm to 8 am

tuesday: 5 pm to 8 am

wednesday: 2pm to 8 am

thursday: 4 pm to 8 am

friday: all day

saturday: all day

sunday: still on till 5pm, then on again till 9am monday

pass: Wereleopard druid trips shaken githyanki archer.

warning: it's a bit high on the physical memory, so i'd suggest anyone with less than 8 gigs of ram not keep it on passively

Brass Dragon
2013-04-08, 07:59 PM
internet went down, up now

2013-04-08, 08:42 PM
Hrm, that's ok... I mean, we don't really need to run that program unless there is an encounter right? And sheesh, we need more posting. :smallfrown:

Brass Dragon
2013-04-08, 08:56 PM
the quota is once per day average, so far yall are doin fine by me

2013-04-09, 03:37 AM
Knowledge check for any information Fale can garner about a wraith: [roll0]

Yes, the skill is trained now. Just one point, but trained, nonetheless.

...guess he still knows diddly-squat about one. :smallbiggrin:

2013-04-09, 03:38 AM
I have nothing to post.

2013-04-09, 03:39 PM
I think Cora needs some meds. Also I bet other people have something to say... so gonna wait a while right after this post.

BTW Ralasha, have you ever played Dwarf Fortress? The situation Cora describes sounds a lot like something that might happen on the game.....

2013-04-09, 09:20 PM
The question IC to Lorenz and Fale is also kinda to brass dragon... is that a thing? Could I apply holy water to a weapon for 1 or two swings of regular damage?

2013-04-09, 09:25 PM
Well it probably wouldn't be regular damage, it would likely be the Holy water damage to the ghost, except you'd use your swords hit chance to determine if you hit.

Of course that's how I view it, the GM might see differently.

2013-04-09, 09:47 PM
Note to self get a magic weapon. Or upgrade mine whichever is more cost effective.

2013-04-09, 09:53 PM
Probably getting your enchanted is easier than finding an already Enchanted one.
More cost effective certainly, and now that I think about it, how many +1 Masterwork Katana's are likely to be floating around in the middle of nowhere?

2013-04-09, 09:56 PM
Depending on what we can salvage or get out as a reward I'll most likely try to +1 and see if I can add some magic fire to it for funz.

2013-04-09, 10:47 PM
Yeah I had an idea before of sprinking an arrow with holy water and firing it immediately afterward. Kind reminded me of something out of that Van Helsing movie where they got the auto crossbow that douses the arrows with holy water as they're being shot. xD

But really, I dunno if doing that is enough. If I were a DM to rule it... it would probably work but be pathetically ineffective, like, say, only doing 1 point of positive damage.

Speaking of the alchemist fire though, how does it work? Does it blow up with the vial shatters, or do you have to set it on fire somehow?

2013-04-09, 11:14 PM
Doesn't say, but presumably it explodes on contact with large amounts of air or sufficient kinetic energy (hitting something)... So it's probably best that you don't open it to find out.

2013-04-09, 11:31 PM
Hmm, I wonder how we get it to explode on a wraith then... since it's incorporeal and glass won't shatter on it...

ACTUALLY! I have an AWESOME IDEA. Yes. Let's just say it involves that little shooting contest that was brought up earlier. :smallsmile:

2013-04-10, 12:10 AM
You mean throw vials at each other and watch them explode in the middle of the wraith.
Man that'd be cool.
I know i've got the best ranged attack with my vials at +11 (+12 within 30ft.), but who's the second best?

2013-04-10, 12:30 AM
Well, Fale's ranged attack mod is +10 atm.... though that is with a bow. I dunno if there is actually some "non-proficiency" penalty for throwing little vials though.

But I wonder how hard it would be to hit a vial with another vial. I think by definition they'd be fine sized and moving ...

2013-04-10, 12:39 AM
We could just throw them at the ceiling above the wraith.
After all, gravity is a heartless bitch.

2013-04-10, 01:10 AM
Yes, I was also thinking that. The "fire" should fall down too since it's some sort of flammable liquid, right?

2013-04-10, 02:47 AM
If we had two clerics with the concerted spell metamagic feat... We could cast create holy water where the wraith is and BAM. What miss chance?

2013-04-10, 03:10 AM
Don't you actually need water first to turn it into holy water?

2013-04-10, 03:19 AM
Don't you actually need water first to turn it into holy water?

Yeah see, that's what concerted spell is for, it lets you combine two or more spells by casting them both with/in the same target area.

In this instance, where your confusion both agitates and confuses me: I cast create water, water exists! No wait! IS THAT WATER??! HOLY **** IT IS! WATER EXISTS!!

At the same moment the water comes into existence my partner finishes casting bless water. Which makes it Holy Water. HOLY **** CHECK IT OUT! HOLY WATER IN A SINGLE ROUND!~

We have now cast 'Ye Olde Spel' Create Holy Water. Lesson End.

2013-04-10, 03:39 AM
Oh, I thought concerted was some fancy way to specifically create holy water or something. :smallsigh:

Yeah. Although the drawback is you're getting half the holy water you could that way. Sure it can work in a pinch but moral of the story is, prepare your holy water from normal water beforehand. :smalltongue:

2013-04-10, 03:51 AM
SILENCE! Holy Water! The ghost is swimming in it because it was created in the space occupied by the ghost, which means the ghost is drownin in holy water. Please avoid all of the ### damage with your non-existant reflex save DC 16.

2013-04-10, 03:54 AM
Too bad bless water only affects 1 pint of water (1 flask), regardless. You also have to be touching said water or container too, which would then beg the question.. why not just do things the old fashioned way?

2013-04-10, 04:01 AM
Ok, you run back to town and get the holy water since I don't have those spells prepared.

2013-04-10, 08:14 AM
Hey, actually, what are the rules for using wands in pathfinder? What I just realized is maybe Fale could use that wand? Rangers can cast cure moderate wounds... eventually. It is a 3rd level spell for them, but that naturally comes at 10th level.

So basically, if it's on any of your class's spell list and you know what the spell on the wand is, you can cast it without a UMD check, right?

2013-04-10, 08:16 AM
Yes, unless it's a command activated item.

For instance, you have 2 wands of cure light wounds, one is standard, one is command activated.

The command activated wand will work for anyone.

The standard wand requires UMD.

That's my understanding.

2013-04-10, 08:29 AM
Sweet, I finally found it. All wands are spell triggers, and it specifically gives an example like a 3rd level paladin using a wand. :smallbiggrin:

2013-04-10, 08:30 AM
You can actually have a command activated item. Again. It just costs 50% more or something like that.

Brass Dragon
2013-04-10, 12:28 PM
just to clarify for me, yall are yelling at eachother in the church, yes?

2013-04-10, 01:23 PM
Nope, Cora isn't yelling. And she's by the big stone disk, which is in the middle room. Not the church.

Brass Dragon
2013-04-10, 01:54 PM
so you're all in the big room, with all but the church door clsoed, correct?

2013-04-10, 02:04 PM
All the doors are closed.

