View Full Version : Need suggestion for 6th PC

2013-02-06, 11:05 AM
Long time reader, first time poster. This is from my.phone so sorry for typos. I need to make a new character, as my paladin succumbed to peer pressure and attempted to jump a pit of lava in full plate.

The current party is a lvl 5 gnome wizard/practised spell caster illusionist, a lvl 3 rogue, lvl 5 sorcerer, lvl 4 factorum that throws alc fires, and a lvl 3 something, he uses a bow.

This started out as an NPC campaign, and we just were able to transfer NPC to pc classes, so those classes may not be 100% accurate.

I'm going to be lvl 1, which is my problem. We have no frontline fighter, or backline for that matter, but having one hd will make it rough to be in combat. I thought about bard, but IC won't affect the two spellcasters, unless touch spells, will only affect the factorum's to hit against touch. I guess the bow and rogue would benifit.

26 point buy, I have -4 listen and spot from a flaw, and I get that feat. Any wizards book and most dragon mags. I'm up for anything, I guess we could use a healer too.

Thanks for any suggestions!

2013-02-06, 11:10 AM
Well, a level 1 frontliner to replace a level 5 frontliner is probably not going to work. I think the bard is still a good choice, but you could also take some dragon shaman (though I wouldn't go all out DS if I could avoid it). The DS can take an aura that gives fast healing up to half people's hp, very useful if you don't have a stable method for healing.

Just a suggestion, of course. :smallsmile:

2013-02-06, 11:12 AM
What about a Druid? You'll be able to heal and (eventually) be a frontline fighter, and in the mean time, you can make your animal companion go get murdered instead of you.

EDIT: Aw, swordsage'd.

2013-02-06, 11:12 AM
You need a healer and a front-line fighter. Go Druid.

You could look into being a summoner, and go SF: Conjuration and Augment Summoning, then pick up Greenbound Summoning (Lost Empires of Faerun).

Alternatively, you could take feats that will eventually help you tank in wildshape forms.

2013-02-06, 11:13 AM
Since you have access to pretty much any book/source, you may want to look into Dvati as your race. Paired with Bard or Dragon Shaman, you can do some serious boosting/buffing.

2013-02-06, 11:14 AM
Thanks for the quick response. I'm leaning towards bard, because if I can make it past the first few lvls, it'll be a solid addition to the party, its those first few lvls though, lol. I talked to the dm and he said he'd keep in mind I'm lvl one. Also forgot to mention, ill start with 1500 gold.

2013-02-06, 11:16 AM
Druid sounds good too! The 26 point buy won't be as bad once I get wild shape. I'll have to look into that.

What issue/book is that race in?

2013-02-06, 11:20 AM
After you take greenbound summoning take ashbound summoning. Just to add insult to injury :p (+3 luck bonus? Awesome)

Might I also suggest you find a handbook? Google it and you will have a wealth of information!

To bad this site doesn't have a handbook sub forum

2013-02-06, 11:20 AM
Bard is usually a great 5th (or 6th) wheel, but in this case I'd recommend against it. You already have a Rogue and an Illusionist, so you might be duplicating a lot of the stuff they typically do.

Druid is a great choice, already mentioned. Crusader might be an interesting alternative - there are a few Bard/Crusader multiclass builds floating around.

2013-02-06, 11:32 AM
Druid sounds good too! The 26 point buy won't be as bad once I get wild shape. I'll have to look into that.

What issue/book is that race in?

also, i might suggest a freaky race with some RHD, if you need the hp/levels THAT desperately. otherwise, not worth it. although a monstrous humanoid with RHD and a +wis might be worth it... it's up to you, but don't forget to consider it.

2013-02-06, 11:32 AM
The current party is a lvl 5 gnome wizard/practised spell caster illusionist, a lvl 3 rogue, lvl 5 sorcerer, lvl 4 factorum that throws alc fires, and a lvl 3 something, he uses a bow.

This started out as an NPC campaign, and we just were able to transfer NPC to pc classes, so those classes may not be 100% accurate.

I'm going to be lvl 1, which is my problem.

Two Level 5's from Tier 1 or 2 classes, a level 4, and two level 3's?
You starting at first level is going to be everyones problem. In a fight that will challenge the rest of the party (average level 4), you'll fail most every save, get hit most every time, and miss often unless you focus on touch attacks. Even minions/mooks will have an easy time making saves against your spells.
Most every time you get hit, you'll die.

I guess Druid would probably be your best bet. So long as you're in a region where you can keep calling animal companions. At the very least, your wolves will be decent flank buddies for the rogue.

You'll also be gaining XP very fast if you survive, but you'll never actually catch up to them in level, let alone XP totals.
Might want to ask the DM if it would be possible to start out at the bottom of level 3 (3000 exp), so you'll at least be able to contribute, and not be a drain on party resources. Unless you know, you want to drink a cure light wounds potion after every hit to avoid death.

2013-02-06, 11:35 AM
What issue/book is that race in?

Dvati? They are in the Dragon Magazine Compendium. A race of twins with a single soul. I don't know how they'd work with things like Bardic Music or Auras, but I'm pretty certain each twin can use them simultaneously. Spellcasting is limited to a single spell that both twins have to focus on casting, but otherwise each twin gets its own actions.

2013-02-06, 11:38 AM
After you take greenbound summoning take ashbound summoning. Just to add insult to injury :p (+3 luck bonus? Awesome)

Might I also suggest you find a handbook? Google it and you will have a wealth of information!

To bad this site doesn't have a handbook sub forum

Those are great feats, the fluff for ashbound though, don't know how the dm'll like it.

I can't figure out how to quote 2 people on my phone, but thanks Telonius, you make a really good point. I was checking out crusader with white raven song last night, looks promising.

2013-02-06, 11:41 AM
You'll also be gaining XP very fast if you survive, but you'll never actually catch up to them in level, let alone XP totals.
Might want to ask the DM if it would be possible to start out at the bottom of level 3 (3000 exp), so you'll at least be able to contribute, and not be a drain on party resources. Unless you know, you want to drink a cure light wounds potion after every hit to avoid death.

Yeah, it sucks. Originally it was 25 points and regular starting gold. Couldn't get much else out if him.