View Full Version : Catastrophe!!

2013-02-06, 09:56 PM
So let me start this by thanking anyone with viable input in advance. That out of the way I have an idea for a campaign. I have been playing 3.5 since it came out and caught the tail end of 2nd and 3.0. So I have been playing for awhile, but never DMed. I am about to start my first campaign. I need input on a few things. First let me give you the general idea.

We will be starting at first level, possibly 3rd or 4th,but not any higher. The setting is going to be either Faerun or Earth in a not so distant future. The premise is the BBG is attempting an epic spell that does not go quite as planned and it causes Earth and Faerun to collide, I will be bringing in the PCs about a week before the collision and have them work their way through the chaos. I assume that a technologically advanced Earth would suffer much more from something like this, temporarily crippling their tech. I imagine a war between the two sides. The end game is going to be finding a way to unmerge the two worlds and defeat Mr. BBG. Of course there will be plenty to do along the way.

My concerns are this. What are some possible side effects of the two planes colliding that I didn't think of(I have note pads worth of stuff written down, but any ideas, just throw them out there). Second, what sort of spell would Mr. BBG be using that could cause this? Third, once the Earthlings with their tech start to recover i will be using adapted rules from D20 Modern to fit into forgotten realms...any big ideas on that? 4th, so that its reasonable i thought to only make Earthlings reaching the fusion age, and their world to be basically Magic free...there would be a small handful of users that have stayed hidden, but its not widespread like in faerun.

Like I said, this is kind of a lofty attempt at my first time behind the screen, but any ideas or thoughts would be appreciated.

2013-02-06, 11:24 PM
I did a simmilar thing in the campaign I am running now.
My take was that characters from Earth (originally) used only the Modern Rules, while the Faerunian Ones (originally used their own)

There was absulutly no magic in earth and I splitted the world into a collision of "Earth Ground" and "Faerun Ground"

Earth ground was effectively a Dead Magic Area, and the people of earth used it in order to defend themselves there (since technology is not magic)

It is a heavy duty campaign, but I would be happy to help should you wish to PM me. :)