Thank me for my (maybe) brilliance.

2013-04-10, 03:25 PM
I have to agree there isn't really much yelling there. Should be all doors but the entrance we came through and the church because I did say I was going to try closing those doors, and that was before Aerus started talking at least.

But then again, maybe one could argue that the stuff Aerus started up distracted me and I was too busy listening. Well, I really don't know, but if the doors are relatively easy for a pixie with 6 strength to open or close, why not.

2013-04-10, 03:28 PM
Because Finger of Death! Hahahah, you all thought I was a healer.

But anyway. Good point.

2013-04-10, 03:36 PM
Uh what? :smallconfused: By the way, Fale's questions are directed at Cora.

2013-04-10, 03:38 PM
And your point is? :smallannoyed::smalltongue:

2013-04-10, 03:45 PM
So she is ignoring him now, too? :smallsigh:

2013-04-10, 03:53 PM
Nope, just waiting for other characters. Such as Ovdal, which may have some input on the topic.

2013-04-10, 03:55 PM
Meh yeah... he doesn't post that often though, I don't think... usually been good about it during fights though. Maybe he is just a silent protagonist for the most part. :smallbiggrin:

2013-04-10, 04:32 PM
I'm speaking at a normal volume.

2013-04-11, 12:50 AM
Aerus might've risen his voice a bit during his speech there but it probably would have been for very long or very loud.

2013-04-11, 01:03 AM
And for the record, Fale doesn't really yell unless it's explicitly stated... or maybe if there's more than one exclamation... Even then, it should usually be bolded too, unless I forgot.

But yeah, he does have a sort of "excitable" tone to his voice most of the time... probably not that quiet, but not yelling either.

I'm just wondering, why? Almost makes me think you wanted to ambush us with something cause of all the ruckus. >.> Well, Aerus already banged his axe around and yelled for the wraith, and nothing came.... :smallwink:

2013-04-11, 01:12 AM
Maybe it's attracted to pain, anger, and hated or some other emotions that might be from yelling or fighting?

Brass Dragon
2013-04-11, 02:14 AM
dont worry, i wasnt asking if you were yelling as a trap, i just desibed what i believed the action and location.

should i choose your demise, you yelling will hardly change things

2013-04-11, 02:22 AM
Action and location?

Cora in the main chamber with the vengeful ego.

2013-04-11, 08:06 AM
Oh, so this has apparently turned into some twisted version of Clue.

Brass Dragon
2013-04-11, 11:55 AM
Oh, so this has apparently turned into some twisted version of Clue.

im sorry if it sounds that way, i just like to know where my players are

2013-04-11, 12:02 PM
Action and location?

Cora in the main chamber with the vengeful ego.

Oh, so this has apparently turned into some twisted version of Clue.im sorry if it sounds that way, i just like to know where my players are
Example. I was being funny.

Colonel Mustard in the Lounge with the Revolver.

Brass Dragon
2013-04-11, 02:32 PM
wraith in the church with energy drain ( a joke, im sure )

2013-04-11, 03:00 PM
So.... what the hell is happening? Done waiting for everyone? I think if someone else was gonna chime in at that exact moment they would have.

Also, so the rest of everyone just wants to ignore the circle and go through the left door now? How close is the damn thing to being finished? :smalltongue:

2013-04-11, 03:02 PM
Yeah, another good reason for me to quit putting it together, my character appears to have done nothing with it, else I'm sure I would have heard something.

2013-04-11, 03:11 PM
lol, I've asked them like twice to just help and get it over with... if they don't, nothing else I can do, really. :smallannoyed:

Edit: So, are you actually going to answer the question now? If not, how about OOC? Cause I really fail to see any oaths or vows there. Just a bunch of fuming.

Brass Dragon
2013-04-11, 06:33 PM
well, an hour passes and you place the stones in place then

2013-04-12, 01:59 AM
ok well... I wasn't asking Brass himself if the circle worked. Would sorta be cheating to just know like that. :smalltongue:

I was asking everyone else.... and still waiting for some form of response. Anything. >.> Literally been about 2 days now since anything significant is posted at all (aside from me and rendel nep).

2013-04-14, 04:46 PM
Hey Brass, do you have any particular rules for when you can or cannot take 10? Is it just the normal thing where if you are not distracted or in danger, and there's no real drawback for failure? Those are what the pathfinder rules say... It's just I was thinking when making the stealth and perception rolls. The "penalty" for stealth would be being seen/caught. The "penalty" for perception would be you do not see anything you may have wanted to notice.

Brass Dragon
2013-04-14, 06:49 PM
Hey Brass, do you have any particular rules for when you can or cannot take 10? Is it just the normal thing where if you are not distracted or in danger, and there's no real drawback for failure? Those are what the pathfinder rules say... It's just I was thinking when making the stealth and perception rolls. The "penalty" for stealth would be being seen/caught. The "penalty" for perception would be you do not see anything you may have wanted to notice.

whenever you're not stressed, so for stealth when you arent immediatly aware of something looking for you.

Brass Dragon
2013-04-14, 06:51 PM
Fale adds, as a small correction to Tensu, "Oh, I didn't mean ambush the wraith, I meant an ambush for whoever might have lied to you all at the town! And as for exploring this tomb, well... if this wraith really does exist, I think it's us who will get ambushed."

he says as you are ambushed

just kidding

2013-04-14, 07:42 PM
whenever you're not stressed, so for stealth when you arent immediatly aware of something looking for you.

So basically... if you have a piss-poor spot check and don't know someone may be hidden nearby, you can actually take a 10, but then if you do know they're there you cant? :smallconfused:

2013-04-14, 07:43 PM
he says as you are ambushed

just kidding

:smalleek: Hurray

2013-04-14, 08:07 PM
Well, have fun in the church. There's nothing of interest in there. Even then I had to make-believe something in there and pull out a rotting book which Cora fixed. :smalltongue:

2013-04-14, 08:21 PM
Well, have fun in the church. There's nothing of interest in there. Even then I had to make-believe something in there and pull out a rotting book which Cora fixed. :smalltongue:

Oh right I forgot you had already went to the church I'kk edit my post then and go down the only path we haven't yet the one with the hallways or whatever, my bad.

2013-04-15, 09:37 AM
Let me know what I see whenever you get a chance brass as in is it just a hallway that splits into more hallways or does this one hallway lead into a room or whatevz

2013-04-15, 01:28 PM
Alright, so how long is that hallway, and how far down does it go? Would you say it's long/steep and deep enough that the ceiling blocks view further down the hallway?

Brass Dragon
2013-04-15, 01:53 PM
the hallway is pretty short, about 30 feet, goin 15 feet down, with a door at the end

2013-04-16, 12:11 AM
Brass, nothing in the first room Fale was checking out? Or in the desk drawers either?

Sorry, another question I thought of just now. Are the scrolls readable, or too rotted? I WOULD like to try a spellcraft check on them if they are readable. Chances are slim that I'd get anything useful out of it at all, but... still...

