View Full Version : [3.X] Three Traits (P.E.A.C.H.) [Trait]

2013-02-05, 12:59 AM
I wanted to update Physical Training Focus from being a feat to being a trait. As long as I am at it, here are a two other traits I thought up. Not totally sure of the numbers for the two new ones.

Physical Training Focus
Some people use their understanding to gain greater insight into how to perform better physically... others don't let having the attention span of a squirrel on a sugar rush stop them from having the acrobatic skills of one.
Intelligence 11 or lower (minimum 3)
Strength greater than Intelligence OR size Tiny or smaller
Constitution greater than Intelligence
Dexterity greater than Intelligence

For the purposes of skill points per level replace your intelligence modifier with 1.

You may not put skill points into or take feats that give bonuses to NORMALLY cross-class Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma based skills, and such skills that NORMALLY are class skills count as cross class (but never exclusive to another class) EXCEPT FOR Listen and/or Spot if those are, respectively, class skills. This means (for example) that a Rogue with this trait can still put skill points into Use Magic Device, but he only gets 1 skill rank per 2 skill points he puts into it and a can have a maximum number of ranks in the skill of (Character Level +3)/2.
For the above purposes, "Speak Language" is considered to be an Intelligence based skill. Which means, for example, that a fighter with this trait can't put skill-points into "Speak Language" and a bard with this trait would treat "Speak Language" as a cross-class skill. There are still no skill rolls involved and still no such thing as "partially fluent" in a language.

Roleplaying Ideas
Characters with this trait might be "jocks" or very at harmony with their own bodies but a bit befuddled by the world around them.

Your studies are eclectic.
Count your intelligence bonus as being 2 points higher for purposes of calculating your skill-points. At first level you select two skills that are either knowledge skills or can be used untrained. Treat these as always being class skills. You also only require 3 ranks in a skill to gain a synergy bonus from it, rather than 5, provided you have at least 1 rank in the skill that the synergy bonus is granted TO. This also applies to getting the +2 bonus to Bardic Knowledge/Lore (as per a Cloistered Cleric) checks for ranks in Knowledge[History], and the +2 bonus to Turning Checks for ranks in Knowledge[Religion] and other such things. In all such cases, only 3 ranks are required, rather than 5.

Your skill point maximum for class skills is 2+(3/4 level). Your skill point maximum for cross-class skills is (level+4)/3.

Roleplaying Ideas
Characters with this trait may flit from interest to interest, never devoting themselves to any one pursuit for very long at a time.

You don't often get what you want, but at least things don't get any worse.
When making a diplomacy check you reduce all DCs 10 points for the purposes of if you make the situation worse than (or the same as) it was before. Similarly, when attempting a Gather Information check, you are 10 points more likely (applied as a reduction to your DCs or penalty to the rolls of others as necessary) to avoid being thought of as suspicious, or attracting attention. When using the Aid Another action with Diplomacy or Gather Information, you bestow this benefit instead of providing a numerical bonus, provided you succeed on your own check.

This 10 point DC reduction and aid another effect applies to Animal Empathy if you select to have all effects of this trait apply to that class feature.

You take a -2 penalty on Diplomacy checks and Gather Information checks (and animal empathy if selected). You provide no numerical bonus when using the Aid Another action with Diplomacy or Gather Information.

When you take this trait you may decide to have it apply to Animal Empathy or not. Once made this choice is permanent.

Roleplaying Ideas
Characters with this trait may not be very pushy, except when they are intentionally being so (IE making an intimidate attempt). They may simply state their desires in a way that makes it clear they are simply making them known in case it matters to anyone. When working with a group they smooth over any ripples in negotiations with outsiders.

EDIT: Considering having that last one mean that any Sense Motive check against your bluff checks that doesn't succeed by at least 2 (5?) means they don't believe you, but also aren't sure enough to hold your possible lie against you. Maybe a -2 to bluff and a 5 point margin of "doubt".

EDit^2: Being inspired by feedback, I have added the bit about "You also only require 3 ranks in a skill to gain a synergy bonus from it, rather than 5, provided you have at least 1 rank in the skill that the synergy bonus is granted TO." to Dabbler.

2013-02-13, 03:03 PM
Bumping for feedback, due to high number of views and absence of comments.

2013-02-13, 09:28 PM
I like Dabbler quite a bit; though, I'd have gone a different route. Methinks I'd phrase it thus:

Benefit: You obtain skill synergy bonuses when you have 3 ranks in the associated skills.

Drawback: Your max ranks in any skill are equal to your cross-class maximum.

2013-02-14, 01:05 AM
That... is a very different feel. It is underpowered at higher levels, while mine continues to increase in both bonus(extra skill points every level) and penalty(larger gap between normal maxima and what you have to work with) as you level up.

2013-02-14, 12:34 PM
I see that your method gives a 16th level character max ranks of 14 in class skills and 6.5 in cross class skills, and one bonus skill point. Not too bad.

My version gives the same character class and cross-class max ranks at 9.5, but gives no bonus skill points. This method requires less math/bookkeeping. It also, IMHO, keeps the skills on a more even keel a encourages the dabbler to spread those points out a bit.

Either way, I dig the trait. Kudos!

2013-02-14, 10:33 PM
I see that your method gives a 16th level character max ranks of 14 in class skills and 6.5 in cross class skills, and one bonus skill point. Not too bad.

My version gives the same character class and cross-class max ranks at 9.5, but gives no bonus skill points. This method requires less math/bookkeeping. It also, IMHO, keeps the skills on a more even keel a encourages the dabbler to spread those points out a bit.

Either way, I dig the trait. Kudos!
Thank you.

I might put in something about reduced requirements for synergy bonuses as well, to counter-balance the reduced maxima.

2013-02-15, 03:32 PM
I like the way dabbler is right now. The other two are traits I'd never personally use because inoffensive adds a really weird penalty/bonus combo that I wouldn't want to keep track of and physical training focus is sad for the knowledgeable, low-Intelligence character, which is so funny. :smalltongue:

They seem to work alright, though. I'm not sure physical training focus needs all of those prerequisites. Intelligence 11 or lower would probably suffice.

2013-02-16, 11:42 AM
I like the way dabbler is right now. The other two are traits I'd never personally use because inoffensive adds a really weird penalty/bonus combo that I wouldn't want to keep track of
Yeah, a lot of my stuff works that way. I imagine what I consider good fluff, and then do whatever it takes to make the crunch match it as closely as possible, rather than having a mismatch or compromising on fluff.

In this spirit I have added a bit about reduced threshholds for synergy bonuses to "Dabbler".

and physical training focus is sad for the knowledgeable, low-Intelligence character, which is so funny. :smalltongue:
Not knowledgeable. Skilled. The point was to make "Dumb Jock" no longer an oxymoron in D&D. Note that Knowledge skills, being intelligence based, go from class to cross-class, or from cross-class to forbidden. Similarly for Craft and Profession.

They seem to work alright, though. I'm not sure physical training focus needs all of those prerequisites. Intelligence 11 or lower would probably suffice.
Those were to make sure the character was athletic.

Xaotiq1: It gives you 2 extra skill points per level after first, and 8 extra at first level. +2 to Intelligence BONUS.