View Full Version : Advice for a really specific concept (Eberron/3.5)

Dusk Eclipse
2013-02-06, 08:42 PM
So I had one crazy idea that I sadly have to file under my "In case I finally play RHoD set in Eberron" file and I would like to hear some input on it.

The concept is a Hobgoblin envoy from Lesh-Harruk (the leader of Dargun, the goblinoid lands in Eberron) who send the character in order to get intel on this new uppity War-leader Azzar Kul and assuring the people of Elsirs's Vale that Dargun has nothing to do with the Hobgoblin raids.

I was thinking on a mix of Ranger/Warblade to get all the necessary skills (tracking, stealth and diplomacy mostly) and have a strong melee combatant; but I am open to other suggestions. I would like to avoid a full casters (as we all know casters do it better); but some slight casting would be acceptable.

2013-02-06, 08:49 PM
Bardblade. Because hobgoblins really dig bards and warblades.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-02-06, 08:52 PM
Bardblade is Bard4/Warblade 16 right? I guess focusing Inspire Courage and then laying down the hurt with martial maneuvers?

2013-02-06, 09:07 PM
Bardblade is Bard4/Warblade 16 right? I guess focusing Inspire Courage and then laying down the hurt with martial maneuvers?Something to that effect, yes, with Song of the White Raven to keep IC up. It just popped into my head as a hobgoblin-y thing to do, given their ancient and respected bardic tradition.

On further reflection, a straight bard should also work.

Dusk Eclipse
2013-02-06, 09:16 PM
Not really a fan of bard to be honest; but I'll consider it.

2013-02-06, 09:42 PM
Not really a fan of bard to be honest; but I'll consider it.WHAT HERESY IS THIS?

Monk, curiously enough, has most of the skills you'd want. A two-level dip gets you hide and move silently as class skills (get Guerilla Warrior from CWarr.), feats, and Evasion, which I imagine comes in handy in RHoD (given all the dragons). Then just warblade warblade warblade.