2013-04-16, 10:41 PM
I love it when a plan doesn't come together :smallbiggrin:

2013-04-16, 10:43 PM
Hah, and Cora isn't healing Tensu either. So this is bad if the clerics really are the bad guys.

2013-04-16, 10:46 PM
Also the wraith ignores all armor, shield, and natural armor bonuses if they are just physical. Force effects like mage armor and shield work though... so that wraith might've actually got you.

2013-04-16, 10:50 PM
Also the wraith ignores all armor, shield, and natural armor bonuses if they are just physical. Force effects like mage armor and shield work though... so that wraith might've actually got you.

Hmm well my armor is +1 does that do anything for me? Also Cora, I'm really glad you could step up as the most useless person in the group It's a heavy burden but someones gotta shoulder it. Glad it could be you. :smallwink:

2013-04-16, 10:54 PM
lol hey, that channel energy should add up. xD But oh god, I don't think we have enough firepower to kill it at all. Where's that damn tactical retreat?

2013-04-16, 10:58 PM
Where's that damn tactical retreat?

Based on the ambush I'm assuming Brass doesn't want us leaving here. So the weak and slow will die most likely on our way out from the wraith (since he can pass through walls and AoOs and such). Which in-turn would release him I'm guessing which is bad news bears.

Edit: I'm fine with running mind you but I've got a fancy horse. Conveniently Lorenz is also on said horse. So that being said the 3 at a disadvantage are Aerus Cora and Ovdal and while Cora is a pain in the ass I'd rather go down with the ship than leave even just her to the wraith.

2013-04-16, 11:05 PM
Well I'm only saying because I think we were all getting close to the exit already... It should be a straight shot out the tomb, booking it full speed. We may not even be in the right location to break the seal or whatever, seeing as the big one in the main room seems to have no magic whatsoever.

The only question is if the wraith follows us outside....

Rendel Nep
2013-04-16, 11:08 PM
I love it when a plan doesn't come together :smallbiggrin:

Gods damnit. It's OK, I think Ovdal has this...magic fists and what not.

2013-04-16, 11:12 PM
Gods damnit. It's OK, I think Ovdal has this...magic fists and what not.

You have magic fists!? Well we may be in luck yet.

Well I'm only saying because I think we were all getting close to the exit already... It should be a straight shot out the tomb, booking it full speed. We may not even be in the right location to break the seal or whatever, seeing as the big one in the main room seems to have no magic whatsoever.

The only question is if the wraith follows us outside....

You willing to risk the three aforementioned on that? I do see what you're saying but I just don't think it'll be that easy.

2013-04-16, 11:16 PM
I dunno. It honestly doesn't seem that dangerous. Either that, or stay and try to fight by basically... throwing firebombs at it and Aerus's melted-up axe. Which only has a 50% chance to hit on top of normal AC.

Still, Fale will try to be one of the last to leave unless he gets in danger of dying. Honestly it's kinda funny, he's got the best AC against the wraith. :smallsmile:

2013-04-16, 11:20 PM
Well with the way Tensu is to be RP'd he wouldn't just run from a strong monster so I'm kinda locked in combat anyways until either the Wraith dies or I do.

2013-04-16, 11:35 PM
Well hopefully Tensu will realize he'll get turned into a spawn sometime soon and skedaddle.

Also, Brass, how is this wraith possibly hitting, but unable to be hit? From what I understand, they can pass through solid objects, but still have to maintain some contact with non-solid. Either way, a ghostly appendage should be targetable, and I believe, if you wanted to do this, it would be as though the wraith had total cover. Not complete immunity. For that matter, however, we'd be treated as having total cover too.

At the very least, how is there a full foot of stone between us and it, but it still can make the attacks with ease? If I can't detect evil it, I wouldn't think it would be fair to say it can life sense us.

2013-04-16, 11:39 PM
I think this is a moment of DM says so.

2013-04-16, 11:59 PM
Yeah, I am just pointing out some things that appear to be glaring double standards. Also, here's the rules I read.


An incorporeal creature can enter or pass through solid objects, but must remain adjacent to the object’s exterior, and so cannot pass entirely through an object whose space is larger than its own. It can sense the presence of creatures or objects within a square adjacent to its current location, but enemies have total concealment (50% miss chance) from an incorporeal creature that is inside an object. In order to see beyond the object it is in and attack normally, the incorporeal creature must emerge. An incorporeal creature inside an object has total cover, but when it attacks a creature outside the object it only has cover, so a creature outside with a readied action could strike at it as it attacks.

The DMs can have the final say on stuff, but let's be reasonable, yeah? I mean, there's absolutely no reason to ramp up the difficulty so much on a fight that would've already been difficult with normal rules. Plus, if he rules one way, then it should apply the same to players, which... without these rules would make stuff broken quickly soon as they get a way to become ethereal or incorporeal. Unless you want to say ok, DM rules it works this way for monsters, but completely different for players. :smallannoyed:

2013-04-17, 12:32 AM
Just so I'm clear:

either by moving or throwing, im gettin an aoo



con dc 18


also, the wraith is in the floor, so you only hear a *hmph* sound from below as the positive channel goes off, also, the alchemist fire will harmlessly hit the ground

The wraith attacks me through the floor (even though I'm on my horse) he gets an AoO because A. I took a 5 ft step (which doesn't provoke an AoO) or B. Threw a splash weapon (which not only normally doesn't provoke an AoO but since my horse moves me during my round anyways it definitely doesn't)

And C. It's completely intangible through the earth (something ghosts and wraiths can't do) and we can't hit it but it can hit us?

Brass Dragon
2013-04-17, 02:31 AM
Based on the ambush I'm assuming Brass doesn't want us leaving here. So the weak and slow will die most likely on our way out from the wraith (since he can pass through walls and AoOs and such). Which in-turn would release him I'm guessing which is bad news bears.

Edit: I'm fine with running mind you but I've got a fancy horse. Conveniently Lorenz is also on said horse. So that being said the 3 at a disadvantage are Aerus Cora and Ovdal and while Cora is a pain in the ass I'd rather go down with the ship than leave even just her to the wraith.

nothing to do with you not leaving, i just felt like he would have attacked then, he's been watching the whole time, after all

Brass Dragon
2013-04-17, 02:49 AM
Yeah, I am just pointing out some things that appear to be glaring double standards. Also, here's the rules I read.


this is, indeed, the way i play it, though because i hate percentiles, im just flipping a coin on this end, the main difference is the fact that you, yes you, have access to the actual material, which compells me to change things around a bit, in this case, the feat line around fly by attack. which any wraith with feats should take.

if you ready an action, you will still be able to attack it, no problem, in other words

Brass Dragon
2013-04-17, 02:59 AM
Just so I'm clear:

The wraith attacks me through the floor (even though I'm on my horse) he gets an AoO because A. I took a 5 ft step (which doesn't provoke an AoO) or B. Threw a splash weapon (which not only normally doesn't provoke an AoO but since my horse moves me during my round anyways it definitely doesn't)

