View Full Version : What class/character direction should I go with this?

Caligstro Smith
2013-02-06, 11:27 PM
The commoner flaws from DR #330 of course include the well-known, funny-to-abuse Chicken Infested, but it also has other amusing "flaws" including my favorite: Corpse.

I've wanted to think of a way to actually use this "flaw" for a long time now, mostly for the amusement of actually having a corpse for a character, and I've only recently thought of a pseudo-legitimate way of doing it. I've cleared the basic premise and what few details I already have below with my DM, but my big question really is what to do with the character's future class/character levels.

Here's the premise:

You have a human commoner, who at a young age enjoyed pranking a powerful local wizard in small, but annoying ways. The wizard retaliated by pranking the young hooligan back, subjecting him to various undesirable polymorphing forms, Suggestion-ing embarrasing public actions, etc.

(Note, this helps justify taking Momentary Alteration spelltouched feat. He also takes Magic in the Blood as his human feat, and - cleared by my DM - he also takes Magic in the Blood again as a flaw, possibly taking chicken-infested or some other amusing kind of flaw. The reason for all this alter-selfing, meta-build-wise will be clear in a sec)

Unfortunately, the young kid accidentally ran afoul of one of an ongoing experiment of the wizard's while trying an unusually elaborate prank, and died. (Takes Corpse Flaw, gaining ANOTHER instance of Magic in the Blood for another +2/day uses of alter-self).

In this campaign world resurrection is basically impossible, but the wizard, fond of the boy, has the boy's corpse animated with Animate Object (has local cleric do it or something), made permanent with Permanency, and then has Awaken Construct cast on him, hoping that this may successful bring the boy back to life.

Meta-wise, the reason for so much alter-self is because since I figured I'd be winding up with a construct type character anyway, I might as well try to incorporate another favorite build idea I found on these forums, Gazebo Jones, who uses alter-self at will as a construct to be able to transform into any small to large sized animated object, which has all sorts of fun/funny potential.

But beyond all this, I have no clue where I want to take the character. He'll be introduced no lower than level 4, with Commoner 1/Construct HD 2/ Class?? 1, and for Awaken Construct I rolled a 17 Int, 9 Wis, 15 Cha, leaving the character with 12 Str, 10 Dex, - Con, 17 Int, 9 Wis, 15 Cha.

I haven't decided if the Awaken Construct will restore the original mind or create a new one for this character, as my DM will let me do either, and I have no clue what sort of direction to go, aside from NOT assassin concept, cleric, druid, or mounted combat as the party already has those.

I'm looking mostly for what would be the most fun/funny ways to take the character.

2013-02-07, 05:34 PM
Well, I guess it depends on whether or not he kept his original personality or not. If he did then maybe use his high Int and Charisma as a rogue or some other Scoundrel type character.

Oko and Qailee
2013-02-17, 12:17 AM
Question, will DM let you keep full control of said character? Technically don't DM's control "objects" which your character is?

I recommend a Ranger (because we need one Kyle)