View Full Version : Fun with Adaptive weapons...

2013-02-05, 03:23 PM
So my GM is making me get rid of my lighting mace and adaptive kukris after I end up doing roughly 930 dmg in a battle, one shooting a miniboss.
Now while I understand why he doing this, I don't want to give up my adaptive kukris.
Are there any other fun feat compos that go along with adaptive weapons?
Oh btw I am a level 13 rogue. This retraining is opening up several feats, so I'm free to hear some interesting compos as well.

2013-02-05, 05:20 PM
Are there any other fun feat compos that go along with adaptive weapons?

Boomerang Daze from Races of Eberron. That should get a few books thrown at your head.

2013-02-05, 05:41 PM
Boomerang Daze from Races of Eberron. That should get a few books thrown at your head.

At first I was thinking this wouldn't work, but the weapon property's wording doesn't have the restrictions that Warblade's ability does.. so yea I second this.

It's a shame that the rest of the weapon style feats in CWar book have prohibitive prereqs.

2013-02-05, 07:16 PM
Oh god.
Oh god that great.