And C. It's completely intangible through the earth (something ghosts and wraiths can't do) and we can't hit it but it can hit us?

first of all, how in gods name did your horse go into the tomb with you, second, if it isnt combat trained, it ran as soon as it sensed the wraith, which would have been right after you entered the tomb wholeheartedly, third, yes, throwing things has always, and will always provoke (specialized feats excluded), its a ranged attack

Rant enclosed:
and if you really want me to be a **** about it, i can retroactively kill your horse with the sonic damage from the start, but i wont because im the kind of guy who assumes my players know that non-paladin/cavalier/druid horses don't like to go into doors slightly higher than them, then ignore them for all intents and purposes until you want to run, then *poof* ive been on a horse the whole time, just like all the familiars (not your familiars, i mean in general)

pardon the rant, suffice it to say, the wraith attacked when you were still inside, so you had no good reason to have the horses with you, if only because they wouldn't fit through the 1 square door beyond the dogs, my apologies for not making that clear from the start.

and before you complain and say you were already outside, as far as any posts, pending edits i didnt see, say, you're in the same connecting room by the scroll room

2013-04-17, 03:05 AM
Easy enough, modifying my post slightly to indicate Lorenz is not on a horse.

Brass Dragon
2013-04-17, 03:08 AM
Easy enough, modifying my post slightly to indicate Lorenz is not on a horse.

thank you for not freaking out about it, in return ill be nice and ignore his AoO on your readied throw (its wierd, and makes little sense physics wise, so no aoos against readied actions during opponents turns and vice-versa, any objections?)

2013-04-17, 03:12 AM
No problems. But could you say who the Spirit is attacking each time? It's hard to decrease my health and statistics if I don't know it's me it's decking in the face :smallsmile:

(Also to decide if I want to throw my bombs at it, as it might get people with splash)

2013-04-17, 03:13 AM
DUDE. Seriously?

You've been pretty inattentive for someone trying to organize something like a D&D game. I mean, did you miss the part where Tensu mounted on his horse, tried to make ride-by rescue attempts at Aerus, and even specifically once said he'd ride "through the darkness"? Well, you replied to that saying it would need a CMB check remember?

That was all there, and he's been making frequent mention of his horse since being in the tomb, even. I'm afraid that ship has sailed, but hey, we may as well just assume the horse freaks out NOW, seeing as the wraith finally decides to reveal itself through all that stone that must somehow be blocking its evil aura. I wonder how the wraith even knew what was going on with all that stone between us and it.

While I'm at it, it does make me wonder why the wraith didn't get a few easy kills in while we were all fighting the ooze. That could've easily been game over for lots of people....

Also: Aerus still hadn't taken his turn....

Brass Dragon
2013-04-17, 03:24 AM
DUDE. Seriously?

You've been pretty inattentive for someone trying to organize something like a D&D game. I mean, did you miss the part where Tensu mounted on his horse, tried to make ride-by rescue attempts at Aerus, and even specifically once said he'd ride "through the darkness"? Well, you replied to that saying it would need a CMB check remember?

That was all there, and he's been making frequent mention of his horse since being in the tomb, even. I'm afraid that ship has sailed, but hey, we may as well just assume the horse freaks out NOW, seeing as the wraith finally decides to reveal itself through all that stone that must somehow be blocking its evil aura. I wonder how the wraith even knew what was going on with all that stone between us and it.

While I'm at it, it does make me wonder why the wraith didn't get a few easy kills in while we were all fighting the ooze. That could've easily been game over for lots of people....

Also: Aerus still hadn't taken his turn....

aerus punched the floor, to my knowledge

wraith didnt kill you before because then you would whine about it

my bad, didnt notice the horse before, feel free to be on it, im not the best at maintaining visualization across the weeks

wraith attacks are then directed towards horse

might as well make him make a ride or handle animal check to keep it happy, wont be high, 15 or so, i guess

also, wind, i know you're passionate, and i like that, but you b*tch and moan more than any player i've had in 8 years, only being surpassed by a man with severe autism, your complaints are never without reason, but the frequency, frankly, irritates me. a simple, "remember him being on the horse for the ooze thing?" would have sufficed:smallsmile:

Rendel Nep
2013-04-17, 03:26 AM
That was Ovdal, sorry.

Brass Dragon
2013-04-17, 03:29 AM
god damn, sorry, bad at the visualization thing, frankly, none of your names has really stuck with me, they're good names, but im sh*t at remembering things more complicated than wolfgang the drunk, one of the main reasons i dropped engineering in favor of accounting a long time ago

delay my last post till he does something then

2013-04-17, 03:34 AM
Yeah, Ovdal is the guy who punched the floor. :smalltongue:

Aerus (CrazyFailure) still hasn't posted for the last round....

And sorry. I do need to learn to just not give a **** so much, or make the complaints much shorter and politer...

....uh, so, there's still a few splash weapons left. If we ready actions to hit the wraith, doesn't that also hit the person it was trying to attack? :smallconfused:

Brass Dragon
2013-04-17, 03:40 AM
Yeah, Ovdal is the guy who punched the floor. :smalltongue:

Aerus (CrazyFailure) still hasn't posted for the last round....

And sorry. I do need to learn to just not give a **** so much, or make the complaints much shorter and politer...

....uh, so, there's still a few splash weapons left. If we ready actions to hit the wraith, doesn't that also hit the person it was trying to attack? :smallconfused:

ya, it will, he'll been hitting the horse with splash, assuming the rider is considered 1 square up, he should be fine

2013-04-17, 03:41 AM
Lorenz has 5 (left)
Given an average score on 2d4+6 for each hit, that's 55 damage total (Ignoring the 9 he just did).
And that's assuming fusing the Alchemist's fire in is pointless.

2013-04-17, 03:48 AM
Well yeah, that's cool I guess.. just how in God's name do we kill this wraith without baking whoever's in the space?

Almost makes me wish we had just plain holy water again. :smallsigh:

Brass Dragon
2013-04-17, 03:49 AM
Well yeah, that's cool I guess.. just how in God's name do we kill this wraith without baking whoever's in the space?

precise bomb, probably, unless he can't disclude the square where what he targets is

2013-04-17, 04:03 AM
lol that doesn't make sense though. If he can exclude the square that's targeted then how does he hit the wraith?

Well I have an idea. Can the person being attacked ready an action to take a 5-foot step back first, thus getting out of the square?

2013-04-17, 04:09 AM
Hopefully, sure. Then all Lorenz has to do is throw the entire bandolier on the ground in front of him when the Wraith inevitably realises the small Daemonic Halfling is the only one hurting him to a great extent.

Rendel Nep
2013-04-17, 05:02 AM
Yeah this whole hiding in the floor kind of gimps ovdal because he can't do his full attacks.

