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View Full Version : Need help making a hammer dwarf

2013-02-07, 11:58 AM
i feel like i'm missing something, somebody help me!

source: spell compendium, races of stone, complete warrior, phb

dwarf 15str 10dex 12con 14wis 10int 16cha -》 15str 10dex 14con 14wis 10int 14cha; 2 points go to str

lvl 1: paladin power attack
lvl 2:paladin
lvl 3:paladin endurence
lvl 4:paladin
lvl 5:warrior leap attack
lvl 6:warrior imporved bull rush, shock trooper
lvl 7:warrior
lvl 8: warrior weapon focus (warhammer)
lvl 9:barbarian weapon speciliazation
lvl 10: battlesmith

large warhammer damage 2d6 x3
rihno‘s rush (standard action)

(2d6+2wis from battle smith+2weapon specialization+2enchantment+5*1.5(raged str)+power attack9 +2handed9+leap attack9) x2(rihno's rush)

p.s. my dm banned pounce and lion totem. and he doesn't like charger, so he put a lot, i mean really A LOT of ditches and holes and cliffs.

2013-02-07, 12:56 PM
A couple of questions: Why the Large warhammer? You get a penalty for using an inappropriately sized weapon and the damage increase is negligible.

Is Warrior = Fighter?

Are you taking four level of Paladin only to be able to cast Rhino's rush once per day? That seems a little off.

Why not go cleric for entering Battlecaster? At least swapping out paladin levels for cleric, that way you can put the CHA points into abilities you actually need: WIS, STR, CON, INT (more or less in order).

EDIT: And your caster level when making magic arms and armor goes way up.

2013-02-07, 01:57 PM
Are you allowed to add an additional source?

If so, try for the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting (Hells, you could also grab Races of Faerun) and see if you can get a Gold Dwarf. They have a bonus vs. Aberrations instead of orcs/goblins, and a hit to their Dexterity instead of Charisma.

I don't suppose that you could get enough feats and such to enter Elocater (XPH/SRD), could you? Scorn Earth would let you ignore trenches and ditches.

2013-02-07, 01:59 PM
Your Wisdom isn't really high enough to justify Battlesmith - +2 damage can be gained from a whole bunch of places that don't require a class level.

Check out Ironsoul Forgemaster from Magic of Incarnum. It's very Dwarfy.

2013-02-07, 02:05 PM
A couple of questions: Why the Large warhammer? You get a penalty for using an inappropriately sized weapon and the damage increase is negligible.

Is Warrior = Fighter?

Are you taking four level of Paladin only to be able to cast Rhino's rush once per day? That seems a little off.

Why not go cleric for entering Battlecaster? At least swapping out paladin levels for cleric, that way you can put the CHA points into abilities you actually need: WIS, STR, CON, INT (more or less in order).

EDIT: And your caster level when making magic arms and armor goes way up.

thanks for replying, really greatful for any suggestions

1. yes i meant fighter, sorry about the confusion.
2. i'm kinda liked paladin of freedom for role playing reasons, but cleric is a good choice i admit

2013-02-07, 02:10 PM
Your Wisdom isn't really high enough to justify Battlesmith - +2 damage can be gained from a whole bunch of places that don't require a class level.

Check out Ironsoul Forgemaster from Magic of Incarnum. It's very Dwarfy.

thanks i'll look it up.:smallbiggrin:

2013-02-07, 05:22 PM
If you can get one more source, and want to use a warhammer, I suggest going for (or refluffing) the Hammer of Moradin.


It doesn't progress spellcasting, but it basically 'the' Hammer PrC and has an amazingly comprehensive handbook to go along with it.

2013-02-07, 07:11 PM
Your Wisdom isn't really high enough to justify Battlesmith - +2 damage can be gained from a whole bunch of places that don't require a class level.

Check out Ironsoul Forgemaster from Magic of Incarnum. It's very Dwarfy.

+1 for the Ironsoul Forgemaster.

If you need help figuring out Incarnum, start up a thread - it's usually beloved by the people who understand the damn thing.

2013-02-08, 04:21 AM
thanks, i feel like i need to explain myself.

my dm's one of those 'lazy ones', doesn't like magic, so in he's campain, he homebrewed a lot of stuff to make caster hard to live, and he's not very strict of rules, and he doesn't do the right CR for encouters. but we are all friends

1st play of d&d ever, as lvl 3 pc we fought a direwolf.
lvl 7, we got caught in a ditch, with my paladin trying to climb down without armor penalty(no armor), mage in the middle of a climbing (got shot by a drow cross bolt poisoned), cleric down in the ditch (with tower shield), and ambushers on top of the ditch.

lvl 7, we actually fought a balor ...

the list go on.

so what i really want is find a build that bypass his restrictions and smash him in the face just for once!

edit: it wasn't a ditch, it was a gorge 40 feet deep, 60 feet wide

2013-02-08, 05:43 PM
thanks, i feel like i need to explain myself.

my dm's one of those 'lazy ones', doesn't like magic, so in he's campain, he homebrewed a lot of stuff to make caster hard to live, and he's not very strict of rules, and he doesn't do the right CR for encouters. but we are all friends

1st play of d&d ever, as lvl 3 pc we fought a direwolf.
lvl 7, we got caught in a ditch, with my paladin trying to climb down without armor penalty(no armor), mage in the middle of a climbing (got shot by a drow cross bolt poisoned), cleric down in the ditch (with tower shield), and ambushers on top of the ditch.

lvl 7, we actually fought a balor ...

A Dire Wolf is actually a CR3 challenge, so that's out there at all.

Your second situation seems like purely tactical errors (your mage got hit with a bolt? Your paladin didn't have Called armor, or a Ring of Arming?).

As for the Balor... if it wasn't a instant TPK, your DM wasn't playing it intelligently (assuming that it was a purely combat situation). Why? Try a CL20 blasphemy at will. Your 7th level (AKA 7HD) characters would have died, no save.