View Full Version : Movie based off a deviantArt drawing?

2013-02-04, 06:36 PM
I don't know if there's already a thread for this, but since a cursory glance found nothing, I figured I'd do it myself.


Apparently, The Rock and New Line Studios are going to make an entire movie based on this one drawing. I think that's pretty cool.

2013-02-04, 07:32 PM
I was surprised by that as well.

The really weird part is that the some folks in the Homebrew Design subforum have been working on an RPG based on this same drawing. For almost a full year.

2013-02-04, 07:45 PM
Can someone link to the specific drawing in question? That article did not, which is stupid. It showed another drawing by the same artist. I don't see the point of doing that.

The drawing taps into a common childhood fantasy: Your toys coming to life to protect you from the boogeymen in the dark. I've had the same fantasy, and I'm sure other children had as well. So I'm not surprised that game devs and film producers got inspired by this drawing; it reminded them of the archetypal childhood hope that they had long forgotten.

2013-02-04, 09:30 PM
No, they showed the drawing. It can be found here: http://begemott.deviantart.com/art/sweet-halloween-dreams-42197587

And yeah, I know about that homebrew project. I did a little work on it myself, though I understand it's been rebooted since then.

2013-02-04, 09:54 PM
Hmm, only like 1 or 2 of his artworks popped up on my first click to the interview. Connection hiccup I guess.

Rock, or whichever producer first got inspired by his picture, could have just taken the idea without ever crediting him -- the drawing is so nonspecific. Unless they actually want to use the exact monster design, that is.

It's pretty cool of them to give him props (and money), to actually credit his picture for their inspiration.

2013-02-04, 10:44 PM
That picture is absolutely adorable! I already want to see the movie!

And, yeah, awesome that the big guys are giving credit where it is deserved.

Aotrs Commander
2013-02-05, 08:10 PM
I actually can totally see the idea of basing a movie off one picture.

Hell, I tend to do it myself when I'm quest writing - or indeed world building. One image in my head spins the whole quest around it. My current entire campaign world came from one day when me and my Dad were walking out round one of our reservoirs, before the trees had grown, and you could see all the way across it to the damn. There was a squall approaching in an otherwise fairly bright day from that direction, leaving the land below in the shadow of the cliuds, while we we stood in sunlight. It felt like I was looking out over the border of the lands of light and into the realm of the Dark Lord, all in shadow and gloom. And from that spun out the entire campaign world.

And my probable favourite book of all time - Spacecraft 2000-2100AD (and it's ilk) - was basically written entirely around pictures of spacecraft, through which a picture of the war between Earth and Alpha Centauri against Proxima emerged, through the lens of the "Jane's guide" style format.

For that matter, it would be nice to see something at the cinema that's not based on some existing film/book/comic/tv series/existant IP...

(While there are a vanishing few - and mostly by Pixar! - they tend to be less in my particular area of interest. I suspect this won't be, either, but it's still nice to know anyway...)

2013-02-06, 09:55 AM
Yeah! I love this drawing!