2013-04-17, 07:14 AM
first of all, how in gods name did your horse go into the tomb with you, second, if it isnt combat trained, it ran as soon as it sensed the wraith, which would have been right after you entered the tomb wholeheartedly, third, yes, throwing things has always, and will always provoke (specialized feats excluded), its a ranged attack

Rant enclosed:
and if you really want me to be a **** about it, i can retroactively kill your horse with the sonic damage from the start, but i wont because im the kind of guy who assumes my players know that non-paladin/cavalier/druid horses don't like to go into doors slightly higher than them, then ignore them for all intents and purposes until you want to run, then *poof* ive been on a horse the whole time, just like all the familiars (not your familiars, i mean in general)

pardon the rant, suffice it to say, the wraith attacked when you were still inside, so you had no good reason to have the horses with you, if only because they wouldn't fit through the 1 square door beyond the dogs, my apologies for not making that clear from the start.

and before you complain and say you were already outside, as far as any posts, pending edits i didnt see, say, you're in the same connecting room by the scroll room

This is going to sound like a smart-assy response and it is. So I apologize in advanced. Samurai is for all intensive purposes a spin-off of cavalier in pathfinders. You can look it up anywhere really. I can even take Cavalier paths rather than samurai paths. (As a reference, check here (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCombat/classes/samurai.html)) That being said Samurai gets a special mount at first level (much like Cavalier and paladin) which goes above and beyond normal mounts in every where. The 'bond' as its described supersedes that of any normally trained animal and as such will follow me anywhere. Even a tomb/dungeon (like it or not) and would die by my side should I will it so. I've also said over the course of the entire campaign that I was on my horse so where you suddenly got confused eludes me... So again I ask, I got ambushed I accept that, but given the situation I shouldn't have been AoO correct? Thus leading us to initiative so I can try to not let my horse die?

Edit: Also I found this (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/combat.html)

Under mounted combat it reads:
Combat while Mounted

With a DC 5 Ride check, you can guide your mount with your knees so as to use both hands to attack or defend yourself. This is a free action.

When you attack a creature smaller than your mount that is on foot, you get the +1 bonus on melee attacks for being on higher ground. If your mount moves more than 5 feet, you can only make a single melee attack. Essentially, you have to wait until the mount gets to your enemy before attacking, so you can't make a full attack. Even at your mount's full speed, you don't take any penalty on melee attacks while mounted.

If your mount charges, you also take the AC penalty associated with a charge. If you make an attack at the end of the charge, you receive the bonus gained from the charge. When charging on horseback, you deal double damage with a lance (see Charge).

You can use ranged weapons while your mount is taking a double move, but at a –4 penalty on the attack roll. You can use ranged weapons while your mount is running (quadruple speed) at a –8 penalty. In either case, you make the attack roll when your mount has completed half its movement. You can make a full attack with a ranged weapon while your mount is moving. Likewise, you can take move actions normally.

I would take a -4 to a throw from the horse if it was moving double speed but it says nothing of an AoO, also while I would have to make a ride 5 check I have 11 ranks into ride so it seemed unnecessary.

Brass Dragon
2013-04-17, 10:38 AM
This is going to sound like a smart-assy response and it is. So I apologize in advanced. Samurai is for all intensive purposes a spin-off of cavalier in pathfinders. You can look it up anywhere really. I can even take Cavalier paths rather than samurai paths. (As a reference, check here (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateCombat/classes/samurai.html)) That being said Samurai gets a special mount at first level (much like Cavalier and paladin) which goes above and beyond normal mounts in every where. The 'bond' as its described supersedes that of any normally trained animal and as such will follow me anywhere. Even a tomb/dungeon (like it or not) and would die by my side should I will it so. I've also said over the course of the entire campaign that I was on my horse so where you suddenly got confused eludes me... So again I ask, I got ambushed I accept that, but given the situation I shouldn't have been AoO correct? Thus leading us to initiative so I can try to not let my horse die?

Edit: Also I found this (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/combat.html)

Under mounted combat it reads:
Combat while Mounted

With a DC 5 Ride check, you can guide your mount with your knees so as to use both hands to attack or defend yourself. This is a free action.

When you attack a creature smaller than your mount that is on foot, you get the +1 bonus on melee attacks for being on higher ground. If your mount moves more than 5 feet, you can only make a single melee attack. Essentially, you have to wait until the mount gets to your enemy before attacking, so you can't make a full attack. Even at your mount's full speed, you don't take any penalty on melee attacks while mounted.

If your mount charges, you also take the AC penalty associated with a charge. If you make an attack at the end of the charge, you receive the bonus gained from the charge. When charging on horseback, you deal double damage with a lance (see Charge).

You can use ranged weapons while your mount is taking a double move, but at a –4 penalty on the attack roll. You can use ranged weapons while your mount is running (quadruple speed) at a –8 penalty. In either case, you make the attack roll when your mount has completed half its movement. You can make a full attack with a ranged weapon while your mount is moving. Likewise, you can take move actions normally.

I would take a -4 to a throw from the horse if it was moving double speed but it says nothing of an AoO, also while I would have to make a ride 5 check I have 11 ranks into ride so it seemed unnecessary.

then you're fine, the horse, which i think you said moved, still moved, unless it five foot stepped, i suppose, though frankly that would be awkward

i know that there are complicated ways of doing AoO, but as far as i have ever, ever seen, moving out of a threatened square with anything other than a withdraw or 5 foot step, making a ranged attack, or doing pretty much anything requiring a move action (plenty of exceptions, so dont worry), provokes

2013-04-17, 10:46 AM
aerus punched the floor, to my knowledgeThis is what Rendell is referring to. It was Ovdal that punched the floor.

wraith didnt kill you before because then you would whine about it

might as well make him make a ride or handle animal check to keep it happy, wont be high, 15 or so, i guessI never understood how DC 15 is considered easy. I mean, at level 1, an average PC will have maybe a 50/50 chance of succeeding on that unless it's horribly broken, like all of us seem to do, but even then it would most likely still have some chance of failure. That's not easy. Picking up a glass is easy.

Also yes the horse is war trained.

also, wind, i know you're passionate, and i like that, but you b*tch and moan more than any player i've had in 8 years, only being surpassed by a man with severe autism, your complaints are never without reason, but the frequency, frankly, irritates me. a simple, "remember him being on the horse for the ooze thing?" would have sufficed:smallsmile:His character is the same. :smallbiggrin:

2013-04-17, 12:01 PM
Ah well when I said move IC it was just in the flavor of saying I evaded its first attack (well after what fale said I'm not sure I did) not that I was making a move action my apologies. If I do really move away on my turn my horse will be withdrawing.

Brass Dragon
2013-04-17, 12:50 PM
thank you for clarifying, in that case, no aoo that time

also, ral, i believe the matter you adressed has been resolved

2013-04-17, 01:12 PM
Yes, while I was responding to it actually.

Brass Dragon
2013-04-17, 01:23 PM
yes, thank you

also, since my own responses keep on being inconsistent with problems, i've decided to only post up to once per hour on each thread, making them larger, more comprehensive posts

2013-04-17, 02:59 PM
No wait a minute. Brass you done it again. :smalltongue:

Only Lorenz, Fale, and Ovdal have made their turn or readied action this round. Aerus's last post was for the last round, so he still hadn't done anything for this round. Tensu and Cora also haven't had any mention of what they do either.

Hey, also are you running that EpicTable map? What were the hours again?

2013-04-17, 03:06 PM
Wrong, check my last IC past, Cora is about 160' on her way out.

2013-04-17, 03:16 PM
Just "wrong"? Not quite... We could assume that you keep running, but I think you should have to clarify that you keep doing so, seeing as everyone else has been trying to fight it.

I know my char was saying to get out of there but... at the same time, no one else has doing that (yet).

2013-04-17, 03:20 PM
It's cool, I'll come back with the next party of adventurers, and loot your bodies.

Brass Dragon
2013-04-17, 03:24 PM
No wait a minute. Brass you done it again. :smalltongue:

Only Lorenz, Fale, and Ovdal have made their turn or readied action this round. Aerus's last post was for the last round, so he still hadn't done anything for this round. Tensu and Cora also haven't had any mention of what they do either.

Hey, also are you running that EpicTable map? What were the hours again?

my bad, and this isnt a fight that having a map really helps, so its down right now.

aerus, you're up

2013-04-17, 03:29 PM
Delay for Tensu too, right? Or... are you just skipping him cause he has no way to hurt the wraith anymore? Well, he could possibly try to bum some more splash weapons off Lorenz as well, though, he isn't quite as good at using them.

edit: Or make a loud, obnoxious distraction. :smalltongue:

2013-04-17, 03:59 PM
I'm not even sure what to do :smalleek: Well I have a horse I'll try to scan the rest of the other side of the hallway to see if I can find anything.

Edit: Should any character oppose feel free. I can't simply run off from the tomb given my characters personality but since I can't even hurt it I'll proactively see if I can find something holy or something to use I guess

2013-04-17, 05:19 PM
I'm sure Fale might say something to Tensu about his idea but... what does Lorenz mean?? I don't understand what he means. Is he blaming Fale for something? :smallconfused:

2013-04-17, 05:21 PM
I think he means for fale, to use the wand, which he just took from Lorenz, to once again, attack the wraith.

You know, if it isn't dead after that 43 damage he just did.

2013-04-17, 05:34 PM
Well I tried, it's just not clear if the readied action went through. The range is touch so got to be within 5 feet, I guess. The problem is... we don't really know each other's positions! But apparently we still don't need a map. Maybe if we all just say "we get close enough to each other" that will suffice. :smallwink:

Hey also, Brass: Now we are onto the next round (opening with wraith hitting Lorenz). As of the time of posting this, Lorenz has gone, and Fale has gone. The actions from Aerus and Tensu are for the previous round, so they also get more posts. And yes, then there's Ovdal who still gets to go as well. :smallsmile:

(this info is just friendly bookkeeping)

2013-04-17, 05:39 PM
Well if the damn thing ain't dead after Aerus hit's it, he's running, He's already nearly died twice in the same night, and he's hero'd out for one night.:smalltongue:

2013-04-17, 05:46 PM
Well, by himself Lorenz has done 61 damage to the thing.
Adding a minimum of 11 and maximum of 23 additional damage from Fale's "Cure Moderate Wounding" and we're going to have a pretty deceased (normal) wraith.

Still, bit of a shame Cora's bugging out of the fight right now. You would have thought a highly trained Fighter would have at least procured 1 Magical Weapon by the power levels we currently have.

2013-04-17, 05:52 PM
Hmm well.. the wraith does get a 20% concealment against all the "physical type" attacks, doesn't it? And also a reflex save for the vials? :smallconfused:

2013-04-17, 06:03 PM
Might be allowed a reflex save for half. If I was DM'ing i'd say it's unlikely though, there was a whole bunch of Alchemist's fire in that thing as well, and that stuff's explosive (I think). Hard to dodge an explosion like that at close range.

But then again i'm not DMing, still Lorenz was dying and he took an immediate action to try and remedy the situation...
Lets see how it works :smallbiggrin:
I'm working on Sam Dale to take over for him if he dies

2013-04-17, 07:13 PM
Oh yeah that's right. The rule is something like the primary target doesn't get a save, but other things in the splash would get it, right?

2013-04-17, 07:17 PM
Huge oversight not allocating the funds for a +1 weapon. Hopefully I find at least something around so I can be relevant in this fight (assuming you haven't killed it yet).

2013-04-17, 08:03 PM
Actually, you could try picking up Lorenz again and whisking him away since Brass seems to have agreed to let you keep your horse in here. :smalltongue:

2013-04-17, 08:05 PM
Which is a good idea now that i'm out of stuff to throw.
Undignified carrying by the scruff of the neck away!

2013-04-17, 08:27 PM
Edited post to include grabbing you (though technically I helped you onto the horse before the wraith ambushed us and you never specified you got off to be technical but the way you posted just assumed you did so :smallbiggrin:)

You'll be accompanying me on an very speedy adventure looking for an ace against the ghost!

2013-04-17, 08:28 PM
Did Lorenz throw the bottle Fale gave him? ...and now Fale is probably alone, and very close to this wraith. :smalleek:

Oh boy, please save me, AC.

Rendel Nep
2013-04-18, 09:16 AM
Fine. Ignore the dwarf. :smallfrown:

2013-04-18, 12:42 PM
Wrong, check my last IC past, Cora is about 160' on her way out.

How are you taking to Aerus if you're sprinting out of the tomb. for that matter how did my house knock into you when I'm going a completely different way than you?

pardon my post IC, posting from phone so I couldn't add color and such

2013-04-18, 02:24 PM
How are you taking to Aerus if you're sprinting out of the tomb. for that matter how did my house knock into you when I'm going a completely different way than you?

pardon my post IC, posting from phone so I couldn't add color and such

Well, that was assuming 2 rounds of movement, which apparently didn't happen because I didn't say I continued running. Which mean's Cora just... stopped. And stood there... apparently.

2013-04-18, 02:44 PM
Huh? No see I think the issue is:

Cora = running OUT of the tomb.

Tensu = running INTO the tomb.

2013-04-18, 04:05 PM
Well, that was assuming 2 rounds of movement, which apparently didn't happen because I didn't say I continued running. Which mean's Cora just... stopped. And stood there... apparently.

:smallconfused: Your intention was to flee from the tomb regardless of a post that says "I continue running" wouldn't that have still been your action? at 160ft you wouldn't have heard us defeat the wraith and you'd be well out of the tomb (or at least to the exit) and moving towards town by now. Unless you're metagaming? :smallamused:

Edit: Also yes Windstruck, we were moving in two different directions of the tomb.

2013-04-18, 04:07 PM
Just "wrong"? Not quite... We could assume that you keep running, but I think you should have to clarify that you keep doing so, seeing as everyone else has been trying to fight it.

I know my char was saying to get out of there but... at the same time, no one else has doing that (yet).

The argument erupts from this, someone deciding that they are the DM. I'm not caring, so my character stopped moving.

Brass Dragon
2013-04-18, 05:48 PM
whatever floats your boat, i dont really care if you metagame in situations like these

2013-04-18, 06:05 PM
Wait, I don't even see what "metagaming" has to do with this, so far... It's just a sheer impossibility that Cora would know this wraith was killed. She was already running out the tomb and covered quite some distance; the only reason Ralasha thought Tensu bumped into Cora is because she thought he was also riding the same direction.

Only thing I can say is that maybe she heard all the explosions from the bandolier and decided to check back...

But you know, either way, fine. At this rate if you want Cora to be there again, and Brass doesn't give a ****, fine. :smalltongue:

2013-04-18, 06:09 PM
Also, big creepy guy outside. Party must be warned. Wish I had a bow. He wouldn't be running. Note to self: next time make a gunslinger.

*shoots it in the leg*

2013-04-18, 09:07 PM
Aww if only I was there. I'd be like TRIP ARROW !! Would be worth a shot...

haha, no pun intended, but I think I'll keep it. :smallbiggrin:

Rendel Nep
2013-04-18, 09:25 PM
I'm going to assume dwarves don't get hangovers. Dwaven resistance to poisons. So, let the good times roll!

Brass Dragon
2013-04-19, 12:51 AM
I'm going to assume dwarves don't get hangovers. Dwaven resistance to poisons. So, let the good times roll!

*resistance* not immunity

2013-04-19, 08:04 AM
So what do I see after opening the door at the end of said hallway?

2013-04-19, 02:41 PM
Yes, tell us what we see. Also I forgot but I will take 10 on perception for 22 again.

Brass Dragon
2013-04-19, 03:17 PM
ah, yes, you see another room, also unremarkable from the door, about 5 foot of space then it turns to the left

2013-04-19, 04:14 PM
ah, yes, you see another room, also unremarkable from the door, about 5 foot of space then it turns to the left

Edited IC post. So there's another room and another hallway? Or just a hallway that goes left?

2013-04-20, 04:08 PM
Can you do a "run" action (4x speed) while flying with wings? Note it should be distinctly different than moving via the fly spell, but still, I dunno if there is a limit on that...

Actually nvm. A bit of googling does suggest any natural movement can be multiplied as a run action. :smallsmile:

2013-04-21, 03:18 AM
Lorenz stands back and watches the doors open.
He's more than happy to let the larger people take the hits for him.
Such kind, generous people.

Kind and generous? More like foolhardy and impatient... didn't even wait for Lorenz to TRY to check for traps... and Fale really wanted to go after that person and not waste more time babysitting everyone else. :smallwink:

Also, another thought came to me... it would almost be like watching the game show, Deal or No Deal. The music tenses up, someone begins opening a door... and you can't watch. :smallbiggrin:

Rendel Nep
2013-04-21, 05:28 AM
OVDAL FOOLHARDY? No sir, he is merely drunk!

Brass Dragon
2013-04-21, 01:28 PM
well ****, 1/4 of the dungeon's worth is in that thing, oh well

2013-04-21, 02:29 PM
Halfling luck ftw! :smallbiggrin:

2013-04-21, 03:03 PM
*door opens as a sword begins to fly then immediately snap off whatever it was attached to and falls to the floor* Huh, weird *walks into room anyways* like a boss. :smallcool:

Brass Dragon
2013-04-21, 03:41 PM
*door opens as a sword begins to fly then immediately snap off whatever it was attached to and falls to the floor* Huh, weird *walks into room anyways* like a boss. :smallcool:

actually, it's more similar to a buzzsaw, and it would have shot out in a line, possibly hitting tensu too, in a sort of line-cleave

anyways, in the room, you see a solid chunk of platinum resting against a wall past the launcher

2013-04-21, 03:51 PM
Wait actually... if the area could be considered a forest, I should be able to take a 20 on the survival check...

Yeah sorry, I forgot about the whole thing the warden archetype could do. There's absolutely no reason I wouldn't take the 20, if I could.

...and it seems Brass and Cora are posting IC in the OOC thread? How amusing. It's usually the opposite. :smallbiggrin:

Brass Dragon
2013-04-21, 05:16 PM
for me, everything is ooc, as long as it isnt dialogue, so i just kinda pick one

2013-04-21, 05:26 PM
haha ok. :smallbiggrin:

Also so... the tracks are very easy for Fale to pick up apparently. That's good.

Next question I have is... does Fale actually see this person yet?

Edit: Will just put conditional actions in IC thread...

2013-04-21, 07:55 PM
Anything of note behind my door?

Brass Dragon
2013-04-22, 01:03 PM
haha ok. :smallbiggrin:

Also so... the tracks are very easy for Fale to pick up apparently. That's good.

Next question I have is... does Fale actually see this person yet?

Edit: Will just put conditional actions in IC thread...

no, you wont catch up in a minute, his/her/it's speed is almost as high as yours

~jynx your door when opened, you'll see a few spent blades as well as a one way slot in the door, which is easier to see from the other side.

2013-04-22, 02:52 PM
Actually, I think we could keep going with Fale... see I also want to do some investigating around the town, assuming we're actually going there. It'll probably include eavesdropping, some spying, and trying to detect alignments of various people. Though I suppose most are asleep...

Then I figure we'll all be done posting at the same time. I'll have to skip ahead in time a bit but eventually I'll say "I'm done, I wait/rest", hopefully that'll be when they're done looting and setting off traps, and they'll say, "We're done, we'll go back" and their characters will travel during the time Fale is waiting.

Actually, he could also probably push himself to being fatigued. As far as he is concerned, time is of the essence. Hopefully he'd have enough time afterwords to rest that off before the others arrived as well.

2013-04-22, 03:53 PM
Do any of the blades seem of worth? Is there anything else in the room?

Brass Dragon
2013-04-22, 04:07 PM
Do any of the blades seem of worth? Is there anything else in the room?

besides the heaping chunk of platinum, no, and the blades arent worth much more than the raw materials. if you fixed it, the launcher might be worth something.


ill pm for this chunk then, i suppose

Rendel Nep
2013-04-29, 01:45 AM
It's working again!!!

2013-04-29, 02:20 AM
It's working again!!!

Cheers! :smallsmile:

...nice to see y'all again (I hope). I'll try to chill out more. Anyway... you got the PM I sent before random DDoS attack, Brass? And did you happen to send me anything before then, or no? I do not have anything new in my inbox atm.

Brass Dragon
2013-04-29, 03:48 AM
ok, lets get a rolecall from everyone before we get'r up and started (yes, rolecall is a pun)

2013-04-29, 05:46 PM
Hurro hurro.
One daemonic half pint with a staggering variety of explosives reporting in.

2013-04-29, 06:20 PM
Well, uh... I think all your explosives are spent, currently, are they not? :smalltongue:

Though I still bet you have a lot of acid.... :smallamused:

2013-04-29, 07:02 PM
Herro! One odd, screwed up fighter build (due to cleric) reporting for duty!

2013-04-29, 07:26 PM
One partially insane cat with an axe ready to chop off some heads present :smallbiggrin:

Also yay Gitp's back hi everyone!

2013-04-29, 07:37 PM
One partially insane cat with an axe ready to chop off some heads present :smallbiggrin:

Also yay Gitp's back hi everyone!

゙(゚、 。 7
 l、゙ ~ヽ
 じしf_, )ノ

2013-04-29, 08:02 PM
That is a really good ASCII cat. lol

And I think only person we haven't heard from yet since the server's back up is Jynx.

2013-04-30, 09:08 AM
One slightly temperamental samurai reporting in.

Thank the lord of Light

For the forum is back up and full of giants.

Brass Dragon
2013-04-30, 12:26 PM
ok then, i should be caught up on remembering everything soon, so by all means, continue when ready

2013-04-30, 05:04 PM
Hrm... I am really so tempted to ask "what's so hard to remember", but I just... nevermind.

Let's see...

Cora just epicly broke a sawblade trap without even trying and snatched up the parts. Lorenz bagged the platinum.

Lorenz also checked all the other doors for traps but found nothing. He's staying the hell back again.

Tensu and Ovdal are each at another random door, ready to kill themselves find great riches. Actually, they just confirmed that they will push open their doors... So those are two outstanding things that need to be taken care of.

Aerus is also present but not opening a door.

And Fale (at the current time) is outside trying to chase down someone. However we've skipped ahead a bit in time, and when he's done, gotta wait for the others to get back to Night Falls.

2013-04-30, 07:58 PM
Indeed I'm awaiting to see what's behind my door! Hopefully something ready to reward or maim me. Either or would be neat.

Brass Dragon
2013-05-01, 12:28 AM
going to miss tonight, barely have time to type this, ill post in the morning

2013-05-01, 12:38 AM
I may be gone for a few days on Thursday, probably going back home for a day to attend marriage contract negotiations. :smalleek:

I don't wanna be a trophy wife~!

2013-05-01, 03:06 AM
Aerus is not opening a door, he is following Lorenz for the moment but if anything else happens in this god forsaken tomb, Aerus'll probably end up leaving :smalltongue:

Rendel Nep
2013-05-01, 03:47 AM
I may be gone for a few days on Thursday, probably going back home for a day to attend marriage contract negotiations. :smalleek:

I don't wanna be a trophy wife~!

Wait, wat?

2013-05-01, 05:39 AM
Familial obligations. :smallfrown:

2013-05-01, 02:29 PM
So are you literally being traded away for flocks of sheep and "huge tracts of land"?


"Before I even though that thing can you check if it's undead Fale? I'm pretty sure they give off evil.
If Fale detects no evil Lorenz moves forwards, inspecting the room to avoid triggering any traps.
Once closer he inspects the body.

If it is undead or registers as evil.
"Does anyone mind destroying that unliving thing."

Uh... Fale left to go chase after the guy Cora saw outside, remember? Might as well leave that in IC thread though seeing the comical effect of either:

a) Lorenz rolls a 1 on his listen or memory check or

b) Everyone's already started to phase out Fale whenever he says something.

But the good news is you don't need him to tell you if it's a zombie or not. Just poke it with a stick or something... :smalltongue:

2013-05-02, 02:13 AM
No, I'm not from India or some other weird place.

I'm probably going to be traded for political leverage AND huge amounts of money...

2013-05-02, 02:26 AM
Wow... well I kinda hoped that people stopped doing that sort of thing in modern times.

Run. RUN!!

2013-05-02, 02:31 AM
Meh, it's not that big of a deal. It could turn out to be a very nice marriage. Only time will tell.

2013-05-02, 03:19 AM
Yay loot, maybe, if the sword starts talking it has ego and we should keep it, or it's cursed... Either way, let's touch it.:smallbiggrin:

2013-05-02, 03:21 AM
Did no one follow the link in my IC post?

2013-05-02, 03:25 AM
I did but I stop listening after a minute because I'm busy listening to something, why?

2013-05-02, 03:35 AM
It's a song about that sword... don't touch it.

2013-05-02, 03:39 AM
How do you know it's even the same sword? Just cause it's black?

Also, that would be meta-knowledge anyway.... :smallsigh:

2013-05-02, 06:58 AM
Picked it up. For great justice.

2013-05-02, 06:59 AM
Also Science :smallbiggrin:

2013-05-02, 08:22 AM
Yes, science... Lorenz loves experimenting with corpses. :smallwink:

If it does kill Tensu, that'll be one of the most bone-headed PC deaths...

Hey, and in case you missed it MHerbert, Fale is NOT there.

2013-05-02, 12:31 PM
Worth it. Besides sometimes you have to choose between what's practical and what's awesome and it seemingly does nothing so for now we're good. What's a game without a little inter-party excitement?

Also brass did say it feels cool in my hands so I understand if you are all just a wee bit jelly. :smallcool:

2013-05-02, 01:22 PM
Ugh, Brass... I forgot rolls don't work in forum PMs. Here you go. lol


Rendel Nep
2013-05-02, 02:51 PM
I followed the link :smallcool:

2013-05-02, 06:39 PM
Oh goodie... Cora and Tensu having another pissing contest. :smallsigh:

But this time a pixie isn't there to stop them so,

2013-05-02, 06:41 PM
Yeah, well, if the character wasn't such an arrogant insulting prick he would probably live longer, we've already seen this once.

Rendel Nep
2013-05-02, 07:19 PM
Ovdal will straighten them out. Hopefully.

2013-05-02, 07:21 PM
I hope so too, I really like Tensu.

2013-05-03, 12:12 AM
Worth it. Besides sometimes you have to choose between what's practical and what's awesome and it seemingly does nothing so for now we're good. What's a game without a little inter-party excitement?

Also brass did say it feels cool in my hands so I understand if you are all just a wee bit jelly. :smallcool:

Perhaps he meant temperature wise for cool.:smallconfused: Frost enchanment:smallwink:

2013-05-03, 02:48 AM
Yeah, well, if the character wasn't such an arrogant insulting prick he would probably live longer, we've already seen this once.

Both Tensu and Cora are arrogant insulting pricks. A volatile mixture is becoming of any good adventuring group!

2013-05-03, 05:04 PM
Hey Brass, didn't your little map thing say there were 5 doors?

door N........door N

door west

door west

................. door south


It's kinda hard to read though...

Brass Dragon
2013-05-03, 09:15 PM
sorry, thought i said the others were empty

2013-05-03, 09:33 PM
Heh, well I guess they know they're empty now. :smallbiggrin:

That means they can get on with their, uh... revenge, bickering, and further plundering I suppose. Also if this means they will be turning back to follow Fale and the big thing Cora saw, we better hurry up. :smalleek:

2013-05-03, 10:09 PM
Sorry, got to double post to make some escape artist checks. I'll try taking 10 for a total of 18. If that doesn't work, here's some other rolls...


If you happen to need more rolls, I'm ok if you do them yourself.